Unit 3 Grammar and usage — Assessment词汇讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 3 Grammar and usage — Assessment词汇讲解ppt课件 -(2020版)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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1、单词课堂版本:新译林版本:新译林 单元:必修三单元:必修三 Unit 3(Grammar and usage Assessment)本单元词汇梳理1.belong:词块:belong to,不能用于进行时态和被动语态 派生词:belonging,词块:a sense of belonging belongings,词块:personal belongings2.ballet:音译词“芭蕾”词源:ballet 来自意大利语 balletto(ball 舞会+let 小形式),最初指的是15世纪时流行于意大利宫廷中的一种舞蹈表演。后ballet兴盛于法国,经由法语进入英语,所以发音也具有法语特点,

2、最后一个t不发音。3.set up:set(放)+up(向上)向上放 搭建;建起 一词多义:基本义“建起”4.request:动词是正式用语,对应ask for 词块:request sb to do sth,request that sb(should)do sth5.technical:techn-(技术、科技)+-ical(形容词后缀)词块:technical training/support,technical terms6.upload:up(adv 向上)+load(v 载入)上传7.download:合成词 down(adv 向下)+load(v 载入)下载8.percentag

3、e:percent(n 百分比)+-age(名词后缀)9.entertainment:entertain(v 娱乐)+-ment(名词后缀)词块:the entertainment business/world10.mobile:mob(to move 移动)+-ile(形容词后缀)可移动的 词块:a mobile phone,a mobile shop11.device:词块:digital/mobile devices 熟词生义:手段;策略;方法12.addict:词族:addict,addicted,addiction 词块:a drug/TV/football/video game a

4、ddict 13.battery:词源:动词bat(击打)的名词形式。battery最初表示“连续重击”,后衍生出“轰炸”之意。后来又被用来表示包含一组火炮或炮台,因为包含多门火炮的火炮组能够不间断地连续发射炮弹。电池问世后,美国科学家本富兰克林将电池叫作battery,因为电池能像火炮组一样连续发射电荷。词块:dead/flat battery,the battery dies/goes dead 14.quit:过去式、过去分词:quit/quitted,quit/quitted 意为“离开”“停止”时是非正式用语(对应leave)词块:quit a job,quit school,qui

5、t(doing)sth 15.scary:非正式用语(对应 frightening)词族:scare,scared,scary16.somehow:some+how;句子副词17.journal:keep a journal/diary18.reveal:re-(opposite of 相反)+veal(to cover 覆盖、遮盖)不遮盖 显露/露出;词块:reveal to19.appreciate:ap-(to)+prec(price)+-i-+-ate 只有理解了商品的价值才会愿意出价购买该商品 基本义:理解 词块:appreciate(sb)doing sth,Id apprecia

6、te it if 派生词:appreciation20.wide-ranging:wide+ranging21.opera:歌剧诞生于16世纪末的意大利。最初,意大利人用短语opera in musica(works in music 音乐作品)来表示歌剧,后来缩写为单词opera。22.badminton:词源:原本是个地名,是英国Duke of Beaufort Badminton庄园。当时的庄园主人改造了网球球拍,并在庄园中用其招待宾客。因此,羽毛球这种运动迅速在英国发展起来。由于它起源于badminton庄园,所以人们把它称作badminton。23.cut back on:近义词:r

7、educebelong搭配义搭配义set up一词多义一词多义词根词缀正式用语与非正式用语重难点词精讲request一词多义一词多义appreciate一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义quit英语释义英语释义搭配义搭配义belongVictory belongs to the most persevering.胜利属于最坚忍的人。Napoleon拿破仑波拿巴(1769年8月15日1821年5月5日),即拿破仑一世(Napolon I),出生于科西嘉岛,十九世纪法国伟大的军事家、政治家,法兰西第一帝国的缔造者。拿破仑于1804年12月2日加冕称帝,把共和国变成帝国。在位期间称“法国人的皇帝”,也

8、是历史上自查理三世后第二位享有此名号的法国皇帝。belong vi 属(于);应在(某处):Put the chair back where it belongs.belong to 属于;是的成员;应归入:Some of the stamps belong to me,while the rest are his and hers.The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.Mike belongs to the English club.Lions and tigers belong to th

