UNIT 3 Section B (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、UNIT 3Family mattersSection BUsing language高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇一 regularly adv.经常;定期地【教材原句教材原句】Something that happens regularly in the present.现在经常发生的事情。【要点必记要点必记】regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的;经常的题组练领悟方法核心词汇高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【词语辨析词语辨析】regular,normal 与与ordinary(1)regular“定期的,规则的

2、”,指已有模 式是有规律的或定期的;(2)normal“正常的,标准的”,指不超过 某种限度、符合某种标准或常规;(3)ordinary“普通的,平常的”,强调一 般性和普遍性,含不突出的意味。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)辽宁卷We used to see each other (regular),but I havent heard from him since last year.辨析填空(辨析填空(regular/normal/ordinary)(2)The old woman is our customer.She sh

3、ops here on a regular basis.(3)Its to feel tired after such a long trip.(4)I strongly believe that most people would agree with me.regularlyregularnormalordinary高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇二responsible adj.(1)(对事故、错误、罪行等)负有责任的,应承担责任的(2)引起的(3)可靠的【教材原句教材原句】Whos responsible?谁负责?【要点必记要点必记】be respo

4、nsible for(doing)sth.对(做)某事负责be responsible to sb.对某人负责【对比记忆对比记忆】Sb.is responsible for.某人对负责。Sth.is responsible for.某事是的原因。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【误区警示误区警示】responsible 作前置定语和作后置定语时意义不同:a responsible person 可信赖的/可靠的人the person responsible 负责人,主管【词语积累词语积累】responsibility n.责任,职责,义务a sense of r

5、esponsibility 责任感have/take responsibility for.对有责任/负责高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句写作单句写作(1)迈克对设计整个方案负责。Mike designing the entire project.(2)作为一名导游,她应该对她的游客负责。As a guide,she should her tourists.(3)我们应该对下一代负责。We should the next generation.(4)健康状况不佳是他辞掉这份工作的原因。The poor health his quitting the job.

6、(5)她对学生有很强的责任感。She has towards her students.is responsible for be responsible to be responsible for is responsible for a strong sense of responsibility 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇三memory n.记忆,回忆;,U记忆力,记性【教材原句教材原句】A family memory 家庭记忆【要点必记要点必记】have a good bad memory(for sth.)(对某事)记忆力好差from mem

7、ory 凭记忆in memory of 为了纪念 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【知识链接知识链接】in honour of 为了向表示敬意in search of 寻找in case of 假使,如果in view of 考虑到in celebration of 庆祝in need of 需要in favour of 支持;赞同in praise of 歌颂高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)She has an excellent memory names,which helps her quite

8、 a lot in her work.(2)She can recite(背诵)the whole poem memory.单句写作单句写作(3)The library was built (为了纪念)the scientist who had made significant contributions to society.for from in memory of 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇四even though 尽管(=even if)【教材原句教材原句】Strangely,his beard is still red even though

9、 his hair is turning grey!奇怪的是,尽管他的头发变白了,他的胡子还是红的!【词语辨析词语辨析】even if/even though与与as if/as though 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句写作单句写作(1)Well support you (即使你不成功).(2)I wont give up,(即使我失败)a hundred times.辨析填空(辨析填空(even though/as though)(3)2019浙江卷 there is a common spirit among all music groups,th

10、ey make very different music.(4)It looked the storm had an awful lot of force.(5)Allow children the space to voice their opinions,they are different from your own.even though/even if you dont succeed even though/even if I fail Even though as though even though 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇五aim(

11、1)v.力求达到;瞄准;针对(2)n.C目标,目的;U瞄准【教材原句教材原句】It aims to deepen peoples understanding of issues that are related to families.它旨在加深人们对与家庭有关问题的理解。【要点必记要点必记】(1)aim for sth.努力争取某物aim to do sth./aim at doing sth.力争做某事be aimed at doing sth.旨在做某事aim at 瞄准aim.at.使 针对;用 瞄准(2)the aim of sth.某事的目的with the aim of 以为目的

12、achieve ones aim 达到某人的目标take aim at 瞄准 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)We should aim a bigger share(份额)of the market.(2)Theyre aiming at (train)everybody by the end of the year.(3)She went to London with the aim of (find)a job.for training finding 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句写作单

