Unit 1 Wish you were here 单元知识清单1-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.doc

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1、1Book6 Unit1 Wish you were here 知识清单一、Word transformation (P97-98)1. blooming adj. only before noun盛开的,开花的 - bloomn.花 & v 开花Syn blossom n. & v. (开)花be in (full) bloom/ blossom鲜花盛开2. unfoldvi 开花v 打开、展开-Opp fold 折叠、对折unfold/fold the letter3. ethically adv.种族地 - ethnic adj. 民族的 种族的& n. 少数民族的人4. distinc

2、t adj. 截然不同的;清楚的 明显的 - distinction n. 区别、差别 -distinguish v.区别- distinguished adj. 卓越的、杰出的be distinct from. 与.不同draw/ make a distinction between right from wrong 明辨是非distinguish between Aand/from B分辨 A 和 B5. urban adj. 城市的 - Opp rural adj.农村的6. indigenousadj. 本地的 当地的土生土长的 be /native to 原产于7. minority

3、 n. 少数民族 少数派- minor adj. 较少的;次要的- Oppmajority n.大多数、多数- major adj. 主要的a minority of people 少数人be in the 占少数a majority of people 大多数人be in the 占多数8. dynamica 有活力的、发展变化的 -static静态的、静止的9. depth n 深度、最深处 - deep adj. 深的length n.- long adj.width n.- wide adj.height- highstudy sth. in depth 深入/全面地研究.10. bo

4、tany 植物学 -botanical 植物学的11. blanket n 毯子厚层a of fog/snow/cloud 厚厚的一层V 以厚层覆盖(常用被动)be blanked with12. welfare u 幸福福祉 安康child 儿童福利 services 福利机构13. accommodationn住处- accommodatevt 给提供膳宿14. surroundinga 周围的、附近的 - surroundingsn.(周围的)环境surround vt 包围、环绕 A with B15. harmonyn 和谐、和睦 - harmonious adj.be in har

5、monywith.与和谐相处social harmony 社会和谐16. sustain vt 维持、使保持 - sustainablea 可持续的sustain/maintain life 维持生命sustain economic growth维持经济增长sustainable development 可持续发展17. mannern 方式 方法举止 态度an aggressive 咄咄逼人的态度mannersn 礼仪礼貌规矩 习俗have good/bad manners 有/没有礼貌18. consumptionn 消耗、耗费、消费- consumevt 消耗、耗费、吃、喝- consu

6、mern消费者219. itemn. 项目what the next item ?pay for each item 一件商品an of news 一条 一则(新闻)20. elegantadj. 高雅的、优雅的、文雅的(人)、精美的、漂亮的(物)- elegance n 高雅精美21. make ones way to前往、去make way for 为让路22. statue n 雕塑、雕像statevt 陈述、声明-statement n 声明status n 身份、地位23. resolutionn 决议、决定、决心- resolvevt 解决Syndecisionsettle(set

7、tlement);solve(solution)resolve an issue 解决问题make a resolution to do sth. 下决心做.24. contrast vt. Awith Bn对比对照by/in 相比之下the between A and B25. chewv 咀嚼嚼碎chew sth over深思熟虑仔细考虑26. starve v 挨饿饿死- starvation n. 饥饿、饿死27. departure n 离开、启程、出发 - departv离开、离去 sp 离开某地28. mud n 泥 - muddy adj. 泥泞的 多泥的29. dot n 点

8、、小圆点v.星罗密布于、遍布Suzhou is dotted with rivers.30. flapv 振翅 its wings.拍打、摆动The sail flapped in the wind.31.bunchn 串、束a of flowers/keys32. fetch vt 去拿来、去请来 a doctor售得、卖得The painting ed 1000 dollars.33. possessionU 拥有、具有 -possess vtSb. be in possession of sth.(人)拥有(物)= possess sth.sth. be in the possessio

9、n of sb. (物)为某人所有34. intently adj. 热切地、专注地- intent adj. 专注的、热切的an intent look 专注的神情be intent on (doing)sth 决定做35. Arcticn 北极、北极地区- Antarctic 南极、南极的a 北极的、严寒的36. delicacy n 娇嫩、脆弱 - delicate a 脆弱的、易损的 =fragilea delicate child 虚弱的、瘦弱的delicate hands 精美的 小巧玲珑的37. lamb n 羔羊、小羊、羔羊肉lamp n 灯、射灯3二、Key phrases(

10、P1-7)P1 tourist destinations 旅游胜地、旅游景点P2 tourist attractions 观光胜地win the heart of sb.深受某人喜欢stretch from . to.从.延伸到.distinct cultures 独特的文化make up.组成、构成. = . be made up of. = . consist of.由.构成be home to. 是.的栖息地a huge variety of wildlife 种类繁多的野生动物wander the remote forests 漫步于偏远的森林the establishment of

11、national parks 国家公园的建立unique scenic spot 独特的景点apart from.除了.= aside from., besides., in addition to., on top of.rural areas 农村地区urban centers 城市中心be thought to be. 被认为是.P3by means of . 借助于.;凭借.settle on the landsettle in some provinces 定居于.a combination of. 。的混合one out of five 五分之一the ethnic variety

