Unit 2 Let's talk teens Workbook (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 2 Workbook制作者:桂东一中李宇平Exploring language A.Fill in the blanks with proper words.The first letter of some words has been given.P63 1.People under a lot of _ may experience sleep problems.2.After a heated _,we finally reached agreement.3.There is growing _ over high house prices.stre

2、ssargumentconcern 4.Parents are a bit _ about their childrens safety when they first leave home.5.The poor artist _ to bring up(抚养;养育;教养抚养;养育;教养)a family on very little money.6.Jack drew some money out of his _ to pay the rent.anxiousstruggledaccount 7.-Are they really doing this without being paid?

3、-Yes.All the people taking part in the activity are _.8.Many websites are aimed at providing information or suggestions on teenagers physical and _ health.volunteersmental B.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box below.P63 back down放弃放弃(别人强烈反对的别人强烈反对的要求、主张等要求、主张等);认输;认输

4、cheer up depend upon get along go through result in shoot up turn out 1.I feel pity for what you had to _(经历;遭受经历;遭受).go through sth A.to experience or suffer sth 经历;经历;遭受遭受 Hes amazingly cheerful considering all hes had to go through.经历了种种磨难,他还那么乐观,经历了种种磨难,他还那么乐观,令人惊叹。令人惊叹。go through B.仔细察看某事物;检查某事

5、物;审仔细察看某事物;检查某事物;审查某事物查某事物 I always start the day by going through my email.我每天第一件事就是要看电子邮件。我每天第一件事就是要看电子邮件。She went through the companys accounts,looking for evidence of fraud frd.她仔细审查公司的账目,寻找她仔细审查公司的账目,寻找诈骗的证据。诈骗的证据。C.(尤指反复地)详细研究,仔细琢(尤指反复地)详细研究,仔细琢磨磨 Lets go through the arguments again.咱们再详细研究一下这

6、些论据吧。咱们再详细研究一下这些论据吧。Could we go through(=practise)Act 2 once more?我们把第我们把第2幕戏再串一次好吗?幕戏再串一次好吗?D.执行某行动;实行某方法;履行某执行某行动;实行某方法;履行某程序程序 E.用完;耗尽用完;耗尽 The boys went through two whole loaves of bread.这些男孩把整整两条面包吃得精光。这些男孩把整整两条面包吃得精光。2.They _ quite well.Their friendship is based on common hobbies.3.The heavy f

7、lood _ the loss of most of the harvest.4.If we _ on this issue now,they will assume we are weak.5.It _ that we made a right decision to leave early.get alongresulted in back downturned out turn out A.to be discovered to be;to prove to be 原来是;证明是;结果是原来是;证明是;结果是+that 从句从句 It turned out that she was a

8、friend of my sister.她原来是我姐姐的朋友。她原来是我姐姐的朋友。+带带 to 的不定式的不定式 The job turned out to be harder than we thought.这工作结果比我们想象的要难。这工作结果比我们想象的要难。The house they had offered us turned out to be a tiny apartment.他们向我们他们向我们提供的房子原来是很小的公寓套间。提供的房子原来是很小的公寓套间。B.(与副词或形容词连用,或用于以与副词或形容词连用,或用于以how引导的疑问句引导的疑问句)地发展(或发地发展(或发生

9、);结果生);结果 Despite our worries everything turned out well.尽管我们都很担心,结果一切都顺利。尽管我们都很担心,结果一切都顺利。You never know how your children will turn out.很难说子女将来的发展怎样。很难说子女将来的发展怎样。+形容词形容词 If the day turns out wet,we may have to change our plans.如果那天下雨的如果那天下雨的话,我们可能得改变计划。话,我们可能得改变计划。C.出席(某项活动);在场出席(某项活动);在场 A vast c

10、rowd turned out to watch the processionprsen.有一大群人出来观看游行队伍。有一大群人出来观看游行队伍。D.向外;朝外向外;朝外 Her toes turn out.她的脚趾向外撇。她的脚趾向外撇。turn sb/sthout制造;生产;以(制造;生产;以(装束等)出现装束等)出现 The factory turns out 900 cars a week.这家工厂每周生产这家工厂每周生产900辆汽车。辆汽车。6.You can _ Timhes the most reliable man I know.7.Peter _ since I saw hi

