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1、Lesson 1Lesson 1Lesson 1Lesson 1112 This is a girl.This is a fashionable girl.This is a girl who is as fashionable as Lady Gaga.3练习:体会一下定语从句的魅力Beauty is the drop of rain that keeps the human spirit form death by draught.Beauty is a silent refreshment that we perhaps do not think about but which goes

2、 on all the time.Beauty is the smile on the earths face,which is open to all and needs but the eyes to see,mood to understand.美如雨露般滋润着我们干涸的心田。美悄然而来,在我们不经意间荡涤尘寰,延绵不断。美是大地的笑容,人人得以享受。只要我们用眼去捕捉,用心去感受。425先行词:定语从句所修饰的名词、代词。She threw away her new dress which she bought yesterday.关系词:连接先行词和定语从句的桥梁;并在从句中充当一定

3、成分(经纪人的角色)I dont like the people who never keep their words.637 找词成分选词 找先行词8 先行词的分类:A.先行词是一个词 The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes that she wears,the figure that she carries,or the way she combs her hair.The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,because that is the doorway to her he

4、art the place where love resides.-Audrey Hepburn 女人的美,不是来自于她所穿的衣服,或她的身材,或她梳头的样子。而是来自于她的眼睛,因为透过眼镜,我们能看到她的心灵,一个充满爱心的所在。9 先行词的分类:B.先行词是一个完整的句子 I became a single mother overnight,which is nothing like becoming famous overnight.我一夜之间成了单亲妈妈,这跟一夜成名可完全不同。练习:翻译 我女朋友喜欢和别的男生跳舞,这一点让我很是抓狂。My girlfriend likes dan

5、cing with other guys,which really drives me crazy.10 先行词的位置:一般关系词 There is this difference between happiness and wisdom:the person who thinks himself the happiest man really is so;but the person who thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool.Its hard t o have a friend who you can trust

6、 completely.11 先行词的位置:练习:找到先行词 There are altogether eleven books on the shelf which Benben has advised us to read.There are altogether eleven on the shelf which Benben has advised us to read.12 先行词的位置:但是有时候先行词也会跟关系词13 如何找到先行词(1)看定语从句的含义来(把先行词放到定语从句中去,翻译一下,看看是否合乎逻辑)(2)看定语从句的谓语动词的单复数(确定、佐证)14 先行词的位置:练

7、习:Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contest last year.【2019年湖南卷】a.who b.where c.when d.which【a.who;先行词是students】15 先行词的位置:练习:After my talk with the professor,_ was short but rewarding,I had a new outlook on the problem I was facing.a.who

8、b.that c.it d.which【d.which;先行词是talk】16 先行词的位置:练习:找到先行词 The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved(broken down)in the soil solution(mixture)before they can be taken into the root.【考研真题】The from the soil that usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil sol

9、ution before they can be taken into the root.17 如何找到先行词 练习:找到先行词 For example,changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make life even more stressful for the post-80s.【CET-6】For example,in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities

10、for youth and rising unemployment in general make life even more stressful for the post-80s.18 找词成分选词 成分 看看定语从句中是否缺少主语、宾语。Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,which made the others envy him a lot.My favorite season is spring,when the earth seems born again.19 找词成分选词 选关系词 从句中缺

11、少主语、宾语,选:从句中缺少主语、宾语,选:20421 先行词是“人”:Anger is a thief steals away the nice moments in our life.先行词是“物”:Anger is a wind blows out the lamp of the mind.22 4.1 who/whom指代“人”例句:Friendship is a very difficult thing.It is hard to handle.It creates many different problems.In fact I would say that friendship

12、 is as hard to handle as love is,or even marriage.Of course I am not talking about easy-come-easy-go friendship.Im talking about friends who care deeply about each other,who support each other,who make life worth living.Im talking about friends whom you can share almost everything with.23 Who or Who

13、m?WHO前面加介词 Im talking about friends who(m)you can share almost everything with.可以改写成:Im talking about friends with whom you can share almost everything.就成:Im talking about friends you can share almost everything.24 Who or Whom?WHOM在定语从句中,但可以作宾语或者表语。He is no long the man who/whom he was three years a

14、go.【注意】作表语,who/whom均可 25 4.2 which/that指代“物”两者有何区别?26 That or Which?用that不用which(1).当先行词中有人有物时Sister Feng and her make-up that startles us a lot is very popular on the internet.He and his family _ I like very much are here today,too.that/who/whom27 That or Which?用that不用which(2).先行词是“所有,没有;很多、很少;四个东西

