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1、2023 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(模拟)英语年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(模拟)英语2023.2本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分阅读(共两节,满分第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.5 分,

2、满分分,满分 37.5 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAs a language learning enthusiast,Ive come up with the best apps for learning English fromthe thousands of mobile apps out there.Best for Pronunciation:ELSA SpeakELSA Speak is probably the best mobile app around for helping you improve your English

3、pronunciation.The apps greatest strength is its intensive AI feedback,but ELSA also providesmini-training sessions to really perfect your pronunciation.The AI analyzes your recordings basedon pronunciation,intonation and fluency then points out exactly which parts sound inaccurate.Best for Immersing

4、 in English Videos:FluentUFluentU is a language learning app that teaches you English through authentic videos likenews reports,movie scenes and interviews,with learner tools for all levels.Each clip hasinteractive subtitles so if youre not sure what a word means,you can hover over it and get anexpl

5、anation.The app also gives video examples for each word so you can learn vocabulary incontext.Best for Practical Topics:BabbelBabbel has you learn and practice English with realistic conversations that surround thingsthat youre personally interested in.Lessons are short and consist of written and au

6、dio versions ofthe grammar featured in the lessons.Then you are able to complete practice exercises to solidifyyour understanding.Best for Fun Beginner Lessons:LingodeerLingodeer uses games and short exercises to teach beginner and intermediate English learners.Lingodeer takes a gamified approach to

7、 language learning with a goal-oriented curriculumconsisting of structured lessons and regular reviews.Lingodeers lessons are arranged according tothemes,such as sports,weather,parts of the body and shopping.1.What is the feature of ELSA Speak?A.It analyzes learners recordings.B.It provides guidance

8、 for learners.C.It gives learners helpful feedback.D.It improves learners communication skill.2.Which app provides videos as learning resources?A.FluentU.B.ELSA Speak.C.Babbel.D.Lingodeer.3.What can learners do with the app Lingodeer?A.Design games.B.Study around a theme.C.Structure lessons.D.Take a

9、dvanced courses.BFrom Santa Barbara to Scotland,strangers are becoming friends by going on bike ridestogether.They get paired up by Cycling Without Age,an organization that helps seniors go for bikerides,even if they cant pedal themselves.Hugh Lyon and David Lawrence,who are roughly 20 years apart i

10、n age,have been ridingtogether for years.The 56-year-old Lawrence serves as a“pilot”,driving the trishaw a bike witha passenger seat in the front that Cycling Without Age uses for their rides.They go for rides aboutonce a week,often discussing the history of their town.Despite my deceased parents,it

11、 gives me a connection with people from an oldergeneration,”said Lawrence,“and I enjoy spending time with them and hearing their stories.”Thepair have formed a friendship outside of cycling.Lawrence said he calls Lyon often and goes to thegym with him to help him with exercises he cant do on his own

12、.Ole Kassow,who founded Cycling Without Age,said thats the power of the program.“Thetruly powerful thing about these bike rides is that they tie people and stories together to create newrelationships,he told CBS News.In my experience,friendships-and the ability to form newrelationships at any ageare

13、 what define a good life,and often also a long and happy life.”John Boettner started the Santa Barbara chapter.He has one rule for passengers.“They say,What does it cost if Im going to go for a ride?I say,Heres what it costs:You have to wave.Ifyou dont wave,Im going to kick you out,he joked.He said

14、he likes when they hit redlights,because it gives them a chance to connect with people on the road.Driving the trishaw isthe best advertisement for Cycling Without Age”,Boettner said,When you take a 101-year-oldwoman for a bike ride and she holds your hand tight and says thank you and gives you a ki

15、ss onthe cheek,it doesnt get any better than that.4.What did Lawrence benefit from Cycling Without Age?A.Picking up forgotten stories.B.Improving his health condition.C.Understanding his parents love.D.Creating a relationship with seniors.5.Why did Ole Kassow mention“friendships”?A.To share the plea

16、sure of cycling.B.To state the nature of happiness.C.To show the value of the program.D.To introduce the definition of a good life.6.What can we learn from Boettners words in the last paragraph?A.The program needs to be advertised.B.Passengers have to pay for their rides.C.Red lights connect people

17、on the road.D.Bike riders feel fulfilled by offering rides.7.What message does the passage convey?A.Asweet friendship refreshes the soul.B.Be a rainbow in somebody elses cloud.C.Dont go through life,grow through life.D.Happiness is a journey,not a destination.CFor anyone trying to lose weight,theres

