Unit 2 Out of this world Welcome& Reading(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 2 Out of this world Welcome& Reading(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第5页
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1、B6U1 Welcome&ReadingOut of this world1.The meal was out of this world.2.Our trip is out of this world.3.I want to live out of this world,and yet I am caught in it.了不起的;极好的世界之外The pursuit of the ultimate truth of the universe is the final objective and destination of civilization.Liu Cixin 对宇宙终极真理的追求

2、,是文明的最终目标和归宿。刘慈欣v:pursueadj:ultimatelyIn this unit,you are going to:1.read a lecture transcript about daily life on a space station.2.write a story based on comic strip.3.read a magzine article about the reasons for space exploration.4.provide solutions for living beyond the Earth.v:exploreThere hav

3、e been many exciting breakthroughs in the history of space exploration.In_,Yuri Gagarin became the first man to journey into outer space.In_,Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.In_,David Scott and James Irwin became the first men to traveling a wheeled vehicle on the Moon.In_,the

4、 first astronauts moved into the ISS.1961196919712000For above the Earth,astronauts are living on a space station.What do they do up there?Below is a lecture given by an astronaut about her daily life in space.Before you read the lecture transcript,think about the following questions:What famous ast

5、ronauts do you know about?What do you think astronauts on a space station do every day?Lets enjoy a short video.什么是快乐星球?Read the passaage and finish Part A1Life on a space stationSleeping(5)Leisure activities(1)working(3)Eating(4)ExercisePerforming tasks inside the space station(2)Performing tasks o

6、utside the space station1.What did the writer think of her 6-month stay on a space?Read paragraph one and answer the question.It has been a challenging but magic adventure,the low gravity definitely makes ordinary things strange.gravity n.重力重力;严重性严重性;严肃严肃地球引力地球引力 Newtons law of gravity 严肃严肃 庄严庄严 beh

7、ave with gravityThe stone rolled down the mountain by gravity.From the expressions on their faces,I realized the gravity of the situation.Without gravityIn zero gravity严重性严重性=seriousness近近那块石头由于重力作用而滚下山。从他们的脸部表情,我意识到了情况的严重性。Read paragraph two and answer the question.2.How do astronauts sleep in spac

8、e station?Why?They usually sleep in private quarters or sleeping bags where they attach themselves so that they dont float around.absence n.缺乏,不存在;缺席缺乏,不存在;缺席 反反presence(出席,在场;存在出席,在场;存在)absent adj.缺席的;不存在的,缺乏的;心不在焉的缺席的;不存在的,缺乏的;心不在焉的absent-minded 心不在焉的心不在焉的be absent from 缺勤;缺席缺勤;缺席He went into the

9、bathroom absent-mindly and looked at himself in the mirror.他心不在焉地走进浴室,照着镜子看了看自己(续写)。float vi 飘动;浮飘动;浮 vt 使浮动使浮动 walk on air=float on airAn idea suddenly floated into my mind.我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法(续写)。形形floating More often than not,winning has the victor walking on air.bother vt.使烦恼;花费时间精力(做某事);打扰使烦恼;花费时间精力(

10、做某事);打扰 vi.花费时间精力(做某事)花费时间精力(做某事)n.麻烦,困难麻烦,困难I dont want to bother you with my hardship.bother sb with sth 拿某事来烦扰某人bother to do sth 费心做某事In fact,I dont want to bother her _ my problems all the time.What _ bother!Weve missed the bus!我不想让你因为我的苦难而伤心。witha3.What routine tasks do astronauts do on the spa

11、ce station?They conduct scientific research and do a lot of maintenance.locate and track lightning over large regions of the Earth.check support systems,do some cleaning,test new equipment,monitor scientific experiments,repair the space station.evaluate the effects of low gravity on animals and plan

12、ts.Read paragraph three and answer the question.occupy vt.占用占用;居住居住;使忙于使忙于be occupied in doing sth./with sth.忙于做某事忙于做某事occupy in 从事从事occupy oneself(in doing sth./with sth.)使忙于(做某事)使忙于(做某事)I was so occupied with going over my lessons for my final exam.我在非常忙碌地位期末考试复习功课。noccupation职业,工作职业,工作 be busy in

