Module 9 Great inventions-Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:c0826).zip

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M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?课堂实录课堂实录T: Good morning, Boys and girls. Lets me have an introduction of myself. My name is Brenda. I think it is a great honor to stand here. This class we will study M9 Great inventions together. When we talk about “inventions”, the first thing appears in my mind is the four great inventions of ancient China. Can you tell me what they are?S: They are gun powder, compass, printing and paper-making.T: Yes, you are right. They are ancient inventions. Nowadays, the technology develops fast, there are so many modern inventions, please give me some examples, please. What modern inventions do you know?S: Computers.(学生举例)T:Yes, every student knows computers, because you really love them, right?S: Yes.T: Ok, so this class we will talk about this question:Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? What other modern inventions do you know?S: .(学生更多的例子)T: Yes, there are so many inventions. Look at the pictures and tell me what they are.S: .(students say them one by one.)T: Lets read them together.S: .(read them together.)T:Our friends are talking about the inventions too. Lets listen and choose what they are talking about.S: .(Listen and choose).T: About the inventions, which is the most important one?S: .T: Why?S: because.T: Lets listen to the dialogue again and find what we can do with them.S: .(listen)T: Got it? Lets check the answers. S: T: Please look at the sentences in blue. They are expressed with passive voice. Right? S: Yes.T: The first one and the third one are expressed with are kept and is changed, the second is expressed with can be sent. Now I want to know how to express the future passive voice.S:主语+will+be doneT: Yeah, Here is a sentence. From it you will know the structure of the future passive voice. Please do the other two exercises.S: .T: All of you did really good jobs. From the dialogue, we know Lingling thinks computers, mobile phones and cameras are great inventions. Do you agree with her? S:.T: What will they be used to do for you?S: (answer)T: From your answers, I can get: They are g_inventions and they are p_.S:great and powerfulT: Really great and powerful. But look at some pictures. At the weekend, when you are at home, some students play computer games day and night or some students wont sleep but play with mobile phone until midnight. Are they right? S: No.T: They are wrong. In fact what they did are very dangerous. So we should use them properly. S: OKT: About the camera. It is very useful. When do we need a camera?S:T: Tony wants to borrow the camera. Lets listen to another dialogue and find out the answer to the two questions. Look at the questions.S: .(Listen)T: Got the answers?S: Yes.T: Lets check the answers.S:T: Tony and his dad also talks about the internet and the computer. Listen to the other part of this dialogue and choose the right answer.(read the question and the choices)S:(listen and choose the right answer)T: What is your answer?S: .(answer)T: Wonderful. Now, lets listen to the whole dialogue and correct the main idea of it. First read it by yourselves.S:(Read and listen)T: Lets check the answers and read it together.S:.T: Its time to read it and find the differences between the past and nowadays on how to keep in touch with friends and how to get information.S: T: Read again and try to retell with the given words.S:T: Lets compare the life in the past with that of today. We can compare from different aspects. (Here I will give you some pictures to help you. You can think about more differences) discuss in your group and try to write down.S:(学生讨论)T: OK, time is up. Lets present our discussion.S:(学生展示)T: We have known the ancient inventions and the modern inventions now. How about the inventions in the future? Can you imagine what inventions will be invented in the future? We can try to use future passive voice to express.S: .T: Lets enjoy some pictures. And try to read them together.S:.