Unit 4 Inventions-listening &Talk time &speak up-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:f0eb9).zip

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Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishThese graph show the accuracy of each question.AccuracyA. VocabularyB. MatchC. ListeningYou did well in Match exercise! Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishTips:Tips:Most of students did this wrong: Part A. 5 .I use pens to write. A. I write with the help of pens. B. I write on pens. C. I used to write.Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishTips:Tips:Part C. Listening5 .CHILD: Thats something I do know. We learned in school that calculators were invented in 1971 and personal computers were invented in 1976.MUM: Youre right. 1976 computersHonggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishLearning Goals1.I can answer the questions according to the tape.2. I can remember the key words and phrases.(重要词组重要词组)3.I can talk about the daily inventions.4.I can describe(描述)(描述)an invention with a mind map.(思维导图(思维导图)Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English What inventions are described in the following sentences? 1We can use it to communicate with people over long distance. 2 It is not small and we watch cartoon and news on it. 3 We cant live without it now. We use it to work and play. We can also type on it. telephone/mobile phone TV computer lift4 We can go up the stairs without walking by ourselves.Warming-up Guessing Game1 1 5It can make us feel cool in summer. You can find it in our classroom. air-conditionerHonggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishDo you know other daily(日常的日常的) inventions?Please come up with as many daily inventions as possible. Warming-up BrainstormingHonggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishThree questions about Enders invention:1.What is the name of the invention?2. When does he usually use the invention?3. What do you think of the invention?Pre-listening: My invention2 2 Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English1.What is the name of the invention?2. When does he usually use the invention ?It is the Light Stick. He usually uses the invention at night.3. What do you think of the invention?It is funny/ useful/ convenient.Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English Before listening :Look at the inventions. What do they look like?Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishWhile listening, pay attention to:特征特征作用作用Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English3 3While-listening: Funny inventionsHonggui Middle School Ting Hu English While listeningA. Complete the names of these inventions in Part A and circle the correct answers in Part B.UmbrellasBrushes Exercise Two Way Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishWhat do you think of the inventions?B. Listen to the recording again and circle the correct answers.Special?Funny?Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English1 The first invention can _. a make your shoes more beautiful b keep the dust off your shoes c keep the rain off your feet2 You buy the second invention to _. a keep your cats feet warm b keep your cats feet clean c help you clean the floor3 If you buy this telephone, you will _. a talk more b talk less c talk happily4 With this pair of glasses, you _. a can look behind and in front of you at the same time b can see things more clearly c will look coolHonggui Middle School Ting Hu English1. advertisements n. 广告广告2. funny adj. 滑稽的;好笑的滑稽的;好笑的3. invention /invent n./v. 发明发明4. feet n. 脚脚 (foot的复数的复数)5. clearly adv. 清楚地清楚地6. useful/convenient/interesting/ special adj.有用的有用的/方便的方便的/有趣的有趣的/特别的特别的7. keepoff 使使不接近不接近8. at the same time 同时同时9. use sth to do 使用某物做某事使用某物做某事10.cross the road 穿过马路穿过马路 Post-listening:Key wordsYoull have 1 minute to recite them and then have a quick-eye challenge!4 4Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English方便的方便的 adj.使使不接近不接近(接触、远离接触、远离)清楚地清楚地adv.发明发明 n.同同 时时穿过马路穿过马路广告广告n.使用某物做某使用某物做某事事Time to challenge可笑的可笑的adj.特别的特别的 adj.Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishSpeakingSpeaking TimeTime5 5Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English1. What is the name of the first invention?2. What can you do with the second invention?3. What is special about the third invention?4. What do you think of the forth invention?5. What is your favorite daily invention? Why do you like it? Umbrellas for shoes. It helps us clean the floor. You can talk and do exercise at the same time. Its useful/funny/special/convenient. Look at four funny inventions and pracitce in pairsSpeaking A: Pair work Mobile phone/ Computer/Watch/TVBecause.5 5Honggui Middle School Ting Hu English Sell a new inventiona.Look at the new invention and answer the following questions. B: Group work1.What does it look like?2.Can you give it a name?3 . W h a t i s special about it?Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishMy invention 1. What does it look like?3.How does it work?2. Whats special about it?b:Finish the mind map Two feet One schoolbag Convenient Carry me easily Electricity power Use voice to controlHonggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishShow TimeBest sales groupHonggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishS1:Hello,everyone!This is our invention _. We need _ and _ to make it. S2: It is_. It can _.S3: It uses _and I can _it.S4: And the price is _yuan. If you have it, your life will be more_. Do you want to but it? a travelling school bag one schoolbag two feet convenient/useful/interesting/funny carry me easily electricity power use voice to control 500 convenient/interestingc:Four students introduce their new invention and try to sell it.Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishVotingVoting time!time! LetsLets votevote forfor thethe bestbest salessales groupgroup inin ourour classclassHonggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishSummary 1.I can answer the questions according to the tape.2. I can remember the key words and phrases(重要重要词组词组)3.I can talk about the daily inventions4.I can describe(描述)(描述)an invention with a mind map(思维导图)(思维导图)Did you do a good job?Honggui Middle School Ting Hu EnglishDraw a new invention and name it. Make a PPTto introduce your invention. Your introductionshould include: What is special about it?How does it work?Why do you create it? A.Washing machine B.Air conditioner C. Fridge D. Iron E. Fan F. RadioUnit 4 Inventions Listening and Speaking Worksheet Name:_Class_I. Preview A. Vocabulary 1. Youre very special to me, darling. A. different from others B. helpful C. useful2. In yesterdays newspaper I saw an advertisement. A. note B. an announcement helps sell products C. magazine3. Children get some very funny ideas sometimes! A. interesting B. different C. beautiful4. I live just by the market, and its very convenient to go shopping. A. difficult B. fast C. easy5. I use pens to write. A. I write with the help of pens. B. I write on pens. C. I used to write.B. Match these inventions with their names. C. Listen to the tape and complete the blanks. You will listen to a dialogue between a mother and her daughter about some common inventions history.TimeInventionsTelephone18851927Calculators19762346651II. Listening exerciseA. Listen to advertisements for four funny inventions and complete their names. Write one word in each blank. _For Shoes Cat Cleaner_ _Telephone _ Glasses B. Listen to the recording again and circle the correct answers1. The first invention can _. A. make your shoes more beautiful B. keep the dust off your shoes C. keep the rain off your feet2. You buy the second invention to _.A. keep your cats feet warm B. keep your cats feet clean C. help you clean the floor3. If you buy this telephone, you will _. A. talk more B. talk less C. talk happily4. With this pair of glasses, you _. A. can look behind and in front of you at the same time B. can see things more clearly C. will look cool III. Oral practiceA. Pair work:Ask and answer the questions about the four funny inventions.1. A:What is the name of the first invention? B:The name of the first invention is. 2. A:What can you do with the second invention? B:It helps us/I can use it to.3. A:What is special about the third invention? B:You can.at the same time.4. A:What do you think of the forth invention? B:Its.(useful/funny/special/convenient).5. A:What is your favorite daily invention? Why do you like it? B:.