11、m last time.He is now much taller than me.8._-there must be a way of working out the problem.depend upon has shot up Cheer up D.Fill in the blanks with proper words or the correct forms of the words in the brackets.P64 Dear Dr Wang,I am writing to ask for some advice about my 15-year-old son.He is o

12、ur only child独生子独生子(或女或女)and we treat him very well,but we can never see eye to eye with与某人看法不一致与某人看法不一致(或意见或意见不尽相同不尽相同);与;与不敢苟同不敢苟同 him(1)_ anything.on Recently,he has refused to do his homework.His teacher also told me that his(2)_(perform)at school was poor.We were very(3)_(concern)for him.Yester

13、day,we asked him to finish his homework first,(4)_ he asked us to leave him alone.He just shut the door in(5)_(angry).performanceconcernedbutanger His mother struggled to calm down instead of getting into an(6)_(argue)with him.What can we do?We are eager(7)_(improve)the situation.We look forward to(

14、8)_(hear)from you.Best wishes,An anxious fatherargumentto improvehearingBuilding skillsA.Reading and speaking A1.The story is about a girl going through a difficult time in life.Read the story and answer the questions below.“Nothing will ever be the same again,”Ally said to herself.Allys father died

15、 last summer.It wasnt fair,Ally thought.Dad was young and had never been sick.Why had his heart suddenly stopped?Ally sank(坐下坐下)slowly into her fathers favorite chair and looked at his picture on the bookcase(书架;书柜书架;书柜).Ally smiled.“I miss you,Dad,”she said softly(柔声地柔声地).She felt a hand smoothing(

16、抚平抚平)her hair and looked up(在低头看某物时在低头看某物时)抬抬头往上看头往上看.“Why dont you come outside with me,Ally?”her mother asked.“The birds are nesting in the woods.By this time last year youd already taken dozens of pictures.”But her mother must know birdwatching wouldnt be the same this year.How could it be?Ally w

17、ondered.Ever since she could remember she and Dad had been a team,searching the woods for the special wood warbler w:bl(r)(莺莺).“Ill be out in a while,I promise,”she answered.After her mother left,Ally reached for the photo album she and Dad had put together.On the cover was a photo of a tiny yellow

18、bird with blue-gray wings and black eyes.Dad cut it from a local newspaper.Ally smiled,remembering the excited look(眼神;表情;神情;眼神;表情;神情;脸色脸色)on Dads face when he showed her the pretty bird.“I cant believe someone spotted this little guy way up向向(国家北部的地方国家北部的地方);向向(北方北方)here in New Jersey,”he said.“Woo

19、d warblers are usually found in the south,not this far north.I bet if we search real hard,Ally,well see this little guy together someday(总有一天;有朝总有一天;有朝一日;将来一日;将来).”Ally closed her eyes.She loved thinking about the times she and Dad had spent searching the woods for the little bird.way|we|adv.(与介词或副词

20、连用与介词或副词连用)很远;大量很远;大量 She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.她遥遥领先于其他选手跑到终点。她遥遥领先于其他选手跑到终点。I must be going home;its way past my bedtime.我得回家了,早过了我的就寝时间了。我得回家了,早过了我的就寝时间了。The price is way above what we can afford.这价格大大超过了我们的支付能力。这价格大大超过了我们的支付能力。They live way out in the suburbs.他们住在很偏远的郊

21、区。他们住在很偏远的郊区。This skirt is way(=a lot)too short.这条裙子太短了。这条裙子太短了。I guessed that there would be a hundred people there,but I was way out(=wrong by a large amount).我估计那里会有一百人,我估计那里会有一百人,但是我大错特错了。但是我大错特错了。way back(in)很久以前很久以前 I first met him way back in the 80s.我和他初次见面早在我和他初次见面早在1980年代。年代。up adv.向(国家北部的

