Unit 2 全单元 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 2 全单元 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册
    • 选择性必修三unit 2 课件集
      • Grammar and usage 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Integrated skills 1 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Integrated skills 2 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Project 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Reading 1 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Reading 2 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Welcome to the unit 课件.ppt--点击预览


Unit 2 Out of this worldGrammar and usageSubject clauses1. What is a subject clause?2. What can introduce a subject clause?Lead-inAsentencethatactsasasubjectinacompoundsentenceiscalledasubjectclause.Weuseconjunctions,conjunctivepronounsorconjunctiveadverbstointroducesubjectclauses.Lead-inWhat can introduce a subject clause? Can you list some?Conjunctions:that,whether/ifConjunctivepronouns:what,whatever,who,whoever,whom,whomever,whose,which,whicheverConjunctiveadverbs:when,whenever,where,wherever,how,whyExploring the rulesReadthepassageinpartAandfindthesentenceswithsubjectclauses. That Hubble is based in space allows it to see further than ground-based telescope, Whetherlifeonotherplanetsdoesexistisyettobeproved, Itisclearthattelescopesarecrucialtoolsforspaceexplorationandthat Howmuchwewilllearnfromthetelescopesismerelylimitedbyourimagination.Rule No. 1: Asubjectclauseisusuallyatthebeginningofthesentence,butitcanbeusedasthepreparatorysubjectwhenasubjectclauseislong.(1)Itisclearthattelescopesarecrucialtoolsforspaceexploration.(2)Itisapitythatyoudidntgotoseethefilm.(3)Itisobviousthathewillsucceed.(4)Itisreportedthattherewerenoinjuriesanddeaths.Exploring the rulesRule No. 2:Wecanusethattointroduceasubjectclausewhentheclauseisastatement. That Hubbleisbasedinspaceallowsittoseefurtherthanground-basedtelescope. That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprisedusall.Exploring the rulesRule No. 3:Wecanusewhethertointroduceasubjectclausewhenthe clause is a yes-no question. Ifit functions as the preparatorysubject,whether inthesubjectclausecanbereplacedwithif.Butifthere isor oror not in the sentence,if cant be used to replacewhether. Whether lifeonotherplanetsdoesexistisyettobeproved. Whether wellgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather. It makesnodifferencewhether/if themeetingwillbeheld. Itmakesnodifferencewhetherornothewillcome.Exploring the rulesRule No. 4:Wecanuseaconjunctivepronountointroduceasubjectclause when the clause lacks the subject, object, predicative orattributive.1.Whathewantstotellusisnotclear.2.Heisnolongerwhathewasfiveyearsago.3.WhateverIhavedoneisonlyforyou.4.Whowillwinthematchisstillunknown.5.Whoeverwantstodothejobmustbeinterviewed.6. Whomsheborrowedthemoneyfromisunderinvestigation.7.Whose handwritingisthebestintheclassisknowntoall.8.Itdoesntmattertomewhicheveryouchoose.Exploring the rulesRule No. 5:Wecanuseaconjunctiveadverbtointroduceasubjectclausewhentheclauselacksadverbials.1.Itisknowntoushowhebecameawriter.2.WheretheEnglisheveningwillbeheldhasnotbeenannounced.3. Whenwearrivedoesntmatter.4.Whyhedidntpasstheexamisunknown.Exploring the rules1. hewillflyforShanghaihasntbeendecidedyet.2. weareinvitedtotheconcertthiseveningisgoodnewstous.3. theyneedisagoodtextbook.4. saysthatschoolyearsarethebesttimeofoneslifeisprobablyanadult.5. Iwondermyeffortswereinvain.Canyouhelpmefindthereasons?6. oneofyoubreaksthewindowwillhavetopayforit.Applying the rulesWhenThatWhatWhoeverwhyWhicheverApplying the rules7.weusedtolivehasbecomeawasteland.8.Itisstillunderdiscussiontheoldbusstationshouldbereplacedwithamodernhotel.9.shelikeswillbegiventohim.10.willwinthematchremainstobeseen.11.Itisunderdiscussionpaintingisthebest.12.Itisstillaquestionwecanbeginourexpedition.Wherewhether/ifWhateverWhowhosewhen Could you circle the mistakes in Part B1 and correct them?1.Thespacemissionwentsowellwasbeyondourexpectations.2.Whethertheyareabletogrowmorevegetablesinspacedependonhowmuchtimeittakes.3.Itwasnotclearhowlonghewillstayonthespacestation.4.WhatthelunarprobedidnotlandwasaworryforthepeoplebackontheEarth.5.ThatmakestheChinesepeoplehappyisthatChinahassuccessfullylaunchedaspacerocket.Applying the rulesThatthespacemissiondependsisThatWhatApplying the rulesTip1:Whenthat introducesasubjectclause, it cantbeleftout.Tip2:Inacompoundsentencewithasubjectclause,predicateverbsshouldbeinthesingular. Could you complete the passage in B2 on Page 21 with the correct subject clauses in the box?Applying the rulesTheChineseLunarExplorationProgramisalsoknownastheChangeProgram.Run by the China National Space Administration, Chinas space agency, itcomprisesthreestages:orbiting,landingandreturning.a howitlaidthefoundationforfutureexplorationbthatthedatagatheredbythemprovidedvaluableinformationcwhatadvancesChinawillmakeinthefutured whyChinaisoneoftheworldleadersinspaceexploratione whatamazedthewholenationinOctober2010Theprogramsfirstspacecraft,Change 1lunarorbiter,waslaunchedinOctober2007.ItsuccessfullyorbitedandscannedtheMoon.