《服务外包英语》课件Unit 2A Day at Work.ppt

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1、Contents Passage Two4 Starting Up1Listening&Speaking2Passage One3Language Lab7Tips for Professionals 7Writing5Mini-project6Starting Up1)_2)_3)_Task One A new employee has just arrived in your office.Think of three problems he/she might have on the first day and offer your help.Starting up-1Starting

2、Up1)a lot of telephone work2)writing lots of reports3)sharing an office4)using English at work5)uniforms6)working flexible hours Task Two For a job,which of the following would you like?Why?Starting up-1Starting UpTask Three Discuss in a group,and decide on five points that are the most important fo

3、r job satisfaction in the following table.Starting up-1Good boss Interesting work A high salary Friendly colleges Enough vacation days Promotion opportunities Comfortable working environment Having time to spend with family ListeningListening&SpeakingDialogue OneDialogue TwoSpeaking TaskL-Task 1List

4、ening&SpeakingDialogue One:Preparing a Teleconference1.teleconference:n.a conference of people who are in different locations that is made possible by the use of telecommunications equipment电话会议,电信会议Example:1)How about holding a weekly teleconference on this issue?每周开个电话会议讨论这个问题如何?2)After the teleco

5、nference,the sales directors launched concrete discussion about the concrete work.电话会议结束后,销售负责人又就具体工作展开了具体讨论。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Preparing a Teleconference2.jet lag:n.fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the bodys normal circadian rhy

6、thm as a result of jet travel 时差反应Example:1)He blamed his poor judgment on jet lag.他把自己的判断失误归咎于时差综合症。2)Jet lag never really bothers me.我从来没什么时差的困扰。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Preparing a Teleconference3.overtime:adv.beyond the regular work time 加班Example:1)Could y

7、ou work overtime on Sunday?星期天你能加一下班吗?2)Do you mind working overtime?你介意加班吗?Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Preparing a Teleconference4.agenda:n.a list of matters to be taken up(as at a meeting)(会议的)议程表Example:1)We have arranged agenda very successfully.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安

8、排好了。2)The question of security is high on the agenda for this afternoons meeting.安全问题是今天下午会议议程的主要议题。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Preparing a Teleconference5.minutes:n.the written record of what is said at a meeting会议记录 Example:1)I am told to take the minutes at the

9、 conference.他们叫我在会议上作记录。2)The minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously.上次会议的记录一致通过。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingListening Task:Listen to the conversation and take notes about the basic information of teleconference.1.Who are they going to have a discussion with?_.2

10、.When will they have the teleconference?_.3.How long will it last?_.4.How will they inform their clients?_.5.What will Mike need to send to the participants of the meeting?_.L-1-ScriptListening&Speaking _1Outsourcing business processesMary:Things are getting expensive in this country,and theres no d

11、oubt that we could do things more economically if we offshored some of our processes.Victor:What do you mean by that?Moving parts of the business abroad,or outsourcing parts of the businesses to overseas companies?Mary:Im not sure,really.Perhaps outsourcing to companies abroad would be easier and mo

12、re logical.What do you think?Victor:You could be right.But which parts of the business should we outsource?Mary:Well,we could outsource IT.Lots of companies do that.Victor:Yes,but the problem with that is confidentiality.Mary:But there are ways of dealing with that,just like we have to protect confi

13、dentiality inside our company.Victor:Hmm I suppose so.What else could we outsource?L-1-ScriptListening&Speaking _2Mary:We could consider outsourcing the customer service department as well.You know,they do all their work by telephone anyway,so nowadays with low cost telecommunications and so on;it s

14、hould be possible to get someone abroad to do the same thing at a much lower cost.Victor:Thats true.But theyd have to be properly trained.Mary:Including accent training.Victor:True.L-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:The First Day in New Horizon Computers1.receptionist:n.a secretary whose main du

15、ty is to answer the telephone and receive visitors 接待员Example:1)He tips the receptionist 5 pounds.他给了接待员5英镑小费。2)Hello.May I speak to Receptionist?您好,我能和接待员通话吗?Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:The First Day in New Horizon Computers2.elevator:n.lifting device that is rai