15、(thing);序数;最高;最后;恰好”(指“物”)或被这些词修饰的时候28 That or Which?用that不用which所有:all没有:none很多:many,much很少:few,little四个东西(thing):something,anything,nothing,everything;(包括some,any,no,every)序数:the first,the fifth最高:the best,the most outstanding最后:the last恰好:the very,the right,the one,the only29 That or Which?用which

16、不用that(3).that定语从句中 I became a single mother overnight,which is nothing like becoming famous overnight.我一夜之间成了单亲妈妈,这跟一夜成名可完全不同。30 That or Which?用which不用that(4).that跟在介词后 The world in which we live is made up of matters.=The world that/which we live in is made up of matters.The world we live is made

17、up of matters.31 That or Which?用which不用that(5).当先行词本身就是代词that时-Which dress do you like better?-I prefer that(one)which is so unique.Perhaps it is human to appreciate little that which we have and to long for that which we have not.或许,“不惜已获,贪求不得”是人类共同的弱点吧。32 4.4 whose,表示“人”或“物”所有关系 一般满足的形式,符合含义。When

18、I looked through the window,I saw a took my breath away.练习:填空 Look out!Dont get too close to the house _ roof is under repair.a.whose b.which c.of which d.that 【福建高考题】【a.;】33 4.4 whose,表示“人”或“物”所有关系 一般满足的形式,符合含义。练习:填空 The gentleman,_ office I once worked,is a very thoughtful boss.a.in his b.whose c.

19、of whom the d.in whose 【d.;】34535 5.1 when,先行词的名词 We will put off the outing until next week,when we wont be so busy.There was _ time _ I hate to go to school.【湖北高考】a.a;that b.a;when c.the;that d.the;when【b.】36 5.2 why 先行词的名词,如reason,cause等 Online shopping is becoming more and more popular in China.

20、The two major why it is so popular are its convenience and its competitive price.37 5.3 where Where的先行词 A:Since you work in the theater,cant you get me a free ticket now and then?B:Certainly if you bring me a few notes now and then from the where you work!38 5.3 where 先行词可以是(通常是抽象名词,等),把where”【考试重点】

21、Annie:You know that where I finally met Lady Gaga on the stage and sang with her?That was fantastic!Becky:I bet it was.39 5.3 where 练习:Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk.【山东高考】a.where b.that c.when d.which【a】40641I refuse to accept the blame for something

22、_ is named after his grandfather.a.who b.that c.as d.which Children who are not active or _ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.a.what b.whose c.which d.that -Can you believe I had to pay$30 for a haircut?-You should try the barbers _ I go.Its only$15.a.as b.which c.where d.that In China,th

23、e number of cities is increasing _ development is recognized across the world.a.where b.which c.whose d.that 【c.】42She brought with her friends,none of _ I had ever met before.a.them b.who c.whom d.these Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?a.he explained b.what he ex

24、plained c.how he explained d.why he explained -Do you have anything to say for yourselves?-Yes,theres one point _ I must insist on.a.why b.which c.where d.how .43 The hours _ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life

25、 people.a.when b.on which c.that d.in which Chans restaurant on Baker Street,_ used to be poorly run,is now a successful business.a.it b.which c.who d.where 44745 两者的:形式上:有无逗号 The food which wasnt in the fridge all went bad.The foodwasnt in the fridge,all went bad.意义上:的方法46【注意】翻译的方法:限定性定语从句一般翻译成“的”定

26、语从句往往另起一句来翻译47 分析比较 The food which wasnt in the fridge all went bad.没有放在冰箱里的食物都坏了。The foodwasnt in the fridge,all went bad.食物都坏了,因为没有放在冰箱里。48 分析比较 练习练习 The cab drivers who knew about the traffic jam took another road.知道那里堵车的计程车司机换了另一条道。The cab driversknew about the traffic jam,took another road.计程车司

27、机因为知道那里塞车了,他们都换了另一条道。49850 8.1 as 可用于限定性和非限定性定语从句 在非限定性定语从句中51 8.1 as(1)as引导的非限定性定语从句可放。as可先于先行词,出现在句首。先行词通常是整个主句。(大牌经纪人)As is so often pointed out,knowledge is two-edge weapon which can be equally for good or evil.52 8.1 as(2)as引导的非限制定语从句可放 as的依然。which的先行词必须出现在其前面。Malanshan,we all know,has only one

