Unit 1 Wise men in history-ReadingArchimedes and the golden crown-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(编号:7008e).zip

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PeriodPeriod 1 1Getting ready &Reading Oxford EnglishUnit 1Wise men in historyLets review the new words that we have learnt in the last lesson.1 1RevisionRevisionGettingGetting readyLeadreadyLead inin2 2Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.Robot is using a broom to lift a globe.Archimedes once said“Give me a place to stand on, Ill move the Earth.”The principle of the lever(杠杆)WarmingWarming up-up-Guessing-Guessing gamegameDo you know anything about these great men? Tell your classmates.1.An ancient Greek mathematician, physicist ,engineer ,inventor and astronomer.2.An ancient Greek educator, scientist and philosopher.3.An ancient Greek story teller and the creator of Aesop Fables.The Farmer and the Viper.The tortoise and the Hare3 3ArchimedesAristotleAesop You are going to read a story about Archimedes. Before you start, try the quiz below. Circle the correct answers.DiscussionDiscussion3 3Look at the pictures and the title of the story. Then answer the questions below.1.1. Pre-readingPre-readingthe goldencrown king queen prince princess4 4 4 42.2. FreeFree talktalkAsk and answer: Look at the following two pictures. Then answer the questions below. Lets watch a Chinese cartoon about Archimedes and the golden crown. And check your answer if you are right!3.3. WatchWatch a a videovideo3.3. WatchWatch a a videovideoFastFast readingreading5 5Please read the text quickly and divide the text into three parts according to the main ideas.Part1:Paragraph ( ) The King Hiero doubted that the crown was a real golden crown and wanted Archimedes to find out the truth.Part2:Paragraph ( ) Archimedes knew how to solve the kings problem when he got into the bath.Part3:Paragraph ( ) Archimedes found out the truth using water. And the crown maker was sent to prison.6-83-51-26 6IntensiveIntensive ReadingReadingRead paragraphs 1 and 2. Then complete the flow chart about the beginning of the story._Read paragraphs 3 to 5 and answer the questions.Read paragraphs 6 to 8 and complete the flow chart.was put into watersome gold of the same weightsome water was displacedwas put into watereven more water was displacedthe crownthe crown was not completely made of gold7 7Post-readingPost-readingActivity: Four students a group to discuss the following questions.4 What was the crown makers final fate?He was sent to prison.7 7ComprehensionComprehensionD1 These pictures show the events of the story on page 3. Put them in the correct order by writing the numbers 18 in the boxes.Retell the story and do role-playing games according to the following pictures.2.Show2.Show timetimeHere are some sentences from the story on page 3. Do you know the meanings of the words in italics? Circle the correct answers.8 8HomeworkHomework 1. Find out the useful words:golden,crown,pot,doubt,real,truth,solve,fill,bowl,displace,less,metal,certain, prison;(be) happy with,fill with ,run over,send to prison.2. Retell the story and show us.3. Write a story about wise men in history.1Unit 1 Wise men in history Period 1 Getting ready & Reading -Archimedes and the golden crown教学设计教学设计【Textbook version】Shanghai Oxford edition of junior middle school English, Grade 9, Module 1-Geniuses,Unit 1 Wise men in history, Period 1 Reading “Archimedes and the golden crown”.【Analysis of the teaching material】The reading material is taken from Shanghai Oxford edition, Module 1 Unit 1.This unit focuses on wise men in history and a story about a wise man-Archimedes. In Warming up, the wise men in history are discussed. In the reading part, it mainly tells Archimedes how to identify the fake golden crown. The teacher should arouse the curiosity of the students to explore and study the teaching material.【Teaching demands】1.Vocabulary:golden, crown,displace,pot,doubt,real,truth,seem,solve,fill,bowl,less,metal,certain,prison,etc.2.Phrases and expressions:(be) happy with, fillwith, run over, sendto prison,etc3.Functions:1)Asking for agreement:-Its raining, isnt it? -It sure is! Ive never seen it rain this hard before!2)Asking for confirmation:-Its raining, isnt it? -No, it isnt.4.Grammar:Question tags【Design the way of thinking】According to the National English Curriculum (NEC), the ultimate goal of language teaching is to achieve learners comprehensive language competence. It advocates quality-oriented education which regards students as whole-persons. So activities in my class are designed on the principle of students-centeredness to fully involve students participation. 