(Enjoy and read)T: All of the things will be invented one day in the future. I hope you can study hard and they will be invented by some of you.Ok, so much for this class. Lets think about what we have learnt this class?S:.T: Lets check whether you got them or not.S.(Do the exercise)T: Check the answers. All of you did really good job. Your homework is.This class is over. Goodbye.M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?测评练习测评练习一、用单词的适当形式填空。1. _books_(replace) by computer in the future?2. My bike is broken. It_(fix)tomorrow.3. Dad, can I use the internet this evening? Yes,but the computer is not on yet. The electricity _(not connect) until nine oclock.4. _ the problem _(talk about) at the meeting tomorrow?5. Who_(invite) to give a report about great inventions next Friday?6. When_ the work_(finish)?In two days.二、单项选择1. We are told that a new car factory _ here next year. A. will set up B. will be set up C. would set up D. would be set up 2. The 2008 Olympic Games _ in Beijing; several big changes _ in the capital city. A. is held; will make B. will be held; will make C. will be held; will be made D. is held; make 3. You _ to take so much luggage with you on the plane. A. will be allowed B. will allow C. wont be allowed D. wont allow 4. You _ around our school this afternoon. Now, please have a good rest. A. are shown B. were shown C. are going to be shown D. will show M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?教材分析教材分析发明创造对初中学生来讲既神秘又有吸引力。本模块以“发明”为主题,通过对话和课文,让学生了解历史上的重大发明对人类生活的影响,从而激发学生进行发明创造的愿望。作为老师,我们要引导学生刻苦学习,大胆想象,拓展思路,并积极培养自己的创造性思维。 本节课属于本模块的第一单元,这一单元通过托尼和爸爸的对话,很自然的导入到了一般将来时的被动语态这一语法现象。我们可以借助学生对数码产品的兴趣,引导学生分享自己在实际生活中对数码产品的了解和应用,从而激发学生学习的兴趣;同时通过电子产品对生活产生的利弊分析,培养学生的思辨能力和英语表达能力。同时本节课也可以鼓励引导学生们进行创意设计大赛,并运用一般将来时的被动语态进行介绍,给与优胜者肯定和奖励。 对于本单元的语法点,它是在前两个模块学习了一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态的基础上,继续学习一般将来时的被动语态,引导同学们将一般将来时和被动语态进行对比和结合,自己归纳总结出一般将来时的被动语态的结构,并结合本节课“发明”这一主题,进行训练巩固,以达到熟练运用的目的。 本节课结合语法点和话题,要求老师在实际教学中结合学生生活实际,灵活掌握教学过程,组织教学内容,丰富学生知识,拓宽学生视野,培养学生用英语独立思考和表达的能力。 课程名称: Module 9 Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?年级:初中英语九年级上册版本:外语教学与研究出版社M9 Great inventionscompass gunpowderprintingpaper makingFour Great Inventions of Ancient ChinacomputersWhat modern great inventions do you know? Unit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future?What other modern great inventions do you know?mp3camerafridgeelectric bikerobotmobile phonetraincarmemory cardsListen and tick().1. computer( ) 2. memory cards ( ) 3. mobile phone ( ) 4. robot ( ) 5. car ( ) 6. camera ( ) Listen and match.1.the computer2.the mobile phone3.the cameraWe can use it anywhere.Numbers are kept in it.Photos can be sent by email.Everything was changed.More sentences1.The photos will be put up on the school website.2. 照片可以被其他的同学通过网络看到。The photos on the Internet other classes.3. _the computer _ (use) more than books in the future?The photos can be seen on the Internet by other classes.Willbe usedLingling thinks computers, mobile phones and cameras are great inventions.What will the computer/. be used to do? It will be used to.send/receive mailssearch for informationchat with friendslisten to the musicwebsite They are g_inventions and they are films do shoppingtake photosuse as an alarm clocksend/receive text messages reat owerfulgreat inventionsSo we should_them_. use properlyWe need a camera when we are.www.e-l- Q1:Why does he borrow the camera?Q2: Will Tonys dad lend it to him? Listening Task 1Yes, he will. Hed like to_ on the_ to the museum