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1、中考英语话题专项复习(学校和学校生活)一、词块背记【常用话题词汇】学校设施和学习用品学校设施:teaching building,library,playground,computer room,art room,music room,dining hall,lab学习物品:schoolbag,pen,pencil,ruler,eraser,crayon,pencil box学校课程及人员lesson课 subject 学科 course 课程 Chinese 语文 math 数学 English 英语 history 历史 science 科学 physics 物理 chemistry 化学

2、 biology 生物 music 音乐art美术 exam/test 考试question/problem 问题spell 拼写 answer 回答;答案 discuss 讨论research 研究 teacher老师 student学生 classmate同班同学 schoolmate校友deskmate同桌 monitor班长 class teacher/head teacher班主任headmaster校长 take/have lessons上课do ones homework做某人的家庭作业学校活动及兴趣小组club俱乐部 member 成员 competition 竞赛game 游

3、戏 chess 象棋 speech 演讲 jump跳跃match比赛 win 获胜 sports meeting运动会in class在课堂上 class meeting班会after class课后 go to school去上学take part in/join in 参加put on a show上演一个节目talk to sb.跟某人说school trip 学校旅行School Day 学校开放日book sale 图书特卖活动soccer game 足球赛Sports Day 运动日art festival 艺术节volunteering activities 志愿活动have/t

4、ake a break 休息一下join the art club加入美术社团the graduation ceremony毕业典礼get on well with与相处得好语言学习language语言 word单词 sentence句子grammar语法 translation翻译pronunciation发音 meaning意思practice练习 communicate交流method/way方法 solve解决improve提高 confident自信的shy害羞的 nervous紧张的 skill技巧take notes记笔记 look up查找try ones best尽某人最大努

5、力 look through浏览as often as possible 尽可能经常地catch up with赶上make progress取得进步think by oneself独立思考pay attention to注意make good use of time充分利用时间work with friends 和朋友一起学习ask the teacher for help 向老师寻求帮助make word cards 制作单词卡片read the textbook 读教科书listen to tapes 听录音磁带watch videos 看视频have conversations in

6、English 用英语交谈study with a group 小组学习do exercises 做练习二、佳句积累学习情况及存在的问题1.I find it difficult to learn math well.2.The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.3.At first,I was not able to understand what the teacher said in class,and I even couldnt master the words and ph

7、rases.4.Its too hard to understand spoken English.5.I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.学校活动1.Im having a great time doing sports on the playground with my classmates.2.I really enjoy my school life because there are many kinds of colorful activities.3.Our school life is s

8、o rich and meaningful that I enjoy it very much.4.Im going to join the school volleyball team.5.There will be a culture show and many wonderful opera performances.6.Its a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture.7.The activity will be held on the playground in our school and al

9、l the teachers and students will attend it.8.Sometimes we go to the English Corner and practice our spoken English.9.Some students think we can climb the mountains,because it can help us keep healthy.10.I still remember the day when I went for a picnic with my classmates last summer.11.Last week s t

10、alent show in our school was a great success.与学校生活有关的建议1.We should try to find the right methods to solve problems.2.A good relationship between teachers and students can help you improve your study.3.No matter what kind of activities you take part in,remember not to spend too much time on them.4.Yo

11、u should take an active part in different kinds of club activities to make your school life more colorful.5.You should enjoy the process instead of the result.There are also many other ways to realize our dreams.6.In your free time,you can develop interests which can make your school life wonderful.

12、7.You should be polite to whoever you meet,which will make you get on well with others.8.My middle school life is coming to an end.I have a lot of sweet/unforgettable memories.9.We can plant more trees and pick up rubbish on campus.10.It s our duty to do volunteer work to make our school more beauti

13、ful.三、句型训练根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词【学习情况及存在的问题】1.老师说它很有用,但我认为它很难。The teacher says it is _ , but _ _ it is difficult.2.接着在9点我有科学课。它很难但很有趣。Then at 9:00 I _ _ .It is difficult but interesting.3.我以前上舞蹈课,但现在不上了。I used to _ _ _ , but I dont anymore.学校活动及兴趣小组4.我们在学校踢足球,我们喜欢足球。We _ _ at school and we love soccer. 5.下

14、课后,我和我的同学打乒乓球。 _ _ , I _ _ _ my classmates.6.我们需要学生参加学校演出。We want students for the _ _ .7.当我上高中的时候,我将加入学校的游泳队。When I get to senior high,I will join the school _ _ .8.在下个月,我们学校有一个艺术节。Next month,there will be an _ _ in our school.【学校生活】9.然后中午12点在学校礼堂吃午饭。请穿着整齐。Then lunch will be in the _ _ at 12:00.Ple

