《技术与商务交流英语(第二版)》课件Chapter 3 Technical Writing Process.ppt

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1、IntroductionThe technical writing process can be thought of as a problem-solving taska series of questions to be considered and answered.Writing a technical document is not an isolated process.Experienced writers of technical documents typically use the following elements in their writing process:Ex

2、ploring and inventing探索与构思 Planning and organizing计划与组织 Drafting打草稿 Revising修改 Editing编辑 Brainstorming 开动脑筋开动脑筋 Synectics 共同研讨法共同研讨法 Five Ws plus H:5W+H 问题分析法问题分析法 Cause-and-effect analysis 因果分析法因果分析法 is a problem-solving technique that encourages you to suggest as many ideas as possible about a giv

3、en problem without making any judgments until after a number of ideas have been produced.The process of brainstorming follows these steps.:Write down the general topic at the top of your paper.Make a list of every idea that comes to mind and keep the ideas flowing.Even if you write down some idea of

4、f the topic,dont worry about it because you can cross it out later.Rewrite the list,group similar ideas together and cross out items that dont belong or that are duplications.means bringing together different people and different ideas,which encourages professionals of different expertise to work to

5、gether and combine unrelated ideas as a means of analyzing a particular problem.Synectics encourages analogies of the following kinds.Fantasy analogies:searching for the ideal solution Personal analogies:imagining you are the subject Direct analogies:comparing the subject to something concrete Symbo

6、lic analogies:comparing the subject to something abstract means bringing together different people and different ideas,which encourages professionals of different expertise to work together and combine unrelated ideas as a means of analyzing a particular problem.Synectics encourages analogies of the

7、 following kinds.Fantasy analogies:searching for the ideal solution Personal analogies:imagining you are the subject Direct analogies:comparing the subject to something concrete Symbolic analogies:comparing the subject to something abstract is a problem-analysis strategy that requires clear statemen

8、ts on the person,thing,time,place,reason,and method involved.It is a formula frequently associated with journalism.WHO:Who is involved?Who should be involved?WHAT:What is involved?What is to be changed?What should remain the same?WHEN:When should it be done?When is the most appropriate time?WHERE:Wh

9、ere should it be done?Where is the most convenient place?WHY:Why should it be done?HOW:How should it be done?4.Cause-and-Effect Analysis Cause-and-Effect Analysis is a strategy commonly used by quality control circlessmall groups of people meeting regularly to identify,analyze,and solve problems con

10、nected to the work they do.It focuses on the causes of a particular problem.The initial causes are separated into four categories:machine,employee,material,and method.Any of these four possible causes can be further analyzed through deeper causes.When you plan a document,you need to make decisions a

11、bout a variety of elements:context,purpose,audience,content,organization,and design.Planning Elements and Reviewing QuestionsImportant NotesThe process of document planning is not linear because each element affects the others.While you are working on a document,you can change your plans,but you nee

12、d to begin with a sense of what youre doing and where youre going,because changes in one element influence the other elements.Although writers often replan as their work progresses,careful planning can minimize the number of changes that are needed later.is a productive way in document planning,even

13、 if you are going to draft the document independently.Working with someone else often generates ideas and approaches that you might not come up with alone.III.DraftingDrafting means drawing up a preliminary version of the document.The following methods are commonly used by many professional writers.

14、Compose the draft from beginning to end without interruption.Process slowly,thinking and polishing every phrase,sentence and paragraph.Prepare an outline as the framework of your draft and then stick to this outline.Create bits and pieces of the draft during the planning stage,writing down key sente

15、nces.When your planning is done,take these ideas,develop them,and fill in the spaces.IV.Revising1.Arrangement2.Content3.Logic4.Style 5.Graphics6.Document Design7.Seeking AdviceIn checking the arrangement,you should try to put yourself in your readers position and make sure your arrangement is easily

