Unit 2 In the library-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:40d69).zip

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Unit 2Unit 2(Sound time (Sound time ,Song time & Checkout time)Song time & Checkout time)执教者:苏州市枫桥中心小学 王熙Lets singWalking, walkingverb动词walkhoprunstedsdBrain stormingWhat does Liu Tao do in the library?Lets review刘涛在图书馆里做了什么?What does Yang Ling say?Lets reviewDont 杨玲对刘涛说了什么?Checkout timetalkeatrunshoutsleepLets learnI have three friends. Look, this is Paul.Paul 保罗 Paul is _.Lets listenwalkingA. jumpingB. walkingLets listenLets look Paul is walking _ and _.updownup and down 上上下下Lets chantUp and down, up and down,Paul is walking up and down.Boys Girlssigns标志Dangerous!Dont walk up and down,Paul.P p p/ p /Lets learnIts dangerous! Its dangerous!Can you say more words?你能说出更多这样的单词吗? p/ p /upPaulpiecapsleepLets sayLets learnPaulThey are my friends too.What are their names?NamesTim 蒂姆Lets listenTom 汤姆Lets watchWho is Tim?Who is Tom?NamesTom Tim PhotosDont talk, Tom!I want to sleep.Dont sleep, Tim!I want to talk.Lets singSing in rolesSing in rolesI want to Lets sayWhat do you want to do?你想做什么?跟大家分享一下吧。Lets make a new songDont _, XXX . I want to _, want to _, want to _.Dont _, XXX. I want to _, want to _, want to _.和你的同桌一起创编新歌曲吧!A trip to the museumRules:Rules:1. 1.如果是正确的行为,一起说如果是正确的行为,一起说“ “OK! OK! OKOK!OKOK!” ”2.2.如果是错误的行为,一起说如果是错误的行为,一起说“ “Dont Dont ”I want to play !Dont Dont play!play!I want to read !OK!OK!OK!OK!OK!OK!I want to stand here !Dont Dont stand!stand!I want to eat !Dont Dont eat!eat!I want to talk !OK!OK!OK!OK!OK!OK!I want to dance !Dont Dont dance!dance!I want to sing !Dont Dont sing!sing!I want to sleep !Dont Dont sleep!sleep!I want to take a photo !OK!OK!OK!OK!OK!OK!In the Please DontNoticea. 讨论在博物馆 可以做,以及 不可以做的事。Make rulesb. 贴上标志,完 成新告示。Please Dont In the museumNotice4人一小组合作,为博物馆制定一份新的公告。Please Dont In the museumNotice参考词句:Look at the / Wow! / Can I ?/Would you like ? / I want to /Dont / Im sorry! / How ! / Shh! / OK! 想象一下Liu Tao和朋友们在博物馆里发生了什么,小组合作编一段对话,演绎一下。Dialogue:Liu Tao: . Tim: Liu Tao: Tom: .Paul: Tom: Liu Tao: 参考词句:Look at the / Wow! / Can I ?/Would you like ? / I want to /Dont / Im sorry! / How ! / Shh! / OK!Dialogue:Liu Tao: . Tim: Liu Tao: Tom: .Paul: Tom: Liu Tao: Lets learn观察标志遵守规则共建和谐社会Homework: 1.Read Sound time and sing Song time twice. 读两遍Sound time,唱两遍Song time。2.Make a new song with your parents. 和家长一起创编新歌曲。3.Notice the signs and rules in other places. 留意生活中的标志和规则。Unit2 In the library (Sound time /Song time/ Checkout time)一、教材分析本课所用教材为译林 2011 课标版三年级起点, 内容为三下 Unit2 In the library (Sound time /Song time/ Checkout time)二、教学目标1.知识与技能:(1)能听懂、会读、会说、进一步运用 run, shout, eat, drink, sleep, talk等动词。 (2)能听懂、会读、会运用祈使句,祈使句的否定 Dont,以及 I want to (3)能体会字母 p 的发音 / p /(4)能正确演唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom.2.