18、 a truth we can all universally acknowledge that betterhealth is often positioned as a numbers game.Hit the right number,and all your health problemswill magically resolve,so the logic goes.Yet increasingly,science is revealing that losing weightmay not be a silver bullet after all.In a mouse study

19、published in the journal Science,lookingspecifically at an inflammatory(炎 症 的)eye condition linked to obesity called maculardegeneration(黄斑退化),researchers found the struggle for better health doesnt necessarily beginand end with weight loss.Researchers conducted experiments on mice that were fed a h

20、igh-fat diet for 11weeks,making them gain weight.The mice were then put on a diet of low-fat food for 9 weeks,making them lose weight.Another group of mice only ate the low-fat diet as a control.Researchers shot lasers into the eyes of both the yo-yo dieter mice and the control mice toencourage atyp

21、ical blood vessel(非典型性血管)growth,a mark of macular degeneration.Among the mice that had gained and then lost weight,there was about 40 percent moreatypical blood vessel growth than their stable diet peers.Driving the growth appeared to bemacrophages(巨噬细胞)In the yo-yo dieter mice,these cells had been

22、reprogrammed to causeinflammation.Taken together,these cells appeared to have an outsize role in atypical blood vesselgrowth in the eyes.Meanwhile,in the mice fed only a low-fat diet,inflammatory changes wereabsent.The results suggest that eating a high-fatdiet that causes weight gain,even if follow

23、ed byweight loss,leaves an inflammatory mark on mouse macrophages.The research comes during a period of renewed interest in anti-obesity drugs.But medicinesthat help people shed pounds do not treat inflammation linked to a history of weight gain.“How toengage these findings with medicine interventio

24、ns is a challenge,says Bapat,head of the research.8.Which of the following best explains“a silver bullet”underlined in paragraphl?A.Aworkable solution.B.Atough choice.C.An ultimate objective.D.Amajor challenge.9.How do researchers carry out the experiment?A.By making comparison.B.By listing examples

25、.C.By controling test methods.D.By analyzing diet components.10.What can we learn about the research results?A.Stable dieting drives the growth of macrophages.B.Reprogrammed cells are to blame for weight gain.C.Inflammatory changes are caused by the low-fat diet.D.Losing weight doesnt resolve the in

26、flammation tied to weight gain.11.What will the research focus on next?A.Exploring ways of losing weight.B.Tracking the history of weight loss.C.Treating obesity-linked inflammation.D.Boosting interest in anti-obesity drugs.DA new kind of solar panel,developed at the University of Michigan,has achie

27、ved highefficiency in transforming water into hydrogen and oxygen imitating a crucial step in naturalphotosynthesis(光合作用).The outdoor version of the experiment,with less reliable sunlight andtemperature,achieved 6.1%efficiency at turning the energy from the sun into hydrogen fuel.However,indoors,the

28、 system achieved 9%efficiency.But the biggest benefit is driving down the cost of sustainable hydrogen.This is enabled byreducing the size of the semiconductor(半导体),typically the most expensive part of the device.The teams self-healing semiconductor withstands concentrated light equivalent to 160 su

29、ns.“We believe that artificial photosynthesis devices will be much more efficient than naturalphotosynthesis,which will provide a path toward carbon neutrality,said Zetian Mi,U-Mprofessor of electrical and computer engineering who led the study reported in Nature.The new technology has two advances.

30、The first is the ability to concentrate the sunlightwithout destroying the semiconductor that traps the light.“We reduced the size of thesemiconductor by more than 100 times compared to some semiconductors only working at lowlight intensity,”said Peng Zhou,U-M research fellow in electrical and compu

31、ter engineering andfirst author of the study.Hydrogen produced by our technology could be very cheap.And the second is using both the higher energy part of the solar spectrum(光谱)to breakdown water and the lower part of the spectrum to provide heat that encourages the reaction.Themagic is enabled by

32、a semiconductor catalyst(催化剂)that improves itself with use,resisting thedegradation(降解)that such catalysts usually experience when they trap sunlight to drivechemical reactions.The next challenges the team intends to tackle are to further improve the efficiency and toachieve superhigh purity hydroge

33、n that can be directly fed into fuel cells.12.What leads to the lower cost of sustainable hydrogen?A.Solar energy.B.Smaller semiconductors.C.Natural photosynthesis.D.More concentrated light.13.What is an advantage of the new technology?A.Acatalyst easily available.B.Creative.use of the solar spectru