9、e cat family.注:belong to 不能用于进行时态和被动语态。belonging n U 归属:a sense of belonging belongings n C 复数 所有物;财产;财物(possessions):Look after your personal belongings.2008 四川set up set up 由 set+up 组成:set 放up 向上借助小品词 up 去理解 set up 的各义项。首先思考:该短语如何理解和识记?首先思考:该短语如何理解和识记?向上放搭建;建起搭建;建起set up 建起;竖起;安装:建起;竖起;安装:set up c

10、amp 建立;设立;创立建立;设立;创立 (establish):set up a company/business 安排:安排:Give me a call on Friday to set up a time,OK?2014 湖南建起建起(基本义)set up语义网络图语义网络图“建起建起”物体物体“建起建起”机构等机构等“建起建起”做事的顺序做事的顺序建起;竖起;安装建起;竖起;安装建立;设立;创立建立;设立;创立 安排安排在正式的邀请函中经常会用到一些惯用的敬语,如“敬请光临”、“请届时出席”等等。那么大家知道这些敬语如何用英文表达吗?request敬请光临 _ 请届时出席 _ You

11、r presence is requested.Your presence is requested for the occasion.比较下面两个句子,说说比较下面两个句子,说说ask和和request的区别是什的区别是什么?么?She asked him to wake her at 6 oclock.She requested him to wake her at 6 oclock.正式用语多用在严肃的正式场合,如商业信函、报告、讲座、会议,以及与陌生人和比自己级别高的人的礼貌交谈中。非正式用语则多用在放松的非正式场合,如与熟人的日常交流,包括会话和书信往来等。总的来说,书面语多用正式用

12、语,口语多用非正式用语。request是正式用语request nC&U(正式的)要求;请求:make a request for help The pianist listened to our request that he(should)play in public again.at sbs request/at the request of sb 应某人的要求:The students were there at the teachers request.正式用语 请求;要求 to ask for sth or ask sb to do sth in a polite or forma

13、l way:You can request a free ticket for the show at the reception desk.request vt request sb to do sth:Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.request+that.(should)do sth:We request that the discussion(should)be put off.与ask(for)同义,但request更正式quitWinners never quit and quitters never win.成功

14、者永不放弃,放弃者永不胜利。文斯隆巴迪(Vince Lombardi),美国职业橄榄球教练员。他曾带领绿湾包装工队获得了第一届和第二届的“超级碗”冠军,是美国职业橄榄球联赛(NFL)最成功、最受尊重的教练之一。美国职业橄榄球大联盟,NFL 年度总决赛超级碗比赛的冠军奖杯文斯 隆巴迪杯就是以其名字命名的。非正式用语离开(工作、学校等):quit a job/quit school非正式用语停止;戒除 to stop doing sth bad or annoying:He didnt quit,and he became a great pianist.Sliding into the habi

15、t was easy,but it was difficult to quit the habit.译林新必修-3 quit doing sth:My father has quit smoking at last.关闭/退出(计算机程序等)quit(quit/quitted,quit/quitted)vt&vi appreciate 词源解读appreciate由ap-(to)+-preci-(price)+-i-+-ate 组成,其词源义为“出价(to set a price to)”。只有理解(understand)了商品的价值才会愿意出价购买该商品。appreciate vt 不用于进

16、行时 基本义:to understand sth 理解;明白 to understand sth(a problem,situation,etc.):It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what my parents had done for me.2010 北京改 欣赏;赏识 to understand how good or useful sb or sth is:His talents arent appreciated by his boss,which makes him depressed.感激;

17、感谢 to be grateful for sth:appreciate(sb)doing sth:I really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job.Id appreciate it if:Id appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.理解;明白基本义appreciate 语义网络图“理解”“明白”事情的状况或形势“理解”“明白”人或事物的优点和价值“理解”“明白”别人为自己所做的事,表示感激理解;明白欣赏;赏识感激;感谢程度递进欣赏;赏识感激;感谢欣

18、赏;赏识;鉴赏appreciateappreciation感激;感谢理解;明白理解;认识词汇拓展appreciation R1 n U 1.Chinese arts have won the appreciation of a lot of people outside China.2.Please accept this gift in appreciation of all youve done for us.3.I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.4.She had no appreciation o

