(2019版)北师大版必修第一册英语Unit 3 Celebrations Section D Grammar提升一练 (含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 10页) Unit3Celebrations Section D Grammar 一、短语填空 in memory of, stuff.into, give away, lose patience with, over and over, behave oneself, in whispers, catch on with, catch sbs eye, pass away 1The two physicians began talking _. 2A beautiful statue immediately _ when I entered the hall of the mu

2、seum. 3He liked the novel so much that he read it _. 4Mark Twain _ in 1910. 5Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better _. 6 Afilmwillbemade_thosebrave firefighters. 7He _ the newspapers _ a litter bin and headed down the street. 8I _ him and had no idea how to handle him. 9The

3、Students Union called on us to _ our used books to the students in the lower grades. 10I wonder if the game will ever _ young people. 二、单句写作 1请问我可以坐这儿吗?(take a seat) _ 第 2页(共 10页) 2她如此生气以至于没向我们挥手道别。(wave sb. goodbye) _ 3如果我错了,我会收回我的话并承认错误。(swallow) _ 4他不再住这里了。(no longer) _ 5我的弟弟昨天从自行车上跌落下来了。(fall of

4、f) _ 6在我安排这些细节时,另外一首诗浮现在脑海中。(come to mind) _ 7记得多穿点衣服保暖。(put on) _ 8成功之路充满了坎坷。(be full of) _ 9这个讲座那么无趣,以至有一半的学生都睡着了。(fall asleep) _ 10那份工作耗尽了我全部的精力。(spend.on) _ 三、阅读理解 Chongyang Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar,so it is also known as Double Ninth Festi

5、val. 第 3页(共 10页) The festival is held in the golden season of autumn,at harvest time.The bright clear sky and the joy of bringing in the harvest make for a festival happy atmosphere.Chongyang Festival is usually perfect for outdoor activities.Climbing a mountain,carrying a spray of dogwood(茱萸)and dr

6、inking chrysanthemum(菊花)wine have become the traditional activities of the festival. The dogwood is a plant with a strong fragrance(香气),and is often used as a Chinese herbal medicine.People in ancient times believed it could drive away evil spirits and prevent one from getting a chill(着凉)in late aut

7、umn.So its history as a medicine goes back many centuries.But the custom of carrying a spray of dogwood during Double Ninth Festival is slowly dying out and many people in the cities do not even know what a dogwood spray looks like. Early in the Han Dynasty,about 2,000 years ago,people used to climb

8、 a high platform outside the capital city of Chang an on the occasion of Chongyang Festival.For many,it was the last outing of the year before the onset of winter.The custom evolved(发展成)into present form,when people go climbing to get some exercise as well as enjoy the autumn scenery. 第 4页(共 10页) Bu

9、t what about those people who live in plains far from any mountain?The problem is solved by going for a picnic and eating cakes.The Chinese word for “cake” is “Gao”,a homonym(同 音异义字) of the Chinese word for “high” .Mountains are high,so eating cakes can,by a stretch of the imagination,take the place

10、 of going for a climb. 1 1.Why do people carry a spray of dogwood on Chongyang Festival? A.Because the dogwood is a plant with a strong fragrance. B.Because the dogwood can be used as a Chinese herbal medicine. C.Because the dogwood has a long history as a medicine. D.Because people believed the dog

11、wood could drive away evil spirits and prevent one from getting a chill. 2 2.People now climb mountains on Chongyang Festival. A.to have a last outing of the year before the onset of winter B.to get some dogwoods C.to climb a high platform D.to get some exercise as well as enjoy the beautiful autumn

12、 scenery 3 3.People living in plains far from mountains eat cakes because. A.the Chinese word for “cake” is “Gao” 第 5页(共 10页) B.the Chinese word “Gao” for “cake” has the same sound as the Chinese word for “high” C.they often take cakes to go for a picnic on the festival D.they like eating cakes 4 4.