34、m.C.Outstanding ability to reflect light.D.Asemiconductor working at low light intensity.14.Why are the two advances of the new solar panel mentioned?A.To introduce a greener lifestyle.B.To promote its commercial value.C.To state its technical breakthrough.D.To advertise the potential application.15

35、.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.ANew Trend in Water UsageB.The Future of Sustainable HydrogenC.Solar Energy:More Efficient,GreenerD.Cheaper Hydrogen Through Solar Power第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Many

36、 humans have a mental number line that often puts smaller numbers on the left andbigger numbers on the right if asked to organize several bunches of grapes by size,youdlikely line them up by increasing number of grapes from left to right.Like many humans,honeybees seem to prefer their numbers ordere

37、d from left to right,anew study claims._16_Researchers reported their findings October 17 in the Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences.Martin Giurfa,a biologist,tested 134 honeybees on their number-ordering abilities.First,Giurfa had to teach his bee pupils to recognize numbers.Using sugar

38、water,he guided honeybeesinto a testing bee house built from a repurposed wine box.For each bee,he hung a panel on theback of the box with a certain number of symbols on it one,three or five._17_So theydlearn to associate the number with food.By varying what the symbols looked like between visits,he

39、 ensured the bees were learning the number itself and not certain shapes or arrangements._18_ Giurfa removed the training panel and set up two,mirror-image panels,one on the leftwall of the box and one on the right.These new panels either had the same number of symbols asthe training panel,fewer sym

40、bols or more.Which panel did the bees fly to left orright?“_19_”Giurda says.Of the bees trained on“one,”72percent flew to the“three”panel tothe right,but of the bees trained onfive,73 percent went to the three panel to the left.Thatsexactly the concept of the mental number line,Ciurfa says.Though so

41、me cognitive(认知的)powers seem to be uniquely human,Giurfa thinks thereis danger in dismissing the abilities of animals.“We are different from animals in some aspects,hesays,“but we are very similar in others._20_.A.Then he fed them the sugar water.B.It depends on the reference number.C.However,not ev

42、eryone is convinced.D.After 30 trips to the box,it was time for a test.E.It suggests that honeybees have a“mental number line”.F.Giurfa thinks bees and chicks have inborn mental number lines.G.Denying this similarity will not help us understand what we are.第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分

43、 15 分)第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。Head to Flint,Michigan,on a Wednesday night,and youll see a blinding display of lights nearthe river.The tradition_21_on a whim in 2010 with Daniel Rid dick,a doctor in Hurley ChildrensHospit

44、al in Providence,Rhode Island.His patient,a teenager,had been in the hospital long-term.During his stay,Daniel had_22_with the kid so deeply that he decided that on the boys_23_night there,he would do something_24_for the final parting.As he left,Daniel told the boy to_25_the corner near the bus sto

45、p from his window.Daniel_26_to that spot,turned around,and flickered(闪烁)his bike light up toward thehospital.To his surprise,the teen flickered his own room lights to _27_.“From a quarter mileaway it was very_28_where the kid was,”says Daniel.I figured if it_29_once I could doit again.”And so he did

46、.Daniel made it a_30_to flicker his bike lights to kids as he left for the night as a_31_ way to say goodbye.The nightly tradition became such a_32_that customers startedjoining in with flashlights and cell phones too.The tradition has_33_inspired those beyond Michigan and Daniel hopes it_34_evenmor

47、e.“It could happen anywhere if someone is willing to give it a try with one_35_,”he says.21.A.developed22.A.negotiated23.A.last24.A.essential25.A.witness26.A.slid27.A.signal28.A.evident29.A.worked30.A.duty31.A.casual32.A.phenomenon33.A.only34.A.improvesB.survivedB.bondedB.usualB.accurateB.appreciate


49、.funD.celebrationD.everD.accelerates35.A.lightB.messageC.hopeD.sign第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Youve never heard songs quite like this before.In fact,it seems that Moyun of Hong Kongcan transform just about any song into something com

50、pletely new_ 36_ the help of theGuzheng.This traditional Chinese instrument_37_(make)of 16 or more strings and movablebridges.Together,it-produces some of the sweetest sounds that pair surprisingly well with_38_ was originally a rock song.TraditionalChineseinstrumentsarentsuitedfor_39_(adapt)abandse


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