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2、活动_(adj.)_(adv.)16.punish_(n.)17.treat_(n.)18.steal_(过去式)_(过去分词)短语归纳1._注意;关注2._把和连接或联系起来3._在词典中查阅4._大声读5._做笔记6._做报告7. _对有一个更好的理解8._写日记9._写下;记下10._测试11._跟开玩笑12._装扮成13._增加(体重);发胖14._摆开;布置15._最终成为;最后处于16._害怕做某事17._与相似18._天生具有19._以形状20._遍又一遍21._共同之处22._靠某人自己23._代替24._逐字(读)25._的秘诀26._做最好的方法27._的能力【真题能力提升

3、】首字母填空1. Students should pay more a_ to what they have learned rather than the marks only.2. I was too shy to start c_ with people there, because I knew no one of them.3. Many people agree that learning some k_ of English is necessary in international trade today.4. Could you r_ the question? I didn

4、t hear it just now.5. Have you ever e_ your thanks to him when someone helped you? Yes, I have.6. When I began to learn to play the guitar, the teacher d_ that I was pretty good at it.7. As the survey reported, being overweight i_ the risk of having a heart attack(心脏病发作).8. C_ more jobs for young pe

5、ople is in the governments plan.9. At first, the police didnt think of c_ Mrs. Jennings with the crime, because he was an honest person in the eyes of people.10. Toms teacher asked him to be more a_ like other students in the class to overcome his shyness.11. She is a shy girl. So she often doesnt k

6、now what to say when facing some s_.12. My grandfather refused to put his money in a bank because he was afraid that it would get s_ by some criminals(罪犯).13. Joe Hisaishi is a superb(杰出的) musician. My elder sister likes him very much and really a_ him.14. I often read some n_like Little Women and R

7、obison Crusoeto kill time when I am alone at home.15. About thirty-five close friends and r_ attended Bob and Marys wedding.16. Tony bought his little sister a beautiful skirt as her birthday p_. And she liked it very much.17. Grace brought us some flowers from her g_ where she planted many kinds of

8、 flowers.18. The fire was s_ very quickly, so all the people should leave the fire scene quickly.19. Its unfair to p_ the whole class for the bad actions of one or two students.20. We do b_ with a number of Italian companies, because they can provide us with many 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Why not practice

9、your _ (speak) EnglishinanEnglish-speakingcountry? 2. Theboyhasnothing _ (say)about this. 3. Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in _ (pronounce) and spelling. 4. Mary has improved her English a lot since she joined the English club. How _ (wise)she chose to join i

10、t at first! 5. You should practice _ (express) yourself inEnglish as much as possible. 6. It needs much _ (patient) to look after the disabled(残疾人).7. The teacher told us that it was a good habit to take _ (note) in the class. 8. Although he has left for England, the time we spent together is still

11、in my _ (memorize).9. You will find English much _ (easy) if you put your heart into it.10. The little girl is too short _ (reach)the apples on the table. 11. Bad luck! A thief_(steal) my wallet on the bus this morning.12. He _ (lay) the money on the table before he walked into his bedroom.13. Chine

12、se people often show their hospitality(好客) by_(treat) their friends.14. Mary refuses_(answer) any questions, because she is so shy.15. Unfortunately(不幸地), my dog has been_(die) for a few months. 16. Mrs. Smith warned her son never_(drive) after drinking.17. Our teacher told us that light_(travel) fa

13、ster than sound.18. After class, these students went out of their classroom to enjoy the_(warm) of the sun.19. The True Story of Ah Q is a famous novel_(write) by Lu Xun.20. The local people still use_(tradition) farming methods which have been used for hundreds of years.语法填空What does it mean to be

14、green? “Green” is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps 16. (protect) the environmentthe water, the land, and the air we breathe. 17.(plant) are green, and without them the earth wouldnt be such a lovely home for us human beings.Sometimes people call ours a “throwaway society”.

