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1、趣味识词What an adventure UNIT 5 Are you ready?1.initial adj.最初的;开始的initial dreaminitial a.开始的,最初的original a.最早的;原版的1.What was the authors initial purpose of collecting newspaper articles?作者收集报纸文章的最初目的是什么?2.My initial reaction was to decline the offer.我最初的反应是要婉言谢绝这个提议。2.thusthus far 迄今;现在为止adv.因此=theref

2、ore,hence,consequentlyconj.因此=so,so thatThey are difficult to maintain and thus need more operating costs.他们很难维持,因此需要更多的运营成本。3.zone n.地区;地带time zone 时区Free Zone 自由区免税区1.The area has been declared a disaster zone.该地区已被宣布为灾难带。2.The new treaty establishes a free trade zone.新条约设立了自由贸易区。4.oxygen n.氧气 oxy

3、gen supply 供氧 1.Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼用鳃吸取氧气。5.border:n.国界;边界1.They were heading towards the German border.他们正前往德国边界。2.They didnt reach the border until after dark.他们天黑以后才到达边境。6.confirm v.证明;证实 confirmation n.证明;证实1.You have to confirm one more time.你得再确认一次。7.crowd n.人群 v.聚集 crowd

4、ed adj.拥挤的a crowd of 一大群;许多的crowd out vt.挤出;推开crowd into 涌入;挤入follow the crowd 随大流1.The crowd began throwing stones.那群人开始扔石头。2.She lost her husband in the crowd.她在人群中与丈夫走散了。8.sheer adj.纯粹的,十足的sheer nonsense 一派胡言9.bring.into focus 使.成为焦点eg.Its an opportunity to bring your goals into focus and transfe

5、r your ideas into the real world.它为你提供一个机会,使你把目标定得更为集中,并帮助你把理想变成现实。10.attempt v./n.努力;尝试attempt at 企图,努力;尝试attempt to do 尝试去做1.They made no attempt to escape.他们没有企图逃跑。2.I will attempt to answer all your questions.我将努力回答你的全部问题。11.failure n.失败;公司倒闭;失败的人【反】success n.成功1.I felt foolish and a failure.我自觉

6、是个愚蠢的失败者。2.Their long struggle ended in failure.他们的长期努力以失败告终。3.Dont be discouraged by the first failuretry again!不要因第一次失败就灰心丧气再试一次吧!12.psychologist n.心理学家 psychology n.心理学psychological adj.心理的psychologically adv.心理上地eg.They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion.他们征询一位心理学家的独立意见。13.t

7、hrill n.惊险;刺激;兴奋,激动 eg.I can remember the thrill of not knowing what I would get on Christmas morning.我记得,在不知道圣诞节早上会收到何种礼物时自己的激动心情。14.port n.港;港口Rizhao Port 日照港port city n.港口城市in port 在港内1.The ship spent four days in port.这艘船在港口停泊了四天。2.A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port.各种重工业在港

8、口边上兴起并发展起来。15.unaware adj.未察觉到的;未意识到的be unaware of 没觉察到aware adj.意识到的,明白的be aware of 察觉到的;意识到的unawareness n.没认识到;未觉察到rise ones awareness of 提高某人的意识1.They were unaware that the street violence was just a foretaste of what was to come.他们没有意识到,这起街头暴力预示着未来大规模的暴力行为。2.There was a faint crease between her

9、eyebrows that she seemed unaware of.她的眉毛之间有一道淡淡的皱纹,她似乎没有注意到。16.alcohol n.酒精;酒1.Wine contains about 10%alcohol.葡萄酒含有约10%的酒精。2.It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors.向未成年人提供含酒精的饮料是违法的。alcoholic adj.酒精的,含酒精的 n.酗酒者,酒鬼17.bandage n.绷带18.plaster n.创可贴19.thermometer n.体温计;温度计1.The nurse took the thermo

10、meter,shook it,and put it under my armpit.护士拿出体温计,甩了甩,然后放在我的腋窝下。2.Today is a thermometer breaker!今天热得温度计都要爆了!20.rubber n.橡胶;合成橡胶1.I need a rubber band.我需要一条橡皮筋。2.The smell of burning rubber filled the air.空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。21.cotton n.棉布,棉纱22.wool n.羊毛;毛织品23.cotton wool 药棉;脱脂棉24.guideline n.指导方针guide v.

11、带领,引导 n.导游,向导guided adj.有指导的guidance n.指导This is a simple design guideline.这是一条简单的设计指导原则。25.cloth n.布clothes 衣服26.bleeding n.流血,失血blood n.血,血液bleed v.流血,出血 27.liquid n.液体;液态物 adj.液态的1.They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.他们会肯定需要吸收大量液体。2.Water exists in three states:liquid,gas,and sol

12、id.水以三种状态存在:液体、气体和固体。28.injury n.伤;损害injure v.受伤injured adj.受伤的辨析hurt 感情上受伤,injure 事故中受伤,wound 战争中受伤29.stretch v.延伸;绵延stretch oneself 伸展身体stretchy adj.有弹性的stretchable adj.能伸展的30.league n.里格;联盟,同盟The first workers league came into being.第一个工人联盟成立了。31.servant n.仆人;佣人civil servant 公务员serve v.服务;(给)提供,端