22、地方);向向(国家北部的地方);向(北方)(北方)Theyve moved up north.他们已搬到北部去了。他们已搬到北部去了。We drove up to Inverness nvnes to see my father.我们开车北上因弗内斯去看我父亲。我们开车北上因弗内斯去看我父亲。Theyd never spotted the warbler,but her father had an amazing way of making each outing seem special.He was her best friend,and when they were together A

23、lly felt comfortable,as she did when she had her favorite blue sweatshirt(长长袖袖)运动衫运动衫 on.If only I could get that good feeling back,she thought,sighing.if only但愿但愿 If only I were rich.但愿我很富有。但愿我很富有。If only I knew her name.我要是知道她的名字就好了。我要是知道她的名字就好了。If only hed remembered to send that letter.要是他没忘记发那封

24、信就好了。要是他没忘记发那封信就好了。If only I had gone by taxi.我要是乘出租车去就好了。我要是乘出租车去就好了。only if(rather formal)只有只有 Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room.学生只有得到老师学生只有得到老师的许可才能离开教室。的许可才能离开教室。Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.只有红灯闪亮时才有危及职工的险只有红灯闪亮时才有危

25、及职工的险情。情。1.What does the underlined phrase“wood warbler”in the fourth paragraph mean?It is a tiny yellow bird with blue-gray wings and black eyes.2.Why is birdwatching so important in this story?bring sthback A.使回忆起;使想起使回忆起;使想起 Because Ally used to go birdwatching with her father.It can bring back a

26、 lot of good memories.The photographs brought back many pleasant memories.那些照片给人带来很多美好的回忆。那些照片给人带来很多美好的回忆。B.恢复;重新使用恢复;重新使用,=reintroduce Most people are against bringing back the death penalty.大多数人反对恢复死刑。大多数人反对恢复死刑。bring sb sthback|bring sthback(for sb)(给(给)带回)带回 What did you bring the kids back from

27、 Italy?你从意大利回来给孩子们带了什么?你从意大利回来给孩子们带了什么?I brought a T-shirt back for Mark.我给马克带回来一件我给马克带回来一件T恤衫。恤衫。bring sb/sthback把把送回;归还送回;归还 Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.请在周末前把图书馆的书全部归还。请在周末前把图书馆的书全部归还。He brought me back in his car.他用车把我送回家。他用车把我送回家。A2.Ally is struggling with the los

28、s of a loved one.In pairs,role-play a conversation between Ally and her friend,who is offering support.Use the example below to help you and pa attention to the expressions in bold(黑体;粗体黑体;粗体)/red.Switch(交换;交换;掉换;转换;对调掉换;转换;对调)roles after you finish.P66 Friend:I understand how you must feel,but chee

29、r up,Ally.Ally:Id like to,but I cant help thinking of the time Dad and I spent together.I really miss him.Friend:That must be the sweetest memories youve ever had.Ally:Thats true.Dad was a very positive(积极乐观的积极乐观的)person and loved nature.We used to go birdwatching a lot.Friend:Why dont you write abo

30、ut the days when you went birdwatching with your dad?Im sure itll make you feel better.Ally:I will.Thank you.Friend:I think its also a good idea to talk to your mother,friends or teachers about your feelings.We all care about(关心;关怀关心;关怀)you.Its no good keeping all the pain to yourself.把所有的痛苦把所有的痛苦都憋

31、在心里是没有用的都憋在心里是没有用的。keep sth to yourself对对秘而不宣秘而不宣(或保守秘密);不将(或保守秘密);不将说出去说出去 Id be grateful if you kept this information to yourself.你要是不把这你要是不把这消息传出去,我会不胜感激的。消息传出去,我会不胜感激的。I have to tell someone.I cant keep it to myself.我得找人说说。我心里憋不住。我得找人说说。我心里憋不住。Theres one thing you can do for me.But keep it to yourself.有件事你能帮我做。但你要保密。有件事你能帮我做。但你要保密。Ally:Ill try.I know you all care about me.Friend:Exactly.We are all ready to help you move forward with your life.Your father would also want you to be happy.Ally:Thank you.I feel much better now.


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