人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全一册《英语》电子课本教材(全部pdf电子书)-免费下载.PDF

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九年级 英语 义 务 教 育 教 科 书 人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所 英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心编著 圣智学习集团 (中国) (美国) ·北 京· 九年级 全一册 英 语 义务教育教科书 致同学 同学们,你们好!欢迎你们进入九年级的英语学习! 本套教材是根据你们的心理特点、认知水平和兴趣爱好来编写的。 相信在新学年,教材的以下特点会继续帮助你们学好英语: 1. 教材不仅要帮助你们学习英语语言知识,更重要的是要帮助你们 发展语言运用能力,让你们学会用英语表达思想、与人交流。 2. 教材充分考虑了你们的生活实际和学习需求,教材的内容和活动 都与你们的生活和兴趣紧密相连,目的是让你们在英语学习中不感到枯 燥乏味,而是有话可说、有话想说、有话能说。 3. 教材在重视培养你们的语言运用能力的同时,更加重视培养你们 的语言学习策略和技能。这些策略和技能是帮助你们进一步学好英语的 基础。 4. 教材为你们设计了许多具有交际意义的任务或活动,目的是让你 们在英语课堂上“活”起来、 “动”起来。英语课堂教学需要你们的充分 参与,英语学习需要你们与老师合作、与同学交流。通过参与和互动, 你们的英语水平才会得到不断提高。 5. 教材进一步丰富了文化教学的内容,包括我们的民族文化、英语国 家的文化和非英语国家的文化。通过文化内容的学习,你们的视野会更开 阔,思想会更丰富,思维会更活跃,交流会更得体。 要想学好英语,光靠课本是不够的,你们还需要继续接触更多的英语 学习资源。学习英语没有捷径,只有多听、多说、多读、多写、多记、多 用才是最有效的办法。因此,你们要充分利用各种资源和机会来学习英 语。 同学们,继续努力吧!祝你们英语学习取得更大进步! 编者 2012年12月 II UnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecycling ➊ How can we become good learners? Page 1 Learning how to learnTalk about how to study Verb + by with gerundHow do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. ability, att ention, brain, conversation, expression, grammar, knowledge, note, pronunciation, secret, speed, textbook connect, create, discover, increase, pronounce, repeat, review active, patient pay att ention to, connect . with, fall in love with work, read, listen, ask, help, study, watch, practice, improve, under- stand, learn, develop, remember, prepare be interested in, look up, be good at, in common, get bored, fi nd out, take notes, learn from How questions ➋ I think that mooncakes are delicious! Page 9 FestivalsGive a personal reaction Objective clauses with that, if and whether Exclamatory statements I know that the Water Festival is really fun. I wonder if they’ll have the races again next year. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. What fun the Water Festival is! How prett y the dragon boats were! business, Christmas, dessert, fool, garden, novel, present, pound, relative, stranger, tie, treat, warmth admire, lay, lie, punish, spread, steal, warn wash away, lay out, dress up, put on fantastic, crowded, delicious, fun, traditional, prett y, beautiful, exciting, interesting, special, scary, popular be similar to, remind . of ➌ Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Page 17 Gett ing aroundAsk for information politely Follow directions Objective clauses with wh- questionsExcuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? Sure. Th ere’s a supermarket down the street. Could you please tell me how to get to the post offi ce? Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there. I wonder where we should go next. You should try that new ride over there. address, bathroom, choice, corner, direction, postcard, restroom, speaker, stamp rush, suggest central, convenient, correct, direct, east, polite, underground money, magazine, dictionary, dinner, newspaper, information, town, shoes, bookstore, supermarket, bank, park, ride, restaurant, post offi ce, library, museum excuse me, go along, turn right/ left , second/third fl oor, next to Modal verbs Contents Page PB III UnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecycling ➊ How can we become good learners? Page 1 Learning how to learnTalk about how to study Verb + by with gerundHow do you learn English? I learn by studying with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. ability, att ention, brain, conversation, expression, grammar, knowledge, note, pronunciation, secret, speed, textbook connect, create, discover, increase, pronounce, repeat, review active, patient pay att ention to, connect . with, fall in love with work, read, listen, ask, help, study, watch, practice, improve, under- stand, learn, develop, remember, prepare be interested in, look up, be good at, in common, get bored, fi nd out, take notes, learn from How questions ➋ I think that mooncakes are delicious! Page 9 FestivalsGive a personal reaction Objective clauses with that, if and whether Exclamatory statements I know that the Water Festival is really fun. I wonder if they’ll have the races again next year. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. What fun the Water Festival is! How prett y the dragon boats were! business, Christmas, dessert, fool, garden, novel, present, pound, relative, stranger, tie, treat, warmth admire, lay, lie, punish, spread, steal, warn wash away, lay out, dress up, put on fantastic, crowded, delicious, fun, traditional, prett y, beautiful, exciting, interesting, special, scary, popular be similar to, remind . of ➌ Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Page 17 Gett ing aroundAsk for information politely Follow directions Objective clauses with wh- questionsExcuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? Sure. Th ere’s a supermarket down the street. Could you please tell me how to get to the post offi ce? Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there. I wonder where we should go next. You should try that new ride over there. address, bathroom, choice, corner, direction, postcard, restroom, speaker, stamp rush, suggest central, convenient, correct, direct, east, polite, underground money, magazine, dictionary, dinner, newspaper, information, town, shoes, bookstore, supermarket, bank, park, ride, restaurant, post offi ce, library, museum excuse me, go along, turn right/ left , second/third fl oor, next to Modal verbs IV UnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecycling ➍ I used to be afraid of the dark. Page 25 How we have changedTalk about what you used to be like Used toI used to be short. I didn’t use to be popular in school. You used to be short, didn’t you? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. Did he use to wear glasses? Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. ant, background, examination, guard, introduction, pride, score, speech fail, infl uence, interview, require absent, general, helpful, humorous, private, proud, silent be proud of, from time to time, take pride in, deal with, in person tall, short, outgoing, funny, shy, serious, quiet, friendly, active, brave, thin, strong, famous, popular, afraid, normal straight/curly hair, wear glasses, pay att ention to Present perfect tense ➎ What are the shirts made of? Page 33 Th ings made in ChinaTalk about what products are made of and where they were made Passive voice (present tense)Are your shirts made of cott on? Yes, they are. And they were made in the US. What’s the model plane made of? It’s made of used wood and glass. How is tea grown? It’s planted on the sides of mountains. balloon, blouse, cap, chopstick, coin, fork, form, glass, glove, grass, handbag, heat, leaf, material, product, scissors, steel, surface avoid, complete, paint, process international, lively, local no matt er, even though stamp, wood, gold, paper, silk, model plane, painting, tea, mountain, health, business, camera, clothes, watch, toy, kite, festival, competition, art, bamboo Objective clauses ➏ When was it invented? Page 41 InventionsTalk about the history of inventions Passive voice (past tense)When was the zipper invented? It was invented in 1893. Who was it invented by? It was invented by Whitcomb Judson. What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? It’s used for serving really cold ice- cream. basket, customer, fridge, hero, instrument, doubt, pioneer, pleasure, project, purpose, smell, style, website divide, list, mention, produce, translate by accident, by mistake, look up to, take place, without doubt, all of a sudden invention, TV, car, telephone, special, ice-cream, shoes, tea, century, country, inventor, potato chip, history, mistake, basketball, idea invent, discover, create popular, sweet, salty It is said that . It is believed that . ➐ Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Page 49 RulesTalk about what you are allowed to do Agree and disagree Should + be allowed to Modal verbs used in the passive voice I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree. Th ey aren’t serious enough. Teenagers must not be allowed to have part-time jobs. I disagree. Th ey can learn a lot from working. part-time job, chance, community, license, safety, society cry, educate, enter, hug, lift , manage, regret, smoke, support get in the way of, keep away from, talk/shout back, make one’s own decision parent, decision, rule, test, choice drive, choose, work, agree, disagree, decide young, silly, serious, old, strict, worried take photos, move out, take care of, look aft er, care about Adverbial clauses with when Page PB V UnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecycling ➍ I used to be afraid of the dark. Page 25 How we have changedTalk about what you used to be like Used toI used to be short. I didn’t use to be popular in school. You used to be short, didn’t you? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. Did he use to wear glasses? Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. ant, background, examination, guard, introduction, pride, score, speech fail, infl uence, interview, require absent, general, helpful, humorous, private, proud, silent be proud of, from time to time, take pride in, deal with, in person tall, short, outgoing, funny, shy, serious, quiet, friendly, active, brave, thin, strong, famous, popular, afraid, normal straight/curly hair, wear glasses, pay att ention to Present perfect tense ➎ What are the shirts made of? Page 33 Th ings made in ChinaTalk about what products are made of and where they were made Passive voice (present tense)Are your shirts made of cott on? Yes, they are. And they were made in the US. What’s the model plane made of? It’s made of used wood and glass. How is tea grown? It’s planted on the sides of mountains. balloon, blouse, cap, chopstick, coin, fork, form, glass, glove, grass, handbag, heat, leaf, material, product, scissors, steel, surface avoid, complete, paint, process international, lively, local no matt er, even though