13、 doing sth.be buried in doing sth.adj occupied忙于忙于.的的 1.The area is under _.2.I dont want to choose engineer as my _ because aI dont want to devote myself to lifeless machines.3.The bridegroom _in making arrangements for his wedding ceremony now.occupationoccupationis occupiedmission n 任务任务;使命;使命 We

14、 have no option but to cancel the mission due to the unexpected bad weather.Frequently,our teachers often give some_on us according to our performance.First you need_youreself-your values,your strengths,your weakness,your achievements and your desires.近近task/career evaluate vt.评估,估计,评价评估,估计,评价近近asse

15、ss n evaluation n.评估评估 估计估计=assessmentevaluationto evaluteevaluativeadjcreature n 动物;人动物;人 The panda is a shy creature.She is a pretty creature with long red hair and briliant green eyes.熊猫是一个胆小的动物。I am not a selfish creature.Every creature on the earth should_(treat)as an equal member of the nature

16、 and be protected.地球上的每个生物都应被视为自然界平等的一员,并受到保护。be treatedcast new light on 使进一步了解使进一步了解 His words cast new light on the problem.他的话使人们对这个问题有了新的了解。light 短语短语 bring sth.to light 揭露揭露 Recent research has _the causes of the diease.cast new light onmaintenance n.维护,保养;维维护,保养;维持,保持持,保持The window had been r

17、eplaced last week during routine _.那窗户在上星期的例行检修中已被换掉了。vmaintain vt.维持维持 保持保持;维修维修 保养保养 The school pays for heating and the _of the buildings.学校负担这些大楼的供热和维修费用daily/routine maintenance 日常保养,日常维护日常保养,日常维护the maintenance of sth.的的保养保养/维护维护maintenance maintenance 4.What do spacesuits allow astronauts to

18、do except for?A.Keep their figures.B.Protect them from exposure to the cold C.Prevent them from the radiation.D.Breathe in spaceRead paragraph four and answer the question.circumstance n.条件,状况条件,状况(circumstances)境况,(尤指)经济状况境况,(尤指)经济状况 in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然如此在这种情况下,既然如此in/under no circ

19、umstances 决不;在任何情况下都不决不;在任何情况下都不 (位于句首时,位于句首时,常用部分倒装常用部分倒装)You should act according to circumstances.你你要随机应变。要随机应变。在任何时刻、在任何情况下,你都可以通过设定一个明确的目标来选择更充实、更丰富的生活。In every moment and every circumstance,you can choose to have fuller,richer life by setting a clear intention.Whatever our circumstances,we gen

20、erally still have dreams,hopes and desiresthat little something more we want for ourselves and our loved ones.无论我们身处何种环境,我们通常都有梦想、希望和欲望我们自己和所爱的人想要更多的东西。exposure n.面临,遭受;揭露;面临,遭受;揭露;The panda is a shy creature.expose sb/sth/oneself(to sth)使面临,使遭受(危险或不快)expose sb to sth 使接触;使体验be exposed to(介词)接触,体验我作

21、为记者的职责就是展示事实。他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。We want to expose the kids_as much art and culture as possible.我们想让孩子们受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。vexpose v.暴暴露露;揭露;使;揭露;使遭遭受受(危危险或不险或不快快);使;使接接触;曝光触;曝光adjexposed adj.无遮蔽无遮蔽的;的;易受攻击的;风险高的易受攻击的;风险高的My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.He did not want to expose his fears and

22、insecurity to anyone.(续写)toThe panda is a shy creature.visibility n.能见度,可见性;能见距离;明显性能见度,可见性;能见距离;明显性vision n.视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力visual adj.视力的视力的;视觉的视觉的He showed no visible sign of emotion.adjinvisible adj.看不见的看不见的advvisibly adv.明显地明显地他丝毫不露声色。(续写)visible adj.看得见的;明显的obvious=evident=appare

23、nt近近5.How do astronauts eat and drink water or any other liquids?They eat dried or freeze-dried food.They drink water or any other liquids out of a bag through a thin tube of plastic.Read paragraph five and answer the question.in view of 鉴于,考虑到In view of the weather,the event will now be held indoor

