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1、Grammar and usageUnit 1 Wish you were here 高考真题高考真题1.Stephen Hawking believes that earth is unlikely to be the only planet _ life has developed gradually.()Life has developed gradually on the planet.where/on which2.Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the Engl

2、ish speech contest last year.()I met the students in the English speech contest last year.who(m)两个句子中被定语从句修饰的词两个句子中被定语从句修饰的词 planet 和和 the students叫叫“先行词先行词”。3.The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people,many of _ left their village homes for a better life in the city.()Many of them left their vil

3、lage homes for a better life in the city.whom4.Children who are not active or_ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.()The children are not active or the childrens diet is high in fat.whose 把定语从句还原为简单句把定语从句还原为简单句:1.The teacher is in charge of our class is Mr.Hu.2.The newspaper is for our Engl

4、ish study costs us 31 yuan.The teacher is in charge of our class.The newspaper is for our English study.I.先行词先行词在在定语从句定语从句中做中做主语主语(subject)时时,指人用指人用who(that也可以用也可以用,但不经常用但不经常用)指物用指物用which,that(that 经常用经常用,但不是很正式但不是很正式)who/thatwhich/that3.Our teacher we like very much comes from a foreign country.4.T

5、he book he is reading is borrowed.We like the teacher very much.He is reading the book.II.先行词先行词在在定语从句定语从句中做中做宾语宾语(object)时时,指人用指人用who,whom,that或者省略或者省略(whom较正式较正式)指物用指物用which,that或者省略或者省略把定语从句还原为简单句把定语从句还原为简单句:(who/whom/that)(which/that)5.He is no longer the lazy boy he used to be.6.My hometown is

6、no longer the poor village it used to be.III.先行词先行词在在定语从句定语从句中做中做表语表语(predicative)时时,指人和物都用指人和物都用 thatHe used to be a lazy boy.It used to be a poor village.把定语从句还原为简单句把定语从句还原为简单句:thatthat7.The boy name is Sun Weifeng is our monitor.8.The English song title is Just One Last Dance is very popular with

7、 us.The boys name is Sun Weifeng.The songs title is Just One Last Dance.The name of the boy is Sun Weifeng.(The name _ is Sun Weifeng.)IV.先行词先行词在在定语从句定语从句中做中做定语定语(attribute)时时,指人用指人用whose+n.或者或者the+n.of whom.指物用指物用whose+n.或者或者the+n.of which.把定语从句还原为简单句把定语从句还原为简单句:The title of the song is Just Once L

8、ast Dance.(The title _ is Just Once Last Dance.)whosewhoseof whom of which 把定语从句还原为简单句把定语从句还原为简单句:9.The canteen is a place we can buy some food.10.The day I came to Changsha is July 20.We can buy some food in the place.where_we can buy some food.in whichI came to Changsha on the day.when_I came to C

9、hangsha.on whichV.先行词先行词在在定语从句定语从句中做中做状语状语(adverbial)时时,指地点用指地点用where 或者适当或者适当介词介词+which指时间用指时间用when 或者适当或者适当介词介词+which指原因用指原因用why或者或者for+which定语从句定语从句引导词的选择引导词的选择 巧用巧用还原法还原法,先确定句子是含有定语从句的主从复合先确定句子是含有定语从句的主从复合句,找出先行词和定语从句部分,然后把先行词带到句,找出先行词和定语从句部分,然后把先行词带到定语从句中定语从句中还原定语从句还原定语从句,分析分析先行词先行词在在定语从句中定语从句中

10、的成分的成分,再再决定定语从句引导词决定定语从句引导词。作主语,表人用作主语,表人用 _,表物用表物用_ .作宾语,表人用作宾语,表人用 _,表物用表物用_ .作表语,表人用作表语,表人用 _,表物用表物用_ .作定语,表人用作定语,表人用 _,表物用表物用 .作状语,用作状语,用 _.who/that which/that(who(m)/that)(which/that)that that whose+n./the+n.of whom whose+n./the+n.of whichwhen/where/why on/in which/in which/for which Practice:1

11、.He knows the girl you are talking to.2.He knows the girl you are talking.3.He knows the girl mother is a teacher.4.He knows the girl has written a novel.5.He knows the girl we have learnt a lot.6.This is the village is his hometown.7.This is the village he was born.8.This is the village in he was b

12、orn.9.This is the village we visited last week.10.This is the village it used to be.11.This is the village his father teaches.(whom/that/who)to/with/about whomwhose who/that from whom which/that where/in which which(which/that)that where/in which 1.We should go to the place_ we are most needed.2.We

13、should go to the place_ needs us most.wherethat对比训练对比训练We are most needed in the place.The place needs us most.对比训练对比训练1.This is the farm we visited last week.2.This is the farm his father is working.3.This is the farm we stayed last year.thatwherewhereWe visited the farm last week.His father is wor

14、king on the farm.We stayed on the farm last year.对比训练对比训练1.I will never forget the day I first saw my best friend.2.I will never forget the day we spent together last summer.whenthatI first saw my best friend on the day.We spent the day together last summer.重点难点:重点难点:1.All that glitters is not gold.