16、 accessible and comprehensible.The following questions may help you check for that purpose.Are there any links of thought missing?Are there any questions left unanswered that the reader will want an answer?Have you provided smooth transitions from section to section,paragraph to paragraph?Are there

17、any paragraphs that need to be divided,while others should be combined?Does your discussion take too much for granted?Have you avoided irrelevant material or unwanted repetitions?Is there any vital thought buried in the discussion when it should be put into a prominent position?2.ContentIn checking

18、your content,you should make sure that you have been specific enough and your information is accurate.You should not simply rely on a good memory for facts and figures that you are not totally sure of.Check and double-check your data and equations.Take the following questions into consideration.Is y

19、our information accurate?Have you quantified when necessary?Have you adapted your material to your audience?Have you replaced the vague and nonspecific expressions with clear,accurate and specific expressions?Have you given enough examples,facts,and numbers to support your argument or conclusion?Try

20、 to be strict in logic of your argument and be careful not to let yourself fall into a logical fallacy.Examine your discussion for every conceivable weakness of arrangement and content,and be ready to criticize it.You may find it difficult to be critical of your own work,but a critical eye is import

21、ant in technical writing.is a customary manner in writing,which is composed of a series of specially chosen rhetorical skills.The following general principles of style and rhetoric for technical communication can be of help.Rewrite clumsy sentences into simpler and clearer ones.Change unneeded passi

22、ve voice sentences into active ones.Cut out words that add nothing to your thought.Cross out the pretentious words and substitute simpler ones.Be sure the diction and sentence structures are suitable to the occasion and the audience.Much technical information is presented in tables,graphs,and diagra

23、ms.When you have numerous statistics,particularly those used for comparison,you should display them in tables or graphs.When dealing with content that has visual components,you should present the content in diagrams.For details about such matters,see Chapter 8:Graphics.Document design refers to the

24、effective use of tables of contents,headings,the right typeface,proper spacing,and so forth,which is integral to good technical writing.Detailed guidance for document design is offered in Chapter 9:Document Design.Technical writers often share their drafts with colleagues and ask for their opinions.

25、Often,someone who is not as familiar with the material as the writer spots flaws far more quickly than the writer does.When you are writing instructions,for example,you should share an early draft with a sample audience,people who are similar in knowledge and intelligence to those for whom the instr

26、uctions are intended.See how well they can follow the instructions.They can tell you where they have trouble carrying out your instructions or where poor vocabulary choice or insufficient content cause any difficulties,which can be invaluable to your revision.V.Editing Editing is the final step in w

27、riting.You begin your editing only after you are satisfied with your draft.In the editing stage,you should make sure that your report is mechanically perfect,that it meets the requirements of Standard English and the expected format.Begin your editing by checking mechanics.Make sure that every word

28、is spelled correctly.Develop a healthy sense of doubt and use a good dictionary or the spelling checker of your word processing program.Also check your grammar,such as subject-verb agreement,tenses,voices and mood.Be sure that all in-text citations match numbers of your reference list.Make certain t

29、hat you have used the same style throughout your document for citations.For help in documentation,see Chapter 7:Ethics and Documentation.Check your graphics for accuracy and appropriateness.Take care that your graphics are well placed and correctly numbered.And also make sure that the number of each

30、 graphic matches the number you use in referring to it.3.Checking Graphics Make sure that your design makes your document readable and accessible for your readers.Check whether the table of contents is complete and accurate,and match the headings you have used in the document.5.Spelling,Grammar and

31、Style CheckersSpelling,grammar and style checkers in the word processing software can make you more aware of your spelling and grammar mistakes and of your writing style.They will flag sentences in the passive voice,long sentences,wordy phrases,double words,unpaired quotation marks,subject-verb agreement problems,and other problems.However,such tools cannot guarantee that a document will be error-free.You should never depend on software tools to identify all the errors in a document.The list below presents both the benefits and limitations of software tools for editing.Thanks


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