13、Which of the following is TRUE? A.Double Ninth Festival is on September 9th. B.People climbed mountains to celebrate Chongyang Festival in the Han Dynasty. C.People often celebrate Chongyang Festival in the open air. D.Eating cakes is just like climbing mountains. 四、阅读七选五 HowHow toto FeelFeel Attrac

14、tiveAttractive andand BeBe ConfidentConfident ofof YourselfYourself Feeling attractive and confident has little to do with your appearance, but everything to do with how you feel about yourself on the inside. Every person is an individual and has attractive qualities to focus on._1_ DoDo whatwhat yo

15、uyou cancan do.do. _2_Dont complain about something that you are not willing to change.Begin dieting and exercising if you are overweight. Change your hairstyle, have your nails done or arch (使成拱形)your eyebrows. _3_ Let your hands swing, keep your neck straight and hold your shoulders back. Walking

16、confidently will make you feel 第 6页(共 10页) more attractive and be more confident. DontDont comparecompare yourselfyourself withwith others.others. You dont have to look like a model or a host on TV. However, you can learn to love yourself as you are._4_ Make a list of your attractive qualities,and t

17、hink about those each time you want to compare yourself with someone else. AvoidAvoid negativenegative thoughtsthoughts aboutabout yourself.yourself. _5_View pictures that show you at your most attractive. Force yourself to think about the things you like about yourself rather than the thing you don

18、t like. AWalk confidently. BFocus on the areas over which you have control. CLearn how to be attractive and confident from models. DYou will be happier when you dont need to compare with others. E Focus on achievements that will make you feel more confident and attractive. FThe way you handle yourse

19、lf can make you feel more attractive and confident. GEvery time you think something negative, replace it with a positive thought or action. 五、应用文写作 为了引起人们对睡眠重要性和睡眠质量的关注,3 月 21 日被定 第 7页(共 10页) 为 World Sleep Day(世界睡眠日) 。请你针对高中生睡眠不足的情 况,写一篇 80 词左右的英语短文,投稿给某英文报刊,阐述睡眠不 足的危害,并提出合理的建议。 _ _ _ _ 第 8页(共 10页)

20、一、短语填空 1in whispers2.caught my eye3.over and over4.passed away5.behave themselves6.in memory of7.stuffed; into 8lost patience with9.give away10.catch on with 二、单句写作 1Excuse me, may I take a seat here? 2She was so angry that she didnt even wave us goodbye. 3If I am wrong, I will swallow my words and

21、admit my mistake. 4He no longer lives here. 5My brother fell off the bicycle yesterday. 6 As I was arranging the details, another poem came to mind. 7Remember to put on more clothes to keep warm. 8The road to success is full of ups and downs. 9The lecture was so boring that half of the students fell

22、 asleep. 10I spent all my energy on that job. 三、阅读理解 1 1.D2 2.D3 3.B4 4.C 四、阅读七选五 1F设空处起着承上启下的作用。上文讲到了每个人都是一个 个体,都有各自吸引人的品质,下文又提出了几条让你感觉更有吸引 力、更自信的方法。故 F 项最符合语境。 2B根据本段小标题和后面的描述可知,作者建议大家关注自 己可以控制的领域。故选 B 项。 第 9页(共 10页) 3A设空处是本段的小标题。根据本段中的关键信息 Walking confidently 以及其他一些描述性的词汇可知,本段主要介绍走路方 式。故选 A 项。 4D

23、由本段的小标题“不要与他人作比较”可知,只有 D 项与 主题相符,D 项中的 compare with 与本段小标题相呼应。故选 D 项。 5G根据本段小标题可知,本段主题是要避免消极思想。G 项 描述了人们应如何转化消极思想,符合主题。故选 G 项。 五、应用文写作 Recently many of my classmates feel sleepy and tired during class. Its because they stay up too late preparing their lessons at night. Less sleep does great harm to our health. For one thing, we cant concentrate in class. For another, it may lead to problems like obesity and heart trouble. Whats more, we may feel upset and tired. So getting enough sleep is important. Go to bed early and get up early. Only in this way can we be energetic to study. 第 10页(共 10页)


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