15、2.I have read all the books that you gave me.3.This is the best film that I have ever seen.4.The only thing that I want to do is to swim.5.They talked about the things and persons that they met in the school.5.Who is the girl that is standing near the door?6.Which is the book that the boy borrowed?7

16、.My hometown is no longer the poor village that it used to be.A:只能用只能用that引导引导B:特定句型中的用法特定句型中的用法1.She is the only one of the students _ good at German.2.She is one of the students _ good at German.who isthat/who are重点难点:重点难点:B:特定句型中的用法特定句型中的用法3.I am reading the same book you did yesterday.4.This is

17、such a wonderful book we all like.5.This is such a wonderful book we all like it.asasthat重点难点:重点难点:如此如此以至于以至于 (状语从句状语从句)1.The way _he explained to us was quite simple.2.The way _ he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.that/which/不填不填in which/that/不填不填He said it in this way.H

18、e explained the way to us.3.What surprised me was not what he said but the way _ he said it.in which/that/不填不填C:way 做先行词做先行词重点难点:重点难点:He explained the sentence to us in this way.D:介词介词的选择的选择1.Do you know the boy _ your mother is talking?2.He gave me some novels _ I am not very familiar.3.I still rem

19、ember the day _ I first got to Paris.4.I was given three books on cooking,the first _I really enjoyed.to/with/about whomwith whichon which重点难点:重点难点:of whichE:which和和as的区别的区别1._ is reported in the newspapers,talks between the two countries are making progress.2.Helen was much kinder to her youngest s

20、on than to the others,_,of course,made the others envy him.3._ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.4._ I explained on the phone,your request will be considered at the next meeting.AsAsAswhich5.He married Mary,we expected.6.He married Mary,we didnt expected.aswhich重点难点:重点难点:1.Ive

21、 come to the point _ I cant stand him.2.The country is in the situation _ a war will break out at any time.我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中。国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中。解析:解析:如果定语从句分别修饰如果定语从句分别修饰 point,situation,part,condition和和case等表示抽象意义的词,常用等表示抽象意义的词,常用where 引引导,意思是导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中到了某种地步

22、,在某种境况中”。重点难点:重点难点:F:where引导的定语从句引导的定语从句wherewhereBelow is an article about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.Read the article and find out the advantages and disadvantages.A Exploring the rulesAdvantages:Disadvantages:Allow _ to grow.Give jobs to _.Bring more wealth to _.Impact or even de

23、stroy _.Damage _ and Endanger _.Harm the _ of the destination.Make _ become entertainment.Result in the _ for the local culture.service industries the local populationthe surrounding communitynature-centred tourist attractionswildlife habitatsthe local plants and animalsthe cultural aspectslocal fes

24、tivals and customsloss of respectFind the sentences with relative clauses(定语从句定语从句)1.These industries,in turn,give jobs to the local population,_ welfare depends on tourism.whose2.The prices of tourist essentials such as transport,accommodation and food usually increase too,_ brings even more wealth

25、 to the surrounding community.which3.More nature-centred tourist attractions,_ man and nature live in harmony,can be greatly impacted or even destroyed by the flood of tourists.where4.As resources are used more rapidly than they can be sustained,wildlife habitats are likely to suffer,_ could endange

26、r to local plants and animals.which5.Local festivals and customs,_ may have deep meaning in a particular culture,can simply become entertainment for tourist.whichwhichcannot1.了解非限制性定语从句中关系了解非限制性定语从句中关系词的使用规则及其与限制性定语词的使用规则及其与限制性定语从句的异同从句的异同;2.能够正确理解并运用非限制性能够正确理解并运用非限制性定语从句。定语从句。restrictive relative c

27、lausesnon-restrictive relative clause1.I saw the guy who delivers my mail in town yesterday.2.Ill always remember the river where we learned to swim.3.Do you know the reason why the sky is blue?4.Shes the person whose daughter goes to Harvard.1.Paris,where I spent six months studying,is the most bea

