Unit 4 Reading Language pointsppt课件(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、1. Before we begin, I want to ask you: have you ever been awed by natural wonders?awe v. to have the feelings of respect and slight fear or feelings of being very impressed by sth./sb. 使敬畏;使惊叹使敬畏;使惊叹e.g. Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century. 半个世纪以来,她的画作一直令公众叹服。半个世纪以来,她的画作

2、一直令公众叹服。 The audience was awed into silence by her stunning performance. 她的出色表演令观众叹为观止,大家都屏气凝神地欣赏。她的出色表演令观众叹为观止,大家都屏气凝神地欣赏。awe n. feelings of respect and slight fear or feelings of being very impressed by sth./sb. 敬畏;惊叹敬畏;惊叹be / stand in awe of sb = hold sb in awe对某人非常崇敬对某人非常崇敬(敬畏敬畏)e.g. All of the

3、neighbours were a little in awe of my mother. 邻居对我母亲都有点敬畏。邻居对我母亲都有点敬畏。 Her first view of the pyramids filled her with awe. 她初见金字塔时她初见金字塔时, 敬畏之感油然而生。敬畏之感油然而生。【赏析赏析】孟子孟子曰曰“仁言不如仁声之入人深也。善政不如善教之得民仁言不如仁声之入人深也。善政不如善教之得民也。善政民畏之,善教民爱之也。善政民畏之,善教民爱之善政得民财,善教得民心。善政得民财,善教得民心。”Mencius said: “Good words do not ente

4、r as deeply into a person as a reputation does for goodness. Good government is not as effective as good teaching in terms of gaining the support of the people. If you have good government, the people will be in awe of you. If you teach them well, they will love you. Good government gains peoples we

5、alth. Good teaching gains their hearts.”2. If so, you might already understand why UNESCO is fighting to preserve sites of cultural and natural importance to mankind.preserve v. to save sth or sb from being harmed or destroyed 维护,保护,保存维护,保护,保存e.g. We must encourage the planting of new trees and pres

6、erve our existing woodlands. 我们必须鼓励栽种新树木,同时也要保护现有的林地。我们必须鼓励栽种新树木,同时也要保护现有的林地。 preserve v. to make sth continue without changing 保持,维持保持,维持e.g. Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances. Norma努力在艰苦的条件下也维持正常的家庭生活。努力在艰苦的条件下也维持正常的家庭生活。 She managed despite everything to pres

7、erve her sense of humour. 她不管遇到什么情况都竭力保持着幽默感。她不管遇到什么情况都竭力保持着幽默感。 【拓展一拓展一】preserve v. to store food for a long time after treating it so that it will not decay 腌制,保存腌制,保存(食物食物)e.g. Salt and spices help to preserve meat. 盐和调味品有助于保藏盐和调味品有助于保藏 肉类。肉类。【拓展二拓展二】 preserve n. a place where game is protected a

8、nd kept for private hunting or shooting 动植物保护区;外人禁入的猎地动植物保护区;外人禁入的猎地 e.g. Pantanal is one of the worlds great wildlife preserves. 潘塔纳尔是世界上最大的野生动物保护区之一。潘塔纳尔是世界上最大的野生动物保护区之一。 preserve n. an activity that is only suitable or allowed for a particular group of people (某群体某群体)独有独有(专有专有)的活动的活动 e.g. Banking

9、 used to be a male preserve. 银行业一度是男人的专利。银行业一度是男人的专利。 preserve n. (常用复数常用复数) a substance made from boiling fruit or vegetables with sugar, salt, or vinegar 果酱果酱; 腌菜腌菜e.g. a jar of cherry preserve 一罐樱桃蜜饯一罐樱桃蜜饯 home-made preserves 自制蜜饯自制蜜饯【拓展三拓展三】preservation n. 保护,保存;维护,维持保护,保存;维护,维持preserver n. 保护者保

10、护者;维护者维护者; 保藏食品者保藏食品者; 防护用品防护用品; 私人保留地私人保留地【语境应用语境应用】根据语境,用根据语境,用preserve的适当形式填空的适当形式填空。1. There is great public concern about some of the chemicals used in food _.2. The special working group devote themselves to _ the areas historic buildings.3. The extremely dry climate in the desert is the best

11、_ of mummies.preservationpreservingpreserver3. The long-term natural forces, such as wind, water and temperature, can gradually wear down heritage sites.wear down to become, or make sth become, gradually smaller or smoother by continuously using or rubbing it (使使)磨损,磨损,(使使)逐渐磨平逐渐磨平e.g. Pipe smokers

12、sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes. 抽烟斗的人用牙齿咬住烟斗,有时会把齿尖磨平。抽烟斗的人用牙齿咬住烟斗,有时会把齿尖磨平。Every day, thousands of tourists climbing up the narrow stone steps are wearing down these ancient buildings.【拓展拓展】wear短语短语 wear away (使使)磨薄磨薄; (使使)磨滑磨滑; (使使)磨损磨损 wear off (疼痛或某种效果疼痛或

