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1、三必修1 Unit 3Travel journal(限时35分钟).阅读理解A(2021绍兴模拟)Ecotourism has become increasingly popular in recent years.Travelers visit natural environments funding conservation efforts or promoting local economies.In many cases,ecotourism involves close interaction with wildlife.Now,scientists have analyzed mo

2、re than 100 research studies on how ecotourism affects wild animals.They find the presence of humans changes the way animals behave,and those changes may put them at risk.Therefore,they have concluded that such trips can be harmful to the animals.When animals interact in seemingly kind ways with hum

3、ans,they may let down their guard as animals learn to relax in the presence of humans,they may become bolder in other situations.If this transfers to their interactions with predators(捕食者),they are more likely to be injured or killed.The presence of humans can also discourage natural predators.It cr

4、eates a kind of safe place for smaller animals that may make them bolder.For example,in Grand Teton National Park,elk and pronghorns in areas with more tourists are less watchful and spend more time eating.Interacting with people can cause great changes in the characteristics of various species over

5、 time.“If animals become accustomed to tourists,we might create unintended consequencesaffecting the behavior or population of a species and influencing the species function in its community.”the researchers write.Ecotourism has effects similar to those of animal domestication(驯养)and urbanization.Re

6、search has shown that domesticated silver foxes become more obedient and less fearful.Fox squirrels and birds that live in urbanized areas are slower to flee from danger.The phenomena result from evolutionary changes,but also from regular interactions with humans.Scientists hope the new analysis wil

7、l encourage more research into the interactions between people and wildlife.It is essential to develop further understanding of how various species in various situations respond to human interaction and under what conditions human exposure may place them at risk.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了科学家们进行了关于生态旅游如何影响野生动物的研究

8、。1.We can learn from the passage that _.A.ecotourism causes damage to the natural homes of wildlifeB.it is easy for eco-tourists to build up trust with wild animalsC.the effects brought by ecotourism may be harmful to the animalsD.wildlife interactions with humans strengthen their function in commun

9、ity【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段They find the presence of humans changes the way animals behave,and those changes may put them at risk.Therefore,they have concluded that such trips can be harmful to the animals.可知,生态旅游带来的影响可能对动物有害。故选C。2.What does the underlined word“bolder”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.shye

10、r B.braver C.wiser D.swifter【解析】选B。词义猜测题。画线词前文提到“When animals interact in seemingly kind ways with humans,they may let down their guard in the presence of humans”,后文提到“If this transfers to their interactions with predators,they are more likely to be injured or killed”,可知,当动物以看似友好的方式与人类互动时,它们在人类面前可能会

11、放松警惕,这样导致如果有捕猎者的情况下,动物也会放松警惕,对捕猎者没有惧怕心理,导致它们受伤或死亡。所以在其他情况下,它们可能会变得更加大胆。因此可以猜测,bolder意为“更大胆的,更不惧怕的”。故选B。3.The author mentions pronghorns in Paragraph 4 as an example to show that _.A.wild animals become more relaxed due to evolutionB.animals reactions to humans vary from species to speciesC.smaller a

12、nimals tend to be in harmony with natural predatorsD.the presence of humans reduces their awareness of potential danger【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第四段The presence of humans can also discourage natural predators.It creates a kind of safe place for smaller animals that may make them bolder.及下文提到在游客很多的地方,叉角羚不那么警惕,而

13、是花更多的时间吃东西。作者举这个例子是为了说明人类的存在使小动物们放松警惕,降低了它们对潜在危险的意识。故选D。4.What might be the best title for the text?A.Ecotourism Can Put Wild Animals at RiskB.Ecotourism Has Become A Popular TrendC.Wildlifes Reactions to Human ActivitiesD.Latest Research Findings on Ecotourism【解析】选A。主旨大意题。通读全文,可知本文主要介绍的是生态旅游对野生动物带来

14、的害处。故选A。B A Chinese company says it has created a new facial recognition system that can identify people even if they are wearing masks.Engineers at the Beijing-based Hanwang Technology Ltd.say their system is the first to be created to effectively identify people wearing face masks.A team of 20 peo

15、ple built the system in about a month.The system is based on existing technologies developed over the past 10 years.The process involved adding a collection of about 6 million unmasked faces and a much smaller collection of masked faces.Hanwang is now selling two main kinds of products that use the

16、new technology.One performs“single channel”recognition,which is designed to be used at the entrances to buildings.The other product is a“multi-channel”recognition system that uses groups of surveillance cameras(监控摄像头).“When wearing a mask,the recognition rate can reach about 95 percent,which can ens

17、ure that most people can be identified,”said Huang Lei,Hanwangs vice president.He added that the systems success rate for people not wearing a mask is about 99.5 percent.Huang said Hanwangs technology can be used to identify and track people as they move about.He added the system can identify crime

18、suspects,terrorists or make reports or warnings.However,the new system struggles to identify people wearing both a mask and sunglasses.“In this situation,all of the key facial information is lost.In such cases recognition is tough,”Huang said.It was not immediately clear how people were reacting to

19、the new technology.While some have expressed opposition to such tools,many others seem to have showed interest in the new system and accepted it as a way to deal with the current health emergency the spread of COVID-19.Huang says he sees the interest likely expanding if the virus continues to spread

20、 and the use of face masks increases.【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了北京汉王科技有限公司研发的一种新的面部识别系统,该系统能够有效识别戴口罩的人。5.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.Where the company is located.B.How the system is developed.C.When the research work started.D.What the collection stands for.【解析】选B。段落大意题。根据第二段内容可知,一个20人的团

