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1、Free template from Chapter 6 OrdersFree template from I.Aims&Requirements 1.Learn and master key words,phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.2.Learn how to write a business letter about order and reply to the order.Free template from II.Content Key words,phrases and sentence patterns Structure

2、of a business letter about order and reply to the order.Free template from 6.1 接受接受 1.交易洽商的一般程序交易洽商的一般程序 询盘询盘发盘发盘还盘还盘反还盘反还盘接受接受签签订合同订合同 2.接受接受:是指受盘人在发盘有效期内完全同意发是指受盘人在发盘有效期内完全同意发盘的全部内容,愿意订立合同的一种表示盘的全部内容,愿意订立合同的一种表示。Free template from 3.一项有效的接受一般具备以下条件:一项有效的接受一般具备以下条件:(1).一项有效的接受必须是一项有效的接受必须是受盘人对一项实盘的

3、受盘人对一项实盘的完全接受完全接受。(不能增加、限制或其它修改不能增加、限制或其它修改)(2).一项有效的接受必须是一项有效的接受必须是发盘所规定的受盘人发盘所规定的受盘人表示才有效表示才有效。(特定人特定人)(3).一项有效的接受必须一项有效的接受必须是是受盘人在发盘的有效受盘人在发盘的有效期内内表示接受才有效期内内表示接受才有效。(4).接受接受应由应由受盘人采用声明或做出其他行为的受盘人采用声明或做出其他行为的方式表示,并且这种表示传达给发盘人才开始有方式表示,并且这种表示传达给发盘人才开始有效效。(书面文字书面文字;卖方发运货物或买方支付货款卖方发运货物或买方支付货款)Free tem

4、plate from 4.接受即达成交易接受即达成交易 具体的业务中,交易双方经过磋商,一方的发盘或还盘,具体的业务中,交易双方经过磋商,一方的发盘或还盘,被另一方接受后,交易立即达成,合同即告成立,双方就要被另一方接受后,交易立即达成,合同即告成立,双方就要承担法律责任。交易双方为明确规定各自的权利和义务,一承担法律责任。交易双方为明确规定各自的权利和义务,一般采用般采用书面的形式书面的形式把它确定下来。把它确定下来。(1).销售合同销售合同Sales Contract(简化形式是销售确认书简化形式是销售确认书Sales Confirmation):卖方草拟卖方草拟 (2).购货合同购货合同

5、Purchase Contract(简化形式是购货确认简化形式是购货确认书书Purchase Confirmation):买方草拟买方草拟 不管是合同还是确认书,一般都是一式两份,经过双方不管是合同还是确认书,一般都是一式两份,经过双方签字签字(会签会签),各执一份,据以执行,这种行为在进出口业务,各执一份,据以执行,这种行为在进出口业务中,称之为签订合同。中,称之为签订合同。Free template from 5.接受与订货的关系接受与订货的关系 接受信是订货与签订合同合二为一的,接受信是订货与签订合同合二为一的,只要掌握好订货信和寄送合同、确认书书信只要掌握好订货信和寄送合同、确认书书信

6、的写法即可。的写法即可。订货信分为订货信分为:行文式:适合对单一商品的订购,行文式:适合对单一商品的订购,列表式:适合对多种商品的订购;列表式:适合对多种商品的订购;填写订货单;填写订货单;填写购货确认书填写购货确认书(合同合同)。订货信是对报盘信的答复信,因而具备订货信是对报盘信的答复信,因而具备答复信的特点。答复信的特点。Free template from 6.2 Writing StepsqA satisfactory order letter should include:1.express pleasure in receiving the offer;2.confirm the

7、conclusion of the business and point out the full details of article number,quantity,specification,quality,unit price,total value,shipment,packing,insurance and terms of payment as agreed upon in preliminary negotiations between the exporter and the importer;3.hope for further orders;Free template f

8、rom q A satisfactory reply to the order will include:1.express pleasure in receiving the order;2.add a favorable comment on the goods ordered;3.include an assurance of prompt and careful attention;4.draw attention to other products likely to be of interest;5.hope for further orders;Free template fro