13、句写作(4)Advertising of food and drinks which (针对)children should be banned.(5)词汇复现The media made a comment that Tom was an excellent athlete who _(目标是赢得金牌).(6)She started the organisation (旨在帮助)the local people.is aimed at aimed to win the gold medal with the aim of helping 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family ma

14、tters词汇六observe vt.(1)庆祝,过(节日、生日等)(2)观察(到);注视(3)遵守【教材原句教材原句】With a different theme each year,the day is observed with a wide range of events that are organised at local,national and international levels.每年都有不同的主题,在地方、全国和世界各地,人们组织各种活动来庆祝这一天。【要点必记要点必记】【误区警示误区警示】observe sb.do sth.变为被动语态时,不定式要加上 to。高中英语

15、 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)They are shocked to find that in this beautiful town the traffic rules are not strictly_ (observe).(2)An airplane (observe)to appear on the screen of radar last week.单句写作单句写作(3)The policeman (注意到他正在行驶)at the speed of 90 miles per hour.(4)Some football audie

16、nce were unable to (遵守秩序)in the stadium due to excitement.(5)We usually (庆祝春节)in our country.observedwas observed observed him driving observe the order observe the Spring Festival 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇七range(1)n.一系列(2)vi.在某范围内变化【要点必记要点必记】a(wide)range of 一系列的;各种各样的in/within range of 在的范

17、围内 out of/beyond range of 超出的范围range from A to B 在A 到B 之间变化;包括从A 到B 之间的各种事物range between A and B 在A 到B 之间变化 a range of services 一系列服务高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【误区警示误区警示】a range of 中range 前可用 wide 修饰,表示范围大。单句写作单句写作(1)Our senior secondary school offers (各种各样的)after-school activities.(2)It is dif

18、ficult to find a house (在我们的价格范围内).(3)The team contained ten players whose ages _ (在10 到16 岁之间).(4)The cat stayed well (离 远远的)the children.a wide range of in our price range ranged between 10 and 16/ranged from 10 to 16out of range of 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇八event n.C(1)活动(指演出、体育比赛、聚会等)(2

19、)事件,大事【要点必记要点必记】a historic event 历史性事件current/the latest events 当前事件/最新事件the major sporting events 重大体育赛事高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【词语辨析词语辨析】event,accident 与与 incident(1)event 尤指重大事件或比赛项目;(2)accident强调偶然或意外的不幸事故;(3)incident 指小事件,也指政治上有影 响的事件或事变。a traffic accident 交通事故a shooting incident 枪击事件高中

20、英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句写作单句写作(1)The teacher told us to list (最重要的事件)of the year.辨析填空(辨析填空(event/accident/incident)(2)I want to know the sporting that catch the peoples attention in China.(3)Although badly hurt in the ,the driver was still able to make a phone call.(4)The most recent major w

21、as an explosion at a mine.(5)The discovery of X-rays was a big in the history of physics.the most important events eventsaccidentincidentevent 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇九apologise(=apologize)v.道歉【教材原句教材原句】Later,on the phone she apologised.后来,她在电话上道歉了【要点必记要点必记】(1)apologise to sb.for(doing)sth

22、.因(做)某事而向某人道歉(2)apology n.道歉,谢罪make an apology 道歉accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【学法点拨学法点拨】“因(做)某事而向某人道歉”的不同表达:say sorry to sb.for(doing)sth.make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.offer an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.offer sb.an apology for(doing)sth.高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Fa

23、mily matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The manager apologised Judy for not arranging for someone to meet her at the airport.(2)They do not have the courage to apologise their deeds.(3)You should apologise him what you said.(4)He made an apology to the teacher for (come)late.单句写作单句写作(5)I think you should (因你的无礼而

24、向他道歉).to for toforcoming apologise to him for your rudeness 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇十stress(1)n.压力;紧张;强调;重音,重读(2)vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安【教材原句教材原句】Placing stress on particular words can have a big impact on the meaning and strength of apologies.强调特定的词语会对道歉的诚意和力度产生很大的作用。【要点必记要点必记】(1)be under stress 在

25、压力下cause/reduce stress 引起/减轻压力suffer from/deal with stress 承受/应对压力put/lay/place stress on 强调(2)stressed adj.(人)焦虑的,紧张的stressful adj.(事物)充满压力的,紧张的高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句写作单句写作(1)2015浙江卷One of the most effective ways to (减轻压力)is to talk about feelings with someone you trust.(2)James (强调了的需求