21、队用了大约一个月的时间构建了这个系统。该系统以过去10年开发的现有技术为基础。这个过程包括增加大约600万张未戴面具的脸和更少的戴面具的脸。由此可知,第二段主要讲述的是系统是如何开发的。6.What is the limitation of the new facial recognition system?A.The poor storage of information.B.The relatively low recognition rate.C.Identifying people with both a mask and sunglasses.D.Tracking the movem

22、ent of crime suspects and terrorists.【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的However,the new system struggles to identify people wearing both a mask and sunglasses.可知,然而,新系统很难识别同时戴口罩和太阳镜的人。由此可知,这种新的面部识别系统的局限性在于它很难识别同时戴口罩和太阳镜的人。7.What attitude does Huang Lei hold towards the new technology?A.Unclear.B.Optimistic.C.Opp

23、osed.D.Worried.【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据黄磊对新系统识别率的陈述及最后一段中的Huang says he sees the interest likely expanding if the virus continues to spread and the use of face masks increases.(黄说,他认为,如果病毒继续传播,口罩的使用增加,人们的兴趣可能会扩大)可推知,黄磊对这项新技术持乐观态度。8.Where is the text most likely from?A.A travel brochure.B.A health magazine.C.

24、A medical paper.D.A science report.【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段中的A Chinese company says it has created a new facial recognition system that can identify people even if they are wearing masks.(一家中国公司表示,他们开发了一种新的面部识别系统,即使人们戴着口罩也能识别他们)及下文对该项新技术的介绍可知,这篇文章很可能来自一篇科学报告。.完形填空Last July 4th,three police officers went i

25、nto a supermarket to get something cold to drink.Once inside,the cops were 1 by a store security guard who asked for2 with a suspected thief.The woman in question didnt have the look of an 3 criminal.She was obviously scared,and her cheeks were wet with 4.The cops looked 5 her bag.“We just saw conta

26、iners of 6.Nothing else,”Mike told CBS New York.“Im hungry,”she explained 7.Being caught,the woman no doubt expected to be taken to jail for the 8 of being hungry while poor.9 the cops had other ideas.“Well 10 for her food,”Sojo told the 11 security guard.The three men had no discussion at all.It we

27、nt 12.Instead,each of them 13 out 10 dollars to pay the tab.She would not be arrested today.The woman wept in 14.Drying her eyes with a kerchief,she 15,“Thank you,thank you.”She wasnt the only one touched by this act of 16.“It was a very beautiful,17 moment,”says Paul,who was at the store.He was so

28、18 by what hed seen that he posted a photo on Twitter for all to see.But attention was 19 what the officers wanted.They were driven by a far more common emotion.As Sojo told CNN,“When you look at someones face and see that they need you and theyre actually hungry,its pretty 20 as a human being to wa

29、lk away from something like this.”【文章大意】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了一名饥饿的女子在超市偷食物被保安发现后,保安请求警察的帮助,但三名警察出于关怀之意为这名女子支付了食物的钱,在场的人们都很感动的故事。1.A.questioned B.examinedC.approachedD.required【解析】选C。questioned 质疑;examined检查;approached接近;required 需要。三名警察走进超市后,保安走向警察和他们说小偷的事情,其他三项不合语境。故选C。2.A.helpB.informationC.permissionD.tro


31、恐惧,因此被吓哭了,流出了泪水。故选D。5.A.outsideB.insideC.aroundD.down【解析】选B。为验证女子是否偷了东西,警察需要查看女子的包里有什么。故选B。6.A.foodB.fruitC.drinksD.sweets【解析】选A。由下文女子说她饿了,可知她拿的是食物。故选A。7.A.anxiouslyB.shamelesslyC.fearfullyD.angrily【解析】选C。由上文的“She was obviously scared”可知,女子面对警察是很恐惧的。故选C。8.A.actionB.mistakeC.habitD.crime【解析】选D。根据常识可知


33、ncalled【解析】选C。unchanged不变的;uninformed不知情的;unsaid未说出的;uncalled未叫到的。由前一句话可知,三名警察没有讨论,即他们没有说话。故选C。13.A.tookB.broughtC.workedD.pointed【解析】选A。由下一句可知,这名女子今天不会被逮捕了,因此是三名警察拿出钱支付了女子的食物。take out 拿出。故选A。14.A.delightB.sorrowC.regretD.gratitude【解析】选D。由后面的thank you可知,这名女子很感激警察的做法。故选D。15.A.recalledB.repeatedC.resp

34、ondedD.requested【解析】选B。由后面的两次“thank you”可知,该女子在重复说着“谢谢”。故选B。16.A.thinkingB.choosingC.sharingD.caring【解析】选D。thinking思考;choosing选择;sharing分享;caring关怀,爱心。警察帮助该女子的做法是充满爱心的行为。故选D。17.A.braveB.genuineC.painfulD.terrible【解析】选B。brave勇敢的;genuine真的,可信赖的;painful痛苦的;terrible可怕的。由“what hed seen”可知,Paul亲眼看见了警察帮助这名


36、。故选D。.语法填空(诵读经典改编)In Buxton,there are several places of interest 1._can suit your taste whatever your age 2._interest.High Energy 3._(design)for physical activities from swimming 4._horse riding.High Minded is another tourist attraction proud of 5._(it)cultural life.There are plenty of opportunities

37、 for the 6._(create)person to become involved,7._(include)workshops and events.Keeping the Kids Happy 8._(have)a theme for children.Children love the small train and playgrounds in whichoris designedtoitscreativeincludinghasthe Pavilion Gardens and theres plenty more 9._(explore)at the Buxton Museum.Theres a new indoor play centre,plus the special events and workshops,and 10._(other)during school holiday periods.to exploreothers谢谢观看!本课结束本课结束


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