Unit 3 Understanding Ideas&Developing Ideas(ppt课件+2课时)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 3 Understanding Ideas&Developing Ideas(ppt课件+2课时)_2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册
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Franklins Experiment:How Much Is True?Book 3 Unit 3introduceBenjamin Franklins famous experiment with lightning has introduced generations of children to science.vt.If you introduce someone to something,you cause tem to learn about it or experience it for the first time.使初次接触,使了解使初次接触,使了解E.g.Mark introduced me to the joys of wine-tasting.producePeople wanted to know if lightning was really produced by electricity or something else.vt.to cause sth.to happen 产生,引起,造成E.g.The drug is known to produce side-effects to women.E.g.A rise in sea-level is produced by climatic change.with独立结构 He raised the kite with a piece of string tied to it.Pattern:with+n./pron.+现在分词/过去分词/不定式非谓语动词用哪种形式,取决于动词与前面名词代词间的逻辑关系。Practice:1.With prices _(go)up,so fast,we cant afford luxuries.2.They sat together around the table,with the door _(shut).3.With you _(help)us,well surely succeed.attachA metal key was attached to the string.vt.to fasten or connect one object to another 系,绑,贴,附上,固定上E.g.a small battery attached to a little loudspeaker装在装在小喇叭上上的一节小电池E.g.Attach a recent photograph to your application form.在申请表上贴贴一张近照。E.g.For further information,please contact us on the attached form.欲知详情,请使用所附附表格联系我们。conductA flash of lightning hit the kite,and electricity was conducted through the string to the key.vt.1)传导(热或电)E.g.Water conducts heat faster than air.2)指挥E.g.My friend went home,leaving me to conduct the band.3)进行,实施E.g.A lot of research is being conducted in this area.approachMore than one generation of schoolchildren has been amazed by his bravery and his scientific approach to looking for the truth.n.method of doing something or dealing with a problem(to)E.g.He criticized the one-size-fits-all approach to learningE.g.As a writer she takes a completely new approach to the classic horror story.E.g.We need to try alternative approaches to the problem.along withFranklin,along with many other scientists,has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are important in order to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries and inventions.“along with/as well as+名词”置于主语后做插入语,倍于动词与前面的主语保持一致。E.g.汤姆和他的父母每周日都去公园。Tom,along with/as well as his parents,goes to the park every Sunday.Used for mentioning additional people or things that are included or involved in something.(可用于句尾作状语)Tom goes to the park every Sunday along with his parents.E.g.Ramos was arrested along with eleven other men.Ramos,along with eleven other men,was arrested.establishvt.to find out facts that will prove that something is true证实,确定E.g.The police must establish the facts of the case before proceeding.E.g.I was never able to establish whether she was telling the truth.虚拟条件句But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key,he would certainly have died from the electric shock.1.If I _(not see)it with my own eyes yesterday,I _(not believe)it.2.I _(be)a bit more careful if I _(be)you.3.If it _(not be)for the sun,the plants _(not live)4.Even if the sun _(rise)in the west tomorrow,I _(not break)my word.5.If she _(leave)five minutes earlier,she _(catch)the train.questionScientists often question accepted ideas because they want to establish the facts.vt.If you question something,you have or express doubts about whether it is true.对表示怀疑/质疑E.g.It never occurs to them to question the doctors decisions.n.怀疑,不确定E.g.As a footballer,Tonys ability was beyond e up withSome have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newtons head and led him to come up with his theory of gravity.1.If you come up with a plan or idea,you think of it and suggest it.相出,提出E.g.明天的会上他们将提出他们的计划。Tomorrow they will come up with their plan at the meeting.2.If you come up with a sum of money,you manage to produce it when it is needed.设法拿出E.g.Were in big trouble if we dont come up with the money by 6 oclock.account In fact,more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple,there is no proof that it hit him on the head.n.An account is a written or spoken report of something that has happened.描述,陈述E.g.他详细描述了那个夜晚所发生的事。He gave a detailed account(description)of what happened that night.admittedlyAdmittedly,fiction is often more interesting than the truth.ad.You use admittedly when you are saying something which weakens the importance or force of your statement.E.g.Im sure it was her although,admittedly,she was wearing a different coat.E.g.This has led to financial losses,though admittedly on a fairly small scale.morethan People have been more inspired by Franklins spirit of scientific exploration than by the facts themselves.“morethan”与其说是倒不如说是E.g.I was more amused than shocked by what she told me.proveThis,he said,proved that lightning was a form of electricity.It has been proved that Franklins experiment took place.But in science,facts should be proved by experiments and research.vt.证明,证实1)prove+that-从句2)It is proved+that-从句3)prove+n./pron.E.g.他借助照片来证明他的观点。He used photos to prove his point.E.g.这些数据证明词汇量对学习英语很重要。These data prove that vocabulary is significant to English learning.E.g.经证实,童年时吃蔬菜有助于日后不生大病。It has been proved that eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life.Link.v.被证明是E.g.The book has proved(to be)very successful.E.g.事实证明他是一个诚实的人。He proves(to be)an honest man.The New Age of InventionBook 3 Unit 3 Understanding ideassuggestI guess you have been asked about the title of your book before.It suggests that the present day is a new age for inventions,but many people might think that the great age of invention is over.They kept suggesting ways to keep my weight down.1.=advise/propose 建议,提议建议,提议 S(sb.)+V+O suggest sth suggest doing sth suggest that sb.+v原形 Dr.Smith当时建议我们早点出发。Dr.Smith suggested our starting early.Dr.Smith suggested that we start early.Opinion polls suggest that only 10%of the population trusts the government.2.make someone think that a particular thing is true 显示,表明显示,表明 S(sth.)+V+that-clause(主从句时态一致)早先的报道暗示周日可能会召开会议。Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday.throughoutThere have been golden ages of invention throughout history.1.during all of a particular period,from the beginning to the end 在整个期间,自始至终在整个期间,自始至终E.g.House prices continued to rise throughout the 1980s.2.in every part of a particular area 遍及,在遍及,在各处各处E.g.The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe.flexibleFor example,advances in virtual reality and wearable tech,as well as the flexible battery,mean we should soon be seeing further development.flexible battery 柔性电池flexible:1.be able to bent easily without breaking 可弯曲的,可弯曲的,柔韧的柔韧的E.g.exercises will keep your body flexible.E.g.The job offers flexible working hours2.be able to change easily and adapt to different conditions and circumstances 易变通的,灵活的易变通的,灵活的capableIt is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places,with computing technology controlling its“legs”.capable of(doing)sth:having the qualities or ability needed to do something 有能力做某事有能力做某事E.g.The kitchen is capable of catering for several hundred people.E.g.I am perfectly capable of looking after myself.with独立结构独立结构It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places,with computing technology controlling its“legs”.“with+n./pron.+非谓语动词非谓语动词/介词短语介词短语”作状语,表示伴随、原因、条件等作状语,表示伴随、原因、条件等由于物价猛涨,我们买不起高档商品。With prices going up so fast,we cant afford luxuries.他们关着门围桌而坐。They sat together around the table,with the door closed.由于有很多作业要做,所他决定不去看电影了。With a lot of homework to do,he decided not to see the movie他眼里噙着高兴的泪水,看着女儿结婚。With tears of joy in her eyes,she saw her daughter married.leadNow,reduced energy supplies and environmental pollution have led to more advances in the technology of new energy vehicles.to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something1.lead to+doingE.g.His actions could lead to his losing his job.2.lead to+noun.E.g.A degree in English could lead to a career in journalism.3.lead sb.+to do E.g.What led him to kill his wife?
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