过程与方法(1)通过“Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method”等对学生进行全方位教学。(2)创设真实情境,通过生生互动,师生互动,游戏,以旧带新等方式达到巩固句型的目的。3.情感态度与价值观(1)让学生学会观察生活中的标志,遵守公共场合的规则。(2)通过同桌创编歌曲,小组制作公告,表演对话,培养学生的合作精神和创新能力。三、教学重点(1) 能听懂、会读、会说、进一步运用 run, shout, eat, drink, sleep, talk 等动词。(2) 能体会字母 p 的发音 / p /.(3) 能正确演唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom.四、教学难点(1) 能听懂、会读、会运用祈使句,祈使句的否定 Dont,以及 I want to (2) 能正确演唱歌曲 Dont talk, Tom.五、学情分析通过前两课时的学习,学生对 story time 的课文有了深刻的感知和理解,学生能基本掌握 run, shout, eat, drink, sleep, talk 等动词以及句式Dont这为本课时的教学打下了基础。本课时的重点则需要放在这些动词和句式的进一步巩固和运用上,以及句式 I want to 的学习和操练中,这对学生来说是难点。Sound time 的内容整体来说难度不大,特别是辅音字母 p 的发音,学生掌握起来比较轻松。六、课前准备学生准备:Review story time and preview sound time, song time and checkout time.教师准备:PPT, word cards, sentence patterns, notices, stickers etc.Step1 Warm up & Review1. Sing a songT: Good morning, boys and girls. Are you ready for class? First, lets sing a song. Follow me!播放歌曲Walking, walking ,一边唱一边做动作。【设计意图:调动英语学习氛围,学生的学习热情,引入动词。设计意图:调动英语学习氛围,学生的学习热情,引入动词。 】2. Brain stormingT: Nice voice!In this song, which verb do you hear?(Teacher can sing a little to remind students “walking, walking ”)Ss: walk/ hop/ runT: Can you spell run?T: Do you know other verbs? What else? ( Spell the six verbs we learned in this unit) (板书:本单元 6 个动词)【设计意图:复习所学动词,激活学生的背景知识,为后面的活动设计意图:复习所学动词,激活学生的背景知识,为后面的活动提供词汇素材。提供词汇素材。 】3. Review Story timeT: Oh, you remembered so many verbs. Do you still remember, what does Liu Tao do in the library? Ss: Shout./ Run./ Eat./ Talk./ Sleep.T: Liu Tao does so many wrong things. So, what does Yang Ling say to Liu Tao?Ss: Dont . (板书:句型 Dont)【设计意图:承上启下,从复习设计意图:承上启下,从复习 Story time 中的祈使句,过渡到中的祈使句,过渡到checkout time 对于图书馆不能做的事情的总结。对于图书馆不能做的事情的总结。 】Step2 Checkout timeT: So these are the rules in the library. Please open your books. Turn to page 17. Finish Checkout time. You have one minute. Now do it quickly.T: Times up, lets check. No.1 is .(以此类推,请同学来核对每一句话。)T: Now, lets read together. In the library,. So, that is a notice in the library.【设计意图:引入公告的概念,为后面的设计意图:引入公告的概念,为后面的“制定告示制定告示”语用活动铺语用活动铺垫。垫。 】Step3 Sound time1. Introduce PaulT: Now Liu Tao knew the rules in the library. But his friends dont. Today, lets learn more about Liu Taos three new friends. Lets listen to Liu Tao!(播放录制好的刘涛语音)T: So who is this boy? Whats his name?S:PaulTeach“Paul”(read and spell) (板书:Paul)【设计意图:通过刘涛介绍他的三个朋友的方式,串联并学习设计意图:通过刘涛介绍他的三个朋友的方式,串联并学习Sound time 和和 Song time 中的人物,以此为线索学习这两个板块。中的人物,以此为线索学习这两个板块。 】2. Listen and chooseT: Now, lets learn more about Paul.First, lets listen. What is Paul doing?(播放走路声音)S1: Choose B “walking” / Paul is walking.T: Good!Read after me “walking” “Paul is walking.” (边说边走动示范) Paul is walking. Means Paul is walking right now!3. Look and learnT: This time, lets look! How is Paul walking? Look!