【Analysis of the students situation】As for the learners, they are junior 3 students in Lan Tian Junior Middle School. Most of the students are from the county, who have good foundation in English, but a few students English levels are very poor. So the English level of the students is quite different. Facing the pressure of the senior high school entrance examination, teachers should teach students through lively activities and motivate students interest in English learning. It is necessary and important to tell 2the students some effective English learning skills and methods. If teachers take all things above into consideration when preparing lessons, and explain basically and simply, most Ss will develop the interest in English gradually and ease stress. Then they can become active. They may not be so familiar with the Archimedes. Since they are visual learners, the scaffolding teaching method of introducing Archimedes with a video is used in pre-reading. 【Teaching content】Getting ready and Reading “Archimedes and the golden crown”【Teaching objectives】Language knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this passage.2. Get the students to know the content of the reading passage.3. Get the students to retell the story about Archimedes and the golden crown.Language skill aims:1. Develop the students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.2. Help the students learn how to talk about wise men in history to improve their speaking ability.3. Guess the meanings of the new words according to the title and pictures.Emotional attitude aims:1. Get the students to appreciate the wisdom of Archimedes. 2. Get the students to love science.【Teaching important points】1. To develop the students reading ability and use some reading strategies such as guessing, scanning, skimming and so on.2. To get the students to grasp the main idea of the passage.【Teaching difficult points】1. To grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage.2. To learn the writing style of this passage.【Teaching method】1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning3. Group competition4. Discussion5. Role-Playing【Teaching aids】The multi-media, PPT document, mobile phone and other normal teaching tools.【Teaching time arrangement】A lesson (40 minutes)【Teaching procedures】Step1. RevisionT: Lets review the new words which we have learnt in the last lesson. Step2. Lead inLook at the cartoon and answer the questions.31)T: What can you see in this picture?Ss: globe, robot, broom, box, computer, bookshelf2)T: What is robot doing?Ss: He is using a broom to lift a globe.3)T: Whom do the boys words make you think of?Ss: Archimedes.4)T: Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand on, I will move the earth.”- The principle of the lever.Design purpose: Use the picture to attract students interests to lead to Archimedes.Teaching feedback: All of the students can observe this picture carefully and try to answer the questions to lead in the reading passage.Step3. Warming up 1. Guessing gameTry to guess the name of the person according to the description. T: Can you guess who he is? What do they do?Ss: The first one is Archimedes. He is a mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor and astronomer. The second one is Aristotle. He is an educator, scientist and philosopher. The third one is Aesop. He is the creator of Aesops Fables. Design purpose: To stimulate Ss learning enthusiasm and learn more about the great man. Review some words, such as physicist, scientist and so on.Teaching feedback: Everyone can show curiosity and take part in this game positively. Students can search for the information of some great men on the Internet before the class.2. Discussion.Q1: Which of these ancient countries is in Europe?Q2: Which of these people lived in ancient Greece?Q3: What was Archimedes?Design purpose: To learn more about Archimedes.4Teaching feedback: Ss can work together to discuss. Most of the students can answer the questions correctly. Step4. Pre-reading1.Ask and answer.T: Whats the title in the reading passage?Ss: Archimedes and the golden crown.Design purpose: Learn to predict the content of the reading passage by reading the title.Teaching feedback: Most of the students can predict the content of the reading passage. 2 Free talk. (Look at the following two pictures.) 1) T: Who was the crown probably made for?Ss: It was probably made for the king.2) T: What is Archimedes doing in the first picture?Ss: He is having /taking a bath /bathing.3) T: Why is Archimedes so excited?Ss: Because he probably has a good idea.4) T: What is in the right pot in the second picture?Ss: The crown.Design purpose: To talk about the main idea to practice their speaking according to the pictures.Teaching feedback: Students express their different ideas. Their answers show that they are imaginative.3.Watch a video Let students enjoy a video about Archimedes and golden crown in Chinese.T: What information have you got? Check your answer if you are right.Design purpose: Lead the students come to know more about the story.Teaching feedback: Students are interested in watching the video. Step5. Fast readingPlease read the text quickly and divide the text into three parts according to the main ideas.Part1:Paragraph(12)The King Hiero doubted that the crown was a real golden crown and wanted Archimedes to find out