Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:73e82).doc

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Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:73e82).doc_第1页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:73e82).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:73e82).doc_第3页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:73e82).doc_第4页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:73e82).doc_第5页
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1、Unit5 How old are you?(Period 2)一一教学内容教学内容牛津小学英语 3B Unit5 How old are you 第二课时复习 Story time,新授 Fun time& sound time二二教学目标教学目标1.学生能听懂,会说,会读,会写数字 1-10.能听懂,会读数字 0,11,12.2.学生能正确运用 How old are you?来询问对方年龄,并且会用 Im.或者 Im .years old.进行回答。3.学生能正确运用 How old is he/she/your.?来询问他人的年龄,并且会用 Hes/Shes.(years old)进行

2、回答。4.学生能正确运用 This .is for .5.学生能在正确的情境中运用 Youre right.和 Youre out.6.学生能听懂、会说、字母 S 在单词中发的/s/音,并且发音准确。三三教学重点教学重点1.单词:110, right,out,fall,ground2.句型:How old are you? Im .(years old).How old is he/she/your.?Hes/Shes.(years old)This.is for .Turn round and round.Dont fall to the ground.3.语音:字母 S 在单词中发的/s/

3、音四四教学难点教学难点1.单词:ground4.句型:How old is he/she/your.?Hes/Shes.(years old)Turn round and round 的节奏把握.Dont fall to the ground 的节奏把握以及读音.5.语音:字母 S 在单词中的发音。五、五、教学准备教学准备板书、板贴、多媒体课件、数字卡片、小练习纸。六、六、教学过程教学过程Step 1.Warm up1.Sing a song【设计意图:这首歌曲一方面是调动上课气氛,另一方面为后面拓展学习zero做铺垫】2.Free talkT:Hello, How old are you?S

4、1:Im ten.T:How old are you?S2:Im nine.T:How old is she?Ss:Shes nine.S3:How old are you?S4:Im eleven.T:How old is he?Ss:Hes eleven.(请 2-3 位学生下座位询问)【设计意图:通过教师先用How old are you?询问,来唤醒学生第一课时的知识点,让学生下位置去问其他同学的年龄,鼓励学生运用第一课时的重点句型。其中又通过教师询问How old is he/she?一方面检查学生是否认真听他人回答,另一方面为本节课的拓展How old is.进行铺垫】Step2.

5、Review1.Review numbersT:Look!(每张图片都提示了一个字母,试试看,你能想出隐藏了哪些数字单词吗?)【设计意图:通过图片调动学生想象力,在趣味中复习数字】2.Review story timeT:(Picture 1)Where are they?S5:Theyre in Toy Museum.T:What did Helen say?S6:How lovely!Ss read pic1 together.T:(picture2) What did she ask?S7:How old are you?T:Good! How old is he?Ss:Hes nine

6、./Hes nine years old.(师板书 he, hes)T:(picture3) What did she say?S8:This is for you.T:Mike gets a robot. What would he say?S9:How cool/nice/.!T:Great.Ss read pic2 &3together.T:(picture4) How old are they?S10:Im eight. Im two.T:(师指 Helen) How old is she?S11.Shes eight (years old)(师板书 she, shes)Ss read

7、 pic 4 together.T:(picture5) What did she say?S12:Here you are.T:Whats “Here you are”?Ss:给你。T:What would Helen and Tim say?S13:How.!Ss read pic 5 together.【设计意图:在复习story time的过程中让学生用How.!感叹句对文本进行能力范围内的补充,帮助学生在语境中恰当使用感叹句。此外,在复习的过程中教师通过用How old is.?对Mike和Helen的年龄进行再提问,让学生初步感知这一句型。 】T:You did a good jo

8、b.T:(Mike 图)How old is he?Ss:Hes nine.T:(Helen 图)How old _ _? _ eight years old.S14:How old is she? Shes eight years old.T:(Tim 图)_ _ _ _? _ _ _ _.S15:How old is he? Hes two years old.【设计意图:通过逐渐减少提示,让学生理解运用How old is he/she? Hes/Shes.(years old)这一句型。 】3.RetellT:Please finish your exercise paper.(请四位

9、学生起来读)【设计意图:在语篇中复习story time的重点单词、句型】Step3.PracticeT:Look! This is Mikes new friend,Tom.情境:周末,Mike 一家要去 Tom 家做客。他想给 Tom 的一家买些礼物,但不知道 Tom 家人的年龄,不确定要买什么。你能帮 Mike 想一想他该怎么问 Tom 呢?T:How old is your_?How old is_ _?How _ _ _ _?_ _ _ _ _?(人机对话:生在 PPT 的辅助下提问完整句子,电脑回答)T:Now, Mike bought three gifts. Can you h

