2021年山东省中考英语一轮复习人教版新目标英语写作指导-七年级下课文话题 (ppt课件).pptx

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2021年山东省中考英语一轮复习人教版新目标英语写作指导-七年级下课文话题 (ppt课件).pptx_第1页
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1、专项训练 之Learning Objectives1.How to use the key words and key sentences to write a composition.2.To learn some writing skills.招聘广告应聘邮件话题分析本单元的写作话题为“加入社团”,与此相关的话题作文多采用招聘广告或加入某项活动的申请等命题形式,要求我们写出对应聘人员或申请人员的个人能力要求和联系方式。常用句型应聘邮件应聘邮件I can paly the piano.I like to play basketball.I want to join the art club.

2、I am good at招聘广告招聘广告Are you free?Are you good with sb.?Can you?请阅读下面的招聘广告:Help Wanted for Beijing School TripBoys and girls(12-16years old)Are you good with kids?Can you help with sports,music and English?Come and join us!Our e-mail address:写作实例写作实例 假设你是Alice,你想参加这次学校旅行。请发一封电子邮件,介绍一下你的兴趣爱好和能力。要求:1.语

3、句通顺,语法正确;2.60词左右;3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sir,I want to I hope to get your letter soon.Yours,Alice思路点拨 开篇点题:想参加这次学校旅行开篇点题:想参加这次学校旅行 句型:I want to join Id like to help the kids with介绍自己:姓名、年龄、身份和能力介绍自己:姓名、年龄、身份和能力句型:My name isImI canI am good atI can also总结概括,回扣主题总结概括,回扣主题句型:句型:I think I can be good wit

4、h教材教材典句典句经典经典范文范文亮点亮点点评点评Dear Sir,I want to join your Beijing School Trip to help the kids with sports,music and English.My name is Alice.I am 15 years old.Im a student in NO.1 Middle School.I play the guitar well.I can sing many songs.I can swim,and I can speak English well.I think I can be good wi

5、th the kids.I hope to get your letter soon.Yours,AliceI want to join a sports club.(SA,2d)I can sing and dance,too.(SB,2a)Are you good with old people?(SB,2b)1.用“want to join”来表明目的2.用“I can”来表明自己具备音乐、运动和英语方面的能力3.用“be good with”来表达自己具有管理孩子的能力写作文的通用方法写作文的通用方法1.要点齐全,书写工整2.不要自创句子,注意平时好词好句的积累3.写作时,先根据要点在

6、头脑中寻找相关的词句,然后连词成句,连句成篇4.注意细节(时态,动词三单,名词复数等),连接词(and,then,but,so,after that)等小结小结介绍自己的日常生活情况话题分析本单元以“日常生活作息时间”为话题,设置相关写作任务。在写作时,要注意正确运用一般现在时,正确表达时间及运用程度副词来谈论自己的日常生活,学会合理安排自己的学习和课外活动。常用句型I usually get up at I often eat breakfast Then I go to school at After class,I After school AtI go to bed.请仔细阅读下面表格

7、,以“My School Day”为题写一篇60词左右的短文。写作实例写作实例7:00 get up7:30eat breakfast8:00go to school8:30school starts12:00eat lunch17:00get home19:00eat dinner and then play the piano20:00do homework22:00go to bed步骤步骤构思构思列纲列纲1开篇点题I am,want to know about,school day2具体描述:在上学日子里的生活get up,eat breakfast,go to school,scho

8、ol starts,eat lunch,get home,eat dinner,play the piano,do homework,go to bed3概括总结:对自己在上学日子里的生活进行总结have a healthy life habit,have a happy life思路点拨思路点拨教材教材典句典句经典经典范文范文亮点亮点点评点评I usually get up at six thirty.(SA,1a)Then I eat breakfast at nine.(SA,2d)After school,I sometimes play basketball for half an

9、hour.(SB,2b)I have a very healthy life.(SB,3a)My School Day I am a student.Do you want to know about my school day?I usually get up at 7:00,and I eat breakfast at 7:30.Then I go to school at 8:00.School starts at 8:30.I eat lunch at 12:00.After school I get home at 17:00.I often eat dinner at 19:00.