the truth.Part2:Paragraph(35)Archimedes knew how to solve the kings problem when he got into the bath.Part3:Paragraph(68)Archimedes found out the truth using water. And the crown maker was sent to prison.Design purpose: Individual work, students can get the outline of the passage by reading the material quickly.Teaching feedback: The students are not familiar with this story and cannot divide the parts correctly. In some way, they should practice more and observe carefully to discover the main idea. 5Meanwhile, students are not confident.Step6. Intensive Reading1.Read paragraphs 1 and 2. Then complete the flow chart about the beginning of the story.King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown.He was very happy with it.He began to doubt that it was a real golden crown.He sent the crown to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth.Design purpose: To improve Ss reading skills using the flow chart.Teaching feedback: Ss can find the correct answer quickly and get important information.2.Read paragraphs 3 to 5 and answer the questions Q1: What did Archimedes think when he received the crown from King Hiero? Ss: He thought it was difficult to solve the problem. Q2:What happened when Archimedes got into he bath? Ss: Some water ran out of the bath/ ran over.Q3: Why was Archimedes so excited?Ss: Because he thought that he could solve the kings problem.Design purpose: Try to help Ss grasp details from these paragraphs easily according to these questions.Teaching feedback: Most of Ss can give correct answers.3. Read paragraphs 6 to 8 and complete the flow chart.was put into watersome gold of the same weightsome water was displacedwas put into watereven more water was displacedthe crownthe crown was not completely made of goldDesign purpose: To let Ss further understand that Archimedes how to find out the truth using water.Teaching feedback: Even though the questions are about deep understanding, most of students can figure them out using key points and then have a better understanding of the text.Step7.Post-reading1. Activity Four students a group to discuss the following questions.T: Why did King Hiero send the crown to Archimedes?6Ss: Because he doubted that the crown was a real golden crown and he wanted Archimedes to find out the truth.T: What happened when Archimedes got into the bath?Ss: Some water ran over/was displaced.T: What did the crown maker do to the crown?Ss: He put another metal into the crown.T: What was the crown makers final fate?Ss: He was sent to prison.Design purpose: Try to let Ss express their ideas in English. Teaching feedback: Most of the students would like to voice their own opinions, but they just know one or two points. Few Ss feel it is difficult to open their mouth and feel shy because of less practice and fewer basic words.2.Show time.Order the following pictures according to the content. And retell the story and do role playing games according to the cartoon from D1 on page4-5. Divide Ss into 2 groups and let them make a performance for us. We can choose the winner.Retell the story according to the following pictures.Design purpose: To practice speaking and cultivate students comprehensive ability.Teaching feedback: By speaking, students can understand the whole text better. On the one hand, they can improve their oral English. On the other hand, they are more interested in learning English. Meanwhile, Role-playing makes the students still active and the class lively.Step8.Homework1. Find out the useful words and expressions in the text. 2. According to the cartoon, try to retell the story and show us.3. Write a story about wise men in history.Design purpose:The terminal purpose of study is to output. By homework, Ss can consolidate 7and digest the knowledge which they have learned and practice writing.Teaching feedback: Role-playing is helpful which will benefit them the whole life.【Blackboard design】 【Teaching reflection】一、教学成功之处:1.教学环节,学习任务的设计环环相扣,贴近学情。课堂导入自然新颖,以课文的卡通图片开始引入话题,对历史人物进行猜谜,活跃学生思维,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。2.课文阅读分为三部分:读前,阅读,读后。读前让学生观看关于阿基米德的 Video,练习了英语听力。让学生根据课文的标题和图片来预测课文内容,以学生为主体,激发学生的好奇心理,调动了学生的学习主动性和积极性。阅读设计略读和细读逐步让学生了解文章内容,提高阅读技能。读后任务型分组讨论做练习,提高学生的自主学习能力和口语能力。 3.最后让学生角色扮演,培养学生的综合运用英语语言的技能。提高学生的口语能力。实现教学的输出,达到教学目标。4.在作业的布置上,有针对性的让学生写一篇历史上的智者的作文,来提高学生的写作水平,让学生们学习他们的聪明才智。全课通过听、说、读、观、演、写的全面练习,达到教学要求。5.通过本课的学习,学生欣赏到了阿基米德的聪明才智,而且也让学生们爱上科学。6.教学互动多,课堂气氛活跃,采用鼓励教法(“Perfect”, “Well done”, “Excellent”, “Good”) ,点燃学生求知欲,师生关系融洽,教法新颖。热身游戏的设计,视频的欣赏和利用,图片的展示,都充分调动了学生参与课堂的积极性,达到了新课标的多教法和“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的理念。二、教学遗憾之处:对教学互动时出现的困难估计不充分。由于文章篇幅较长,词汇量大,而课堂时间有限,没能给学生充裕的阅读时间,导致部分学习有困难的学生在完成学习任务时无法迅速Unit 1Wise men in history Archimedes and the golden crown Archimedes found out the truth when he got into the bath.The crown maker was sent to the prison.King Hiero doubted that his crown was a real golden crown.8做出反应。三、改进方法:1.课前可以先提供一些语境学习一些词汇。2.给学生更多的阅读时间教会他们一些阅读技巧,如:构词法,来帮助他们猜测词意。
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