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1、Lesson 2Extreme Sports一、根据释义写出相应的单词1.several different 2.used to emphasize that sth.is correct in every way or in every detail 3.not interesting or exciting4.very great in degree 5.the state of feeling excitedvariousexactlydullextremeexcitement二、将下列单词或短语的适当形式填入相应的句子中extremein order tosimilarexactvar

2、iousequipmentpreferturn upback outget across1.The government has an interest in importing scientific.2.Their answers are the same.3.A window seat is my.4.His political views are rather.5.Something unexpected has .6.The between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.7.We started early ca

3、tch the early bus.8.He of the deal when he saw the risks.9.Everyone arrived late at the party for reasons.10.He found it difficult to his idea to them.equipment exactly preference extreme turned up similarity in order to backed out various get across 三、单句填空1.There are several points of similarity th

4、e two cases.2.I hope I can depend on you not to back at the last moment.3.I managed to get the message ,though no one understood Chinese.4.Shes not reading that bookshes holding it upside .between out across down 123456781.People do extreme sports in order to feel excited.人们从事极限运动是为了获得刺激感。考点一extreme

5、 adj. 极度的,极端的Would you like to try any extreme sports?你想体验一下极限运动吗?Some of his views seem rather extreme.他的一些观点看起来比较极端。归纳extreme主要用来描述“状况”“行为”“观点”等,如extreme views,extreme disappointment等;如果要描述某种变化或发展,用great,major,dramatic等。12345678考点延伸派生词:extremely adv. 极其,非常She found it extremely difficult to get a

6、job.她发觉找工作极其困难。Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict.地震是很难预料的。12345678考点二in order to 为了,以便You need a peaceful environment in order to study properly.你需要一个安静的环境来好好学习。The secret to success in life is to leave some things undone in order to do other things.在生活中成功的秘诀就是,为了做一些事情就要舍弃另外一些事情。In orde

7、r not to leave any excuse to tomorrows regret,we must try all out today.为了不给明天的后悔留下任何借口,我们今天必须全力以赴!归纳in order to后面接动词原形,在句中用作目的状语。该结构的否定形式为in order not to。 12345678考点延伸(1)辨析in order to与in order that:She arrived early in order to get a good seat.她到得很早,图的是得到个好位置。I got up early in order that I could ca

8、tch the first train.我起得很早,以便能赶上第一班火车。12345678归纳in order to后面接动词原形,in order that后面接从句;in order to引起的不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致,in order that引导的从句的主语不一定与主句的主语一致。注意:in order that引导的从句的主语与主句主语一致时可以转换为in order to的句式。如:We started early in order that we might arrive before dark.=We started early in order to arrive b

9、efore dark.in order that引导的从句的主语与主句主语不一致时也可以转换为in order to的句式,此时需要用for引出不定式的逻辑主语。如:I will send him our proposals now in order that he may have time to consider them.=I will send him our proposals now in order for him to have time to consider them.12345678(2)辨析so as to和in order to:Students should tak

10、e notes so as to make revision easier.=Students should take notes in order to make revision easier.学生应当记笔记,以便使复习更加容易。In order to make better use of these materials,we have to study further. So as to make better use of these materials,we have to study further.归纳so as to与in order to同义,在这两种不定式结构中,in or

11、der和so as都可以省略而直接保留动词不定式。但in order to可以置于句首,so as to不能置于句首。 123456781234567812345678123456782.Snowboarding has similarities with surfing.单板滑雪和冲浪运动有相似点。考点similarity n. 相似点,类似的地方;相似性,类似性There are similarities with Chinese,though Japanese is a distinct language.尽管日语是一门截然不同的语言,但与汉语有相似之处。She bears a stri

12、king similarity to her mother.她和她的母亲有着惊人的相似之处。Theres a surprising similarity in the origins of English and Chinese idioms.在来源上,英汉成语有着惊人的相似之处。There is a great similarity between the two sisters.姊妹俩长得很相像。12345678归纳similarity可与不同的介词搭配,后接with或to引起的短语时意为“和的相似之处”,后接in引起的短语时表示“在某方面的相似之处”,后接between引起的短语时表示“