24、s.point of view 观点;见地;立场in my view 在我看来;我认为view as 认为是;把看作近近considering thatgiven that in light ofluxury n.不常有的乐趣(或享受);奢饰品不常有的乐趣(或享受);奢饰品 its a luxury to do做某事是一种不常有的乐趣做某事是一种不常有的乐趣 live a life of luxury 过奢侈的生活过奢侈的生活adjluxurious a 奢侈的奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的;特级的丰富的;放纵的;特级的furthermore adv.此外,再者此外,再者in addition=bes

25、ides=whats more=additionally近近Read paragraph six and answer the question.6.Why do astronauts need to spend some time in the gym?Because the near absence of gravity makes them lose muscle and bone mass and going to the gym helps prevent this problem.vital adj.极其重要的极其重要的 Reading is of vital importance

26、 in language learning.阅读在语言学习中至关重要。The police play a vital role in our society.警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。play a vital role in在在起关键作用起关键作用 be vital(for/to sth)必不可少的;对必不可少的;对极重要的极重要的 vitally adv.极其;紧要地;生死攸关地极其;紧要地;生死攸关地 vitality n.活力,生气;生命力,生动性活力,生气;生命力,生动性近近crucial 关键的关键的 至关重要的至关重要的 necessary adj.必要的;必须的ess

27、ential adj.必不可少的,非常重要的discipline vt.严格要求(自己);惩罚;训练严格要求(自己);惩罚;训练 n.(un.训练,纪律;行为准则;自制力训练,纪律;行为准则;自制力 cn 训练方法训练方法 行为准则行为准则)严格要求自己严格要求自己 discipline oneself+to do sth惩罚惩罚=punish discipline sb for doing sth.训练训练/管教管教 discipline your child a disciplined approach to work 严格的工作态度a disciplined army/team 纪律严明

28、的军队团队 The book gives parents advice on discipline.Different cultures have different ways of _their children.disciplingTry to discipline yourself to write every day.(翻译翻译)Read paragraph seven and answer the question.7.What do astronauts do during their leisure time?They watch the earth go by,take pic

29、tures and enjoy the sunrise.leisure/le(r)/n.闲暇,空闲leisurely adj.悠闲的;从容的;adv.悠闲地;从容不迫地leisure time 业余时间leisured adj.从容的;有闲的at ones leisure 空闲时Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time.Take the leaflets home and read them at your leisure.现现在在看看电影电影是是国民最普遍的消遣活动国民最普遍的消遣活动。Watching

30、 film is now the nations most popular leisure activity.Following are the most chanllengeing works except for?A.Testing new equipments.B.Monitoring scientific experiments.C.Repairing the space station.D.Carrying out experiments in other research fields.Zhai Zhigang,commander of Chinas three-member Sh

31、enzhou-13 mission,started his scheduled spacewalk on Sunday evening,three weeks after the spacecraft docked with the core module of the countrys in-orbit space core module Tianhe.This is the first spacewalk performed by the Shenzhou-13 crew.The Shenzhou 13 spacecraft successfully sent 3 Chinese astr

32、onauts to the space station.They will spend the next _6_ months living and working on the station.They will conduct tests of key technologies,verify(查证)on board life_support_systems and conduct a host of scientific_experiments_.Expressions1.第一个做的人(Page15)_2.结束(P1)_3.我确信;我敢打赌_4.与不同;区别于_5.没有重力_6.喜爱;附属

33、于_7.常规任务,日常工作(P3)_8.进行科学研究_9.也;和一样_10.使进一步了解_the first man to docome to an endI betdiffer fromthe absence of gravitybe attached toroutine tasksconduct scientific researchas well as cast new light on11.导致;通向_12.发生;举行(P4)_13.在这种情况下;既然这样_14.穿上;上演;增加;假装;使上场 _15.曝光;受到;显露_16.外出_17.一次;每次;在某时_18.潜在风险_19.鉴于;

34、考虑到(P5)_20.是一种奢侈_lead totake placein the circumstancesput onexposure tohead outat a timepotential risksin view ofits a luxury to doExpressions21.对来说很重要(P6)_22.大量的_23.严格约束自己做某事_24.日常锻炼,普通的锻炼_25.某事值得一做(P7)_26.与不同(Page19)_27.紧贴着;粘到上;胶着在上_ be of vital importance toa significant amount ofdiscipline onese