(播放录制的动图)S: Paul is walking up and down.T: Look at this arrow! That means Ss: Up.Read after me. (双手动作) “up, up, up”T: And what about that arrow. That means Ss: Down.Read after me. (双手动作) “down, down, down”T: Good! Read after me.“Up and down, up and down.” “Paul is walking up and down.” (板书:箭头 up,箭头 down)【设计意图:通过设计意图:通过“先听录音,再看动图,最后做动作先听录音,再看动图,最后做动作”多种教学多种教学方式,调动学生多重感官,增加学习的趣味性,促进学生思维发展。方式,调动学生多重感官,增加学习的趣味性,促进学生思维发展。】4. Read after the tape(1)Read togetherT: Now, lets follow the tape. Chant together. Please stand up. We can add some actions. Up(动作示范), down(动作示范), walking(动作示范). OK?(Ss chant together.)(2) Boys PK girlsT: Very good. Now this time, lets PK! First time, boys, its your turn! Please stand up! Are you ready?(Boys chant.)T: Well done. Girls, its your turn now. Ready?(Girls chant.)T: Wow, excellent. You all cant very well.【设计意图:运用设计意图:运用 TPR 的教学方法,让学生在做中学。运用比赛的的教学方法,让学生在做中学。运用比赛的方式,调动学生学习的积极性。方式,调动学生学习的积极性。 】5. Extension public signsT: Paul is walking up and down. That is very dangerous. So, what can we do?Miss Wang thinks, maybe we can put signs on the wall to warm Paul. Now, lets watch a video. Learn more about signs!(播放关于 public signs 的拓展视频)【设计意图:拓展学习生活中的常规标志,发散思维,拓宽眼界,设计意图:拓展学习生活中的常规标志,发散思维,拓宽眼界,为后面语言输出环节的活动铺垫。为后面语言输出环节的活动铺垫。 】T: Now we know more about the signs. Look, there are two signs here. This sign tells Paul, “Its dangerous!” What about this one? This sign means S: Dont walk. T: I think we can walk on the stairs. But we shouldnt walk up and down. Right?S: Dont walk up and down. T: Good! Read after me “Dont walk up and down, Paul.”6. Learn the sound of the letter “p”(1)Find the sound /p/T: Now,look at these two words. They have the same letter. What is it? S: p T: Can you read them again? S: Up, up. Paul, Paul.T: Now can you tell us the sound of the letter “p”? S: /p/. T: Good! Now read them like this: /p/, /p/, up.【设计意图:让学生通过多读,自己感受发音,强化发音设计意图:让学生通过多读,自己感受发音,强化发音】(2)Say moreT: Can you say more words like this?S1: /p/ /p/ T: I prepared some words too. Lets read together.Ss: /p/ /p/ cap. /p/ /p/ pie. /p/ /p/ sleep.【设计意图:通过学生举例,发散思维,发挥学习的主动性,自主设计意图:通过学生举例,发散思维,发挥学习的主动性,自主将知识内化。将知识内化。 】Step4 Song time1. Listen and answer T: Look this boy sleeps but that boy doesnt. They are Liu Taos friends too. Lets learn more about these two boys.T: First, lets listen and find out their names. (播放歌曲录音)What are their names?S:Tom and Tim.T: Read after me. /i/ /i/ Tim / / / Tom (板书:Tom Tim)【设计意图:通过专注的听来总体把握歌曲设计意图:通过专注的听来总体把握歌曲】2. Watch, match and learnT: Now we know they are Tim and Tom. But who is Tom? Who is Tim?This time, lets watch the video. And match the names with the photos. (播放 song time 动画)T: So,who is this boy?S: He is Tim.T: Yes or no? Lets see.Very good! But how do you know he is Tim? What does Tim say?S: Dont talk, Tom. I want to sleep.T: Read after me / / / / want, “want” means “would like”.Read after me “want to” , “want to sleep”. (板书:I want to )(同理教授 Tom 及相关歌词)【设计意图:通过提出设计意图:通过提出“谁是谁是 Tim?