13、之间的相似之处”。12345678考点延伸(1)(复习)similar adj.相似的,类似的The two boys look very similar.这两个男孩看上去很相似。My problems are very similar to yours.我的问题和你的差不多。The two houses are similar in size.这两幢房子大小差不多。归纳similar可与介词to或in搭配,be similar to意为“和相似”;be similar in意为“在方面相似”。(2)similarly adv. 相似地,类似地The husband and wife were

14、 similarly successful in their chosen careers.夫妇俩在各自选择的事业上都很成功。12345678123456783.and now were going to take a look at extreme sports.What exactly are they?现在我们来看看极限运动。它们到底是什么呢?考点一take a look 看;注视Take a good look at the photo and see if you can recognize anyone in it.好好看一下这张照片,看看你是否认识其中的某个人。It was un

15、believable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just to take a look at the sports stars.体育迷们在体育馆外等了三个小时,只为能看一看那些体育明星,这真令人难以置信。归纳look用作名词,其后可接介词at,表示“看”。12345678考点延伸同义短语:have a lookLet me have a look at thatI think its mine.让我看看我想它是我的。12345678考点二exactly adv.确切地,精确地It turned out that h

16、e had predicted exactly what took place.结果证实他精确地预言了所发生的一切。Technology has changed our lives:for less than 500 yuan,you can get a pocket-sized GPS that will tell you exactly where you are on Earth at any moment.科技改变了我们的生活你只需花费不到500元钱,就能买到一个口袋大小的GPS,它随时可以精确地告诉你处于地球的什么位置。12345678考点延伸(1)exactly用作简短的答语,表示

17、“正是”。You mean that youre going to tell me the truth?你是说,你准备告诉我事实真相?Exactly.一点儿不错。You hate Lee,dont you?你讨厌李,是吗?Not exactly.I just think hes a bit annoying.不完全是这样。我只是觉得他有一点烦人。归纳exactly用于肯定回答时表示“正是”;用于否定回答(not exactly)时用来纠正对方刚说过的话,表示“不完全”。12345678(2)exact adj. 精确的,准确的The exact details were still being

18、 worked out.具体的细节还在处理之中。We need to know the exact time the accident happened.我们需要知道事故发生的准确时间。12345678123456784.What makes people risk their lives to do them?是什么让人们冒着生命危险去从事这些活动呢?剖析 句中包含两个不定式,risk.是省略to的不定式,作makes的宾语补足语,to do.作目的状语。考点risk vt.冒的危险It was brave of him to risk his life to save the drowni

19、ng child.他冒着生命危险去救溺水儿童真是太勇敢了!If you dont warm up before taking exercise,you risk injuring yourself.假如运动前不做准备活动,你就有受伤的危险。归纳risk后接名词及动词-ing作宾语。12345678考点延伸risk用作名词,意为“冒险”。Im not prepared to take risksI want the equipment thoroughly checked.我不愿意冒险,必须彻底检查设备。The whole future of the company is at risk.公司的

20、整个前途受到威胁。At the risk of sounding rude,dont you think youd better change for the party?冒昧说一句,你不觉得应该换套衣服参加这个聚会吗?He dived into the river to save the boy at considerable risk to his own life.他冒着相当大的生命危险跳进河里去救那个男孩。12345678归纳risk的常见搭配: 123456781234567812345678123456785.You put on diving equipment and dive

21、 under a frozen lake.你要穿上潜水装备,潜入冰冷的湖中。考点equipment n.配备,设备【高考典句】(2017天津高考)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,allowing more patients to be treated.医院最近引进了新的医疗设备,这使得更多的患者能得到医治。I dont think it possible to travel around the world without any modern equipment.我认为不可能什么现代化设备都不带就去环游世界。I

