Unit 4 Inventions-More practice&Study skills&Culture corner-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:c1338).zip

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1英语八年级上册英语八年级上册 A - Unit 4 Project Practical Inventions 课前学案课前学案 Name:_ Class:_ No._ Date: _Topic: Finish a report about a practical invention. In this project, you should research the information through the Internet or the encyclopaedias first. And then choose one practical invention to complete a report. Use the questions below to help you. Also, there are examples on P61 & P64.1. Who is he/she? (Tips: what is his/her name? Where is he/she from? What does he/she do? When did he/she invent it?) 2. Why did he/she decide to invent it? 3. What can people use it for? 4. What is your opinion about this invention? Tips:1. Find out a simple picture on the Internet and print it out. Or you can draw it by yourself. Use paper A4.2. Write down some key words beside the picture.(1) Name, time, place of the invention.(2) Name of the inventor.(3) Uses(One or two simple sentences). 2A practical invention - _1_Unit 4 Inventions - ProjectWhat is it ? Its very popular all over Asia. Zhuge Liang invented it. we use it on important days and festivals.Kongming LanternWhat is it ? It is a famous logo and it is yellow. It was invented 50 years ago in America. When we see it, we will smile. Smiley faceLeaning aims 1.To know how to introduce an invention with four parts. 能介绍一项发明(概述、历史、作用,我的感受)2. To give comments to other groups reports and write down some good expressions. 能对同伴进行恰当的评价,并记录好词好句.Interview in pairs 1.What is your invention? 2.Who invented it and when? 3.What can people use it for? 4.What do you think of this invention?Introduction The history The uses My opinion Par.1IntroductionPar.2 The historyPar.3The usesPar.4My opinionGroup work Introduce an invention in four parts. (introduction, history, use, opinion) S1 and S2 provide good sentences for group. S3 write the report (on worksheet). S4 show the report in the class with the picture. My comments (我的评评价) Standards (评评价标标准) 1) 4 parts (结结构) (introduction, the history, the uses, opinions)2) good sentence(好词词句)3) Loud voice & full of confidence(声音洪亮、自信) Summary 1. Learn about how to introduce an invention with a good description.2. Learn how to give comments and get some useful expressions. Homework Group leaders collect all the reports and pictures. Make them into a great booklet.Hope everyone enjoys it and learns from it. 1A Teaching Plan for Project, Unit 4, 8A一、Teacher introduction:Wei Yan(魏燕),teaching in Class 4, Grade 8,Guangzhou Nan Wu Experimental School 二、Textbook Edition:Oxford English shanghai Edition三、Teaching Topic:八年级第二学期 A 册,Unit 4 Project Research of practical inventions四、Teaching Period:1 Period(40 minutes)五、Analysis of the Textbook: a) The topic of the unit is “Inventions”. The unit is different from teaching students language knowledge or skills, but focuses on building up the abilities of researching the information, the ways of doing a report and making a comment. The lesson is based on Unit 4 and focuses on the way of cooperation. Also, it arouses students to have the real emotion and interest as well as the practice of writing. b) The students from Class 4 have good understanding and many of them have passion for speaking and finishing the task. Some of them like writing and speaking very much. Encouraging them to practise and create is a task. In addition, helping more students to express fluently and emotionally is necessary. c) More students will be able to enjoy and learn some abilities of doing a report and a comment by working out the report. 六、 Teaching aims:1. Knowledge aim: Learn to do a research through the Internet or the encyclopaedias. 2. Ability aim:a) Find out the information to complete a report. b) Use the questions which the teacher gives to choose the information.3. Strategies aim:Bring up the students to express their own feelings of lives through sharing the reports and finishing the task in groups. 4. Feeling and attitudes aims:a. Let the students take part in the activities positively and cooperate in a group and learn from each other. b. According to group work, improve the students communicating and writing ability.5. Culture aim:Learn about inventions by doing reports. 七、 Teaching difficult points and important points:1. Teaching important points:a) Give students the proper questions to do a research before the class.2b) Help students learn how to make a report and a comment.c) Encourage students to copy down others good expressions.2. Teaching difficult points:a) How to make a good comment.b) Try to use some good patterns of the sentences.八、Teaching Method: a) The communicative method.b) Task-based approach c) Group work九、Teaching aids:Computer, projector, blackboard, note cards, handout. 十、十、Teaching procedure:Teaching procedureTeacher activitiesStudents activitiesTeaching aim Warming up (3 minutes)Ask students to guess three invention by some sentences and pictures.Students guess the names of inventions freely.Arouse the interests of students to learn about inventions.Task 1: Pair work Sharing the reports in pairs and in the class. (10 minutes)1. Ask students to share the homework by interviewing in pairs. 2. Ask students to interview according to the questions on screen.3. Choose a student stochastically. And he/she should show his report with the picture in the class. 1. Share the homework to each other.2. Ask each other questions to learn about the inventions. 3. Try to introduce their own report to others and read the report loudly in the class. 1. Lead the students to share their reports by answering the questions. 2. Give the students to speak out what they have done in English way.Task 2: Group workCooperate and complete a report and give comments to others.(10 minutes) 1. Ask students to look at the pictures on the handout and try to do a report together.2. Before discussion, students have some time to think by themselves.1. Look at the pictures and work out a report according to the pictures and the key words.2. Cooperate in groups and do a report together According to the pictures and key words, help students do a report together. 3Task 3: Post work- share the report in the class(15 minutes)1. Ask groups to share the report in the class. 2. Ask students to copy down some good sentences from others and make some comments. 1. Show the report in the class and speak out loudly. 2. Try to copy down some good sentences from others and give some comments.1. Encourage students to give others comments and learn to each other.2. Lead students to learn about how to do a report and use some goodexpressions. Task4:Summary (2 minutes) 1. Summarize how to introduce an invention with a good description.2. Help students to learn how to give comments and some useful expressions.Complete a report after class. Make a booklet of students homework and share them in the class.Unit 6 Project Research of practical inventionsDesign of writingon blackboardComments:Four parts of report:1. Introduction2. History3. Use4. OpinionComments: 教学步骤简要说明:教学步骤简要说明:一、导入:以图片、短句,强化学生对任务型课题报告主旨的了解,并激发兴趣。二、课前探究的分享:1. 给出四个问题,学生两人一组以采访的形式了解对方的调查内容。2. 任意抽取学号,展示先学成果(图片展示,演讲说明) 。三、课堂拓展任务:1. 12 个小组各自领到相关任务,并合作完成探究报告。2. 任意抽取小组汇报成果。3. 记录汇报小组的精彩表达,并做出相应的评价。四、小结:1.完成一份任务型课题报告的要点(4 个部分) 。2.课后修改各小组报告,并整理课前调查结果,汇总编制成“实用小发明手册” ,供同学们学习交流。
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