谁是?谁是 Tom?”这样的问题,启这样的问题,启发学生的逻辑思维,使其对本课另一个重点发学生的逻辑思维,使其对本课另一个重点“I want to ”有更多有更多的关注和思考。的关注和思考。 】3. Sing the song (1) Sing togetherT: Now, lets s sing together. And you can add some actions to sing it vividly.(2) Change the lyricsT: Now we know Tim wants to sleep and Tom wants to talk. What do you want to do?S: I want to T: OK. Please T: I think everyone wants to do something. Now, lets share you ideas one by one. Lets start from Group (学生开火车说)(3) Sing a new songT: Now this time, share your idea with your desk mate. Lets make a new song.(学生创编新歌曲)T: Times up. Which group can show us your new song? 【设计意图:通过开火车的方式,让学生们都有表达自己的机会。设计意图:通过开火车的方式,让学生们都有表达自己的机会。通过改编新歌,培养学生自主学习的能力,树立学习的自信心。通过改编新歌,培养学生自主学习的能力,树立学习的自信心。 】Step5 Consolidation场景迁移,跟着前面环节中出现的人物一起坐地铁,去博物馆参观。场景迁移,跟着前面环节中出现的人物一起坐地铁,去博物馆参观。1. Look and judgeT: You want to do so many things. Today, Liu Tao and his friends, they want to take a metro to the museum. Lets go to the museum with them. T: On the metro, we see different people do different things. This time lets judge. If it is right, lets say “OK! OK! OK!” If it is wrong, lets say “Dont ”(出示现实地铁中乘客们各种行为的照片)【设计意图:将知识迁移,让学生在更真实的生活情境中,运用所设计意图:将知识迁移,让学生在更真实的生活情境中,运用所学语言做出正确的判断,巩固本课知识,提高人文素养。学语言做出正确的判断,巩固本课知识,提高人文素养。 】2. Make a new noticeT: Now we are at the gate of the museum. There is a notice on the wall, but its dirty. People cant see it clearly. Lets make a new notice for the museum.T: 4 students a group, talk about the things we should do or shouldnt do in the museum. Then stick the signs and make the notice.【设计意图:运用小组讨论,制定公告的活动,让学生在做中学,设计意图:运用小组讨论,制定公告的活动,让学生在做中学,用所学来做,发展探究和合作的精神。用所学来做,发展探究和合作的精神。 】3. Make a new dialogueT: Now, Liu Tao and his friends are in the museum. Lets imagine what will happen in it. Make a dialogue with your group members. These sentences can help you.【设计意图:综合运用本单元及以往学过的句型,锻炼学生的综合设计意图:综合运用本单元及以往学过的句型,锻炼学生的综合语言运用能力,培养想象能力和创新精神,让学生在活动中收获成语言运用能力,培养想象能力和创新精神,让学生在活动中收获成就感,树立自信心。就感,树立自信心。 】4. Emotional educationT: Now we knew the rules in the museum. Boys and girls, please remember. In pubic places, we should pay attention to the signs. And follow the rules. Lets make a harmonious society!【设计意图:情感教育,培养学生的社会责任感,帮助学生树立正设计意图:情感教育,培养学生的社会责任感,帮助学生树立正确的价值观。确的价值观。 】Step6 Homework1. Read Sound time and Song time twice.2. Make a new song with your parents.3. Notice the signs and rules in public places.Step7 Blackboard designUnit2 In the library shouteatruntalkdrinksleepDont I want to and
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