13、上(食物)serve as 担任serve in the army 服兵役1.They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need.他们愿意在祖国需要时为祖国服务。2.Do you serve bar snacks?你这儿卖不卖快餐?32.submarine n.潜水艇 v.海底的33.charge n.主管;负责v.充电;负责;控告,收费n.电量,费用控告,指控,指示in charge 在看管下in charge of 负责;主管free of charge 免费take charge 掌管charge for 索价1.W

14、hos in charge here?这里谁负责?2.Im leaving the school in your charge.我这就把学校交给你掌管。34.captain n.船长Oh,Captain!My Captain!Our fearful trip is done,啊!船长!我的船长!可怕的航程已完成;The ship has weatherd every rack,the prize we sought is won,这船历尽风险,企求的目标已达成。The port is near,the bells I hear,the people all exulting,港口在望,钟声响,

15、人们在欢欣。While follow eyes the steady keel,the vessel grim and daring;千万双眼睛注视着船平稳,勇敢,坚定。But Oh,heart!heart!heart!但是痛心啊!痛心!痛心!Oh,the bleeding drops of red!瞧一滴滴鲜红的血!Where on the deck my Captain lies,甲板上躺着我的船长,Fallen cold and dead.他倒下去,冰冷,永别。惠特曼35.ahead adv.在前面ahead of time 提前;提早1.The party was planned we

16、eks ahead.聚会提前几个星期就已筹划好了。2.We finished 15 minutes ahead of time.我们提前15分钟完成。36.permit v.允许;准许;许可permissive adj.许可的;放纵的permission n.允许ask for permission 征求许可;请求允许1.They cannot leave the country without permission.没有许可他们不得离开这个国家。2.No one is to see the document without the permission of the writer of th

17、e report.任何人没有报告撰写者的允许不得看这份文件。37.fancinated adj.被迷住的;被吸引住的fascinate v.入迷;使着迷fascination n.魅力fascinating adj.迷人的1.I have always been fascinated by astronomy.我一直对天文学很着迷。2.Since early times,people have been fascinated with the idea of life existing somewhere else besides earth.很早以前,人们就对地球之外存在生命的想法沉迷。38

18、.chapter n.章节chapter one 第一章1.This is discussed in more detail in a later chapter.在后面的一章中对这一点作了更详细的讨论。2.Since early times,people have been fascinated with the idea of life existing somewhere else besides earth.很早以前,人们就对地球之外存在生命的想法沉迷。39.relate v.相联系,有关联;讲述relative adj.相对的related adj.有关系的relative n.亲戚

19、relationship n.关系;关联relation n.关系relate with 使相关,使符合40.helmet n.头盔;钢盔People hate to wear a helmet because its thick and heavy.人们不喜欢戴头盔,因为它又厚又重。41.nut n.坚果;螺母,疯子,怪人42.astonish v.使吃惊;使惊讶astonishment n.吃惊astonishing adj.惊人的同义词:shock surpriseamaze astoundThe ending of the novel will astonish you.小说的结局会让

20、你大吃一惊。43.ray n.光线;光束x ray X光,X射线 44.consume v.消耗consumable adj.可消耗的;可消费的consumptive adj.消耗性的;浪费的consumption n.消费;消耗;肺痨consumer n.消费者1.Many people are unaware of how much food and drink they consume.许多人不知道自己到底消耗掉多少食物和饮料。45.distinguish v.看清;认出distinct adj.明显的;有区别的distinguished adj.著名的distinguishing ad

21、j.有区别的distinguish oneself 使扬名;使杰出distinguish between v.区别;分辨distinguish from 区别Its important to distinguish fact from fiction.区别真实和虚构是重要的。46.gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地gradual adj.逐渐的;平缓的1.We can build up the speed gradually and safely.我们可以逐步安全地加快速度。2.Gradually factory workers have been displaced by machi

22、nes.工厂的工人已逐渐被机器取代。47.surround v.环绕;围绕surrounding adj.周围的,附近的 n.环境1.Surround yourself with positive people.让你的周围都是积极向上的人。2.I like to surround myself with beautiful things.我喜欢身边老有漂亮的东西。48.wrinkled adj.有褶皱的wrinkle n.皱纹 His suit was wrinkled and he looked very tired.他的外套皱皱巴巴的,他看上去非常疲惫。49.shore n.岸;滨on s

23、hore 在岸上sea shore 海岸1.They walked down to the shore.他们往下走到了岸边。2.The fisherman rowed us back to the shore.渔夫划船将我们送回到岸上。50.carpet n.地毯 51.intensity n.(光、声等的)强度 intensive adj.加强的;集中的intension n.强度,烈度52.vibration n.震颤;震动53.atom n.原子atomic adj.原子的,原子能的54.depth n.深;深度deep adj.深的;深刻的deeply adv.深刻地deepen v.

24、使加深in depth 深入地;全面地1.Whats the depth of the water here?这儿的水有多深?2.The conference stimulated him to study the subject in more depth.这次会议促使他更深入地研究那个课题。55.broad adj.宽的;阔的broaden vi.扩大,变阔broadness n.宽阔broadly adv.明显地;宽广地broad-minded 心胸开阔的in broad daylight 在大白天1.He greeted them with a wave and a broad smi

25、le.他咧嘴笑着挥手和他们打招呼。2.A broad range of issues was discussed.广泛的问题得到了讨论。56.beneath prep.在.之下;在.正下方辨析:beneath 书面用词under 普通用词,与over相对,below 低于;范围较宽。57.resident n.居民;住户A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the revolution.他邻里的一个居民燃放了烟花来庆祝革命。58.male n.雄性动物 adj.男性的female n.雌性动物 adj.女性的


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