Unit 3 Reading 语言点(ppt课件)-新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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Unit 3 Reading 语言点(ppt课件)-新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 Reading 语言点(ppt课件)-新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 3 Reading 语言点(ppt课件)-新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx_第3页
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1、 Unit 3 Back to the pastUnit 3 Back to the pastReadingReadingSailing theSailing the oceanoceanIts in our nature to exploreIts in our nature to explore.ReadingWhen did a larger fleet sail the seas after Zheng Hes voyages?Why were Zheng Hes ships loaded with china,silk,tea and other treasures?Sailing

2、the oceans Zheng HeIn the summer of 1405,Zheng He,one of Chinas greatest explorers,set sail from Taicang on his first voyage.A fleet of over 200 ships navigated the blue seas,with almost 28,000 people on board,which was a splendid scene.It would take 500 years before a larger fleet sailed the seas.A

3、ccording to some records,the largest ships were over 140 metres in length,demonstrating the advanced technology and special skills used in constructing ships.碧海远航郑和公元1405年夏,中国一位最伟大的探险家郑和从太仓起锚,开启了他的首次远航。其船队有船200余艘,载着近28000人,在碧海上乘风破浪,场面极其壮观。规模更大的航海船队要到500年后才出现。据史料记载,郑和船队最大的船长逾140米,可知其造船技术之高超,工艺之独特。Bet

4、ween 1405 and 1433,on behalf of the Ming Dynasty,Zheng He made a total of seven voyages.His ships were loaded with china,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers,and the fleet paid friendly visits to more than 30 countries and regions.He even sailed as far as the east coast of Africa

5、.As they sailed,the navigators took compass readings,kept logs of their voyages and charted the coast.Later the detailed maps became Zheng Hes Navigation Map.1405至1433年间,郑和代表明朝总共进行了七次航行。他的船队满载瓷器、丝绸、茶叶和其他奇珍异宝作为馈赠异邦君王的礼品,先后对30多个国家和地区进行了友好访问。他最远甚至抵达了非洲东海岸。海员们一路上记录罗盘刻度,书写航海日志,绘制海岸地图。这些详细的地图后来集为郑和航海图。Par

6、a.1&Para.2启航L1在船上L3根据L4在长度上L5高超的技术L5代表L7总数L7-8被装满了.L8进行友好访问L9做记录L11set sailon boardaccording toin lengthadvanced technologyon behalf ofa total ofbe loaded with.pay friendly visits to.keep logs of.1.It would take 500 years before a larger fleet sailed the seas.L3 500年之后才出现更大的舰队在海上航行。before作连词,引导时间状语从

7、句的用法:(1)before表示“在之前;还未就;还没来得及就;趁着”,翻译方式比较灵活。(2)常用的句型:It will be时间段before从句要过多久才It wont be longbefore从句过不了多久就会It was/took时间段before从句过了多久才It wasnt long/didnt take long before从句 没过多久就1.Between 1405 and 1433,on behalf of the Ming Dynasty,Zheng He made a total of seven voyages.L7 1405年到1433年期间,郑和代表明朝共进行

8、了七次航行。(1)on behalf of sb=on sb.s behalf:代表某人【语境应用语境应用】单句语法填空。单句语法填空。1)The President cant be here today,so Im going to speak in _ behalf.2)_ behalf of our company,I would like to hereby express to you our heartfelt thanks.hisOn/In1.Between 1405 and 1433,on behalf of the Ming Dynasty,Zheng He made a t

9、otal of seven voyages.L71405年到1433年期间,郑和代表明朝共进行了七次航行。(2)a total of:number or amount 总数为 The school has a total of 1,776 pupils.翻译:。这所学校总计有1776名小学生【语境应用语境应用】单句语法填空。单句语法填空。(1)a total of.总共;的总数 in totalin all 总计;总共(2)totally adv.完全地;整个地1)A total _ 27 activities allow visitors to have an unforgettable e

10、xperience.2)There were about 30 people _ total.4)Her husband was _(total)astonished by the unexpected visit.ofintotally2.His ships were loaded with china,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers,and the fleet paid friendly visits to more than 30 countries and regions.L8 他的船满载瓷器、丝绸、茶叶

11、和其他奇珍异宝作为馈赠异邦君王的礼品。船队先后对30多个国家和地区进行友好访问。load vt.&vi.装上,装入 eg.Jack loaded all the groceries into his car.翻译:。load n.、.eg.The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.eg.Have you got any change?Loads!杰克把所有的食品杂货装进了他的汽车承载量大量Zheng Hes seven voyages had a far-reaching impact on China and its neighb