15、ase dress smartly.10.我的学校生活有趣又多彩。My school life is _ _ _ .11.我的初中生活即将结束, 并且我的脑海中有很多美好的回忆。My junior school life is _ _ _ _ , and there are a lot of _ _ in my mind.12.如果我充分利用我的空闲时间,我的初中生活将更有趣。If I _ _ _ _ my free time,I will have a more wonderful school life.【到校方式】13.你通常是如何去学校的?How do you usually _ _

16、_ ?14.我通常步行去学校,因为学校离我家不远。I usually go to school _ _ because it is not far from my home.对未来学校生活的打算/期待15.在这条路上,你也许会有失误,但关键的是,从错误中学习,永不放弃。Youll _ _ along the way,but the key is to _ _ your mistakes and never _ _.16.在新的旅行启程之际,不应忘了你来自何处。As you _ _ on your new journey,you shouldnt forget where you _ _ .四、

17、语段训练1.学校生活I cant believe that today is the last day of _ _ _ (初中).I still _ _ _ (记得第一天) of Grade 7 like it was yesterday.And I have made so many good friends and I have _ _ _ _ _ (分享了如此多美好的回忆) them.Even though Im sad that junior high is over,Im _ _ _ (期待)new experiences in senior high! 2.学校活动及兴趣小组We

18、 have a large sports ground for football and tennis,where we can _ _ (做运动) both during and after school hours._ _ (课后活动) such as sports clubs and language societies are popular,too.During the school year there are usually visits to museums and to camps for activities such as climbing and walking _ _

19、 _ (在乡间).3.语言学习Reading always plays a key role in language learning.Theyll _ _ _ _ _ _ (帮助你认识世界).However,I had difficulty in learning English.I _ _ _ _ _ _ (记英语单词有困难),and _ _ _ _ _ _ (听不懂老师说的).Then I turned to my teacher for help.She advised me to _ _ _ _ _ (每天写日记) in English and _ _ _ _ (加入一个英语俱乐部)

20、.Now,I have made great progress.五、典例剖析 假如你是星光中学的一名学生,即将中学毕业,马上就要进入高中学习,你对未来的高中生活充满了憧憬。请你以“My Life in High School”为题,根据表格提示内容,写一篇80词左右的英语短文(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。要求:1.短文的标题和开头部分已给出,不计入总词数;2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。My Life in High SchoolMy threeyear middle school life will be over.And I m going to enter my high school

21、 in September.I think my high school life will be colorful.My high school .审题指导这是一篇关于学生学校生活的文章,可按照常规的“三段式”来写作。首段引入写作主题(已给出);第二段按照表格提示内容逐一介绍“我”憧憬的高中生活是什么样子的;第三段表达自己想快点进入高中学习的迫切心情。写作导图 【作文失分点与高级句型】失分点此类话题的作文贴合学生生活,学生相对来说比较熟悉,有话可写。结合此篇作文来说,易失分的地方主要有:1.虽然表格中提示了要点,但是如何将信息衔接起来并过渡自然,是一大难点;2.这是一篇讲述未来的高中生活的作

22、文,全篇时态应以一般将来时为主。写作时,切勿脱离作文背景,盲目写作。一定要注意时态正确运用。高级句型1.My high school will be peaceful and beautiful.There are many tall buildings in it.(用“with”将两句合并为一句)2.They will be strict with students.They care for them,too.(用恰当的连词将两句连成一句,使句意保持不变)佳作欣赏My Life in High SchoolMy threeyear middle school life will be o

23、ver.And I m going to enter my high school in September.I think my high school life will be colorful.My high school will be peaceful and beautiful with many tall buildings in it.It must be a good place to study.The classrooms will be wide and bright.The teachers will be knowledgeable.They will be str

24、ict with students but they care for them,too.I will get along well with my classmates.I will learn by myself and take an active part in group work.And I will take part in all kinds of out-of-class activities and keep fit.What a wonderful high school life! I can t wait!名师赏析本文的亮点之处有:1.要点齐全,内容完整,层次分明;2.第二段重点介绍高中生活时,以“我”的口吻统一叙述,使得“校园”“老师”“同学”“学习”“课外活动”几个方面的信息衔接自然,过渡流畅;3.相关短语的运用,如be strict with,care for,get along well with,take an active part in等,体现了作者扎实的语言功底;4.with介词短语和感叹句的运用,使得文章富有灵动性。6


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