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1、第一篇第一篇 教材过关教材过关Section Using language1.As tourism develops,people are becoming increasingly concerned about the en-vironment.随着旅游业的发展,人们越来越关注环境。(教材P67)语言点1be concerned about关注;担心情境探究情境探究As far as he is concerned,it is impossible to betray his friends.对他而言,背叛自己的朋友是不可能的。新知清障新知清障素养构建素养构建There is growin

2、g concern about violence on television.人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。She is concerned about her sons future.她为她儿子的将来担忧。This country has launched a campaign to ban smoking in public places,which is concerned with most people.这个国家发起了一场禁止在公共场合抽烟的运动,这与大多数人都相关。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)be concerned about/for.对担忧/忧虑be concerned a

3、bout/with.对感兴趣;对关注concerned adj.担心的,忧虑的;感兴趣的,关切的,关注的as far as sb.is concerned就某人而言(2)concern n.担心,忧虑;关爱,关心 vt.涉及;影响;牵涉;与有关concern about/for/over对的担心/忧虑concern oneself about/with对感兴趣(3)concerning prep.涉及,关于误区警示误区警示形容词concerned作前置定语时,意为“关心的,挂念的,担心的”;作后置定语时,意为“相关的,有关的”。例如:a concerned look“关切的神情”;the au

4、-thorities concerned“有关当局”。语境助记语境助记 The mayor was very concerned about the workers safety.He showed much concern for those who worked underground and asked them some questions concerning safety.He asked the officials concerned to put safety in the first place.市长很关心工人的安全。他对那些在地面下工作的人非常关心,并且问了他们一些关于安全

5、的问题。他要求相关的官员把安全放在第一位。学以致用学以致用(1)单句填空Nowadays people are more (concern)about the environ-ment where they live.Making the right decision (concern)the future is an im-portant thing we should do in our lives.The meeting was concerned reforms and everyone pre-sent was concerned the result.concernedconcer

6、ningwithabout/with(2)一句多译我订购了一些与我的专业有关的杂志。I subscribed to a number of journals my major.(含定语从句的复合句)I subscribed to a number of journals my major.(con-cerned)I subscribed to a number of journals my major.(concern-ing)which/that were concerned withconcerned withconcerning2.However,the local people wor

7、ry that building the hotel is not eco-friendly and will disturb the wildlife.然而,当地人担心建造酒店不环保,会干扰野生动物(教材P67)语言点2disturb v.干扰,扰乱情境探究情境探究I regret disturbing you so long.我很抱歉打扰了你这么久。I was deeply disturbed and depressed by the news.这则消息使我深感不安和沮丧。When a tomb is opened,fresh air will disturb the viruses.墓穴

8、被打开时,新鲜空气会干扰病毒。She couldnt do with noise and disturbances any longer,and left.她再也受不了吵吵闹闹,于是走开了。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)It disturbs sb.to do sth.做某事使某人不安(2)disturbed adj.心神不安的,心烦意乱的be disturbed by/about/at为感到不安disturbing adj.令人不安的,引起烦恼的(3)disturbance n.干扰易混辨析易混辨析语境助记语境助记 I dont mind being interrupted by the stude

9、nts in class but I do hate being disturbed by the noise made by the machines from the construction site near my school.我不介意被课堂上的学生打断,但我确实讨厌被学校附近建筑工地的机器发出的噪音打扰。学以致用学以致用(1)单句填空They were charged with (disturb)the public peace.disturbs me to betray my family and friends.The traffic jams in many cities m

10、ake citizens feel frequently (disturb).disturbingItdisturbed(2)单句写作(2019课标全国)我很快发现,自从那些天令人不安的关于营地周围有成吨的垃圾的报道出现以来,情况大有改观。I soon discover that much has changed since the days of of camps among tons of rubbish.disturbing reports3.But they also admit that building the hotel will provide more jobs for pe

11、ople liv-ing in the area.但是他们也承认建造酒店会给住在当地的人提供更多的工作(机会)。(教材P67)语言点3句型公式:现在分词短语作后置定语情境探究情境探究Do you know the number of people coming to the party?你知道来参加聚会的人数吗?The freeway being built now will lead to Xingang Seaport.正在建设的高速公路将直通新港码头。The third quality of literature,coming out of the other two,is its pe

12、rmanence.文学的第三个特质,除另外两个之外,是它的持久性。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)现在分词作定语,表示正在进行或主动的动作。(2)动词的-ing形式作定语时,单个动词的-ing形式作定语,常放在被修饰词前作前置定语,如果是短语作定语,则常放在被修饰词后作后置定语。(3)现在分词的逻辑主语是其表示的动作的承受者时用被动形式:being+过去分词,表示一个被动的、正在进行的动作,常作后置定语。学以致用学以致用(1)单句填空Today there are more airplanes (carry)more people than ever be-fore in the skies.Laura

13、 was away in Paris for over a week.When she got home,there was a pile of mail (wait)for her.carryingwaiting(2)句式升级The girl who is standing under the tree is really charming.The girl under the tree is really charming.(现在分词作定语)standing4.Even though the owner of the company guarantees that the design w