12、ours.In the countries and regions where Zheng He set foot,legends have been passed on about this great explorer.Zheng Hes efforts helped develop and strengthen harmonious relations with these countries and regions,exposing foreign people to Chinese culture,and allowing the Chinese to better understa

13、nd overseas lands.郑和七次下西洋对中国及其邻国产生了深远影响。在郑和到访过的国家和地区,至今流传着有关这位伟大探险家的传说。郑和的努力有助于发展和巩固中国与这些国家和地区的和睦关系,促进中国文化的对外传播,也增进了中国对海外诸邦的了解。For many years,some historians dismissed the records of these voyages as legends.The final proof came when an enormous shipyard was discovered in Nanjing,where the fleet had

14、 been built.Zheng Hes accomplishments are now widely acknowledged,and he is remembered as one of Chinas most influential explorers.多年来,一些历史学家认为这些航海活动的记载只是传说而不予理会。后来,铁证出现了,在南京发现了一个巨大的造船厂,当年郑和的船便在此处建造。郑和的成就在今天获得公认,他也作为中国最具影响力的探险家之一被世人铭记。Para.3&Para.4对.有深远的影响L13传承L14-15巩固了和谐的关系L15-16暴露于;使处于的影响之下L16-17允

15、许某人做某事L17以为由不予考虑某事L18普遍认为L20作为而被铭记L21have/has a far-reaching impact on sthpass onstrengthen harmonious relations withexpose sb to.allow sb to do sthdismiss sth as.be widely acknowledgedbe remembered as.3.For many years,some historians dismissed the records of these voyages as legends.L18 多年来,一些历史学家认

16、为这些航海活动的记载只是传说而不予理会。dismiss vt.(1)dismiss sb./sth.as.把某人/某事当成不予考虑 dismiss sb.from sth.解雇;免职;开除Some parents would _ and force them to give up their dreams.有些父母会认为自己孩子的梦想是没有价值的,并且强迫他们的孩子放弃这些梦想。The worker claims he was unfairly dismissed _ his post.dismiss their childrens dreams as worthlessfrom4.Zheng

17、 Hes accomplishments are now widely acknowledged,and he is remembered as one of Chinas most influential explorers.郑和的成就在今天获得广泛认可,他也作为中国最具有影响力的探险家之一被世人铭记。acknowledge vt.承认承认(1)acknowledge.to be/as.承认承认是是/为为 acknowledge doing承认做了某事承认做了某事 It is(widely)acknowledged that.人们人们(普遍普遍)认为认为 He is widely ackno

18、wledged as one of the worlds greatest architects.翻译:翻译:。她被公认为是全国最好的艺术家之一。她被公认为是全国最好的艺术家之一。翻译:翻译:.他被公认为是世界上最伟大的建筑师之一。She is acknowledged to be/as one of the best artists in the country.ColumbusChristopher ColumbusThose who make great discoveries must often overcome many challenges along the wayas was

19、 the case with the explorer Christopher Columbus.Columbus was born in a port city of Italy in 1451.As a teenager,he loved sailing,and he showed great interest in geography,which inspired him to begin his career as a seaman.克里斯托弗哥伦布凡获得伟大发现的人,往往必须战胜重重磨难,探险家克里斯托弗哥伦布便是如此。1451年,哥伦布生于意大利一个港口城市。少年时代他就喜爱航海,

20、对地理表现出极大的兴趣。这些激励他开始了海员生涯。Columbus insisted on searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.After continuous attempts,he received financial support from the King and Queen of Spain.On 3 August 1492,he departed from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 c

21、rewmen.哥伦布决心横渡大西洋,开辟一条直通东印度群岛的航线。经过不懈的争取,他终于获得了西班牙国王和王后的资助。1492年8月3日,他和约90名船员分乘三艘船从西班牙出发。The journey was full of challenges:it took longer than expected,they faced a shortage of food,and one of the ships was leaking badly,which put everyone on this ship in grave danger.The men on board were in panic

22、.Regardless of all the challenges,Columbus managed to keep everyone out of danger with his knowledge and bravery across the ocean.这次航行中他们饱经患难:航行时间超过预期,食物储备不足,还有一艘船严重漏水,上面所有人都命悬一线。船上的人们都陷入了恐慌。哥伦布不顾所有的挑战,凭借自己的知识和勇气,确保大家都平安越过海洋。Finally,on 12 October,the crew spotted land in the distance.Columbus called