13、某种效果)逐渐逐渐 减少减少(消失消失); 消逝消逝 wear on (时间时间)慢慢地过去,慢慢地过去, 沉闷地过去沉闷地过去 wear out 用坏用坏;磨坏磨坏4. in 2003, a terrible earthquake shook south-eastern Iran and ruined large parts of the city of Bam, an incredible UNESCO cultural heritage site.ruin v. to spoil or destroy sth completely or make sb lose all their mo

14、ney (使使)破坏,毁坏;破产,毁灭破坏,毁坏;破产,毁灭e.g. This illness has ruined my life. 这个病毁掉了我的生活。这个病毁掉了我的生活。 All this muds going to ruin my shoes. 这泥巴会把我的鞋弄坏。这泥巴会把我的鞋弄坏。 Jefferson was ruined by the lawsuit. Jefferson因为那场官司倾家荡产。因为那场官司倾家荡产。ruin n. the state of being severely damaged or spoiled, or the process of reachi

15、ng this state 毁坏;毁灭毁坏;毁灭ruin n. the state of no longer having any money 破产破产ruin n. the part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyed 残垣断壁,废墟残垣断壁,废墟e.g. The car accident meant the ruin of all her hopes. 这场撞车事故使她的一切希望都彻底破灭了。这场撞车事故使她的一切希望都彻底破灭了。 Many companies are on the edge of ru

16、in. 很多公司濒临破产。很多公司濒临破产。 The town lay in ruins after years of bombing. 数年的轰炸已把这座城镇变成一片废墟。数年的轰炸已把这座城镇变成一片废墟。【语境应用语境应用】写出写出下面句子中画线单词的词性及中文意思下面句子中画线单词的词性及中文意思。1. She threw coffee all over my painting, and ruined it. _ _2. The terrorist attack had left the city in a state of ruin. _ _3. We visited the rui

17、ns of an ancient house. _ _v. 破坏破坏 n. 毁坏毁坏 n. 废墟废墟 incredible adj. extremely good, large, or great 极好的,极大的极好的,极大的e.g. The view is just incredible. 景色美妙至极。景色美妙至极。 There was blood everywhere and the pain was incredible. 到处都是血,疼得难以忍受。到处都是血,疼得难以忍受。incredible adj. too strange to be believed or very diffi

18、cult to believe 不能相信的,难以置信的不能相信的,难以置信的e.g. Its incredible that he survived the fall. 他跌下去竟然没什么事,真不可思议。他跌下去竟然没什么事,真不可思议。 I find it almost incredible that no-one noticed these errors. 没人发现这些错误真令人难以置信。没人发现这些错误真令人难以置信。5. Meanwhile, World Heritage status may give rise to a series of problems.give rise to

19、 to cause or produce sth. 引起引起e.g. Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings 这种行为可能引起误会。这种行为可能引起误会。 A branch floating in the water gave rise to Columbus hopes that land was near 一根漂在水上的树枝使哥伦布产生了大陆就在附近的希一根漂在水上的树枝使哥伦布产生了大陆就在附近的希望。望。6. ., so it is only natural that the sites suffer a bit of wea

20、r and tear.wear and tear the damage which happens to an object in ordinary use during a period (正常使用造成的正常使用造成的)磨损,损耗磨损,损耗e.g. Seat covers on trains take a lot of wear and tear. 火车上的座套磨损比较严重。火车上的座套磨损比较严重。 Our products must stand wear and tear. 我们的产品必须经久耐用。我们的产品必须经久耐用。7. Due to high sea water temperat

21、ures caused by global warming, a large amount of coral is killed and parts of the reef are seriously affected, which harms its fragile natural ecology. 此句为复合句,含有由此句为复合句,含有由which引导的非限制性定语从句引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰主句修饰主句a large amount of coral is killed and parts of the reef are seriously affected。 过去分词短语过去分词短语

22、caused by global warming作定语作定语,修饰,修饰high sea water temperatures。8. Heritage protection is at the top of the agenda for the benefit of all mankind.agenda n. a list of aims or possible future achievements or a list of items to be discussed at a meeting 计划,方案;议程表;议事日程计划,方案;议程表;议事日程at / on the top of th

23、e agenda 当务之急当务之急e.g. The subject of safety must be placed high at / on the top of the agenda. 必须首先考虑安全问题。必须首先考虑安全问题。9. If your heart breaks like mine at the thought of our irreplaceable heritage being lost forever, please take action.at the thought of 一想到一想到 e.g. I trembled at the thought of having

24、 to make a speech. 我一想到要演讲,心里就发怵。我一想到要演讲,心里就发怵。 The boy immediately became excited at the thought of the coming holiday. 一想到即将到来的假期,这个男孩就立刻兴奋起来。一想到即将到来的假期,这个男孩就立刻兴奋起来。【拓展拓展】give thought to sth. = give sth. thought 认真认真考虑某事,思考某考虑某事,思考某事事【语境应用语境应用】单项填空单项填空。1. When did your family first _ America, I wonder? A. show favour to B. give thought to C. live up to D. come over to2. You dropped out of school last year against your parents wishes. Why dont you give _ to going back to school again? A. instructions B. details C. thought D. indicationDC


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