22、ts a piece of useful equipment and I intend to have it repaired.这是一件有用的设备,我打算把它拿去修理。归纳equipment是不可数名词,要表示设备的数量需用量词piece,如“一件设备”不能用an equipment表示,而应说a piece of equipment。12345678123456786.And,if thats not enough,you then try to walk upside down on the ice!并且,如果那还不够的话,你可以试试在冰上倒着走!考点upside down 颠倒地,倒置地

23、Even if you plant the seed upside down,the roots will still grow down.即使你把种子倒过来种,根须还是往下长。At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down.他们有时简直要闹到颠倒是非、混淆黑白的程度。12345678考点延伸常用搭配:(1)turn something upside down 把翻过来,把翻得乱七八糟,使凌乱不堪Put one hand on the paper board and then

24、turn the glass upside down.把一只手放在纸板上,然后把玻璃杯倒过来。Everything in the house was turned upside down for the cleaning.由于进行大扫除,房子里的一切都弄得乱七八糟。(2)turn someones life/world upside down 给某人的生活造成大的变化/混乱Her husbands sudden death turned her world/life upside down.她丈夫的突然去世使她的生活完全乱套了。12345678123456787.When I turned u

25、p for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.我第一次站在跳台上紧张得真想退缩下来,但是朋友们说服了我。剖析这是but连接的并列复合句。but前的分句中,when引导时间状语从句,so.that引导结果状语从句;but后的分句中,不定式短语to go through with it作宾语补足语。考点一turn up 出现,到场We arranged to meet at 7:30,but she never turne

26、d up.我们约好在七点半见,但她根本没露面。Tens of thousands turned up to cheer the president when he made a brief visit to Ottawa in February.总统在二月短暂访问渥太华期间,数万人向他欢呼致意。12345678考点延伸(1)同义短语:show up 出现,露面It was getting late when she finally showed up.天色已晚,她终于出现了。(2)turn up还可用作及物动词短语,意为“开大,调高(音量)”Could you turn the TV up?你

27、能把电视机的音量开大一点吗?(3)与turn相关的其他常见短语:12345678考点二back out 决定不履行(允诺的事)I hope you will not back out at the last moment.我希望你不要到最后关头撒手不做。I refuse to back out.It has always been very important for me to keep my word.我绝不违约。对于我来说,信守诺言是非常重要的。He decided to back out of the deal when he perceived some risks.他一发现有风险就

28、决定退出这个交易。12345678考点三go through with 完成(或做完)艰难的事Now that youve set your mind on the goal,you must go through with the task.既然认定了目标,就要坚持不懈地干下去。He went through with his plan although all his friends advised him to abandon it.尽管他的朋友们都建议他放弃这个计划,但他还是把它进行到底了。12345678考点延伸阅读下面的句子,体会go through的含义。(1)Do you wa

29、nt me to go through this and check your spellings?你是想让我过一遍,检查一下拼写吗?含义:检查;看一遍(2)When youre going through a crisis,it often helps to talk to someone else.当你经历危机的时候,与别人谈谈通常有所帮助。含义:经历(3)He accepted the offer and the deal went through.他接受了报价,这笔交易谈成了。含义:达成12345678123456788.Its difficult to get across how

30、exciting it is!很难理解这会有多刺激!剖析 句首的it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to get across.;how exciting it is是宾语从句,作get across的宾语,其中it指代上文的bungee jumping。考点get across 使理解(某事)He taught me how to get my idea across.他教我怎么把我的想法表达得让人能够理解。I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized way in order to get across my point.我将尽力更清晰有礼地表达我的想法,以使别人理解我的意图。归纳get across包含“讲清楚,让听懂”的意思,可以用get sth.across或get across sth.两种结构。12345678考点延伸阅读下面的句子,体会get across的含义。The teacher tried to explain the rule,but the explanation didnt get across to the class.老师努力解释那条原理,但他的解释未能被学生所理解。含义:被理解12345678


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