26、)more housing downtown.单句语法填空单句语法填空(3)She has been a lot of stress since her sons injury.(4)When we get (stress),we tend to breathe more quickly.(5)I didnt know it was a (stress)job when I took the position.reduce stress stressed the need for under stressed stressful 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters

27、词汇十一impact(1)n.作用,影响;强大作用;冲击力 (2)v.影响【要点必记要点必记】(1)have an impact on/upon 对有影响impact on/upon 对有影响(2)affect/influence sb./sth.影响某人/某事have an effect/influence on/upon 对有影响高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)A study shows drinking coffee before exercise has a negative impact the heart.(2)The

28、teachers words always have a deep impact a student future career.单句写作单句写作(3)To tell the truth,smoking (对健康有不好的影响).on/uponon/uponhas a bad impact on ones health 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters词汇十二strength n.(1)U 力量,力气;强度;强烈程度 (2)C 优势,长处【要点必记要点必记】build up the strength 增加力量give strength to 给力量keep up

29、ones strength 保持力量physical strength 体力with all ones strength 用全力strengths and weaknesses 优势与劣势高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters【词语辨析词语辨析】strength,power,force 与与energy(1)strength 体力,力气;(2)power 权力,能力,动力;(3)force 武力,暴力;(4)energy 能量;活力,精力。【词语积累词语积累】strength n.strengthen v.加强;巩固 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family

30、matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their _(strength)and weaknesses 辨析填空(辨析填空(strength/power/force/energy)(2)Believe it or not,can never destroy right(正义).(3)Its said that Congress has to make laws in this country.(4)Finally,the man lif

31、ted the big box with all his .(5)You are always full of .Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.strengths forcepowerstrength energy 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters句式一cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事【教材原句教材原句】Cant wait to see you back in school!等不及要回学校见你了!【要点必记要点必记】cant wait to do

32、 sth.=can hardly wait to do sth.迫不及待地要做某事cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事cant help(to)do sth.不能帮助做某事cant help but do sth.不得不做某事 重点句式高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现The fans seemed to be very calm.Actually they couldnt wait (see)their favourite player.(2)Hearing the news,she couldnt help

33、(laugh).单句写作单句写作(3)When Jim was told that he could go on a journey to China with his father he _(迫不及待地收拾行李).(4)I (不得不佩服她).to see laughingcouldnt wait to pack up cant help but admire her 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters要点一一般现在时(1)构成主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词 加-s 或-es,主语是其他人称时谓语动词用原形。(2)使用场合表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态。常与表示频

34、度的时间状语连用,如 always,usually,often,every day,sometimes,now and then,seldom,never 等。He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于助人。I never sit up late into the night.我从不熬夜到很晚。单元语法复习时态高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters表示特征、能力或现在的情况或状态。This job calls for great patience.这项工作需要极大的耐心。We live only a few miles from t

35、he coast.我们住的地方离海岸只有几英里远。表示客观事实或普遍真理,也用在格言中。Light travels faster than sound.光比声音传播得快。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters表示按安排或时间表等将要发生的动作,通常要加上表示将来的时间状语。能这样用的动词有 come,go,start,begin,finish,end,leave,arrive,open,close 等。The meeting begins at 2:00 in

36、 the afternoon and ends at 5:00.会议在下午2 点开始,5 点结束。在时间或条件状语从句中代替一般将来时。Well give him the message after he finishes dinner.他吃完晚饭后我们就把这个消息告诉他。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空并把下列句子译成汉语单句语法填空并把下列句子译成汉语(1)He (walk)to school every day.(2)China (be)in the east of Asia.(3)词汇复现He always (go)to work by su

37、bway.(4)词汇复现He is a sculptor with unique creativity and he (regard)sculpting as his lifelong career.(5)词汇复现Respecting the old and caring for the young (reflect)a persons excellent qualities.walksis goesregardsreflects高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters(6)Pride (go)before a fall.(7)The sun (rise)in the

38、east and (set)in the west.(8)The plane (take)off at 11:30 and (arrive)in Shanghai at 13:20.(9)When (do)the school begin?(10)If it (rain)tomorrow,we shall stay at home.goesrisessetstakesarrives does rains 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters要点二 现在进行时(1)构成am/is/are+动词的现在分词(2)使用场合 表示说话时正在进行的动作。常与now,right