28、 industryHunan TV Station.众所周知,马栏山只有一个产业,即湖南卫视。(引导时)马栏山是个众所周知的地方,这里只有一个产业,即湖南卫视。(引导时)53 8.1 as(2)as引导的非限制定语从句可放 可以用which么?为什么?There is,has been suggested,a growing trend towards Otaku which actually is not so good in the long run.54 8.1 as(3)as引导的非限制定语从句可以放 Which也可以这样。二者有何区别?当主句和从句时,通常用;若从句的内容对主句的内容

29、等作用时,则多用。55 8.1 as(3)as引导的非限制定语从句可以放 She has married again,was.She has married again,was.She is very careful,.The young man cheated his friend of much money,was.56 8.1 as 在限定性定语从句中用在由修饰的先行词的后面。He is not such a man as would leave his work half done.He tried to make as few mistakes as he could avoid.【

30、温馨提示】:如果few前没有as?意思?57 than在引导的定语从句中做主语和宾语 先行词 The boy has eaten food is good for his health.Never give him money is necessary.58 如何理解:把比较级直接改成the,再把than改成that。再把比较级的含义加进去。The boy has eaten food is good for his health.(The boy has eaten the food that is good for his health.“more”表示超出健康需要的食物)Never gi

31、ve him money is necessary.(Never give him the money that is necessary.“more”表示超出他需要的钱)59 练习:翻译 There are more demands than can be satisfied.需求难以满足。60 but相当于。是,是。but所指代的往往会被一个。but可指代61 例句 There are very few people in this club but he knows.=There are very few people in this club who he doesnt know.那家

32、俱乐部里的人他几乎都认识。练习:翻译 没有人不会犯错。(there is)There is no man but errs.=There is no man who doesnt err.62963 什么时候不加?什么时候必须加?加什么介词?64 独门秘籍三看:看从句中的动词 The goals for which he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.温馨提示构成fight for短语65 独门秘籍三看:看从句中的动词 Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ w

33、e may in the future.a.on which b.by which c.to which d.from which【c.】66 独门秘籍三看:看从句中的跟介词构成固定搭配。He referred me to some reference books which I not very.67 独门秘籍三看:介词与先行词构成固定搭配。The speed at which an animal lives is determined by measuring the rate at which it uses oxygen.【CET4】【温馨提示】at the speed/rate,表示

34、“”。68 独门秘籍三看:第三看,看整句话的意思。The foundation of happy life is our health,_ nothing makes sense.a.by which b.for which c.on which d.without which【d】69 独门秘籍三看:There are things you would love to hear but you will never hear it from person from whom you would like to hear it,but dont be deaf to hear it from

35、the person who says it with heart.有些话你很想听到,然而却无法从你希望的那个人口中听到。但如果有其他人用心对你说出了那些话,不要对它充耳不闻。70 Justin gave a well-bound book to me _ the price took my breath away.a.from which b.to which c.of which d.whose The book was written in 1946,_ the education system has witnessed great changes.a.when b.during wh

36、ich c.from then d.since when He was educated at the local high school,_ he went on to Beijing University.a.after which b.after that c.in which d.in that 【a】71 By nine oclock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_ appeared a rare rainbow soon.a.of which b.on which c.f

37、rom which d.above which We have gathered nearly 1000,000 quilts,_ up to half have gone to the flood-hit area.a.of which b.in which c.with which d.for which a.of which b.in which c.with which d.for which 【a.】721073 关系词+插入语+定语从句的主干 插入语往往插入的是一些表示“个人主观观点”的“主谓结构”,譬如they think,he said,they believe,he clai

38、med,they assumed等等。这些插入语不影响定语从句原来的结构,并非构成定语从句的主谓语。所以在理解的时候可以先不看。74 关系词+插入语+定语从句的主干 Flying the Kite What we think is pulling us down is really taking us up.Sometimes the very things that we think are holding us down are the things that are helping us fly.That is what discipline is all about.75 10.2 并

39、列从句 两个或两个以上的定语从句,由and,but,or等并列连词连接,共同修饰一个先行词。76 10.2 并列从句 Great expense does not always equal better gift.I would much rather receive a gift that was unique or that I knew my friend had put some thought into rather than something that cost a fortune but that I didnt need or want.I would much rather receive something that made me laugh,made ne reminisce,or fit my personality than something that cost a lot but that I will just throw in my closet and forget about.77


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