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1、主讲:郑书丽 共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分。在一篇240280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。考生在答题卡1上作答。对词汇的掌握提出了更加具体的要求,具体体现在对词汇的微观掌握和记忆上:词汇基本知识(词性、词形、本义和引申义等);词际关系(同义词、反义词、词汇搭配等);词汇“背景”(词根、词缀等)。阅读能力:阅读能力:对文章整体的把握和理解(要读懂文章的主题;读出文章的导向或作者态度);要读懂文章上下段、上下句之间的关系;还要读懂句子内部结构 英语知识运用的能力英语知识运用的能力:语法(占20%-30%)

2、;习惯用语(占10%);词义的辨析和使用(占60%-70%).很多同学认为完型填空就是语法词很多同学认为完型填空就是语法词汇题汇题 对语法:现在考试当中如果还考语法,就考定语从句或同位语从句,所以准备语法就准备从句:定语从句、同位语从句、状语从句 对词汇:不能只知其一不知其它;不能只知大概不知具体;不能只知认词不知辩词,不能只知词义不知使用。不能用中文的思维,替代英文词的词义。.很多同学认为完型填空需要背诵大很多同学认为完型填空需要背诵大纲中的纲中的5500个单词个单词 背单词的理念:通过真题记单词 背诵真题,把握真题的理念:以真题为圆心,以努力为半径画完美的考研备考的圆 翻开近十年真题,没有

3、一个单词是生词翻开近十年真题,没有一个单词是生词 翻开近十年真题,没有一个句子是长难翻开近十年真题,没有一个句子是长难句句(好的准备长难句的方法:把真题中所有长难句归类)翻开近十年真题,要知道所有选项对错翻开近十年真题,要知道所有选项对错的原因的原因 .处理好模拟试题与真题的关系,真处理好模拟试题与真题的关系,真题是根本,真题是核心题是根本,真题是核心 学习过程中应该先做真题,后做模拟试题 建议:可以做阅读理解方面的模拟试题,但做完型填空的横拟题意义不是特别大 背诵近十年真题,要求大家背诵每篇240-280字的文章 背诵近十年真题中的所有选项,选项基本上体现了完型填空考查的范围(每个单词一定要

4、知道对错的原因,知道每个单词的准确用法)把握解题技巧与方法,没有解题技巧指导的考研完型是比较失败的考研完型背大批量的词组适当的做一些模拟试题.卷子发下来后,利用红花绿叶卷子发下来后,利用红花绿叶原则做题原则做题红花词:某个单词在历年真题中每次出现都选绿叶词:屡出现屡不选,屡不选屡出现注意两个问题:1.红花绿叶原则能做对2-5个题2.红花词偶尔会失手.明白明白A B C D选项的规律选项的规律 A B C D 的个数都是4-6个之间,四个答案基本均匀分布 完型填空中一般而言A较多 没有连续三个答案都一样的情况,连续两个答案都一样的情况是0-3个,前后答案彼此都不一样的情况是17-20个 在五个一

5、组的答案中,至少要出现三个字母(此规律同样适合阅读理解).同义原则同义原则在四个选项中,当两个或三个实词互为同义词时,答案往往在其中当两个或三个虚词互为同义词时,往往都不选 当四个选项有一个共同的意思时,该意思往往不能够入选 1.无关词排除法(与主题相关原则)无关词排除法(与主题相关原则)The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases _31_the trial of Rosemary West.In a signi

6、ficant _32_of legal controls over the press,Lord Irvine,the Lord Chancellor,will introduce a _33_bill that will propose making payments to witness _34_and will strictly control the amount of _35_that can be given to a case _36_a trial begins.35.A)publicity B)penalty C)popularity D)peculiarity2.同现结构法

7、(与文章主题导向或倾向同现结构法(与文章主题导向或倾向一致原则)一致原则)Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep,characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming,and longer periods of non-REM sleep._41_(答案为Neither)kind of sleep is at all well-understood,but REM sleep is _42_to serve some restorative function of the brain

8、.The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more _43_.43.A)subtle B)obvious C)mysterious D)doubtful3.复现结构法(与本题一致原则)复现结构法(与本题一致原则)Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep,characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming,and longer periods of non-REM sleep._41_(答案为Neither)kind of sleep is at al

9、l well-understood,but REM sleep is _42_to serve some restorative function of the brain.The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more _43_.The new experiments,such as these _44_for the first time at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis,suggest fascinating explanations _45_of

10、non-REM sleep.43.A)subtle B)obvious C)mysterious D)doubtful3.复现结构法(与本题一致原则)复现结构法(与本题一致原则)For example,it has long been known that total sleep _46_is 100 percent fatal to rats,yet,_47_examination of the dead bodies,the animals look completely normal.A researcher has now _48_the mystery of why the anim