14、ill be in harmony with its beautiful surroundings,the local people are still concerned that the hotel may use up natural resources.尽管公司的所有者保证设计会与它美丽的环境协调,但是当地人仍然担心酒店可能会把自然资源耗尽。(教材P67)语言点4in harmony with与协调/一致情境探究情境探究His tastes are in harmony with mine.他的爱好和我的相同。To our satisfaction,most of us have re

15、alized the importance of living in harmo-ny with nature.令我们满意的是,我们大多数人已经意识到与自然和谐相处的重要性。Their life is a natural harmony.他们的生活是一种自然的和谐。The sky and the sea here make a harmonious picture.这儿的天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)harmony n.和谐;协调;融洽in harmony和睦地;和谐地live in harmony with.与和睦相处out of harmony with.与不一致/

16、不和谐(2)harmonious adj.和谐的;协调的学以致用学以致用(1)单句填空Their (harmony)relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.We should bear in mind that social development and the balance of nature should go harmony.harmoniousin(2)完成句子Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to s

17、urvive is to live (与自然和谐相处).in harmony with nature语言点5use up用完,耗尽情境探究情境探究Shes used up all the hot water.她把热水都用完了。We are producing more rubbish and using up more raw materials.我们正在制造更多的垃圾,用尽更多的原材料。She made full use of her contacts in the organization.她充分利用了她在机构中的人脉。归纳拓展归纳拓展come into use开始使用make(good/

18、full)use of好好/充分利用make the best/most use of充分利用be of use有用的in use在使用中put into use投入使用学以致用(1)单句填空I do wish you wouldnt use all the resources.The old machine is no longer use.He declared it was no use to work on his farm.When did the telephone come use?upinofinto(2)单句写作如果你的办公室有门,好好利用它。If you have a do

19、or to your office,it.make good use of5.Increased tourist numbers will also mean more cars and aeroplanes,which in turn means higher carbon emissions.游客数量增加也将意味着更多的汽车和飞机,这也相应地意味着更高的碳排放量。(教材P67)语言点6in turn相应地;转而;依次;轮流;逐个情境探究情境探究He spends too much time on Chinese,which in turn affects his progress in o

20、ther subjects.他在(学习)语文上花了太多时间,这相应地影响了他在其他学科上的进步。I was hard on my eldest son and he,in turn,was mean to his little brother.我对大儿子很严厉,相应地,他就对他弟弟很刻薄。Each of us in turn had to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.我们每个人都得挨个说一说(喝)酒如何影响了我们的生活。Why did she turn down your invitation?她为什么谢绝你的邀请?归纳拓展归纳拓展(

21、1)take turns依次;轮流(2)turn up偶然出现;开大turn down把调低;拒绝turn in上交,提交turn into变成turn out结果是,证明是turn away不准入内;把拒之门外turn back(使)原路返回,往回走turn over移交;(使)翻转turn to sb.for help向某人求助turn upside down完全颠倒 turn against(使)与反目成仇,变得敌对学以致用学以致用(1)单句填空He asked her to marry him but she turned him .“Thank you very much.”He t

22、hen turned me,“You have a wonderful son.”Now other students were coming to him for coaching and they,turn,were winning contests.downtoin(2)单句写作(2018课标全国)小时候我父母教我的游戏后来在我的生活中变得非常有用。The games my parents taught me when I was a child very useful later in my life.turned out to be.语境填词1.The Japanese (经济)gr

23、ew at an annual rate of more than 10 percent.2.The area was covered in dense (丛林).3.He is a very clever (经营者)with an incisive mind.4.He put his oars(桨)in the water and (干扰)the smooth surface of the lake.素养达标素养达标迁移创新迁移创新economyjungleoperatordisturbed5.(动植物保护工作者)are fighting to save our local ani-mals

24、.6.The increased use of natural gas will help reduce carbon dioxide (排放物).Conservationistsemissions.语境选词concerned about,in particular,bat away,pull off,use up,in harmony with,in turn,brush off1.Dont worry about that mark;it will .2.He frowns,and makes a motion with his hand as though to this strange

25、 idea.3.We the deal.brush offbat awaypulled off4.Speaking as a parent,Im very standards in education.5.One reason the sea unlike the land is not covered with plants is that it lacks im-portant nutrientsiron,.6.Dont let yesterday too much of today.7.We must ensure that tourism develops the environmen

26、t.8.Increased production will,lead to increased profits.concerned aboutin particularuse upin harmony within turn.语法专练A:Hi,John.I 1.(not hear)much from you lately.What 2.you (do)?B:I 3.(research)unexplained things recently,and its a lot of fun.I already 4.(do)lots of interesting reading and I 5.(star

27、t)some writing.A:Really?What 6.you (achieve)so far?havent heardhavebeen doinghave been researchinghave donehave startedhaveachievedB:Well,I already 7.(read)an article about a boy who disappeared,and I 8.(find)many websites about aliens and other mysteries.Some of these websites describe what the ali

28、ens look like.I 9.(start)draw-ing some pictures of them.A:What kind of pictures have you been drawing?B:I 10.(make)a comic strip about aliens visiting the Earth.Ill get it done today.Oh!Look at the time!I have a class at two oclock.I have to go now,but Ill e-mail it to you.have readhave foundhave startedhave been making


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