Unit 3 Clothes-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:e0182).zip

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Welcome to Welcome to our schoolour schoolListen,stick and say.Mime the actions.Lets play a game.123456789Lets act the story in groups.Tips:You can choose the way you like:1.Listen and do.听和做。2.Act the story together.一起表演。3.Each one acts one picture.每人表演一幅图。 .Please give the story a beginning like:Tomorrow I want to ride a bike with my friends.People wear different clothes on different occasions.Please write your own story.(You can get help from the word bank.)In the morning the alarm clock rings.Its oclock. I turn off the alarm clock and get out of bed.Today I want to .I put on my and .I open the door. Its . I say:“ .” Word bank:six,seven,eight,.play football,roller skate,join in a birthday party,have a picnic.T-shirt,dress,shorts, roller skate,skirt,shoes,shirt,suit,birthday hat,cap.raining,sunny,windy,snowy.Wonderful!Great!Its a happy day. Oh,my god!Oh,no!.Thank Thank youyou!教学内容教学内容 Unit 3 Clothes Part 3a, 3b, 教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标知识目标1.能在图片或动作的提示下听懂动作故事,并能根据故事中的指令做出正确的动作。2.能够理解: Turn off the alarm clock./ Get out of bed./Shout:Oh,no! 3.能说出指令 Put on your T-shirt/shorts,并做出相应的动作。2、能力目标能力目标1.能够表演动作故事。2.能够在不同的场合选择合适的服装。3、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标建立对英语的热情和学习英语的信心,与孩子们进行充分交流与情感沟通。锻炼学生的表现力,让他们乐学。教学重难点教学重难点1、教学重点教学重点1.能够理解: Turn off the alarm clock./ Get out of bed. 2.能说出指令 Put on your T-shirt/shorts,并做出相应的动作2、教学难点教学难点1.能表演小故事。2.能创编自己的小故事。教具准备教具准备 教学卡片、录音机、单词卡教学过程教学过程调整创调整创新新(一)(一)复习、热身复习、热身1.Greeting2.Sing the song. (二)(二)新知呈现与教授新知呈现与教授1. Lets listen,stick and say. The teacher will give you some instructions. Youll listen and stick the clothes.2.Lets watch the video and mime the action story.3.Lets play a game. There are nine numbers. You can pick one. Your teammates will see a picture and do an action for you.Youwill say the sentence. (三)(三)新知操练与运用新知操练与运用1. Lets act the story in groups.2. Lets show.3. Show a video. People wear different clothes on different occasions.4. Make your own story in your group. If you want to play football, go to a birthday party, roller skate or have a picnic, what will you wear?5.Show your story.(四)(四)板书设计板书设计 (六)作业设计作业设计作业设计:作业设计:Unit 6 ClothesTurn off the alarm clock.Get out of the bed. T -shirt. G1 G2 G3 G4 Put on your shorts. socks. trainers. cycle helmet. Shout: Oh,no!1 Act the story.2 Create your own story. (七)(七)课后反思课后反思 通过本节课的学习,同学们可以在组内自由表演小故通过本节课的学习,同学们可以在组内自由表演小故事,有的小组选择每人边说边做一个动作指令,有的选择一事,有的小组选择每人边说边做一个动作指令,有的选择一个同学说故事,其他同学演故事,还有的小组选择两个一组个同学说故事,其他同学演故事,还有的小组选择两个一组一个说一个做,同学们表演的绘声绘色,每个小组都各有各一个说一个做,同学们表演的绘声绘色,每个小组都各有各的特点精彩纷呈。最后的创编更是把整节课推向高潮,每个的特点精彩纷呈。最后的创编更是把整节课推向高潮,每个组根据自己要参加的场合,合理的搭配服装,并借助实物和组根据自己要参加的场合,合理的搭配服装,并借助实物和动作将自己创作的故事表演出来,让所学的语言知识在日常动作将自己创作的故事表演出来,让所学的语言知识在日常生活中得到灵活的运用,同时也提升同学们合理穿搭衣服的生活中得到灵活的运用,同时也提升同学们合理穿搭衣服的生活能力。生活能力。
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