15、That means we are throwing away old things and 18.(buy) new ones. Many times, if you no longer need something, others just might need it. For example, if you are old enough not to play 19. your toys, why not give them to another family 20. has a kid so that they dont need to buy new toys? And there

16、will be less rubbish in your neighborhood.In order to keep the neighborhood “green” and make waste renewable resources, the government of Chengdu encourages people to pack 21.(they) rubbish with the garbage classification(垃圾分类), then send it to the bank of “junk”. The bank of “junk” gives marks to e

17、very household according 22. the types of waste, and if they do better in this way they can get some daily 23.(use) things.Through the bank of “junk”, not only a lot of rubbish can 24.(change) into recycled resources, and people can get many benefits, but also people can develop habits of reducing r

18、ubbish and living 25.(healthy).BIt can sometimes be a little difficult to learn a foreign language especially as the beginners. But there are many things you can do. When you speak a foreign language, its normal to have an accent. Its OKother people can 1._(usual) understand, so take it easy. Its a

19、good idea 2._(listen) to tapes and try to communicate with other speakers, to make your 3._(pronounce) better and improve your spoken speaking. If you meet a new word and you dont know what it 4._(mean), you can sometimes guess the meaning from words you know or the context, or you can look 5._ the

20、word in a dictionary. A lot of good languages learners try not to translate things from their first language. Translation is sometimes a good idea, 6._ try to think in the foreign language if you can! Its also normal to make 7._(mistake)When a mistake in your writing or speaking 8._(point) out, thin

21、k about it and try to see why its wrong. But dont be afraid to speak. There are many other ways you can take to improve your 9._(able) to learn a foreign language. If you can take the advice and insist on, you 10._(make) great progress.六选五Students usually prefer to study in the environments with lig

22、ht colors.1._ However, researchers have found the opposite works better.According to a study, the students concentration (注意力) levels are higher when they are in the environments with bright colors. In the study, the students were asked to read a passage and answer questions in rooms with six differ

23、ent colors. 2._ The students reading comprehension (阅读理解) scores were higher in the bright red and yellow rooms.The study shows bright colors can support students learning performance by positively affecting mental and physical states. 3._ Several past studies have shown the colors red and yellow ma

24、ke your body more active than blue and green.However, twothirds of the students in the study believed that bright red wasnt a suitable color for a study room. 4._ But they could improve their learning results by using the color. 5._ Maybe in the future, red and yellow will be the popular colors of s

25、tudy areas because of the study.A. Perhaps a bit of discomfort is what they need.B. They were light and bright blue, red and yellow.C. They say light colors make them feel more relaxed.D. However, bright colors may influence their attention.E. They connected the color with hopelessness, anger and ot

26、her things like that.F. If the reading tasks are difficult,the bright color conditions will make you in the best state.完形填空Have you ever taken a tour of a zoo?If so, its likely that the person who led you through the zoo helped you to learn a lot about the 6.Amelia Rinas is a high school student who

27、 lives in Ohio. One day Amelia 7 the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. The moment she saw the gorillas there, she felt 8 about them. She wondered if they were getting the right foods.Amelia read all she could about gorillas and learned what they like to 9. Then she started a “gorilla garden”. She grows the

28、fruits and vegetables that gorillas love to eat. Some of those foods are tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries. Amelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their 10 time to help Amelia and the gorillas. When they take the food to the zoo, the gorillas are thrilled. They look so excited

29、!Who is responsible for Amelias interest in animals? Amelia is a member of Roots & Shoots. Its members are young people who 11 animals and the environment. They helped Amelia understand that animals need our care, too. The slogan on the Roots & Shoots Website is “Inspire, take action, make a differe

30、nce.” These words tell 12 the group is all about. The group urges(力劝) kids and grown-ups, including parents and teachers, to do what they can to make a 13 where they live.When interviewed about her project, Amelia said,“I joined Roots & Shoots 14 I wanted to make a difference in the world.”There are