35、lf to doaverage workoutbe worth(doing)sthbe different frombe glued toExpressions形容词挑战 Living in space is every would-be astronauts dream.My 6-month stay on a space station has been a _ but _ adventure._ as it is to sleep with no pressure against her back in an unusual bed,it bothers her no more.Its

36、a luxury to eat fresh food,because it is _ to deliver fresh produce to the space station.To avoid losing a significant amount of muscle and bone mass,its vital to take pills containing nutrients and do at least two hours exercise every day.Definitely,her routine tasks occupy most of her days,which a

37、re _ but extremely _.The most _ work is to perform tasks outside the space station._ as the view of the earth is,spacewalking is not _ but _.During her _ leisure moments,she watches the _ planet go by,taking pictures,missing her friends and family back home.In a word,all the challenges of life in sp

38、ace seem worth it.challengingmagicStrange/Uncomfortableexpensive/inconvenient dangerous preciousdemandingrewardingchallengingSplendid exciting remarkable1.Last semester,I _(occupy)with club affairs and neglected my studies.2.The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive _(circumstance)of the times

39、.3.We did not receive any news during his long_(absent).4.Please fill in the form below with your name,age and_(occupy).5.Exposure_ strong sunlight can be harmful to human skin.6._view of the weather,the event will be held indoors.7.We should show respect for all living_(creature)absenceoccupationto

40、Increatureswas occupiedwas occupiedcircumstancecircumstances s8.With more importance _(attach)to traditional culture these years,hanfu has become increasingly popular.9.Due to_(devote)herself to the cause of science,she didnt have time to take care of her family.10.The population of China is larger

41、than_of America.11._you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.12.There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his _(absent).13.It is vital _(stop)using disposable chopsticks to protect forests.attacheddevotingthatWhatto stopto stopabsenceabsencePost reading Far a

42、bove the Earth,astronauts are living on a space station.Then_ daily life is like up in space and how it is different from that on the Earth may arouse peoples curiosity.Owing to the_ 2_(lose)of gravity in space,astronauts have to attach_ 3 _(them)s0 that they dont float around.They usually sleep in

43、a sleeping bag,which _ (fix)to the walls or the ceiling.Their main mission on a space station_ 5_(be)to conduct scientific research.They do _(biology)experiments to learn more about changes in cells and microorganisms under the microscope.Besides,they carry out experiments in other research fields.F

44、or example,one experiment locates and tracks lightning over large regions of the Earth,_will throw light on the Earths climate and bring about better lightning protection.As 8_matter of fact,it is the most challenging job to perform tasks outside the space station.9_(walk)in the space is not as exci

45、ting as you might think.Instead,it is 10_(probable)the most risky work,with potential danger such as electric shocks.Whatlossthemselvesis fixedisbiologicalwhichWalkingprobablyaPost readingMy six-month stay on a space station is a 1._(challenge)but magical adventure.The daily life there for the astro

46、nauts differs from 2._ happened on the Earth.Due to the near 3._(absent)of gravity in space,we have to attach ourselves so that we dont float around.The routine tasks 4._(occupy)most of the day are demanding but 5._(extreme)rewarding.For a spacewalk,we have to put on our spacesuits,6._ can protect u

47、s from exposure to the cold and radiation.Meanwhile,eating is also different in space.Its 7._ luxury to eat fresh food and we must drink water or any other liquids out of a bag through a thin tube of plastic.challengingwhatabsenceoccupyingextremelywhichaPost readingAt the same time,spending some tim

48、e in the gym is of vital 8._(important)to our health.We have to be tied onto specially designed exercise equipment to stop ourselves from floating around.9._ we like most is to sit back with the rest of the crew and watch the planet go by,taking pictures for our family and friends back home.To our d

49、elight,we get to see the sunrise every 90 minutes.In 10._(conclude),all the challenges of life in space seem worth it.importanceWhatconclusion Living in space is challenging but magical.Its strange to sleep with no(1)_ (press)against our back.The routine tasks in the space station are(2)_(demand)but

50、 rewarding.The most challenging work takes place(3)_ we need to perform tasks outside the space station.In view of the low-gravity environment,eating is also different in space.Its a luxury to eat fresh food,(4)_ fresh produce such as fruit and vegetables can only be delivered (5)_the space station


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