9、m 6.3 Writing Skills(写作技巧)(写作技巧)订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:写作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式(1)表明)表明向对方订向对方订购货物(购货物(或信后随或信后随附有订单附有订单)We are in receipt of your offer of October 4th and are pleased to place an order with you for the following goods.(我方已收到你方(我方已收到你方10月月4日发盘,并非日发盘,并非常高兴地向你方订购以下货物。)常高兴地向你方订购以下货物。

10、)Please find enclosed our Order No.B5421 for(请注意随附的我方(请注意随附的我方B5421号订单。)号订单。)Free template from (2)确认双方确认双方达成的交达成的交易条件(易条件(交货期、交货期、运输方式运输方式、包装、包装、付款条件付款条件及折扣等及折扣等)We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit.(我方确认以不可撤销信用证付款。)(我方确认以不可撤销信用证付款。)We would like to th

11、ank you for the 30%discount you allowed us.(非常感谢你方给予我方(非常感谢你方给予我方30%的商业折的商业折扣。)扣。)(3)表达)表达进一步合进一步合作的愿望作的愿望 We will submit further orders,if this one is completed to our satisfaction.(如果本次订货令我方满意,我方将继(如果本次订货令我方满意,我方将继续向你方订货。)续向你方订货。)Free template from 接受订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:接受订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:写作步骤写作步骤 表达

12、方式表达方式(1)对收)对收到订单表到订单表示高兴,示高兴,并同意订并同意订单的条件单的条件 We are pleased to confirm your order which we have accepted on the terms.(我方很高兴确认你方订单并已接受你方条件。(我方很高兴确认你方订单并已接受你方条件。)We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th May,with your order for five printing machines,which I herewith acknowledge with best thanks

13、.(贵公司(贵公司5月月10日来函及五部印刷机器的定单均日来函及五部印刷机器的定单均已收到,在此表示谢。)已收到,在此表示谢。)We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 10th July,and thank you for the order you have given us.(贵公司(贵公司7月月10日函收悉,对此次日函收悉,对此次订货,我公司表示感谢。)订货,我公司表示感谢。)Free template from (2)对所订)对所订货物加以赞许货物加以赞许 Our products are selling well in many ar

14、eas.(我们的产品在许多地区销路很好。)(我们的产品在许多地区销路很好。)(3)保证对)保证对订单迅速、订单迅速、认真地处理认真地处理 We appreciate the business you have been able to give us and assure you that your order will receive our most careful attention.(感谢你公司照顾我们这笔交易,我们保证(感谢你公司照顾我们这笔交易,我们保证一定慎重一定慎重办理办理贵方订单。)贵方订单。)We are pleased to say that we have alread

15、y made up your order No.9901,and you may expect delivery within the next three days.(我们高兴地通知你方(我们高兴地通知你方9901号订单货已备妥号订单货已备妥,有望在三日内交货。),有望在三日内交货。)Free template from (4)提醒对)提醒对方注意其他可方注意其他可能感兴趣的商能感兴趣的商品品 Besides printed clothes we supply a wide rage of other manufactured clothes and enclose a copy of ou

16、r current price list.(除了印花布之外,我们还供应一系(除了印花布之外,我们还供应一系列机织布,现随信附上一份最新的价列机织布,现随信附上一份最新的价目表。)目表。)(5)希望今)希望今后收到更多订后收到更多订单单 We appreciate your co-operation and look forward to receiving your further orders.(感谢你方的合作,希望继续收到你(感谢你方的合作,希望继续收到你方订单。)方订单。)Free template from 拒绝订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:拒绝订单信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:写

17、作步骤写作步骤 表达方式表达方式(1)对)对未能满足未能满足对方的需对方的需要表示歉要表示歉意意 We are sorry that the model required is no longer being manufactured.(非(非常抱歉,你方所需型号我方已不再生产常抱歉,你方所需型号我方已不再生产。)。)We are sorry to say that we must turn down your order as we have full order books at present and cannot give a definite date for delivery.(非

18、常抱歉我(非常抱歉我们必须拒绝你方订单,因为目前我们的们必须拒绝你方订单,因为目前我们的订单排得很满,不能给你们一个确切的订单排得很满,不能给你们一个确切的交货期。)交货期。)Free template from (2)若有)若有替代品的替代品的话,建议话,建议对方使用对方使用替代品替代品 We are sorry that your order of model I is out of stock now.Please select a suitable substitute from the enclosed catalogue.(你方有关(你方有关I型号的订单,现型号的订单,现在无货,深