39、now,at present,at the moment 等时间状语及look,listen 等标志词连用。We are having an English lesson now.现在我们正在上英语课。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters表示现阶段正在进行而此时不一定正在进行的动作。He is writing a book these days.这些天他正在写一本书。表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。常用的这类动词有 go,come,leave,arrive,return,begin,stay,stop 等。My uncle is coming back from a

40、broad.我舅舅要从国外回来了。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空并把下列句子译成汉语单句语法填空并把下列句子译成汉语(1)We (wait)for the subway at the moment.(2)Listen!Somebody (sing).(3)四川卷Hurry up,kids!The school bus (wait)for us!(4)How are you (get)on with your classmates these days?are waiting 我们现在正在等地铁。is singing 听!有人在唱歌。is waiti

41、ng 快点,孩子们!校车正在等我们!getting 这些天你和同班同学相处得如何?高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters(5)We (study)French this term.(6)They (leave)by train tonight.(7)We (start)work at eight oclock for the next month.are studying 我们这学期学习法语。are leaving 他们今晚坐火车走。are starting 下个月我们将8 点开始上班。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters要点三现在完成时(

42、1)构成have/has+动词的过去分词(2)使用场合“已完成”用法:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,着眼于现在。常与 already,just,yet,before,recently,so far,ever,never,once 等连用。You neednt say anything about her.I have met her once before.你没有必要说她的任何事了,我以前已经见过她一次了。The little girl has never been to Beijing.这个小女孩从未去过北京。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family mat

43、ters“未完成”用法:表示过去的某一动作或状态一直持续到现在,并有可能继续下去。常与表示一段时间的状语 up to now,so far,in the past/last few years,“since+时间点(由名词、短语、从句充当)”和“for+时间段”连用。We have lived here since 1994.自1994 年以来我们一直住在这里。He has worked here for three years.他已经在这里工作三年了。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters在时间或条件状语从句中表示将来完成的动作。He will come as so

44、on as he has finished his work.他一完成工作就会来。在“This/That/It is the first/second/last time+that 从句”中,从句用现在完成时。It is the first time that I have come to Harvard University.这是我第一次来哈佛大学。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters非延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,但不能与表示延续概念的“for+时间段”连用,需要时要用与其意义相对应的延续性动词替换。他已经去世(好几年)了。He has died.()He ha

45、s died for several years.()He has been dead for several years.()It is several years since he died.()高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He (work)for the organisation for four years now.(2)2015北京卷In the last few years,China (make)great achievements in environmental protection.(3)I (see)my

46、old classmate only once this year.(4)They have already (learn)two languages.(5)Tom and Mary (be)friends for years.has worked has made have seen learnedhave been 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters(6)He (live)in London since 2010.(7)It is the most instructive(有教育意义的)lecture that I (attend)since I came t

47、o this school.(8)Ill go to the party as soon as I (finish)my homework.(9)I will not believe you unless I (see)it with my own eyes.(10)2018浙江11 月卷This isnt the first time technology (change)our manners.has lived have attended have finished have seen has changed 高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters汉译英汉译英(

48、11)他离开这儿已经三年了。_(12)他去北京了。_(13)他去过北京两次。_He has been away from here for three years./He left here three years ago./It is three years since he left here.He has gone to Beijing.He has been to Beijing twice.高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters要点四一般过去时(1)构成谓语动词用过去式表示(2)使用场合表示过去某个特定的时间发生的动作或存在的状态。He offered hi

49、s seat to an old man.他把座位让给了一位老人。表示过去某一段时间内经常性或习惯性的动作。When I was a teenager,I played table tennis almost every day.我十几岁时几乎每天都打乒乓球。高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters在时间和条件状语从句中代替过去将来时。They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him.他们说如果听到关于他的任何消息,他们就通知我们。【学法点拨学法点拨】现在完成时与一般过去时的区别现在完成时

50、与一般过去时的区别We have visited a school.我们已经参观了一所学校。(说明现在对学校有所了解)We visited a school last week.上周我们参观了一所学 校。(只说明“参观学校”这个动作)She has lived here for ten years.她已经在这里住了十年。(现在可能仍然住在这里或刚离开)She lived here for ten years.她在这里住了十年。(过去住在这里,现在已搬离)高中英语 必修第一册 UNIT 3 Family matters单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Tom (want)to help us yes


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