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1、初三语法专题复习初三语法专题复习简单句简单句PART ONE知识导图知识导图 五种基本句型考点1 She always smiles . Joan works in a bookshop.连词成句。1. the, father, hospital, works, my, in(.) 2. come, dream, my, will, true(.) My father works in the hospital. My dream will come true.翻译句子。3. 我每天很早起床。(early)4. 我们在学校努力学习。(hard) I get up early every day

2、. We study/work hard at school. 五种基本句型考点1 We like movies . I bought a book yesterday.连词成句。1. newspaper, reads, every morning, my, father(.) 2. Great Wall, will, we, visit, the(.) My father reads newspaper every morning. We will visit the Great wall.翻译句子。3. 她喜欢读书。(like) 4. 我每天晚上弹钢琴。(play) She likes r

3、eading books./She likes to read books. I play the piano every night. 五种基本句型考点1 He is a student . Mary feels very happy .连词成句。1. very, taste, the cookies, delicious(.) 2. in, Linda, is, Class Five(.) The cookies taste very delicious. Linda is in Class Five.翻译句子3. 他们看起来很累。(tired) 4. 我们是中学生。(middle sch

4、ool) They look very tired. We are middle school students. 五种基本句型考点1 My father bought me a pen. The cinema will show us a new movie.常见跟双宾语的动词:buy, pass, lend, give, teach, show, bring, offer等连词成句。1. me, my, father, some, advice, offers(.) 2. she, book, me, new, shows, the(.) 翻译句子。3.李老师教我们英语。(Miss Li)

5、 4.她给我一个苹果。(give) My father offers me some advice. She shows me the new book. Miss Li teaches us English. She gave me an apple. 五种基本句型考点1 You should keep the room clean . Dad saw Tom playing basketball .连词成句。1. me, makes, healthy, swimming(.) 2. encourages, mother, my, study, always, me, to, hard(.)

6、 Swimming makes me healthy. My mother always encourages me to study hard.翻译句子。3. 音乐使我们放松。(relaxed) 4. 我们必须保持教室清洁干净。(keep) The music makes us relaxed. We must keep the classroom clean and tidy.考点一:五种基本句型1.(1)She always smiles (2) Joan works in a bookshop.翻译句子。1. 我每天很早起床。(early)2. 我们在学校努力学习。(hard)2. W

7、e like movies . I bought a book yesterday.1. 她喜欢读书。(like) 2. 我每天晚上弹钢琴。(play) I get up early every day. We study/work hard at school. She likes reading books./She likes to read books. I play the piano every night.3. He is a student . Mary feels very happy .翻译句子1. 他们看起来很累。(tired) 2. 我们是中学生。(middle sch

8、ool) My father bought me a pen. The cinema will show us a new movie.常见跟双宾语的动词:buy, pass, lend, give, teach, show, bring, offer等翻译句子。1.李老师教我们英语。(Miss Li) 2.她给我一个苹果。(give) They look very tired. We are middle school students. Miss Li teaches us English. She gave me an apple.5. You should keep the room

9、clean . Dad saw Tom playing basketball .1. 音乐使我们放松。(relaxed) 2. 我们必须保持教室清洁干净。(keep) The music makes us relaxed. We must keep the classroom clean and tidy. 祈使句考点3用来表示命令、请求、建议、劝告等意义的句子。祈使句常省去主语you。1. 肯定结构:动词原形开头。例如:_开门!_让我来帮你!2.否定结构:在动词原形前面加dont。例如:_不要打开电视机!3. 一般在句首或句尾加please表示委婉语气。但please放在词尾时,前面用逗号隔

10、开。例如:Please help yourself to some fish! 请随便吃点鱼吧!_请回位就座!4. 有些可用no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。例如:_禁止吸烟! There be句型考点4There be句型表示“某处有某人(事物)”。be动词的形式与最靠近它的名词形式一致。例子技巧There is/was a book and two pens on the desk. 桌面上有一本书和两支钢笔。a book最靠近be动词,故用is/wasThere are/were two pens and a book on the desk. 桌面上有两支钢笔和一本书。two pens

11、最靠近be动词,故用are/wereThere will be more trees in the garden soon. There are going to be more trees in the garden soon. 这个花园很快就会有更多的树。will beis/are going to be将会有There used to be a big house in front of the mountain. 在山的前面曾经有一间大屋。used to be曾经有一、语法点单句特训( )1.(2021云南中考)Our class won the first prize in toda

12、ys basketball match. exciting news it is! Were all glad about it. A.WhatB.What an C.HowD.How an A ( )2.(2021四川遂宁中考)He has made many friends since he came here three weeks ago. outgoing boy he is! A.How a B.HowC.What a D.What an D ( )3.(2021辽宁鞍山中考) useful advice on English learning Mr.Li gave us! I a

13、gree. I think we have improved our English with his help.A.WhatB.What a C.HowD.How a( )4.(2021广西百色中考) fast China is developing! Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country!A.WhatB.What a C.HowD.How a C A ( )5.(2021江苏宿迁中考) nice music lesson Mrs Wu gave us today! Yes. We enjoyed it very much.