(1)_wasthatChange 2 reachedtheMoonwithinjustfivedays.Withbettertechniquesandequipment,Change 2completedamoredetailedscanoftheMoonbeforeheadingintodeepspace.ThesuccessofthetwospacecraftshowedtheworldhowfarChinesespaceexplorationhadcome.Itwasevident(2)_.Applying the rulesWhatamazedthewholenationinOctober2010thatthedatagatheredbythemprovidedvaluableinformationDecember2013witnessedtheChinesespacecraftsfirstsoftlandingontheMoon. The landing ofChange 3 proved to be a success and (3)_wasplaintosee.InJanuary2019,Change 4 succeeded in landing on the far side of the Moon. InDecember 2020,Change 5 successfully collected and returned lunarsamples.Chinahassuccessfullycompletedthethreestagesoftheprogram.However,(4)_isanybodysguess.Applying the ruleshowitlaidthefoundationforfutureexplorationwhatadvancesChinawillmakeinthefuture Could you write down your prediction about the development of space exploration using subject clauses?Applying the rulesIt is clear that manyexcitingthingswillhappeninthedevelopmentofspaceexplorationinthefuture.IthinkmannedspacemissionstoMarswillhappenin my lifetime and a permanent base on Mars will also be established.Hopefully,newenergysourceswillbedeveloped,whichwillmakespaceflight cheaper and faster. Buthow soon and how far we advance in developing the required technology to do so dependsonthecollaborationbetween the many countries around the world.It is possible that thetechnologywillbeavailablebefore2040andIamlookingforwardtothat.Go through the grammar notes on Pages 9596.HomeworkUnit 2 Out of this worldIntegrated skills 1Creating a story about aliens How much do you know about aliens? What would you do if you came across an alien? Lead-in(1) Jenny saw the film last night. T / F (2) Jenny and Bob both enjoy the film they saw. T / F (3) Jenny believes theres life on other planets, but Bob is not sure. T / F (4) Bob hopes the aliens are friendly. T / F (5) The aliens in the book come to the Earth to destroy us. T / F (6) Jenny thinks the book is boring. T / F ListeningA1(Jenny Bob, Bob Jenny) (destroy save)(boring interesting)1. Listen to the the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle the incorrect information in the false statements and correct it in the blanks. The Beasts from Mars The aliens are really frightening. The look like huge (1) . (2) bring them to the earth. The aliens just want to (3) . They breathe on something until it is a ball of fire.Listening Strangers from Space The aliens look like big jellyfish. They are much more(4) _ than us. People from all over the world work together to (5) and find out their message. With the help of the aliens, we manage to (6) another group of aliens.fire-breathing bearsThose scientistsdestroy everythingintelligenttranslate their languagefight offA21. Could you read the comic strips and find out the basic elements in the story?ReadingSettingCharactersPlotPaul, a boy, and Alf, a grey alien One spring evening in the park next to Pauls housePaul hears a noise in the park next to his house and goes to investigate. When he arrives, he sees a silver object land in the park that looks like a spaceship. Suddenly, the door opens and a strange-looking being exits the object. The being is a grey colour and Paul realizes it is an alien. The alien tells Paul that he will take him to a new place. Paul is not afraid because the alien is friendly, so he enters the spaceship. Paul and the alien fly into outer space in the silver spaceship to travel to another planet in the universe.ReadingPicture 1: Paul hears a big noise in the park and goes to investigate. A spaceship lands in the park and out steps an alien. 2. Could you summarize the plot in each picture?Picture 2: The grey alien invites Paul to the spaceship. Picture 3: Paul enters the spaceship with the alien. Picture 4: Paul and the alien fly into outer space to visit another planet.Could you discuss and answer the following questions? Where are the alien and Paul going? What will Paul see? How will he feel? What might happen to Paul on the new planet? Speaking It is likely that they are going to the aliens hometown.Paul will see a strange new world, feeling curious and excited.Possibly he comes across un unexpected situation on the new planet.SpeakingFinally, the Monster finds Paul is a visitor invited to the planet and makes friends with Paul.Maybe he will meet a huge space monster and fight with him. What kind of unexpected situation might he come across? How might the unexpected situation be solved?Read more stories about aliens and find out the description of aliens.HomeworkUnit 2 Out of this worldIntegrated skills 2Creating a story about aliens1. What are the aliens in Part A like?2. What is the alien in the comic strip in Part B like?3. Can you summarize the development of the plot in each picture?4. What did we predict in the following part?RevisionWritingLearning about the languageTo make your story impressive, you need to give vivid descriptions using your observation and imagination. When describing a setting, you can use adjectives to create a mood. Adjectives such as “dark”, “black” or “deserted” can create a mysterious atmosphere in outer space.WritingWhat kind of description should you use to make your story vivid? Scene descriptione.g. Walking out of the spaceship, Paul noticed that this was an unusual planet. He could see strange buildings, trees and animals. Action and expression description(1) The monster opened its large mouth and was about to attack Paul when Alf came and grabbed the monster by the neck.