10、After dinner I play the piano.Then I do my homework at 20:00.At 22:00,I go to bed.I think I have a healthy life habit.And I have a happy life.1.用“Do you wantto?”这一句型来点明写作的话题2.用“I doat+时间”来描述日常活动的具体时间。3.用“ThenAfter school”来叙述日常生活的顺序。4.用often,usually来描述日常活动发生的频率。5.用have alife 来对自己日常活动进行总结。介绍出行方式话题分析本单

11、元的话题是“交通”,要求能围绕这一话题写一篇谈论不同的出行方式的短文。在写作时首先要注意正确使用表达乘坐交通工具、两地距离和花费时间的短语句型;其次要表达对此交通方式的评价,可用“I like because”来表达观点。写作时还要注意一般现在时和人称。常用句型交通方式交通方式I walk to schoolevery day.I usually take the bus.I go home by bike.时间路程时间路程It takes aboutminutes.Its only about kilometers.Its minutes walk.选择选择的原因的原因Its good ex

12、ercise.Because its not far.Its healthy假如你是Tom,请以“Riding a Bike to School”为题,写一篇作文,介绍一下自己每天的上学方式。要点提示:1.你家离学校的距离 2.你上学的方式 3.花费的时间 4.你对此上学方式的看法要求:1.内容完整,语句通顺 2.包含所有要点提示,可适当发挥 3.不得出现真实人名校名,60词左右写作实例写作实例步骤步骤构思构思列纲列纲1引出话题:想知道我怎样去学校吗?My name is Tom,want to know how I get to school,tell you about it2具体内容:住

13、在哪儿?离学校多远?出行方式?花费多少时间?live in a small village,not far from school,about two kilometers,ride my bike,about twenty minutes3结束语:表明自己的看法like going to school by bike,good exercise思路点拨思路点拨教材教材典句典句经典经典范文范文亮点亮点点评点评You want to know how I get to school,right?(SB,3a)I ride to school every day.(SA,2e)It takes a

14、bout 15 minutes.(SA,Grammar Focus)Its good exercise.(SA,2e)Riding a Bike to School My name is Tom.Im a middle school student.You want to know how I get to school,right?Now let me tell you.I live in a small village,but my home is not far from school.Its only about two kilometers.I ride my bike to sch

15、ool every day.It takes me about twenty minutes.I like going to school by bike because its good exercise.1.用“You wantto know,right?”引出写作话题2.用“ride my bike to”表明上学方式3.用“It takes”这一句型说明花费的时间4.用“because its good exercise”表明自己喜欢骑自行车上学的原因谈论规章制度谈论规章制度话题分析话题分析本单元的话题是“规章制度”,与此相关的写作任务以谈论学校的一些规章制度或家庭规定为主。主要要求我

16、们学会运用祈使句来表达请求、命令、劝告等,要会正确使用情态动词can,must和have to 来谈论规章制度。常用句型常用句型表示表示禁止禁止Dont arrive late for class.Dont eat in the classroom.Dont listen to music in class.cant play basketball after school.表示命令建议表示命令建议 must be on time.must eat in the dinning hall.have to be quiet in the library.must read a book befo

17、re can watch TV.假设你是Mike,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你写一封电子邮件,向你的笔友Tom做一下介绍。词数不少于60词。1.上课不能迟到2.课堂上要保持安静3.见到老师要问好4.不许在课堂上吃东西5.不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏写作实例写作实例步骤步骤构思构思列纲列纲1引出话题You want to know the rules in our school.2介绍校规We cant/must/have to,arrive late for class,keep quiet,say hello to,listen to music,play games3发表看法I thi

18、nk we have too many rules.What about yours?思路点拨思路点拨教材教材典句典句经典经典范文范文亮点亮点点评点评Well,we cant arrive late for class.(SA,1c)We must be on time.(SA,1c)Oh,and we also have to be quiet in the library.(SA,2d)Dear Tom,Thanks for your last email.You want to know the rules in our school.Now let me tell you about

19、them.We cant arrive late for class.We must be on time.We cant talk loudly in class.We have to keep quiet in class.When we meet our teachers on our way,we should say hello to them.We cant eat in classroom,and we cant listen to music or play games in class.I think we have too many rules.I feel terribl

20、e.What about yours?Please write and tell me.Yours,Mike1.用“Thanksfor”表示感谢。2.用“You want to the rules”及“let me tell you”表达写作的主题是校规3.用“We cant”“We must”“We have to”具体介绍学校的规章制度4.用“I think”“I feel”表达对校规的看法谈论动物园里的动物谈论动物园里的动物话题分析话题分析本单元的话题为“动物园里的动物”,与此相关的写作任务是写描述不同动物特点的短文。在写作时,首先要正确使用表示性质和品质的形容词来描写动物。其次,要恰当

21、的使用连词because来阐述喜欢或不喜欢某种动物的原因。注意写此类短文时,常使用一般现在时态。常用句型常用句型介绍动物介绍动物are fromcome fromThey areThey canThey are really cool!Theis one ofsymbols.表达喜好及原因表达喜好及原因are my favorite animals.I likebecauseI likebestI dont likebecause济南动物园每天都会来很多人,小朋友们最喜欢这个地方。动物园里有许多动物:有友好的大象,害羞的熊猫,可怕的老虎和有趣的猴子等。动物是我们的好朋友,我们应该对它们友好。请

