语法填空 :我国第三艘航空母舰下水 命名“福建舰”等3则-2022届高考英语一轮复习.docx

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1、语法填空 :我国第三艘航空母舰下水 命名“福建舰”等3则我国第三艘航空母舰下水命名仪式17日上午在中国船舶集团有限公司江南造船厂举行。11时许,下水命名仪式开始,全场高唱中华人民共和国国歌,五星红旗冉冉升起。仪式上,向接舰部队主官授予命名证书,军地领导共同为我国第三艘航空母舰下水剪彩。随后进行掷瓶礼,香槟酒瓶碰击舰艏碎裂,两舷喷射绚丽彩带,舰船鸣响汽笛,船坞坞门打开,航空母舰缓缓移出船坞。下水命名仪式在中国人民解放军军歌声中结束。经中央军委批准,我国第三艘航空母舰命名为“中国人民解放军海军福建舰”,舷号为“18”。福建舰是我国完全自主设计建造的首艘弹射型航空母舰,采用平直通长飞行甲板,配置电磁

2、弹射和阻拦装置,满载排水量8万余吨。该舰下水后,将按计划开展系泊试验和航行试验。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China launched its third aircraft carrier, the Fujian, in Shanghai on Friday. The carrier, named _1_ Fujian Province, was completely designed and built by China.The new carrier _2_(put)into the water at a launch ceremony that st

3、arted at about 11 a.m._3_(approve)by the Central Military Commission (CMC), the Fujian was given the hull number 18.Upon its completion, the gigantic ship will displace more than 80,000 metric tons of water, _4_(make)it the largest and mightiest warship any _5_(Asia)nation has ever built.Currently,

4、the PLA Navy operates two carriers CNSLiaoningand CNSShandong. _6_of them were built to employ a so-called “ski-jump” launch method for aircraft, with a ramp(斜坡)at the end of the short runway to help planes take off.The Fujianemploys a catapult(弹射器)launch, which experts had said appears to be an ele

5、ctromagnetic-type system like one _7_(original)developed by the U.S. Navy.Such a system puts less stress on the aircraft _8_older steam-type catapult launch systems, and the use of a catapult means that the ship will be able to launch a broader _9_(various)of aircraft, which is necessary for China t

6、o be able to project navalpower at a _10_(great)range. 答案:1.after 以命名2.was put3.Approved被批准4.making5.Asian 6.Both7.originally8.than9.variety10.greater语法填空 翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富获颁航天功勋奖章阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Astronauts of Shenzhou XIII mission get medals of honorThe three crew members of the Shenzhou

7、XIII mission have been awarded _1_medals to honor their service and accomplishments.Zhai was commander of the six-month Shenzhou XIII mission while Wang and Ye _2_(be)crew members. Zhai and his crewmates have spent 183 days in orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth since their Shenzhou XIII spac

8、ecraft _3_(launch)on Oct 16 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, _4_(make) it Chinas longest-ever spaceflight.They were the second inhabitants of the countrys permanent space station _5_(name)Tiangong, or Heavenly Palace.Thanks to the Shenzhou XIII mission, Wang is now the record holder in Chin

9、a for the _6_(long)time in spaceflight, boasting a total of 198 days. She also became _7_first female Chinese spacewalker after taking part in the crews first spacewalk on Nov 7.During their space journey, the astronauts have carried out two spacewalks _8_totaled more than 12 hours. Theyve also exam

10、ined the _9_(safe)and performance of support devices for spacewalks and tested the functions of their extravehicular suits.In addition, the trio had carried out two science _10_(lecture)for Chinese students from the orbiting station. 答案解析:1.with 考查介词。be awarded with被授予。2.were 考查时态和主谓一致。因是过去发生的事情,用一般

11、过去时。主语为两个人,是复数,所以用were。3.was launched 被发射。4.making 作结果状语。5.named 被叫作的。过去分词作后置定语。6.longest 最长的。7.the 序数词前用定冠词。8.that/which 考查定语从句。所填词在定语从句中作主语,指代先行词spacewalks。9.safety 安全。形容词转化为名词作宾语。10.lectures 考查名词复数。因是两次授课,用复数。语法填空 世卫组织考虑宣布猴痘疫情为全球卫生紧急事件世界卫生组织23日召开紧急会议,考虑是否将当前在多个国家蔓延的猴痘疫情宣布为全球卫生紧急事件。世卫组织最新发布的数据显示,截

12、至6月15日,已有42个国家向世卫组织报告猴痘确诊病例2103例,疑似病例1例,死亡病例1例,确诊病例绝大多数来自欧洲。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The World Health Organization (WHO) held an emergency meeting Thursday over the worldwide spread of monkeypox.The health agency is considering whether_1_(declare)the outbreak a global health emergency. The de

13、claration means the WHO considers the monkeypox outbreak to be _2_extraordinary event and that the disease is at risk of spreading to _3_(many) countries.Many scientists doubt any declaration would help slow the disease. Developed countries _4_(record)the most recent cases are already moving quickly

14、 to shut down the spread.Monkeypox has been identified in more than 40 countries, mostly in Europe. It _5_(sicken)people for many years in central and west Africa, _6_one version of the disease kills up to 10 percent of people. Outside of Africa, no _7_(death)have been reported.People _8_monkeypox o

15、ften experience symptoms like fever, body aches and a rash. Most recover within weeks without needing _9_(medicine)care.The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed more than 3,300 cases of monkeypox in 42 countries where the virus has not been _10_(typical)seen. More than 80 percent of cases are in Europe. Meanwhile, Africa has already seen more than 1,400 cases this year, including 62 deaths.答案:1.to declare2.an3.more 4.recording5.has sickened6.where7.deaths8.with9.medical10.typically


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