Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b1045).doc

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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b1045).doc_第1页
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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b1045).doc_第2页
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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b1045).doc_第3页
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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans-Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(配套课件编号:b1045).doc_第4页
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1、六下 Unit7 Summer holiday plans【教学内容】Checkout time & ticking time【学情分析】本单元谈论的话题是暑假出游计划。本单元的语法延续了前一个单元的语法项目:一般将来时,重点是一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。本节课在学习了 Story time 和cartoon 基础上,教学 Checkout time,是对知识的整体输出过程。我们要提供话题让学生有话可说,有话能说,让学生的听说读写能力都得到提升。课上让学生谈论暑假出游计划,谈论暑假将要去的城市和出行方式,谈论他们将要去的城市和要参观的地方。【教学目标】1.通过欣赏国家内容,并能用句型“

2、Youll find in ”来描述不同国家的景点。2.通过示范, 小组合作, 能熟练运用将来时展开话题问答和写话。 正确完成书上 Checkout time中的练习,能用 will 来谈论和描写暑假计划。3.通过本课的学习,培养学生合理制定计划习惯,感受精彩暑假计划带来的旅途之乐。4.通过课堂的学习,培养学生良好的倾听习惯和大声发言的习惯。【教学重点】1.通过欣赏国家内容,并能用句型“Youll find in ”来描述不同国家的景点。2.通过示范, 小组合作, 能熟练运用将来时展开话题问答和写话。 正确完成书上 Checkout time中的练习,能用 will 来谈论和描写暑假计划。3.

3、通过本课的学习,培养学生合理制定计划习惯,感受精彩暑假计划带来的旅途之乐。【教学难点】1. 通过示范,小组合作,能熟练运用将来时展开话题问答和写话。正确完成书上 Checkouttime 中的练习,能用 will 来谈论和描写暑假计划。2. 通过本课的学习,培养学生合理制定计划习惯,感受精彩暑假计划带来的旅途之乐。【教学准备】PPT,练习纸【教学过程】Step1.GreetingStep2.PresentationT: Lets begin our class. First, lets look at the learning aims. I can ask and answer questi

4、ons with “will”. I can write my and others summer holiday plans. Listen carefully Show yourself activelyT: Lets look at the learning steps. What will we do in this lesson? Talk aboutBobbys summer holiday plans. Talk aboutour own summer holiday plans. Talk aboutour friends summer holiday plans.【设计意图:

5、PPT 出示教学目标和教学活动,让学生一目了然地知道本节课的要求,让学生的学习目的更明确。】Step3.Bobbys plans1. T: Look,this is Bobby? We know Bobby wants to be a traveller and travel aroundthe world.What is he doing now?Ss: He is reading a travel book now.T: He likes travelling around the world.Q:What are his plans?Ss: First, hell go to the U

6、K.Next, hell go to the US.Then, hell go to Australia.【设计意图:复习 Cartoon time 的内容,从 Bobby 的内容出发,让学生感受 Bobby 的旅游计划,并让学生操练 Hell go to.的句型。】2. T: How will he get there?Ss: Take a taxi.T: What do you think of his travel plans? Its unrealistic.T: Can you give him some suggestion?S: .T: Thank you very much.

7、We should make good and realizable plans.【设计意图:感受 Bobby 的旅游计划,说说对 Bobby 计划的感受和建议,让学生了解合理制定计划的重要性,为下面的自己和朋友的计划做铺垫。】3. T: We have finish the first topic. Talk aboutBobby s summer holiday plans. Letsgo on. Talk aboutour own summer holiday plans.Step4.My plans1. Think and sayT: If we want to make good a

8、nd realizable plans for the summer holiday, what can wethink about?Where(place)/ How(public trasport)/ When(time)/ How long(period)/What(activities)?【设计意图:让学生说说暑假计划设计时可以涉及哪些方面,让学生尝试问问句。】2. Enjoy and sayT: Bobby like travelling around the world. I like travelling around the world too.Where do you wan

9、t to go?Ss: I want to go to .T: There are many beautiful scenic spots in different countries. Lets enjoy a video.If you know it, you can say loudly.【设计意图:让学生观赏视频,视频中涉及到国家和各个国家的地名、景点、动物、运动等,让学生感受不同国家的不同之处,吸引学生去参观的兴趣。并为下一环节的看景点说国家的活动做准备。】3. Brain stormT: We enjoyed a lot of scenic spots. Lets play a g