12、 种族多元化bring about. 产生、导致、促成=give rise to.; lead to.; contribute to.cultural diversity 文化多元性a dynamic city 一个活力四射的城市the highest percentage of . 最高的比例participate in. 参加。= take part in.take tea 喝茶sample the food with a typical French flavor 品尝具有典型法式风味的美食see the original buildings in the French style of

13、 architecture 观赏原汁原味的法式风格建筑something off the beaten track 不落俗套的东西dance to fiddle tunes 随着小提琴的曲调起舞enjoy the cultures and traditions 领略文化与风俗be exposed to diverse cultures 接触不同的文化feel transported through time and space 感觉穿越时空It comes as no surprise that. 不足为奇的是。the towering mountain peaks 巍峨的山峰4the dep

14、th of the forests 森林深处geographical wonders 地理奇观be ranked as. 被列为/评为.P5a city with distinct features 具有鲜明特色的城市in the suburbs 在郊区show sb.Around a place 带领某人参观某地sample the local cuisine 品尝当地美食be believed to be. 被认为是.agricultural centre 农业中心raise cattle 养牛the high-rise buildings 高楼a thick blanket of sno

15、w 一层厚厚的积雪cant wait to do . 等不及要做.;迫不及待要做.have a go (at sth.) 试一试.= give it a tryice hockey冰球be recognized as.被认为是.P6non-restrictive relative clauses 非限制性定语从句service industries 服务业tourist essentials 旅游必需品the surrounding community 周围的社区boost business 刺激/促进经济a bed of roses 一帆风顺、逞心如意live in harmony 和谐共存

16、the flood of tourists 大量的游客wildlife habitats 野生动物栖息地Sb. / sth. be likely to suffer 有可能遭殃/受害endanger the local plants and animals 危及当地的动植物respect for the local culture 对当地文化的尊重P7sustainable tourism 可持续旅游connect with people 与人们建立联系make a positive impact on .对.有积极的影响enhance opportunities 增加机会travel in

17、an environmentally friendly manner 以环保的方式旅游a tourist destination 旅游目的地travel on local public transport/ on foot乘坐当地的公共交通工具旅行/步行旅游5cut back on water consumption 减少水的消耗respect the right to privacy 尊重隐私权ask for permission 征求允许in summary 总之= in brief/ to conclude/ in conclusioncome down to. 归结于、归纳为三、Key

18、 sentences(P2-7)P21. Canada is like a blooming flower, unfolding with breathtaking beauty and richness to winthe heart of those who enjoy what is has to offer.加拿大如同一朵盛开的花儿,绽放出惊人的美丽与丰富,深受那些喜欢其多元文化的人们的青睐。2. To the east of the Pacific coast rise the grand Rocky Mountains, which are home to highpeaks an

19、d deep valleys carved by ice and water.太平洋海岸向东耸立着巍峨的落基山脉,这里有高耸的山脉和被冰川与水流侵蚀而成的深谷。3. The establishment of national parks makes many of these beautiful places protected areasfor the public to visit and enjoy.国家公园的建立使得很多这样美丽的地方成为供公众游玩和欣赏的保护区。4. One truly unique scenic spot in Canada is the mighty Niagar

20、a Falls with water rushing overits edge in a splendid display of sights and sounds.加拿大真正独特的一处景点是雄伟壮阔的尼亚加拉大瀑布。水流从瀑布边缘倾泻而下,景色壮观,水声轰鸣。P35. Should you find yourself in one of these subcultures, languages, cuisine, architecture, artand music will define your encounter.如果你发现自己置身于其中一种亚文化中,那么(它的)语言、饮食、建筑、艺术

21、和音乐会说明你邂逅的何种文化。6. Given these cultural differences, it comes as no surprise that Canada has been celebratingMulticulturalism Day since 2002.鉴于这些文化差异,加拿大自 2002 年以来就一直在庆祝多元文化日也就不足为奇了。7. Indeed, it has been consistently ranked by the United Nations as one of the best countries tolive in.的确,加拿大一直被联合国列为最

22、宜居的国家之一。P68. Reducing the negative impact, wherever we travel, will help make it possible for manyfuture generations to enjoy the same sites.无论我们在哪儿旅游,减少负面影响才可能让子孙后代欣赏到同样的景色。P769. While avoiding flying is not always practical, we can help improve the environment bytravelling on local public transpor

23、t or even on foot wherever possible.尽管避免坐飞机不太可行,无论何地只要可能,我么可以通过乘坐当地公共交通或步行旅游来保护环境。10. While travelling, we should respect the right to privacy.当我们旅游的时候,我们应该尊重隐私权。11. In summary, being a sustainable tourist comes down to respect - for nature, culture andpeople.总之,要成为一名可持续的游客要做到尊重- 尊重自然、文化和人。四、语法-定语从句补充练习单句填空7语篇填空8


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