10、elp him?S(看图说) This robot is for you, Mike. This doll is for your sister. These sweets are for your brother.【设计意图:在前面学习的基础上,创设情境,让学生在情境中正确运用How old is your.?询问他人年龄。能根据实际运用句型This.is for.知道复数时要用.are for.】Step4.Fun timeMike:Thank you. This gift is for you.T:Lets open it.T:Wow,so many numbers. Look in y

11、our desk!(课前在学生的桌子里放好一张数字卡片)T:Show me your numbers.T:Look, Whats this?(教授 zero eleven twelve)【设计意图:zero在开头的歌曲中有提及,在此给学生做补充,让学生看见能认识。Eleven&twelve虽然是下个单元的重点单词,但是其实学生在二年级时已经作为新授单词学过了,所以此处进行简单教授,帮助学生进行回忆和巩固。 】T:Now, lets play a game.Look at the rule.T 叫拿数字 6789 的四位学生上台,示范游戏。T 教句型 Youre right.(回忆 right

12、的同音异议词 write)T 教句型 Youre out.(shoutout)全班分 3 组进行游戏。Step5.Sound timeT:Who is six?Who is seven?(请两个 6,两个 7 上台)T 指,Ss 说:Six,seven,six,seven. T 带着节奏领唱。T:Follow me.(T 带着四位学生围坐凳子转,边转边打节奏,唱 turn round and round)教 turn round and round.(提醒学生语调和连读)T 再请 4 位学生上台,师打节奏,4 人围坐凳子转,其余人唱:Six,seven,six,seven.Turn round

13、 and round.T:(师教)Dont fall to the ground.(allballfallroundground)Ss 跟着电脑节奏学唱。T 再 请 4 位 学 生 上 台 , 师 打 节 奏 , 4 人 围 坐 凳 子 转 , 其 余 人 唱 : Six,seven,six,seven.Turn round andround.Six,seven,six,seven.Dont fall to the ground.T:Six, seven. Think, What does “s” pronounce?Ss:/s/T:Good!Read after me. /s/ /s/ si

14、ster. /s/ /s/ sorry. /s/ /s/ thisSs watch the sound time video.T:你还能想到哪些单词中的 s 发/s/呢?S:.T:Whats this?Ss:Its a snake.T:His name is Sam.Lets listen to his story.(生听绘本)T:Lets try to read.(配绘本里的图片尝试读单词:slim sun sea sweep sandwich sleep so strong)【设计意图:通过引入绘本,增加课堂的趣味性,丰富课堂资源,同时也让学生在句子中直观感知字母s的发音,并且通过今天的学

15、习,尝试读绘本中的新单词,达到巩固和强化作用,同时也能增强学生的学习成就感。 】T:Sam is strong. He is so happy. So he goes to(去) the Toy Museum with his brother and sister.Please listen and answer:Q:How old is Sams sister Sophie?A:Shes twelve.B:Hes seven.C:Shes seven.生配合图片听一段录音:Panda:Hello,welcome to Toy Museum.How old are you?Sam:Hello,

16、 Im Sam. Im twelve years old.Panda:This is for you,Sam.Sam:Thank you. This is my sister, Sophie.Panda:How old is she?Sam:Shes seven.Panda:This is for her. How old is your brother?Sam:Hes six.Panda:This is for him.T:Sams sister Sophie is seven.【设计意图:通过延伸绘本的情境,回归到课本中的情境,将本节课的重点句型How old are you? Im.Ho

17、w oldis.? Hes/Shes.以及句型This is for .综合在完整的对话中,帮助学生进行听说复习,因为How old.一般在听力与对话中运用较多,因此本节课定位为一节听说课。 】Step6.Summary1.询问对方的年龄,可以说:How old are you?2.回答自己的年龄,可以说:Im .(years old).3.询问他人的年龄,可以说:How old is he/she/your.?4.回答他人的年龄,可以说:Hes /Shes.(years old).5.表示别人回答正确,可以说:Youre right.6.表示别人被淘汰,可以说:Youre out.7.提醒别人不要摔倒,可以说:Dont fall to the ground.8.字母 s 在单词中可以发什么音:/s/七家庭作业1.一起作业。2.听录音,跟读 sound time 3 遍,并背诵。3.棒棒堂课时二4.用所学句型问一问你家人和朋友的年龄。八板书


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