28、utiful city in the world.2.Mao Zedong,who lived in Hunan province,was a great leader in the world.3.The Great Wall,which is oe of the national symbols of China,is popular all over the world.which guy?which river?the reason for what?which person?若去掉,句子含义若去掉,句子含义不明确不明确若去掉,若去掉,不影响不影响句子含义句子含义无逗号无逗号与主句隔开

29、与主句隔开有逗号有逗号与主句隔开与主句隔开How restrictive relative clauses differ from non-restrictive relative clauses?Translate the following sentences and compare.(1)Charles Smith,who was my former teacher,retired last year.(2)They rely on themselves,which is much better.(3)My sister who works in Shanghai sends me an

30、 email almost every day.(4)He is the man whose car was stolen.Charles Smith 去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。他们依靠自己,这样好的多。我在上海工作的姐姐几乎每天都给我发电子邮件。他就是汽车被窃的那个人。1)1)限制性定语从句译成先行词的定语:限制性定语从句译成先行词的定语:“的的 ”。2)2)非限制性定语从句通常译成非限制性定语从句通常译成主句的并列句主句的并列句;(1)Yesterday I met Li Ping,_ seemed to be very busy.(2)He came to the United St

31、ates in 1914,_ World Warbroke out.(3)Singapore,_ I have lived for ten years,is a nice place.1.同限制性定语从句一样,同限制性定语从句一样,非限制性定语从句也非限制性定语从句也 可可由由关系代词关系代词/关系副词关系副词引导,但从句中的引导,但从句中的关系关系 词不可省略词不可省略,关系代词,关系代词 that和关系副词和关系副词 why不可不可 用于非限制性定语从句用于非限制性定语从句。whowhenwhere(1)Beijing,which is the capital of China,has a

32、 very long history.(2)Chairman Mao,whom I admire most,was born in Hunan province.(3)He seems not to have grasped what I meant,which greatly upsets me.注:注:which/who/whom引导的非限制性定语从句,引导的非限制性定语从句,在定语从句中充当主语、宾语成分在定语从句中充当主语、宾语成分,不可以省略。不可以省略。which也可以是代替也可以是代替整个句子整个句子。which指指Beijing,在从句中作主语,在从句中作主语whom指指Cha

33、irman Mao,在从句作宾语在从句作宾语which指前面的整个主句指前面的整个主句,在从句作主语在从句作主语1.He seems not to have grasped what I meant,which greatly upsets me.2.Taiwan belongs to China,as is known to all.3.As the saying goes,“A years work begins with spring.”注:注:as可以像可以像which 一样引导一个定语从句一样引导一个定语从句修饰整个修饰整个先行主句先行主句,常常译为,常常译为“正如,正像正如,正像”

34、;众所周知众所周知,台湾是属于中国的。,台湾是属于中国的。正如正如俗语所说,一年之计在于春。俗语所说,一年之计在于春。As 是关系词中是关系词中唯一可以置于句首唯一可以置于句首的关系词。的关系词。他似乎没有听懂我的意思,他似乎没有听懂我的意思,这一点这一点让我很生气。让我很生气。(1)The car,for which I paid a lot of money,is now out of date.(2)I suggest you go to a specialist,from whom you can get answers to most of your questions.2.介词介词

35、+关系代词关系代词也可引导也可引导非限制性定语从非限制性定语从 句,句,但在这种定语从句中,但在这种定语从句中,介词通常前置,介词通常前置,关系代词也不可省略关系代词也不可省略。(1)Many young people,most of whom were well-educated,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.(2)This is the house,the window of which broke last night.(3)The people,all of whose homes had been damaged by

36、 the flood,were given help by the Red Cross.3.名词名词/代词代词/数词数词+of+whom/which引导的引导的 非限制性定语从句。非限制性定语从句。注:注:whose+n.(人人/物物)=the+n.+of whom/which =of whom/which+the+n.B Applying the rulesRewrite the following sentences using non-restrictive relative clauses.P7 B1 My parents went on a tour of Japan with 20

37、 people,some of whom had never been abroad before.My favourite place to visit is a little village near Shanghai,where my grandma was born.Dr Luo,who is an expert in Chinese history,will give us a tour of Beijing.Im reading a guidebook to Rome,which is really fascinating and helpful.Id rather visit Europe in summer,when the weather is at its best.Below is an article about how to be a sustainable tourist.Complete the article with the correct non-restrictive relative clauses in the box below.There is one clause you do NOT need to use.Write the letters in the blanks.adcb


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