22、以“Jinan Zoo”为题目介绍一下济南动物园。词数60词左右。写作实例写作实例步骤步骤构思构思列纲列纲1开篇点题:济南动物园有很多种动物different kinds of animals2展开描述:分述大象、熊猫、老虎和猴子的情况elephants,Africa,exciting and friendly;pandas,China,friendly,shy;tiger,exciting but scary;monkeys,interesting and smart3结尾综述:阐述个人观点,喜欢熊猫的及原因likebest,cute and friendly,one of the symb

23、ols of China思路点拨思路点拨教材教材典句典句经典经典范文范文亮点亮点点评点评Today there are only about 3000 elephants(over 100000 before)(SB,2b)Theyre from South Africa.(SA,Grammar Focus)I like dogs because theyre friendly and smart.(SB,1d)Jinan Zoo There are many different kinds of animals in Jinan Zoo.Elephants are from Africa.T

24、hey are exciting and friendly.They like water best,so they need a swimming pool.Pandas are from China,and they are friendly,cute and shy.Lots of children like them very much.Tigers are exciting but scary.So most of children are afraid of them.Monkeys are interesting and smart.Most children like them

25、 best.I like pandas best because they are cute and friendly.And the pandas is one of the symbols of China.1.用“There aremany kinds of”来描述动物园里有种类繁多的动物。2.用be from 来说明这些动物的故乡。3.用exciting,friendly,cute,shy,scary,smart等形容词来描述不同动物的特点。4.用“I like because”来说明最喜欢的动物及其原因谈论正在发生的事情谈论正在发生的事情话题分析话题分析本单元的话题为“日常活动”要求

26、能围绕这一话题写一篇有关人们正在做的事情的短文。写作时,一般采用“总-分-总”的形式,即先总述后分述,最后有一个总结性的结尾。写此类作文时,通常使用现在进行时态,要注意正确使用动词的现在分词。常用句型常用句型What are you doing?Im watching TV.Whats she doing?Shes washing clothes.What are they doing?They are listening to a CD.现在是晚上7点,根据Kate 提供的信息,用现在进行时描述一下Kate 一家人的活动情况。father:read a bookmother:watch TV

27、grandfather:listen to the radiograndmother:clean the roomKate:do her homeworkKates sisterBetty:play computer games写作实例写作实例步骤步骤构思构思列纲列纲1引入话题Its seven oclock in the evening.Kates family are all at home.2逐一介绍家人正在做的事情Kate is Her father is Her mother is Her grandfather is and her grandmother is Her siste

28、r,Betty is3结尾表达感受They are all having a good time.思路点拨思路点拨教材教材典句典句经典经典范文范文亮点亮点点评点评Its eight oclock in the morning.(SB,2a)Zhu Huis family are at home.(SB,2B)I am doing my homework.(SB,3a)Its seven oclock in the evening.Kates family are all at home.Kate is doing her homework.Her father is reading a boo

29、k.Her mother is watching TV.Her grandfather is listening to the radio and her grandmother is cleaning the room.Her sister,Betty,is playing computer games.Theyre all have a good time.1.用“Its sevenoclock”点明动作发生的时间。2.用“Kates at home”点明发生的地点3.用doing,reading,watching,listening,cleaning,playing 一系列动词,分别介绍

30、家人正在做的事情4.用“They are all have a good time.”来表达他们快乐的心情。假如你是May,请给Jim写一封信告诉你自己的一些情况。内容包括:1、来自纽约(NewYork),就读于第一中学。2、每天六点起床,家离学校不远,每天走路上学。3、喜欢英语,总是帮助朋友学习英语。4、喜欢而且擅长打篮球,放学后经常跟朋友一起打篮球。5、周末经常和家人去动物园看动物,喜欢老虎,觉得老虎很可爱。要求:1.文章要包含所有要点。2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。小试牛刀小试牛刀DearJim,Imhappytogetyoure-mail.ImfromNewYork.IstudyinN

31、o.1MiddleSchool.Igetupat6:00everymorning.Myschoolisntfarfrommyhome,soIwalktoschool.IlikeEnglishandIalwayshelpmyfriendswithEnglish.IlikeplayingbasketballandIamgoodatplayingit.After school I usually play basketball with my friends.On weekends,I often go to the zoo with my family.I like tigers because I think theyre very cute.Write soon!Yours,Mary认真审题,确定文体和时态总结记忆课文中和单元话题有关的重点短语句子总结概括课文中和单元话题相关的文章结构要点齐全,不要遗漏Summary假设你是Amy,Jenny是你的美国网友。他最近发给你一封电子邮件,询问你的个人情况。请根据以下提示,给他回一封电子邮件。内容:1.你的爱好和特长;2.你的日常生活习惯;3.你的主要上学方式;4.你的校规或家规;5.你最喜欢的动物及原因 要求:1.80词左右2.书写工整,逻辑清晰,没有语法错误


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