14、A.WhatB.What a C.How D.How a( )6.(2021四川凉山中考)Ivy, hard you are working! President Xi always says that the more hard-working we are, the luckier we will be.A.howB.what C.what a D.what an A B ( )7.(2021辽宁丹东中考)If you want to get good grades, in as much effort as possible. A.putting B.putC.to putD.puts(

15、 )8.(2021辽宁大连中考) at people when you talk. This is a polite way of communication in China. A.Look B.LookingC.To look D.Looked A B ( )9.(2021新疆中考)There an English show this weekend. Shall we go and watch it? A.are going to beB.wasC.will be D.were( )10.(2021四川遂宁中考)The number of the whales smaller and s

16、maller because of human activities now. A.were B.was C.is D.are C C (一)语法选择 There 1 so many kinds of chocolate in a shop in the factory.Finally, we bought some chocolate at a very low price.This field trip taught me 2 important role technology plays.I also learned about the chocolate industry. ( )1.

17、A.are B.wereC.haveD.has ( )2.A.what an B.how C.what D.how an A B (二)语法选择 To solve this problem, scientists advise that students should get less school work and more time to sleep.There 1 some other ways to help people get enough sleep, such as taking a 20-minute nap during the day.Good sleeping habi

18、ts are also helpful.For example, 2 to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends and during holidays. ( )1.A.is B.are C.wasD.were( )2.A.to tryB.trying C.triedD.try D B (三)短文填空Hi Alice,My names Zhao Ming and Id like to be your pen friend. I 1. 16 years old. I have two little

19、 brothers. Theyre very lovely. I often help my parents look after them in my spare time. My mother 2. in a toy shop. She loves her job. And my father is an engineer. He is busy every day, but he tries to spend more 3. with us. time works am Im in the school basketball team. We usually play matches o

20、n Saturday mornings. Last week, we played against another school. They ran faster than us. However, we had better teamwork. Finally, we won!4. happy we were! This is the eighth time we beat them. Could you tell 5. something about you? Please write to me. Best,Zhao Mingme How 一、语法选择A man lived in a s

21、mall village and he always wanted to be successful. One day he went to ask a master, “Master, I wonder 1 I can create a miracle(奇迹).” The master replied, “It is not very difficult. Work seriously, hard and insistently(持续地), 2 you will create a miracle.”The man did not understand and asked, “Why?” Th

22、e master replied, “Now burn and cook for 3 , and when you finish it, Ill tell you why.” Then he began to cook for the master. Half an hour later, the rice 4 . The man carried the rice to the master. The master asked, “How did you cook 5 meal?” The man answered, “I cooked it 6 adding wood and fire co

23、ntinuously, and then the meal was cooked naturally.” The master said, “When you began to cook, it was raw(生的) rice, so you didnt stop adding wood and fire until the raw rice was cooked. You made a miracle. 7 amazing it is!” The man understood suddenly and said, “It isnt mysterious 8 a miracle.” Ever

24、 since then, the man did everything seriously, and no matter what 9 he met, he would stick to his goal. As last he turned out to be one of the 10 men in his village. If you want to succeed, remember this: Work seriously, hard and insistently and a miracle will appear naturally. ( )1. A. whatB. whenC

25、. how D. where( )2. A. orB. and C. so D. but ( )3. A. I B. my C. me D. mine( )4. A. is cooking B. is cooked C. was cooking D. was cooked( )5. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )6. A. byB. in C. against D. after( )7. A. HowB. WhatC. What a D. What an( )8. A. createB. to createC. creating D. creates( )9. A. dif

26、ficultB. difficultlyC. difficulty D. difficulties( )10. A. successful B. more successful C. most successful D. most successfully C D B A A C D C B C 二、短文填空It is said that tea can improve creative power of the literary (文学的) artists in ancient China. According to Lu Yus Tea Classics, tea-drinking in

27、China can be traced back (追溯) to the Zhou Dynastytea was discovered by Shen Nong and became popular as a 1. . in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong. drink Tea-drinking in China has a 2. of four thousand years. As the legend (传说) has it, Shen Nong 3. hundreds of wild plants to see which were poison

28、ous(有毒的), in order to prevent people 4. . eating the poisonous plants. It is said that he was once poisoned 5. was saved by eating some leaves of an evergreen plant with white flowers. Later, people 6. the leaves that saved his life “cha”. called/named but fromtasted history In modern times, people

29、still keep tea-drinking as 7. . of their daily activities. According to the study, tea can also have effects on some modern illnesses. To those who have to work with computers for a long time, drinking tea can help 8. build up a wall against the computer radiation(辐射). To those who may have 9. much fat, drinking tea can help them to recreate a new balance in their bodies. And to those aged people, drinking tea is also a good 10. . to keep a calm mood for a longer life. way too them one


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