19、感抱歉。请从所附寄的目录在无货,深感抱歉。请从所附寄的目录中挑选合适的替品。)中挑选合适的替品。)(3)希望)希望下一次有下一次有机会合作机会合作 We regret that,owing to a shortage of stocks,we are unable to fill your order.We will,however,contact you by fax once supplying improves.(因(因为存货短缺,未能供应贵公司所需货品为存货短缺,未能供应贵公司所需货品,特此致歉。一旦供应情况改善,我们,特此致歉。一旦供应情况改善,我们将电传通知贵公司将电传通知贵公司)

20、Free template from 6.4 Specimen Letters(样函(样函1)Dear Sirs,We appreciate your immediate response dated June 20 to our request for a 5%reduction in price and through your full cooperation we have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised price:Thirty metric tons of Bitter Aprico

21、t Kernels at$1750.00 per metric ton CFR Qingdao for shipment in August.Enclosed please find our Purchase Confirmation No.369 in duplicate.Please sign and return one copy for our records as soon as possible.Free template from We are arranging for the establishment of the relative letter of credit wit

22、h the Bank of China,Sweden,and shall let you know by fax as soon as it is opened.As we are in urgent need of the goods,we find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C;any delay in shipment would be harmful to our future business.Yours faithful

23、ly,Free template from Language Points1.confirm the following order with you 确认向你方订购确认向你方订购 confirm having placed the order with you 确认向你方订购确认向你方订购 We are pleased to confirm having concluded with you a transaction of 100 metric tons of walnut meat.我方高兴地确认已与你方达成一百公吨核桃仁的交易。我方高兴地确认已与你方达成一百公吨核桃仁的交易。We co

24、nfirm having accepted your offer on the following terms and conditions:兹确认已按下列条款接受你方的报盘:兹确认已按下列条款接受你方的报盘:Free template from 2.order n.订单订单 fresh order;new order 新订单新订单 initial order 初次订单初次订单 trial order 试订单试订单 repeat order 续订单续订单 duplicate order 重复订单重复订单 outstanding order;pending order 未完成订单未完成订单 to

25、 accept an order 接受订单接受订单 to confirm an order 确认订单确认订单 to cancel an order 取消订单取消订单 Free template from to withdraw an order 取消订单取消订单 to turn down an order 拒绝订单拒绝订单 to decline an order 谢绝订单谢绝订单 to fulfill an order 执行订单执行订单 to execute an order 履行订单履行订单 to carry out an order 执行订单执行订单 Difference between

26、repeat order&duplicate order duplicate order:重复订单重复订单,指与原订单除了装运期不同外指与原订单除了装运期不同外,其它交易条件与原来订单完全一致。,其它交易条件与原来订单完全一致。repeat order:续订单续订单,指除交货期外,其它交易条件等未必指除交货期外,其它交易条件等未必与原订单相同的订单。与原订单相同的订单。Free template from We shall place a trial order with you for 80 cases of Black Tea if your price is workable.假如你方价

27、格可行,我方将向你方试购假如你方价格可行,我方将向你方试购80箱红茶。箱红茶。We are glad to note from your fax of May 28 that you have decided to place an order with us for 100 sets to test the market.很高兴从你很高兴从你方方五月二十八日传真中得知你方已决定订购一百套试试五月二十八日传真中得知你方已决定订购一百套试试销路。销路。Should the sample prove satisfactory,we will place a trial order with you

28、 for 5 000 dozen.如果样品令人满意,我如果样品令人满意,我方方将试订五千打。将试订五千打。We believe you will do your utmost to execute our first order as it will lead to a series of transactions between us.我们认为你方会尽最大努力执行我方第一个订单,因为它将带来一我们认为你方会尽最大努力执行我方第一个订单,因为它将带来一系列交易。系列交易。Free template from in duplicate/in two copies一式二份一式二份 in tripl