31、 many 15 to make a difference in the world. Amelia Rinass gorilla garden has helped make gorillas happier and healthier.6.A.gardensB.foods C.plantsD.animals7.A.openedB.boughtC.visitedD.started8.A.boredB.tiredC.worriedD.relaxed9.A.eatB.biteC.fightD.kick10.A.paidB.lastC.extraD.lost11.A.care aboutB.loo

32、k forC.run afterD.laugh at12.A.whenB.whatC.howD.where13.A.livingB.mistakeC.noteD.difference14.A.becauseB.butC.thoughD.unless15.A.waysB.mysteriesC.coursesD.inventionsBDo you hope to do a lot of homework every evening? Are you_1_ in your English classes? Who do you want to teach you math? Maybe you ha

33、ve lots of questions in your _2_ before school starts.Well, I want to give you some good_3_ on these problems. First, keep calm. Dont_4_ all the problems you have. Put your heart into learning, and you can find something you are interested in. Do it actively. Second, try your best to_5_ your homewor

34、k quickly. Dont spend a lot of time on it. Do more reading or writing in English. Think about the problems you have and solve them at once. Dont stay up late, or you cant study well the next _6_. Third,_7_ something instead of copying or repeating. _8_ you can remember the words in your way, you can

35、 tell your teachers. I think your teachers will agree _9_ you. And they can give you some interesting work to do. Thus, you will be interested in it. School is really a good place for you to learn. Believe in your teachers and yourself. You are the best one and you can do everything_10_. 1. A. confi

36、dent B. excited C. disappointed D. interested2. A. mind B. body C. hand D. heart3. A. information B. advice C. energy D. news4. A. talk about B. argue about C. worry about D. hear about5. A. know B. finish C. check D. review6. A. day B. minute C. week D. year7. A. createB. look C. help D. connect8.

37、A. If B. Though C. Because D. Until9. A. in B. by C. for D. with10. A. perfectly B. carefully C. actively D. directly阅读理解 Wikie is a 14-year-old whale living in France. She is an orca(虎鲸), or a killer whale. Killer whales are very smart. They can even be trained to “speak” the human language.Wikie i

38、s one of those smart killer whales. A group of international researchers have taught Wikie to repeat human words. Now she can say words like “hello”, “bye-bye” and the name “Amy”. She also repeats numbers as well as sounds made by humans. Wikie is a quick learner. She is able to mimic(模仿) a word or

39、sound after just 10 tries.Although Wikie is able to mimic human words and sounds, that does not mean she can understand them. Josep Call is the co-author of the study. He told TheGuardian that there is no evidence (证据) that Wikie understands what “hello” stands for. In the wild, killer whales live i

40、n groups. Each group uses different sounds and calls to communicate with each other. To everyones surprise, one killer whale even learnt to communicate with a dolphin while living with it.Killer whales can still make a sound that comes close to what other different animals can make. Only human being

41、s have this ability. The discovery is amazing. Scientists say that this mimicking ability is very important. Animals can get used to changes more easily and increase their chances of survival(生存). 1.From the first paragraph, we learn about killer whales are . A.thinB.smartC.lazyD.useful 2.What can W

42、ikie do according to the passage?A.She can dance to music.B.She can repeat human words.C.She can understand human words.D.She can mimic humans action. 3.From the third paragraph, we know .A.Wikie cant understand the meaning of human wordsB.Wikie just can repeat some human wordsC.Wikie can communicat

43、e with some human words D.Wikie can mimic human actions 4.Which discovery is amazing?A.Killer whales can mimic other different animals sound.B.Killer whales like living in groups. C.Killer whales get used to changes more easily.D.Killer whales can communicate with human beings. 5.Whats the best title for the passage?A.Wikies unusual abilityB.A study about killer whalesC.The importance of mimicking abilityD.How to communicate with each otherBDo you want to improve your physic


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