(2) Embarrassed, Fluffy looked at Paul, smiled and embraced Paul.WritingLearning about writing techniquesThe core of any story is the plot. To create and outline the plot, you can ask these questions: What is the conflict? How does the conflict affect the characters? What is the climax? How do the main characters solve the conflict? What is the ending?Writing1. What is the conflict of the story?2. What is the climax of the story?3. How to push forward the climax?Pauls desire to explore the new planet vs Pauls ignorance of the new planet.Paul comes across an unexpected situation. Add a twist to the story. For example, Paul is about to be attacked by the monster when Alf stops it. It turns out that the monster is Alfs pet, who mistakes Paul for an invader. Finding out the basic elements of the story; Analysing the development of the plot; Predicting the further development of the plot; Adding twists to the story; Making the language vivid with description.WritingChecking your writingRemember to check your writing after you finish and exchange drafts between you and your partner. Pay attention to the following aspects.PunctuationSpellingGrammarChoice of wordsStyle (formal/informal)StructureWritingWriting Self-reviewlDo you create the plot based on the comic strip?lHow do you describe the setting?Peer review lWhat does your partner think of your plot?lHow does your partner think your story can be improved?Alf took Paul to his home planet first because he wanted Paul to see what life was like there. Paul was nervous but also excited to be the first human visitor to another planet. Walking out of the spaceship, Paul noticed that this was an unusual planet. He could see strange buildings, trees and animals. Suddenly, a green space monster with three octopus legs, one enormous yellow eye and a mouth full of sharp teeth moved quickly towards Paul. He realized that he was in danger!WritingSamplePaul tried to run back into the spaceship, but the door was locked. The space monster moved past Paul and jumped up at Alf. The monster was giving strange growls and was attacking Alf, so Paul looked for a place to hide. He ran into a building close by, running up the stairs as fast as he could. But it was too latehe could hear the growling monster coming after him up the stairs. Luckily, Paul saw a big cupboard and he quickly hid inside it. WritingPaul could hear the monsters heavy footsteps as it came into the room. Paul was shakingthere was nowhere to escape. Without warning the cupboard door flew open. The monster was getting ready to attack Paul when Alf came running into the room and grabbed the monster by the neck and shouted, “No!” Then, he held his hand out to Paul and helped him out of the cupboard and said, “Paul, Id like to introduce you to my baby pet, Fluffy!” Fluffy looked at Paul, yawned, and promptly fell asleep. Paul was still shaken up but felt relieved to know that the “scary” monster was not dangerous after all, and actually just wanted to lick his face. WritingAlf told Paul he would take him to meet his family. Together, Alf, Paul and Fluffy went to Alfs house nearby. After meeting Alfs parents and sister, Paul realized that even though he and Alf were totally different species, they had some things in common. For example, they both had a sister and loved their family very much. Paul was also intrigued by the many differences between Alfs world and the Earth. He could not wait to explore other parts of the universe with his new best friend.WritingPolish up your story. HomeworkUnit 2 Out of this worldProjectProviding solutions for living beyond the Earth1. Have you ever thought about moving to another planet? 2. If so, where do you think humans could possibly move to live?Preparation3. Choose one heavenly body to do research and gather some basic information about it, including its size, distance from the Sun/Earth, day and night temperature difference, climate, water, atmosphere, etc.Preparation1. Brainstorm the possible challenges people have to overcome when moving to live on the chosen planet.the resourcesfood supplyradiationcommunication with the groundImplementation2. Discuss in groups about how to overcome the possible challenges when living on your chosen planet. Figure out the relevant solutions to the challenges.Implementation3. Critically study the sample in Part C on Page 27.(1) What can you learn from this example?(2) What does the sample mainly focus on?(3) What are the challenges people have to overcome on Mars?(4) What solution does the sample give?(5) What do you think of the sample?Implementation4. Put together all the necessary information to think of solutions to the challenges. Proofread the draft to make sure there are no mistakes. When the solution is finished, each group member should read it carefully and give suggestions on how to improve it.Implementation5. Present your works to the whole class in English.Implementation1.
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