next week.take some photosschool visitwww.e-l- Listening Task 2 Tonys fathers opinion about the InternetIts _ and it is_ than books.A light, cheaperB. fast, more powerfulC. small, more convenient D. thin, more expensivewww.e-l- Listen and correct ! Tony wants to borrow his fathers camera and take some photos on the school basketball match. The photo will be put up on the school magazine. Tonys dad lends the camera and he thinks it is a good idea. The Internet is really slow and more expensive. But Tony must promise to use it anywhere.the school visitto the museumschool websitefastpowerfultake good care of itand use it properly.www.e-l- Reading Task 1in the pasttodayHow to keep in touch with friendsHow to get informationWe waited for weeks to hear from our pen friend abroad.We can send and receive photos and mails on the Internet.We mainly getinformation from paper books. Some were huge ones with thousands of pages.With the inventions of the computer and electronic technology, it is easy to get information on the internet.We waited _ to _ our pen friend abroad.We can _ and _ photos and _ on the _.We mainly getinformation from _. Some were _ ones with _ pages.With the inventions of the _ and _, it is easy to _ on the _.www.e-l- In the pastTodaycompare withPair Workwww.e-l- 1. Transportation交通2. Communication通讯3. Study学习4.bamboosilk or clothpapere-bookcart telegramwww.e-l- A: In the past, We mainly got information from paper books. Some were huge ones with thousands of pages.B. But today With the inventions of the computer and electronic technology, it is easy to get information on the internet. What inventions will be invented in the future? Imagine please! The Inventions in the futureYour Dad will be kept smooth and clean without cream. Your runny nose will be taken good care of when you are sick.Your clothes will change themselves to stay in fashion.You will be made to do exerciseswhen you are sleeping You will be taken to anywhere you want by helicopter cap.You will be made to have a place to sit everywhere you go.The car will be driven to dive in the sea or fly in the sky.You will be taken to school by the school bag.All of the things will be invented one day in the future. I hope you can study hard and they will be invented by you.Summary1. Grammar 2. Inventions 3. Use the inventions properly and study hard and try inventing something.Homework1. Read the dialogue again and find out the phrases and important sentences.2. Complete the table and write it down.3. Will computers be used more than books in the future? Next class well have a the pasttodayCommunicationplay games day and nightplay with mobile phone until 12:00 at nightM9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?学情分析学情分析九年级的学生经过多年的学习已经有储备了一定量的单词、短语和句子,他们能够就自己喜欢的话题和内容发表自己的看法和表达自己的思想,并且他们有较强烈的求知欲和学习的兴趣。 同时经过前两模块的学习,学生们对被动语态的有了一定的认识,他们能够运用一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态表达与书籍和运动等相关话题的看法和观点的句子。本单元的课文通过 Tony 和 dad 的对话呈现,谈论已有和未知的发明,运用将来时的被动语态将第八模块和第九模块很好的连接起来,让语言学习呈现很自然的衔接。学生们对“发明”这一话题兴趣比较浓厚,愿意探索和学习与过去、现在和将来有关的事物,因此求知欲望较强烈。同时在前两个模块被动语态学习的基础上,他们能快速的归纳总结出一般将来时的被动语态的结构和运用。根据他们的语言基础和兴趣爱好,我们不难判断出本节课同学们能按照要求基本完成课堂目标。 M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? 效果分析效果分析一、删繁就简,直接运用“发明”导入本节课以同学们熟悉的话题“发明”导入,能够就学生熟悉的话引入,学生能够有参与的欲望,无形之中降低了学生对老师的防御之心,也乐于参与到本节课的学习中。有古代发明过渡到现代发明,更到了学生感兴趣的话题中电脑,谈到“电脑”这个主题,相信学生想说的有很多,万事开头难,好的开头预示着一个好的结尾。二、先听再说,层层递进,通过多种方式学习新知,并给学生提供充分表达的机会。 听力素材偏长,老师在这“听”上下了功夫,不仅将听力重新整合,而且大胆剪辑,形成新的文本,将故事大概形式一部分,同时将本节课的重点形成一部分,最后又将两部分组合在一起整体感知。在听说环节里,学生通过多种形式的听力练习,不单锻炼了听力,而且在核对答案过后,又给学生提供了说的几回,让学生开口表达英语的能力也切实得到了锻炼。 学生进行完听的话节后,让他们回归教材,进一步巩固本节课的语言表达难点和为后面的语言输出打好了基础。本节课始终与“发明”连在一起,听、说后的思考更让学生的思想上和情感上得到了升华。三、联系实际,巩固新知,提升能力 在学生掌握好对话后,将所学知识迁出课本外,真正达到给予课本,而且高于课本,出于课本,而用于生活中的基本原则。最后一环节让学生去对比过去和现在,畅想未来。不仅巩固了新知,而且发挥了想象,运用了一般将来时的被动语态,更重要的是激起学生学习的欲望。四、充分发挥了教师自身的感染力。