23、 the natives living on the islands Indians because he was convinced that he was in the East Indies.However,the shores they had reached were of the Caribbean,not the East Indies.终于,10月12日那天,有船员看到远方的陆地。哥伦布深信来到了东印度,便将生活在岛上的土著人称为印地安人。然而,他们所到达的海岸其实属于加勒比海地区,而不是东印度群岛。Between 1493 and 1504,Columbus found mo

24、re land over the course of his three subsequent voyages.The major contribution of this great explorer is that he“discovered”the New World.His discovery inspired explorers such as Captain James Cook to explore and discover more vast areas of the world.His voyages opened a new chapter of the Age of Ex

25、ploration,a period which witnessed many important geographical findings.This period also allowed for an international exchange of ideas and cultures.1493至1504年,哥伦布又先后三次出航,途中发现了更多陆地。这位伟大探险家最大的贡献是“发现”新大陆。他的发现激励了诸如詹姆斯库克船长这样的探险家去探索和发现世界更广大的区域。他的航海活动开启了大航海时代的新篇章,那是一个见证许多重大地理发现的时期。同时,这个时期也实现了思想和文化的国际交流。沿途

26、L1-2对表现出兴趣 L3-4鼓励某人做某事L4坚持做某事L5离开L7食物短缺L9使.处于极大的危险中L10惊慌地L11不顾,不管L11设法完成某事L11翻开新的篇章L20使成为可能L22along the wayshow great interest in sthinspire sb to do sthinsist on doing sthdepart froma shortge of foodput.in grave dangerin panicregardless ofmanage to do sthopen a new chapter of.allow for5.Columbus in

27、sisted on searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.L5哥伦布决心横渡大西洋,开辟一条直通东印度群岛的航线。insist vi.&vt.坚决要求;坚持说坚决要求;坚持说 坚持坚持 insist on doing sth.坚决主张做某事坚决主张做某事 insist that+sb.+do sth.坚持认为或说坚持认为或说 insist that+sb.+(should)do sth.坚持或坚决要求(宾语从句中用坚持或坚决要求(宾语从句中用虚拟语气,虚拟

28、语气,should可以省略)可以省略)eg.He insisted _ addressing me as Mr.Kennedy.eg.Some insist that interest and talents should be put first in career choosing.翻译:翻译:。有些人认为职业选择时应该把兴趣和才能放在首位。on 6.On 3 August 1492,he departed from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 crewmen.在1492年8月3日,他带着三艘船以及大约90个船员从西班牙出发了。(1)d

29、epart from 离开;开出;从离开;开出;从出发出发 depart for 开往开往;去往;去往;动身去;动身去 (2)departure n.离开,启程;出发;背离离开,启程;出发;背离 eg.Flight 45 will depart _ Harbin at 11:45 a.m.and arrive in Hongkong at 2:30 p.m.eg.The bus departing Toronto is about to close its doors.翻译:翻译:_ demonstrated how unreliable he was.他突然离去,这说明他是多么不可靠。他突然

30、离去,这说明他是多么不可靠。from for His sudden departure7.Regardless of all the challenges,Columbus managed to keep everyone out of danger with his knowledge and bravery across the ocean.哥伦布不顾所有的挑战,凭借自己的知识和勇气,确保大家都平安越过海洋。regardless of:不管不顾不考虑eg.The law requires equal treatment for all,regardless of race,religion

31、,or sex.翻译:。法律要求平等对待所有人,不分种族、宗教或性别 regardless of强调不认为强调不认为重要重要,从而不加以重从而不加以重视或考虑视或考虑;其后可接其后可接whether,what引引导的从句导的从句despite/in spite of意为意为“尽管尽管但是但是”;其后一般不;其后一般不接从句接从句,接名词、代词或动名词。接名词、代词或动名词。regardless of/despite/in spite of【语境应用】完成句子。1)_ he is right or wrong,we have to follow his decision.无论他是对还是错,我们必

32、须遵守他的决定。2)_ the previous rounds of talks,no agreement has been reached so far by the two sides.虽然经过了先前几轮的谈判,但是到目前为止,双方没有达成共识。Regardless of whether Despite/In spite of8.This period also allowed for an international exchange of ideas and cultures.这个时期也实现了思想和文化的国际交流。allow for:使成为可能考虑到 把计算在内eg.It will t