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30、九份一式九份 in decuplicate/in ten copies(fold)一式十份一式十份Free template from 4.sign v.签署;签字;会签签署;签字;会签 countersignsignature n.签名;署名签名;署名 1)Enclosed we are sending you the relative S/C No.777 in duplicate and hope that you will sign and return us one copy of it to complete our records.现随函附寄第现随函附寄第777号销售合同一式两份

31、,号销售合同一式两份,望签字并退回一份,以便归档望签字并退回一份,以便归档.Free template from 5.for ones records 供某人存档;供某人存档;供供存查存查 for ones file 供某人存档;供供某人存档;供存查存查 to complete ones records 供某人存档供某人存档/归档归档 be on file 存档;归档存档;归档 We are sending you our Sales Confirmation No.789 in duplicate,one copy of which please sign and return for ou

32、r file.我们很高兴地告知已接受你方第我们很高兴地告知已接受你方第234号订单。现寄号订单。现寄上第上第789号销售确认书一式两份,请签退一份供我号销售确认书一式两份,请签退一份供我方存档。方存档。Free template from 6.be in urgent need of sth.急需急需 be in need of sth.需要需要 be badly in need of sth.急需急需 be in dire need of sth.急需急需 be in great need of sth.急需急需 Please do your utmost to expedite the s

33、hipment of our order as our buyers are in urgent need of the goods.请尽快装运我方所订购货物,因为我方买请尽快装运我方所订购货物,因为我方买主急需该货。主急需该货。Free template from Chinese version of the letter 执事先生:执事先生:感谢你方感谢你方6月月20日来信对我方要求降价日来信对我方要求降价5%的迅速答复的迅速答复,由于你方的通力合作,我方现确认按你方修改的价格与,由于你方的通力合作,我方现确认按你方修改的价格与你方达成交易如下:你方达成交易如下:三十公吨苦杏仁,每公吨三十


35、损失。方以后的交易带来损失。谨上,谨上,Free template from Specimen Letters(样函(样函2)Dear Sirs,Reference is made to exchange of correspondences between us,we confirm having placed with you the following order:1000 sets of transistor radio Sanyo Brand-model:1234 UD$55.00 per set CFR Dalian Packing:in cartons,each containi

36、ng 10 sets Shipment:within 45 days after receipt of the relevant L/C We trust that you will give special care to the packing of our goods lest they should be damaged in transit.Free template from The L/C will be opened in your favor on receipt of your Sales Contract,and we shall advise you of the sh

37、ipping marks in the meantime.It may interest you to know that there is a good demand here for transistor radio at moderate prices,and we have no doubt that your products are suitable for this market.If the shipment turns out to our entire satisfaction,substantial orders will follow.Yours faithfully,

38、Free template from 1.reference is made to 提及;谈及提及;谈及 make a reference to sth.refer to referring to Reference is made to your Sales Contract No.123 covering our Order No.321.Please pack the goods and ship it promptly.提及你方第提及你方第123号销售合同项下的我方第号销售合同项下的我方第321号订单的货号订单的货物,请立即包装并发运物,请立即包装并发运。We refer to you

39、r Sales Contract No.123 covering our Order No.321.Please pack the goods and ship it promptly.Free template from 2.transit n.运输;通(经)过运输;通(经)过 in transit ph.在运输途中在运输途中 during transit 在运输途中在运输途中Free template from 3.at moderate price Similar expressions:the lowest price 最最 低低 价价 the best price 最最 低低 价价

40、competitive price 竞竞 争争 价价indication of price 参参 考考 价价 reasonable price 合理价格合理价格moderate price 公公 道道 价价 favorable price 优惠价格优惠价格 practical price 可行价格可行价格 workable price 实际价格实际价格 keenest price 克己价格克己价格Free template from 4.turn out to ones entire satisfaction 使人完全满意使人完全满意 to the satisfaction of sb.使人满

41、意使人满意 prove satisfactory 使人满意使人满意 We trust the shipment will turn out to your entire satisfaction.相信运送的货物会使你方完全满意。相信运送的货物会使你方完全满意。Special attention has been paid to its packing,which we trust will prove satisfactory in every respect to your clients.包装问题已得到充分重视,我方确信这将使你方包装问题已得到充分重视,我方确信这将使你方客户对各方面都会满