(Mobile phone/ Computer/Watch/TV) Because.B. Group work :Sell a new invention a. Look at the new invention and discuss the following questions with your group members. b. Choose correct phrases to finish the mind map of your invention.c. Show time: Four students introduce their new invention and try to sell it.S1: Hello, everyone! This is our invention _. We need _and _to make it. S2: It is_. It can _.S3: It uses _and I can _it.S4: And the price is _yuan. If you have it, your life will be more_. Do you want to buy it?1.What does it look like?2.Can you give it a name?3.What is special about it?1.Two feet2.Carry me easily3.One schoolbag4.Use voice to control5.Convenient/Useful/Interesting/Funny6.Electricity powerIV. Self -Evaluation Self -Evaluation Most Some A little Not at allI can answer the questions according to the tape I can remember the key words and phrases(重要词组)I can talk about the daily inventionsI can describe(描述)an invention with a mind-map(思维导图)What key words 、phrases(词组)and sentences have I learned in this class?Whats the most difficult point to me in this class?V. Homework Draw a new invention and name it. Make a PPT to introduce your invention. Your presentation should include: 1.What is special about it? 2. How does it work? 3.Why do you create it? Teaching Design of 8A Unit 4 Inventions SubjectUnit 4 Inventions TypeListening and SpeakingTime1 periodTeaching Aims1.Learn some listening skills.2.Talk about electronic appliances and inventions in English3.Gain confidence in speaking EnglishKey Points 1.How to listen for detailed information.2.Use the key phrases and a mind-map to talk about functions of electrical appliances and inventions.FoundationAnalysis Difficult Points1.How to describe an electrical appliance and invention from several aspects.2.How to utilize learned phrases and sentence patterns in expressing personal ideas in real-life occasions.Learning MethodsGroup work, Self-study Teaching stepsStudents activitiesThe teachers activitiesLearning IntentionsTimeData Analysis1.Look at the PPT1.Analyze the mistakes of preview exercise and show the data graph.1.To help Ss prepare for the class.1minStep I: Warming-up2.Guessing games3.Brainstorming 2.Ask Ss to guess theinventions. 3.Ask students to come up with daily inventions. 2.To arouse the interest about the topic and know more about daily inventions.3mins简介:简介:本课为上海教育出版社牛津英语 8A Module 2 Unit4 Great inventions 一课。本课课型是听说课 ,通过创设情境、生成展示、技能训练、合作探究、情景训练、总结概括,充分发挥学生的积极主动性以及听说表达能力。创设趣味的情景感染学生,使他们进行 自主学习和 合作探究,进一步达到教与学的和谐统一。Step II: Pre- listening 4.Watch a video of a students invention and answer questions5.To guess the functions of funny inventions before listening4.Play a video and ask some questions.5.Let students guess the functions of four funny inventions without listening3.To train the students ability of catching the information of the listening materials. 4minsStep. While-listening 6. Listen to the materials and finish the exercise in part A and B6. Play the listening materials , then check the answers. 4.To develop the students ability of listening. 10minsStep IV. Post-listening7. Read the useful words, phrases from the text, then try to recite them as many as possible.7.Hold a memory competition5.To help the students remember and use the key sentences 6minsStep V. Speaking 7.Pair work to ask and answer the questions about four funny inventions 8.Try to sell the new invention with a mind map. 7. Hold a competition 8. Help Ss to know about the new invention and ask them to sell it in groups. Then vote for a best sales group.6.To help Ss describe a funny invention with important phrases and sentences smoothly. 7.To help students use mind map to grasp the skill of conclusion18minsStep . Sum up and Self-evaluation9. Finish the self-evaluation by doing the survey.9. Use PPT to help them sum up 8. Help them to cultivate the ability of summarizing.2minsStep V. Homework 10. Draw a new invention. Make a PPT to introduce your invention. Your presentation should include: What is special about it?How does it work?Why do you create it?10.Assign homework9.To consolidate and improve their imagination.1minTeaching Process:Prepare for listening Listening Speaking Summarizing教学反思:本节课学生过于紧张导致课堂引入部分没有很好介入话题,另外全英文教学对学生基础弱的教学反思:本节课学生过于紧张导致课堂引入部分没有很好介入话题,另外全英文教学对学生基础弱的情况下不能很好的给予指令。最精彩的部分在单词的抢答,学生投入参与度较好。最后一部分的展示时情况下不能很好的给予指令。最精彩的部分在单词的抢答,学生投入参与度较好。最后一部分的展示时间不够未能开展得当。间不够未能开展得当。
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