16、sed and lowered mechanically 电梯Example:1)Many department stores have both elevators and escalators.许多百货公司既有电梯又有自动扶梯。2)The elevator is not operating properly.这部电梯运转不正常。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:The First Day in New Horizon Computers3.representative:n.a person who

17、 represents others 代表Example:1)sales representative 销售代表2)The representative was absent from the annual conference.那个代表没有出席年度大会。Key Words and ExpressionsL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingListening Task:Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.1.Is Haley Mills a new employee here?_2.How

18、can Haley Mills get to Karens office?_ 3.What will be Haley Millss job responsibility?_ 4.What has the company provided Haley Mills?_L-2-ScriptListening&Speaking Opinions about outsourcing Reporter:So,Molly Tyler:first,can you tell us the thinking behind this move?Molly:Well,just let me say from the

19、 start that I fully sympathize with all those people who are going to be made redundant,and I just want to give an assurance that well do everything possible to help them find other employment within the organization.But for us,this move is absolutely necessary-the saving in costs,especially labor c

20、osts,and the chance to locate half our IT operation on the other side of the world mean that the company will be so much more efficient.You see,with half the IT over there,well be able to run the systems 24hours a day-12 in India and 12 here.Thats going to make the shareholders happy,too,and you mus

21、t remember my prime responsibility is to them,I mean,to generate profits for them.Reporter:I see.Molly:Also,by doing this,our own investment both in terms of capital and in terms of human resources will be reduced,so that if theres a downturn in the market,we wont be so exposed.L-2-ScriptListening&S

22、peaking Reporter:Yes,I can see that.And,Arthur Brown,do you think this is a good move?Arthur:It makes me and my people feel a bit insecure,you know.Theyre moving some of their IT activities to India,and some of their back-office activities as well.My worry is that before we know it,the factories wil

23、l be going there,too,or to somewhere equally far away,and then theyll find someone on that side of the world to provide them with the components they need,and well be left high and dry,so while I understand why theyre doing it,I cant say Im happy about it.Reporter:Karen Weinberg.Your reaction?Karen:

24、Well,I dont share Arthurs dismay.Im hoping that the cost savings will be transmitted through to their final retail prices,which can only be good for us.I do worry,though,that the quality of the services they offer will not be of the same level.Frankly,theres a lot of competition out there,and they n

25、eed to know that if theyre going to maintain their client base,they cant cut costs at the expense of quality.Reporter:Thanks to all three of you,and now for a government reaction,I turn to SpeakingListening&SpeakingSpeaking TaskWork in pairs and choose an outsourcing company that you are interested

26、in.Visit their website and find out as much as you can about it.Then imagine you are telling your friend about your work in that company.You should include the following items.Company:_Department:_Job title:_Main responsibilities:_Passage 1TextKey Words and Expressions Reading Task Passage OneText 1

27、-1A Call Center Agents Smile Thank you for calling,my name is.How may I assist you today?As a call center agent,you are expected to routinely use this line for every call that you get.It has to be delivered with the right pitch,tone of voice and with a genuine smile.Why should it matter when you don

28、t know the person on the other line and he cant even see you smile?Being a call center agent is providing excellent customer service over the phone.It doesnt matter what time of the day a customer calls you but the minute the phone rings,You must be certain to put on your best smile.Passage OneText

29、1-2Smiling can add a positive note on your conversation and people can tell if youre sincerely happy or not.Having a strong product knowledge helps in providing a quick resolution.There are agents providing services ranging from a wide variety of products such as phone lines,computers(hardware or so

30、ftware),bank products,healthcare,etc.Most companies are offering their customers assistance via phone because this is the most practical way of solving their issues.The biggest fulfillment is when you are able to resolve an issue and hear your customer say thank you.Knowing that you actually helped

31、a stranger on the other line provides you with an inner satisfaction that gets you motivated and makes you feel contented with your job.Passage OneText 1-2Other benefits would include the compensation package received and additional incentives.Incentives would depend on the employer.It can be based

32、on performance,customer feedback and surveys,attendance,etc.A typical day usually means being in front of the computer 8 hours a day taking in calls except for breaks and lunch.This routine can be boring.People normally leave because of the boredom.For some agents who are being outsourced to serve c

33、ustomers from a different country would mean a time difference.This means Asian agents answering calls from the US would need to working during the night shift.A nightly lifestyle is not for everyone.Some would still prefer working during the day and sleeping at night.Those who are not used to stayi