19、f the difficulties we were facing.本单元的词根词缀本单元的词根词缀说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。说出下列单词的词根词缀的汉语释义。1.mobile:mob(to move _)+-ile(形容词后缀)可移动的2.reveal:re-(opposite of 相反)+veal(to cover _)不遮盖 _3.establish:e-(out 向外)+sta(to stand _)使公司、机构等站立起来 _4.majority:major(large _)+-ity(名词后缀)_移动移动英语单词构词法的核心部分在于词根,词根决定单词的意思。词根可以单独构成

20、单词,也可以通过添加前缀或后缀构成新词。了解词根意思,掌握构词规律,有助于准确、高效记忆词汇。覆盖覆盖 /遮盖遮盖显露显露 /露出露出站立站立建立建立主要的主要的 /大的大的大部分大部分 /大多数大多数 informal neutral formal请求同意/ask for permission1._ permission辞职2._ ones jobleave ones jobresign作讲座do a lecturegive a lecture3._ a lecture恐怖电影a(n)4._ moviea frightening movie/开公司/start(up)/set up a co

21、mpany5._ a company正式用语与非正式用语正式用语与非正式用语根据所给提示完成表格。根据所给提示完成表格。request quitdeliverscaryestablish本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总1.The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.2.Give me a call on Friday to set up a time,OK?2014 湖南3.Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.4.He didnt quit,

22、and he became a great pianist.5.Sliding into the habit was easy,but it was difficult to quit the habit.译林新必修-3 6.Id appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.7.Chinese arts have won the appreciation of a lot of people outside China.8.I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you

23、 all.随堂检随堂检测测一、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.The house belongs _ my aunt but she doesnt live here any more.2.Before 1066,in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples _(belong)to two major language groups.3.The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their _(belong)when they leave the car.二、

24、根据所给汉语及提示,完成下列句子。1.When I was a boy,I _(是的成员)the Boy Scouts(童子军),so I used to go camping every summer.2.In other words,gossip(闲聊)is satisfying because it gives people _(归属感).(2016 浙江)belongtobelongingbelongingsbelonged toa sense of belongingset up写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.This university w

25、as set up in 1950._2.Theyve set up road blocks around the city._3.I need one or two people to help me set up the equipment._4.Theyve set up a fund for victims(受害者)of the earthquake._5.Do you want me to set up a meeting?_6.After leaving college,he set up as a photographer._安装安装设立设立设置设置安排安排当上当上创建创建req

26、uest根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.他们要求再给一些援助。(request n)They _ further aid.2.应你们的要求,我们将寄送详尽的节目说明。(request n)We will send you full program descriptions _.3.我写信是想请求你们帮我把包找回来。(2010 重庆书面表达)I am writing to you to _ find the bag back.4.她要求不要向任何人透露她的决定。(被动语态)She requested that no one _.made a request for(should)be

27、 told of her decisionat your requestrequest you to help me 一、写出句子中画线部分精准的汉语释义。I tried to quit smoking several times before I realised I was addicted._ 二、选出能替换画线部分的单词。Lauren Bath quit her job as a chef.(changed/left)_三、根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。根据所给词块,将下列句子译成英语。我成功地戒掉了看电视。(quit doing sth)_ 戒烟I have successful

28、ly quit/quitted watching TV.quit leftappreciate一、根据句意选出appreciate的最佳释义。vt 欣赏;赏识 to understand how good or useful sb/sth is vt 感激;感谢 to be grateful for sth vt 理解;明白 to understand sth(a problem,situation,etc.)a.We appreciate that caring for children is an important job._ b.Id appreciate it if you coul

29、d lend me your dictionary._c.His talents are not fully appreciated in that company._ 二、用括号内单词的正确形式填空。1.I really appreciate _(have)time to relax with you on this nice island.2.We understand this lesson best when we receive gifts of love from children.Whether it is a cheap pipe or a diamond necklace,t

30、he proper response is _(appreciate).(2010 广东)having appreciation三、用appreciate完成句子。1._(如我将不胜感激)my application could get your approval.(2011 重庆书面表达)2.Im not an expert,but I _(欣赏优秀的艺术作品).3.Eventually she really _(理解父母为她所做的一切).appreciated what her parents appreciate fine works of artId appreciate it ifhad done for her谢谢观赏


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