33、ake about two hours to get there,allowing for traffic jams.翻译:。allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事eg.The twins,who had finished their homework,_ (allow)to play badminton on the playground.考虑到交通堵塞,到那里大约需要两小时were allowed1.In the summer of 1405,Zheng He,one of Chinas _(great)explorers,set sail from Taicang _his

34、 first voyage.2.A fleet of over 200 ships navigated the blue seas,with almost 28,000 people _ board,_ was a splendid scene.3.According to some records,the largest ships were over 140 metres _ length,_(demonstrate)the advanced technology and special skills _(use)in constructing ships.greatestText Rev

35、iewononwhichindemonstratingused非限定从中,非限定从中,whichwhich指代前面整个句子时,从句谓语用单数指代前面整个句子时,从句谓语用单数现在分词短语作状语现在分词短语作状语过去分词短语作定语过去分词短语作定语4._ behalf of the Ming Dynasty,Zheng He made _ total of seven voyages.5.His ships _(load)with china,silk,tea and other treasures _ gifts for foreign rulers.6.In the countries an

36、d regions _ Zheng He set foot,legends have been passed _ about this great explorer.7.Zheng Hes efforts helped develop and _(strong)harmonious relations with these countries and regions,exposing foreign people _ Chinese culture.OnText Reviewaaswherewere loadedstrengthentoon定从,先行词在从句中作地点状语定从,先行词在从句中作地

37、点状语8.The final proof came _ an enormous shipyard was discovered in Nanjing,where the fleet _(build).9.Zheng He is remembered as one of Chinas most _(influence)explorers.10.Those who make great discoveries must often overcome many challenges along the way_ was the case with the explorer Christopher C

38、olumbus.11.He showed great interest in geography,which inspired him _(begin)his career as a seaman.12.Columbus insisted _searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.whenText Reviewhad been builtasinfluentialto beginon13.After _(continue)attempts,he receiv

39、ed _(finance)support from the King and Queen of Spain.14.The men on board were _ panic.15.Regardless _all the challenges,Columbus managed to keep everyone out of danger with his knowledge and _(brave)across the ocean.16.Columbus called the natives _(live)on the islands Indians because he was convinc

40、ed _ he was in the East Indies.17.This period also allowed _ an international exchange of ideas and cultures.financialText Reviewinoflivingbraverythatforcontinuous现在分词短语作定语现在分词短语作定语harmoniousinfluentialproof负责;主管负责;主管有的证据;有证据(表明)Exercise B1(Exercise B1(P33P33)on behalf ofwas loaded withstrengtheneds

41、ubsequent次年Exercise B1(Exercise B1(P33P33)Exercise B1(Exercise B1(P33P33)acknowledgedin line with ones willbear/give witness to sth按照某人的心愿按照某人的心愿(文中指文中指“遗愿遗愿”)为为作证;证明作证;证明 Leading a fleet of 200 ships with almost 28,000 people 1 board,Zheng He set sail from Taicang on his first voyage.On behalf of t

42、he Ming Dynasty,Zhenghe made seven voyages .2 .His ships were loaded 3 china,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers,helping develop and 4 (strength)harmonious relations with these countries and regions.His voyages exposed foreign people to Chinese culture,5 had a far-reaching impac

43、t on both China and the other counrtries.Young Columbuss love for sailing and interest in geography 6 (inspire)him to become a seaman.He insisted 7 searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing westwards.It was through continuous attempts 8 he received financial support from the Kin

44、g and Queen of Spain.9 (depart)from Spain with 3 ships,he carried about 90 crewmen.Beyond 10 (expect),the journey was full of challenges.Regardless of all the challenges,he managed to“discovered”the New World“with his knowledge and bravery,opening a new chapter of the Age of Exploration.Leading a fl

45、eet of 200 ships with almost 28,000 people on board,Zheng He set sail from Taicang on his first voyage.On behalf of the Ming Dynasty,Zhenghe made seven voyages altogether.His ships were loaded with china,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers,helping develop and strengthen (strengt

46、h)harmonious relations with these countries and regions.His voyages exposed foreign people to Chinese culture,which had a far-reaching impact on both China and the other counrtries.Young Columbuss love for sailing and interest in geography inspired (inspire)him to become a seaman.He insisted on sear

47、ching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing westwards.It was through continuous attempts that he received financial support from the King and Queen of Spain.Departing(depart)from Spain with 3 ships,he carried about 90 crewmen.Beyond expectation(expect),the journey was full of challenges.Regardless of all the challenges,he managed to“discovered”the New World“with his knowledge and bravery,opening a new chapter of the Age of Exploration.Thank you.


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