42、意。客户对各方面都会满意。Free template from Chinese version of the letter 执事先生:执事先生:参阅最近我们之间往来的信函,我方现确认向你方订购如下参阅最近我们之间往来的信函,我方现确认向你方订购如下:10001000台半导体收音机台半导体收音机 三洋型号:三洋型号:12341234 每台每台5555美元成本加运费大连美元成本加运费大连 包装:纸箱,每箱装包装:纸箱,每箱装1010台台 装运:收到相关信用证后装运:收到相关信用证后4545天内完成装运天内完成装运 请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运输途中受损。请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运输途

43、中受损。一经收到销售合同即开立以你方为受益人的信用证,并一经收到销售合同即开立以你方为受益人的信用证,并同时告知装运标志。同时告知装运标志。你方可能会有兴趣了解到这一点:此地对中等价格的半你方可能会有兴趣了解到这一点:此地对中等价格的半导体需求甚殷,因而,我导体需求甚殷,因而,我方方毫不怀疑你毫不怀疑你方方产品适销本市场。产品适销本市场。如果货物能使我如果货物能使我方方完全满意,大额订单会接踵而至。完全满意,大额订单会接踵而至。谨上,谨上,Free template from 6.5 useful sentences 1.Placing Orders 1)to place an order w

44、ith sb.for sth.给予某人订单给予某人订单 We thank you for your offer of May 20 and now place an order with you for the following items.贵方贵方5月月20日报价函已收到,谢谢。现向贵方订购下列商日报价函已收到,谢谢。现向贵方订购下列商品。品。We are pleased to place the following orders with you if you can guarantee shipment from Shanghai to Singapore by October 9.若

45、贵方能保证在若贵方能保证在10月月9日之前将货物由上海运至新加坡,日之前将货物由上海运至新加坡,则我方乐于向贵方订购下列货物则我方乐于向贵方订购下列货物.Free template from 2)to place(enclose,book)a trial order=to order as a trial下(附寄)试订单下(附寄)试订单 In reply to your letter of May 10 quoting us the prices of soy beans,we are pleased to place a trial order as mentioned in the enc

46、losed sheet.兹回复贵方兹回复贵方5月月10日大豆报价函,现试订购如所附日大豆报价函,现试订购如所附订单所示。订单所示。We find both quality and prices of your products satisfactory and enclose our trial order for prompt supply.我方对贵方产品的质量和价格均感满意,现寄去我方对贵方产品的质量和价格均感满意,现寄去试订单,请供应现货。试订单,请供应现货。Free template from 3)to send(give)sb.ones order for sth.向某人下向某人下订

47、单订单 We are pleased to find that your material appear to be fine quality.As a trial,we are delighted to send you a small order for 2,500 dozen Rubber Shoes.我方很高兴发现贵方原料品质优良,现寄我方很高兴发现贵方原料品质优良,现寄去去2500打胶鞋小额订单,作为试购。打胶鞋小额订单,作为试购。Free template from 4)to confirm ones order 确认订单确认订单 We are glad to confirm ou

48、r cable order dispatched this morning as follows.兹乐意确认今早拍发的电报订单如下兹乐意确认今早拍发的电报订单如下Free template from 5)to order sth.at a price按按价格订购价格订购 We order 120 units of Italian furniture No,TS-11 at$320 per unit FOB Genoa.If this order is acceptable,please let us know by cable.我方向贵公司订购我方向贵公司订购120套套TS-11号意大利家具,

49、每号意大利家具,每套套320美元,美元,FOB价热那亚价。价热那亚价。We have received your catalogue and price list,and now we order the following goods at the prices named.已收到贵方产品目录和价格表。现按所示价格订已收到贵方产品目录和价格表。现按所示价格订购下列货物。购下列货物。Free template from 6)to place ones order elsewhere向别处订购向别处订购 Thank you for your quotation for bicycle,but w

50、e regret that we have to place our order elsewhere as your prices are too high for this market.谢谢贵方自行车报价,但遗憾的是,贵方价格对谢谢贵方自行车报价,但遗憾的是,贵方价格对此市场来说过高,我们不得不向别处订购。此市场来说过高,我们不得不向别处订购。Free template from 2.Reply to Orders 1)to accept ones order接受某人订单接受某人订单 Thank you for your Order No.123.We accept it and will


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