Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:223c0).doc

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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:223c0).doc_第1页
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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:223c0).doc_第2页
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Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 2 What does she look like -Section A-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(配套课件编号:223c0).doc_第3页
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1、七年级上 Unit 2Topic 2 Section A 教学设计 一、教材分析: 这一话题进一步谈论人的相貌特征,从谈论头发、眼睛的色彩,到服装的色 彩进而谈到各种色彩。而本 Section 主要让学生了解并掌握 12 种不同的颜色,会 用 What color is? / What color are ? 这一句型和同伴进行交谈,能谈论头发、 眼睛的色彩。 二、教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1.(1) Learn some words about the colors:black, blue, brown, pink, white, purple, red, green, yellow. (

2、2) Learn some other useful words and expressions:look the same, both, color, their. 2. (1) Continue to talk about the peoples appearances: We both have black hair and black eyes. I have blond hair and blue eyes. short black hair, long blond hair. (2) Talk about the colors: What color is it? It is pi

3、nk. What color is his hair? It is black. What color are his eyes?They are brown. 语言技能目标: 能听懂并识别各种不同的颜色,并能用英语描述各种颜色。 情感态度目标: 通过学习不同的色彩,培养学生热爱生活、热爱美的情感,并培养他们的观 察能力和概括能力。 学习策略: 本节主要谈论色彩,在教学时联系学生的实际,利用他们身边的实物等进行描 述。 从而让学生形成把学习和生活实际联系起来的学习习惯,培养任务型学习方 法与技巧。 三、教学重、难点: 1a and 3 四、教学方法: 任务型教学法、自主探究法、小组讨论法。 五

4、、课时安排:1 课时 六、教具准备:课件、实物、图片 七、教学过程: Step1:Greeting 1. Sing the song with motions: Head and Shoulders, legs and Feet. 2. Greetings between the students and me. Step2:Revision and leading in 1. Review some new words with cards.(单词竞赛) 2.语音学习:辅音字母 u/l w/wh 的发音规则,进行单词拼读练习。 3. 对 Whats this/that/these/thoes

5、?句型进行复习。引出有关颜色的单词及句型。 4.学习 12 中颜色并根据图片找出各种颜色,对新单词进一步的巩固。 5. Finish 3.Guess first, then listen, check and color the pictures. (增加课堂的趣味性) 6. Lead in the new phrases with the pictures: look the same/dont look the same Step3:Consolidation 1. Listen and complete the table. 2.Ask Ss to retell according to

6、 the table. 3. Listen to the dialog again and then the whole class read it aloud. 4. Work in pairs. 5. Find out the key points of la. Step4:Expanding and summary 1. Guess the phrases with color: black teagreen handwhite lieblack and blue 2. Sum up what they have learnt. Step5:Practice Step6:Homework

7、 Review the color words and expressions inSection A; Make dialogues with the sentence“What color is it?” orally; Preview the words and 1a in Section B. Step7:Blackboard design Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A colorWhat color is it? redIt is red / pink / black / gray / blue / brown. pinkWhat color are they? purpleThey are purple / yellow / orange/ green / white. Step8:Teaching reflection: 本节课介绍的表示颜色的单词较多,学生对红色,黑色,白色掌握的较好,但对于不常 用的表示颜色的词掌握的不太好。因此,学生在课后需要用表示颜色的词多做口头对话。


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