stamp, wood, gold, paper, silk, model plane, painting, tea, mountain, health, business, camera, clothes, watch, toy, kite, festival, competition, art, bamboo Objective clauses ➏ When was it invented? Page 41 InventionsTalk about the history of inventions Passive voice (past tense)When was the zipper invented? It was invented in 1893. Who was it invented by? It was invented by Whitcomb Judson. What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? It’s used for serving really cold ice- cream. basket, customer, fridge, hero, instrument, doubt, pioneer, pleasure, project, purpose, smell, style, website divide, list, mention, produce, translate by accident, by mistake, look up to, take place, without doubt, all of a sudden invention, TV, car, telephone, special, ice-cream, shoes, tea, century, country, inventor, potato chip, history, mistake, basketball, idea invent, discover, create popular, sweet, salty It is said that . It is believed that . ➐ Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Page 49 RulesTalk about what you are allowed to do Agree and disagree Should + be allowed to Modal verbs used in the passive voice I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree. Th ey aren’t serious enough. Teenagers must not be allowed to have part-time jobs. I disagree. Th ey can learn a lot from working. part-time job, chance, community, license, safety, society cry, educate, enter, hug, lift , manage, regret, smoke, support get in the way of, keep away from, talk/shout back, make one’s own decision parent, decision, rule, test, choice drive, choose, work, agree, disagree, decide young, silly, serious, old, strict, worried take photos, move out, take care of, look aft er, care about Adverbial clauses with when VI UnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecycling ➑ It must belong to Carla. Page 57 MysteriesMake inferencesMust, might, could and can’t for making inferences Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. Whose hair band is this? It could be Mei’s hair band. Or it might belong to Linda. Th ey both have long hair. What did you see that night? I’m not sure, but it can’t be a dog. circle, coat, enemy, laboratory, leader, noise, picnic, policeman, rabbit, truck, period, suit, victory att end, express, prevent, receive medical, valuable anybody, somebody, whose not only . but also volleyball, magazine, book, CD, toy, music, schoolbag, idea remember, believe, think, agree favorite, unusual, strange, special, nervous, worried thousands of, run aft er Adverbial clauses with but, however and as ➒ I like music that I can dance to. Page 65 Music and moviesExpress preferencesRelative clauses with that, who and which What kind of music do you like? I love music that/which I can sing along with. What kind of movies do you like? I prefer movies that/which give me something to think about. What kind of musicians does Carmen like? She likes musicians who play diff erent kinds of music. dialogue, director, master, pain, pity, praise, total, war, wound perform, prefer, refl ect, sense, shut, suppose national, plenty, smooth, electronic, spare in that case, plenty of, in total dance, sing, relax, laugh, enjoy, like, love, prefer loud, quiet, slow, funny, serious, down, tired, sad, exciting, scary, happy, comfortable, sweet, salty, interesting, beautiful, favorite don’t mind, feel like, cheer up ➓ You’re supposed to shake hands. Page 73 CustomsTalk about customs and what you are supposed to do Supposed to + infi nitiveWhat are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the fi rst time? You’re supposed to shake hands. Am I supposed to wear jeans? No, you’re expected to wear a suit and tie. Is it important to be on time? Yes, it’s important to be on time. blackboard, capital, chalk, coast, kiss, noon, passport, season, suggestion, traffi c, value, worth behave, greet, knock, value drop by, get mad, make an eff ort, go out of one’s way, make . feel at home kiss, meet, wear, arrive, behave late, polite, impolite, important, strange shake hands, on time Should for advice If clauses Sad movies make me cry. Page 81 FeelingsTalk about how things aff ect you Make + sb. + infi nitive without to Make + sb. + adjective Th e loud music makes me nervous. Money and fame don’t always make people happy. She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. agreement, coach, courage, friendship, goal, lemon, palace, queen, king, shoulder, wealth, weight cancel, examine, kick, nod the more . the more, neither . nor, leave out, let . down, kick off , be hard on oneself, rather than, pull together rainy, cloudy, sad, uncomfortable, comfortable, soft , relaxed, loud, nervous, sleepy, mad, unhappy, worried, angry, lucky drive . crazy, in common, even though Passive voice Page PB VII UnitsTopicsFunctionsStructuresTarget LanguageVocabularyRecycling ➑ It must belong to Carla. Page 57 MysteriesMake inferencesMust, might, could and can’t for making inferences Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla’s. She l
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