10、ame with different places. Brainstorm. First, please look at the rule: When you see the picture, say the name of thecountry loudly. Well done.【设计意图:游戏让学生提升学生的学习兴趣,让学生注意集中力。】4. Travel book(1)Enjoy and sayT: Boys and girls, I want to travel around the world. So I like reading travel books.Look, heres

11、a travel book. Lets enjoy and say.Q:What can you find in the travel book?Ss: Youll find . in .You can go to .(2)Imagine and sayT: We can find polar bears and Niagara Falls in Canada.We can find . in Australia.How about “the UK/ the US/ China”? Please imagine the countries. What can youfind in the UK

12、/ the US/ China?Tip:Work in four.四人小组,尝试介绍一个国家,每人至少介绍一句话。【设计意图:这一本说,我设计了两个活动环节,先看图说话,然后让学生设想英国、美国、中可以看到的,小组合作,共同介绍国家。在这环节中,体现小组活动中的优势,让每位学生都能尝试发言。】5. Read and findT: Summer holiday is coming. This is my summer holiday plans.Tip: Work in four. Please find the key words and fill in the blanks.T: Lets

13、check the answer.Ss: .【设计意图:出示老师的范文,让学生小组合作,朗读,找出老师范文的关键词,让学生填入表格。培养学生阅读的能力,让学生掌握阅读技巧。】6. Think and showT: This is my summer holiday plans.Its your turn now.What are your plans for the summer holiday? You have finished it before class.Tip: Please read it by yourselves in pairs.T: Lets show.Tip:Show

14、actively and read loudly.T: You should go travelling with your family. Its safe and meaningful.【设计意图:让学生说说自己的暑假计划,先小组内朗读,然后上台展示,并让学生认真倾听,抓住关键信息。】7.Ticking time1T: Ticking time: I can write my travel plans.T: We all finished the plans and wrote well. I think we can get 3 stars.【设计意图:自我评价,我给予他们整体评价。】S

15、tep5.My friends plansT: Boys and girls, we have finished the second topic. Talk about our own summer holidayplans. Lets go on. We all have friends, Yes? Lets talk aboutour friends summerholiday plans. OK?Ss: OK.1. Ask and answerT: ., stand up. Boys and girls, is he/ she your friend?Do you want to kn

16、ow his/ her plans? What can you ask?学生根据自己的计划回答问题,老师提取学生的关键信息,并把信息进行板书,做示范,让学生了解这个环节的要求。T: Work in groups.小组内问答,根据自己的计划回答。并完成朋友的信息统计。T: Lets show.Tip:Show actively and read loudly.【设计意图:这一环节,主要是让学生相互问答,让学生了解朋友的暑假计划。我让一位学生起立,然后再让学生提问,我把关键信息书写板书,示范让活动环节更清晰。】2. Ticking time2T: Ticking time: I can ask a

17、nd answer questions with “will”.【设计意图:自我评价,我给予他们整体评价。】3. Say and showT: OK. Please listen to me carefully.My friends and I have different plans for the summer holiday.I will .My friend _ will go to _.We will have a wonderful summer holiday!老师做示范,让学生了解活动目的。T: Here are some tips for you.Tips: 1.Accord

18、ing to your information,try to say.2.Show in your groups.3.Show in our class.T: Oh, we have finish the last topic. Talk aboutour friends summer holiday plans.【设计意图:在这个环节中,要求学生根据表格中的信息,来讲述朋友的计划。在学生活动前,我先让学生尝试看黑板,根据板书来尝试帮 Miss Chen 复述,学生在复述时给予指导,以便让学生自己复述时更顺利。】4. Ticking time3T: Ticking time: I can wr

19、ite my and others summer holiday plans.T: Do you remember “How will we learn?”Ss: Listen carefully. Show yourself actively.T: How many stars can you get?Ss: .【设计意图:自我评价,我给予他们整体评价。并让学生回忆“How will we learn?”,让学生自己说说这节课的表现,让学生掌握学习技巧。】Step6.Homework1. T: Please talk about your summer holiday plans with

20、your friends. Maybe you willfind the same place you will go. You can go together. But remember: You should gotravelling with our family.2. T: You should show your plans to your parents. OK?板书设计:Unit7 Summer holiday plansWhoWhereHowWhenHow longWhatMiss Chenthe USplaneon July 23two weekswatch.go shoppingvisit.


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