11、als die.The rats _49_bacterial infections of the blood,_50_their immune systemsthe self-protecting mechanism against diseasehad crashed.4.关联结构法关联结构法 Companies _41_(答案为with)low accident rates plan their safety programs,work hard to organize them,and continue working to keep them _42_and active.42.A)a

12、live B)vivid C)mobile D)diverse5.时间线索定位法时间线索定位法 It is generally recognized,_29_(答案为however),that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century,_30_ by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s,radically changed the process.30.A)brought B)followed C)stimulated D)characteri

13、zed6.总分结构对照分析法总分结构对照分析法 If no surplus is available,a farmer cannot be_47_.He must either sell some of his property or _48_(答案为seek)extra funds in form of loans.Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low _49_(答案为rate)of interest,but loans of this kind are not _50_ obtainable.47.A)self-confident B

14、)self-sufficient C)self-satisfied D)self-restrained7.对应成分分析法对应成分分析法 Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements usually carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,and _45_nitrogen.45.A)mostly B)partially C)sometimes D)rarely 7.对应成分分析法对应成分分析法 Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same ele

15、ments usually carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,and _45_nitrogen.They are different _46_their students are arranged differently.46.A)in that B)so that C)such that D)except that 8.逻辑关系定位法逻辑关系定位法 The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases _31

16、_the trial of Rosemary West.31.A)as to B)for instance C)in particular D)such as 8.逻辑关系定位法逻辑关系定位法 _46_,inaccurate or indefinite words may make _47_ difficult for the listener to understand the _48_which is being transmitted to him.The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary

17、 may be _49_to explain or describe in a _50_that can be understood by his listeners.46.A)Moreover B)However C)Preliminarily D)Unexpectedly8.逻辑关系定位法逻辑关系定位法 The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word.In speaking,the choice of words is _41_the utmost importanc

18、e.Proper selection will eliminate one source of _42_breakdown in the communication cycle.Too often,careless use of words _43_a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.The words used by the speaker may _44_unfavorable reactions in the listener _45_interfere with his comprehension;hence,the t

19、ransmission-reception system breaks down.1.看主语,注意主谓搭配的一致性(主要是看主语是人还是物)something _ A.doubt B.challenge 主语必须是人的动词:believe,regard,think,be impressed by,intend,require,doubt 主语一般是物的动词:manifest 2.看宾语,注意动宾搭配的一致性 看宾语是人还是物 _ something A.assure B.ensure assure sb.of sth.assure sb.that看宾语是抽象名词还是具体名词 _ the soi

20、l A.enhance B.feed 3.从动词及物或不及物的角度出发做题_ old agricultural implements(农具)A.replace B.dispose4.根据主语和宾语的逻辑关系判定动词changes in the economy that _ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment A.point B.lead C.come D.amount5.根据动词后的介词以及介词宾语判定答案 Lord Irvine said he _ with a committee report this

21、year which said that self regulation did not _ sufficient control.A.sided B.shared C.complied D.agreed6.根据能够对动词起到限制性的成分来判定动词(一般指形容词)He must sell in order to _ old agricultural implements and A.replace B.purchase C.supplement D.dispose1.名词作主语时,谓语或表语就是信息线索_ be impressed by A.sb.B.sth.2.名词作宾语时,谓语动词就是线索

22、assure _ A.sb.B.sth.3.根据名词前后的介词判定名词_ forA.explanation B.purpose exposure to approach to answer to confidence in reason for attitude toward暴露 途径 答案 自信 原因 态度 4.根据已有名词来判定已选名词 _ of the letter A.publication B.release C.printing 5.当名词后面出现定语从句或同位语从句时,从句就是线索 needed _ that comes from achieving success.1.形容词作

23、表语时主语就是线索2.有副词修饰形容词时副词就是线索 legally _ A.binding B.restraining 3.当多个成分同时修饰一个名词时,答案就在修饰成分中 a _ bill that will propose making payments to witnessesA.sketch B.rough C.preliminary D.draft 4.当形容词修饰名词时,名词就是线索 a _ of media protest when he said the A.rage B.storm C.flare D.flash 1.根据主旨做题2.同义原则3.根据时态来判断例:instantly,不能放在现在进行时里 1.先做整体通读通过整体通读读出:1)读出文章的中心(focus);2)读出文章的导向或作者的基本态度通读时应注意:不求甚解,重点读首句或首段。读完首段后可先读尾段再读其它。除首句外不必读的很细,耗时不能超过3分钟。2.以段为单位,按段精读,按段理解,按段做题;段本身就是具有独立意义的一群3.进行最后的通读检查(review);建议不要做完后立刻review,可以过一段时间再进行这一步谢谢


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