34、ng up late at night would resort to drinking coffee or soda to stay awake.Passage OneText 1-2 There are also days when no matter how hard you try,you just cannot smile because of a personal problem.Making matters worse,you get an irate caller cursing and yelling at you without letting you say a word

35、.It will take all your patience and understanding not to release the call or curse back.Working in a call center prepares you to take challenges that are beyond your control.Whether or not you decide to be a call center agent,these are just a few things that you might need to consider.In every job t

36、here will always be an advantage and disadvantage.It is up to you on how to handle the obstacles.Passage OnePassage Onegenuine 1)His wish to help seems genuine.2)He thanked her with genuine affection.1)Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work.2)Though assuming responsibil

37、ity requires sacrifice,it brings a deeper fulfillment.Passage Onefulfillment 1)Can you tell me your expected income compensation package?2)Outsourcing company offers a competitive compensation package based on the candidates experience and skills.Passage Onecompensation 1)Incentive scheme is boostin

38、g production.2)Some companies offer training as an incentive.Passage Oneincentive 1)He works the day shift or night shift.2)By introducing shift work we find we can save on fuel.Passage Oneshift 1)When she didnt answer the telephone,I resorted to standing outside her window and calling up to her.2)T

39、hey should be able to control the riots without resorting to violence.Passage Oneresort 1)We have received some irate phone calls from customers.2)A good telephone voice can do much to improve the temper of irate callers.Passage Oneirate1-Task 1Reading Task:Read the passage and answer the following

40、questions.Passage One1.How important is smiling to a call center agent?_.2.What is the biggest fulfillment for a call center agent?_.3.What will influence the incentives of a call center agent?_.4.How do call center agents deal with angry customers?_.5.What do some call center agents do to stay awak

41、e while working at night?_.Passage TwoTextKey Words and Expressions Reading Task Passage TwoText 2-1 A Typical Day in the life of Project8 am arrive at the officeMake my first cup of tea.Check my emails.File away all the information only emails.Pass on some emails to someone else and then start work

42、ing on the remaining emails that involves my efforts.Review my teams time records.9 am meeting with HR manager to talk about recruitmentPassage TwoText 2-2Passage TwoMake decisions on the issues concerning the recruitment of the new Business Analyst:Does the role description need updating?What are t

43、he right competencies for the level of responsibility we need this person to take?Following the meeting,review the existing role description and send some suggestions.10 am meeting with a new clientTravel to clients office with one of our sales team and a Business Analyst.Make introductions and unde

44、rstand the business requirement.Try start establishing a friendly relationship.Make notes from the meeting,and distribute them after returning.Text 2-3Passage Two11 am now it is time for some spreadsheet juggling After an extra strong mug of tea,meet with the Head of Projects,our Financial Controlle

45、r and a sales team representative to study the spreadsheets about the business expectations and sales strategies.Noon company briefingThe MD gives all of us a briefing on company-wide matters,and our plans for the month ahead and the longer term.Decide on approaches my team need to do to make those

46、plans become reality.Text 2-4Passage Two12.30 Lunch I always take a break,but I dont leave my desk so I am always available if people need me.I need to remember that the world wont end if someone has to wait an hour for me to answer their question.1 pm project planningI open up Microsoft Project and

47、 start to plan the next phase of the main project currently occupying my team.Spend a long time juggling work allocations to make sure the right people are working on the right things at the right time.Text 2-5Passage Two2 pm help deal with some problemsA client is having some problems with their sy

48、stem.The problems are in their infrastructure.Arrange for our infrastructure team to help theirs.Try to keep the right balance between making sure that we do the right work and charge the right amount for it and providing an excellent service to our clients which exceeds their expectations.3 pm prep

49、are for an appraisal for a member of my teamText 2-6Passage TwoGather feedback about the team member from their colleagues.Look back on my own notes from the time since our last meeting.Check whether his objectives have been met,if not,figure out the reason.4 pm schedulingUse our administration syst

50、em to plan all the work of every member of my team for every hour of the following week.Assign the right tasks to the right people and try to keep the right balance between chargeable and non-chargeable work so that my team has a profitable week.Text 2-6Passage Two5 pm progress meetingHold a meeting


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