教师自身语言丰富,口语流利,授课过程激情飞扬,极大地感染了学生的学习兴趣,学生学习积极性高涨,是一节高效课。总之,通过本节课的学习,基本达到了我预想的目标,虽然中间还有一些小小的不足,但是在以后的将来一定会注意的。1 M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? 教学设计教学设计Teaching Aims:1. Enable the students to correct the main idea and find out some detail information by listening and reading the dialogue.2. Enable the students say the great inventions ad their advantages by thinking and speaking.3. Enable the students to Use the inventions like computers and mobile phones properly and study hard and encourage them to try inventing something in the future.Teaching steps:Step One: Leading in.Step Two: Listening Part.一、(1)Listen and choose. 听录音选出你听到的东西。(2) listen and match.听录音,连线。1. computer( ) 2. memory cards ( ) We can use it anywhere.3. mobile phone ( ) Numbers are kept in it.4. robot ( ) Photos can be sent by email.5. car ( ) Everything was changed.6. camera ( ) 二、Do the exercise.被动语态练习。被动语态练习。1. The photos will be put up on the school website.一般将来时的被动语态的构成:_2. 照片可以被其他的同学通过网络看到。on the Internet_3. _the computer _ (use) more than books in the future?(用括号内适当形式填空)三、Listen and do the exercise.听录音,做下列练习。(1)Listen and answer the questions.听第一段录音,回答两个问题。Q1: Why does he borrow the camera?Hed like to_ on the_ to the museum next week.2Q2: Will Tonys dad lend it to him?_.(2)Listen and choose.听第二段录音,选择正确答案。Its _ and it is_ than books.A. light, cheaper B. fast, more powerfulC. small, more convenient D. thin, more expensive(3)Listen and correct.听整片录音,改正划线部分的错误。Tony wants to borrow his fathers camera and take some photos on the school basketball match. The photo will be put up on the school magazine. Tonys dad lends the camera and he thinks it is a good idea. The Internet is really slow and more expensive. But Tony must promise to use it anywhere.Part Three: Reading Part.回扣课本阅读。回扣课本阅读。四、Read and complete the table.阅读对话,完成表格,你可以从文章中划出句子。in the pasttodayHow to keep in touch with friendsHow to get informationPart Four: Extension.拓展延伸。拓展延伸。Part Five: Summary and homework.总结与作业。总结与作业。Part Six: Consolidation.课后练习,巩固所学。课后练习,巩固所学。五、五、Homework.Which one do you choose?in the pasttodayTransportationCommunicationStudyIn the past_3But today_M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?观评记录观评记录针对这次磨课,老师们给出了自己宝贵的意见与建议:欧阳湘娟:教师个人素质高,作为英语老师高素质的表现最主要的就体现在两个方面,一是教学语言表达能力强,能灵活、开放性的跟学生进行有实际意义的交流。第二是英语发音标准。韩老师就都给了我们良好的示范,她的语音让我们感觉很好听,愿意听,而且跟学生的交流都非常灵活,个人英语表达能力很强。马静:课堂两条线索贯穿始终。古代的四大发明导入,学生们很熟悉,所以一下子就把学生的注意力收到她设定的目标中。我们知道新课导入是提高课堂有效的基础,成功的导入是课程顺利进行的保证。由古代的发明转入到现代的发明再将未来的发明,自始至终始终围绕“发明”进行,同时语法一般将来时的被动语态也是本节课的线索,一开始的被动语态,到最后的被动语态,这是一条贯穿始终的暗线。刘娟娟:安排了大量以学生为主体的活动。她依据自身的特点和优势,采用了不同的教学方式,同时也设计了大量以学生为主体的活动。有个人、两人、小组和全班性的,有教师指导性的,也有需学生独立或合作完成的。活动都有明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的语境和情景中进行,突出了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。在多样化的活动中学和练,学中有练,练中有学,新授与巩固融为一体。张秀华:课程资源的开发和利用,从她的课我们可以看出内容都与课程目标语言非常贴切,评价语言也很丰富。课件设计别有用心,教学环节紧凑,结合听力素材将教材进一步整合,体现了依据学生的学情进行的整改,符合课标的要求。 张美霞:授课过程激情飞扬, 引导叙述一步步的解决问题,学生的能力得到了进一步的训练与提高,学习积极性高涨,是一节高效课。王艺璇:本节课教师能够体现以学为主,教师先点拨然后再进行训练,并对出现的问题及时纠正。王丹丹:本节课环节紧凑,按听说课的特点,先听,再说,层层递进,设计的题目有梯度,自学、点学、对学有实效。许凤起:备课充分,环节齐全,语言丰富,口语流利。教学过程中讲练结合,及时反馈,效果好。徐兰:让学生学习前,都有铺垫步骤步骤很好。题型变化多样。赵娜:从学生的实际生活出发,引入课堂,能吸引学生的注意力,会更好的过渡到教材。不足之处:本节课学生自主表达的环节,给学生的铺垫不够多,所以学生在表达方面言之无物,缺少素材;同时老师放手放的还不够。M9U1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? 课后反思课后反思一阵紧锣密鼓的准备,一师一优课的所有工作接近尾声,此时我才有心情坐下来静静的思考,静下心来总结。当我在精心备好课,满怀信心的坐上讲台,我的心情或如骏马奔腾,或如蛟龙吞云吐雾,心中不禁漾起一阵兴奋,我知道,这兴奋不仅仅是来自这几个夜晚和白天的忙碌,更是来源于展评课上老师们能给我提供更多的意见和建议,让我更加进步。当我做完这一切的时候,我的心情也是兴奋的,因为我完成了自身的质的飞跃,经历了一次前所未有的提升。在准备一师一优课的过程中,我问了自己几个问题:1.当我知道我要参与的课题时,上课前我需要做什么?2.当我的上课的时候,我应该怎么做?3.当我上完课后,需要吸取、总结归纳些什么?当我拿到课题的时候,进入脑海中的第一件事情就去找一下课标看看九年级每个目标对应的水平,这是我在备课过程中的指明灯,该朝着什么方向努力一目了然。研究完课标,接下来我要分析一下孩子们的学习情况,根据他们的现有水平制定教学目标,这是我制定目标的依据,否则很有可能出现跑偏的现象。有了课标和学生的学情分析,目标的制定和教学环节的设计也就
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