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1、1新译林新译林 选择性必修三选择性必修三U3U3 B Backack toto thethe pastpast 重点词组重点词组 + + 词型变化词型变化P29look into观察 调查Looking into a mirror, we can see the images of our own; with our knowledge of the past, thepresent can be better known.P29dream about梦到People have been dreaming about time travel for many years.P29move abo

2、ut走来走去Length, breadth, and thickness do not pass. We move about in them.P30set sail from从. 启航In the summer of 1405, Zheng He, one of Chinas greatest explores, set sail from Taicang on hisfirst voyage.P30in length在长度上According to some records, the largest ships were over 140 metres in length, demonst

3、rating theadvanced technology and special skills used in constructing ships.P30on behalf of代表Between 1405 and 1433, on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Zheng made a total of seven voyages.P33In 1405, on behalf of the emperor, Zheng He sailed the oceans on his first voyage.P33be loaded with装载着His ships we

4、re loaded with china, silk, tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers, and thefleet paid friendly visits to more than 30 countries and regions.P33pay visits toP33take compass readings记录罗盘读数As they sailed, the navigators took compass readings, kept logs of their voyages and charted thecoast

5、.P33keep logs of记录日志P33chart the coast绘制沿海图2P33far-reaching深远的Zhengs seven voyages had a far-reaching impact on China and its neighbors.P33pass on流传In the countries and regions where Zheng set foot, legends have been passed on about this greatexplorers.P33set foot行走到达P33along the way沿途的Those who mak

6、e great discoveries must often overcome many challenges along the way- as wasthe case with the explorer Christopher Columbus.P33as is the case与一样P33show interest in对. 感兴趣As a teenager, he loved sailing, and he showed great interest in geography, which inspired him tobegin his career as seaman.P33ins

7、ist on坚持Columbus insisted on searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across theAtlantic Ocean.P33search for找寻P33depart from离开; 从. 出发On 3 August 1492, he departed from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 crewmen.P33put in grave danger置于非常危险的境地The journey was full of challe

8、nges: it took longer than expected, they faced a shortage of food,and one of the ships was leaking badly, which put everyone on this ship in grave danger.P33on board在船上The men on board were in panic.P33regardless of不管 不顾Regardless of all the challenges, Columbus managed to keep everyone out of dange

9、r with hisknowledge and bravery across the ocean.P33in the distance在远处Finally, on 12 October, the crew spotted land in the distance.3P33over the course of在的过程中Between 1493 and 1504, Columbus found more land over the course of his three subsequentvoyages.P33allow for使.成为可能This period also allowed for

10、 an international exchange of ideas and cultures.P33take charge of负责Zheng He , one of the most influential explorers, took charge of the task.P33be accompanied by由. 伴随 陪伴He was accompanied by more than 150 people.P33in line with符合 与.一致On his deathbed, he asked to be buried in China, and in line with

11、 his will the emperor built a tombfor him.P33bear witness to对.做出证明This tomb bears witness to the long history of friendly interactions between the two countries andis now acknowledged as one of the many important historic sited in China.P34a wide range of大范围的 各种各样的He interviewed the local people to

12、get a wide range of information.P34sort out挑选 整理However, his work proved difficult, because sorting out all the available resources and checkingfacts of historical materials required painstaking efforts.P34carry on with继续, 参与As he carried on with his work, something awful happened to Sima Qian.P35in

13、 the form of以. 的形式One of the main features of the Shiji is that the biographies are presented in the form of storiesrather than dry facts.4P37general reader一般读者Not so long ago, history was a heavy topic for the general reader.P37a thing of the past过去的事Luckily, popular history books have made that a

14、thing of the past.P37with the rise of随着.的发展, 崛起With the rise of popular history book, the subject is now more accessible than ever.P37a touch of有一点This type of history book presents historical information in a way that is easily understood,sometimes with a touch of humour, seeking to inform and educ

15、ate a wider audience abouthistory.P37open up to对. 开放,对. 打开心扉The authors adopt a natural, chatty style of writing that opens up the subject matter to theordinary reader.P40His wife Elsa said, ”when he opened up later on, he alwaP40engage ones interest吸引某人的注意Also, they often use stories and interestin

16、g comparisons to describe historical figures or eventsvividly, thus engaging the readers interest.P40pack with塞进P40contrary to与. 相反Contrary to popular history books, most academic books tend to adopt a more analytical andserious approach to studying history.P40an approach to doing sth学习. 的途径P40make

17、ones bed整理床铺Russell made his bed and helped clean the huge, shared room.P40in horror惊恐的The ship shook violently and the men looked at each other in horror.5词形变化词形变化P40dive down潜入They were diving down to drop bombs on Pearl Harbor.P40hang over笼罩As bombs thundered all around, clouds of black smoke ros

18、e into the sky and hung over the sea.P40come to oneself苏醒 恢复知觉Russell felt his blood freeze, but he quickly came to himself and rushed up to the deck.P40drag into将.拖入After receiving the order to abandon ship, Louis saved more men from the water, dragging theminto the lifeboat.P40bleeding heavily失血严重

19、Russell was saved from the water, but he was badly burnt, bleeding heavily.P40hatch a plot策划阴谋Japan had hatched a plot to launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, so the attack beganwithout warning and without declaring war on the united states.P40declare war on对. 宣战P40in response to响应 回答In respons

20、e to the attack and the presidents address, the United States Joined the SecondWorld War.P40pray for祈祷They come to see the shadow of the ship the bottom of Pearl Harbor, to learn about the attack, toshow respect for those who had lost their lives in the attach and to pray for world peace.P40as a who

21、le作为一个整体These developments, in turn, had an impact on society as a whole, bringing about the rapidgrowth of industrial cities and the appearance of an urban working class.6convince v.Convincible adj. 可使信服的 可说服的Convincingly adv. 令人信服地navigate v.Navigation n. 导航 航海strengthen v.Strength n. 力量 优势harmoni

22、ous adj.Harmony n. 和谐dismiss vt.Dismissal n. 开除 解雇Dismissed adj. 解雇的 被排除的proof n.Prove v. 证实,证明acknowledge vt.Acknowledgement n. 承认感谢influential adj.Influence n. 影响 作用 v. 影响 影响力Influentially adv.有影响力地insist v.Insistent adj. 坚持的 坚决要求的Insistence n. 坚决要求坚决主张financial adj.Finance n.财政 金融Financially adv.

23、财政上 金融上depart v.Departure n. 离开 启程Departed adj. 已故的 过去的leak v./ n.漏洞Leakage n. 泄露 渗漏物subsequent adj.Subsequently adv. 随后后来astonish vt.Astonishment n. 惊讶 惊奇Astonishing /astonished adj.royal adj.Royalty n. 王族皇室 王权literary adj.Literature n. 文学7extensively adv.Extensive adj. 广阔的 广泛的Extension n. 延伸 扩展adoptv.Adoption n. 采用接受 领养comparison n.Compare v. 对比 比较contrary adj.Contrarily adv. 相反地violently adv.Violent adj. 猛烈的 暴力的freezev.Freezingadj.极冷的冰点以下的Freezer n. 冰箱memorial n.Memorizev. 记住 熟记Memory n. 记忆 会议8


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