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1、2022年外研版年外研版八年级下册语法精讲八年级下册语法精讲被动语态被动语态考情速览 全国中考5年时态语态考情速览时态语态综合占比21%其他语法Grammar任务:找主谓宾我剪头发。主语:_谓语:_宾语:_我剪头发被动语态我剪头发。头发被剪。含义 主语是动作的 _被怎么样了承受者我吃猪肉。猪肉被吃。Grammar说出你的答案咖啡_沙发_coffeesofa被动_be done只有及物动词才有被动语态找出被动语态2.All the classroom was cleaned yesterday.1.A lot of trees are planted every year.3.A new bri

2、dge will be built next year.4.I have finished my homework yet.构成be done含义 主语是动作的 _被怎么样了承受者(及物动词的过去分词)Grammar被动语态分类be done结构一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时情态动词七宝“被”,be来变各个时态下的被动语态是什么呢?重点考察Part 1一般时态的被动语态一般时态的被动语态被动语态分类一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时_ done_ donebe done结构be动词的一般现在时是哪几个?七宝“被”,be来变am/is/are_ done(2020百色市

3、中考)1.More trees _ every year to make our city greener.A.is plantedB.are plantedC.was plantedD.were planted(2019河北省中考)2.These cakes _ with chocolate.Have one,please.A.fillB.filledC.are filledD.were filled(2020南京市中考)3.Now waste from daily life in the city of Shanghai _ to be separated into four differ

4、ent groups.A.is requiringB.is requiredC.was requiredD.required小试牛刀经典例题 1(2020 重庆月考)1.We plant many trees in spring every year.(变为被动语态)Many trees by us in spring every year.areplanted一般时态的被动语态一般时态的被动语态被动语态分类一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时_ done_ donebe done结构be动词的一般过去时是哪几个?七宝“被”,be来变am/is/arewas/were_ done(2020北京市中考

5、)4.The kite _ in China more than 2000 years ago.A.inventsB.inventedC.is inventedD.was invented(2019江西省中考)5.Gina went to the doctors yesterday and she _ about the importance of good living habits once more.A.toldB.is toldC.was toldD.has told(2019大连市中考)6.Jim _ to hospital at once after he got hurt.A.s

6、entB.is sentC.will be sentD.was sent小试牛刀经典例题 2(2020 四川模拟)2.People built more than 10 module hospitals(方舱医院)in Wuhan.(改为被动句)More than 10 module hospitals in Wuhan.werebuilt一般时态的被动语态一般时态的被动语态被动语态分类一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时_ done_ donebe done结构七宝“被”,be来变am/is/arewas/werebe动词的一般将来时是什么?_ donewill be(2020天津市中考)7.Th

7、at machine is broken.It _ tomorrow.A.repairedB.was repairedC.will repairD.will be repaired(2019丹东市中考)8.What are you doing these days?I am preparing for the school art festival.It _ next week.A.will holdB.will be heldC.heldD.was held(2020长春市中考)9.The 2022 Olympic Winter Games _ in Beijing and Zhangjia

8、kou.A.holdB.heldC.is heldD.will be held小试牛刀被动语态分类经典例题 3(2020 初二期末)3.运动会将被推迟(put off)到下周。The sports meeting off till next week.willbeput环境保护类写作万能句1Air pollution will be reduced if we walk to school instead of driving.被动语态在写作中的运用写作万能句2Planting trees with your friends on weekends in a park is a good id

9、ea.The air will be refreshed and the environment will be beautified.Its said that.(据说)Its reported that.(据报道)Its well-known that.(众所周知)固定句式中常用被动语态Part 1进行时态的被动语态现在进行时过去进行时be done结构be动词的进行时是什么?_ donebe being 进行时态的被动语态被动语态分类am/is/are being _ donewas/were being 七宝“被”,be来变Part 1现在完成时的被动语态被动语态分类现在完成时be d

10、one结构be动词的现在完成时是什么?_ done现在完成的被动语态have/has been have/has been 七宝“被”,be来变被动语态分类经典例题 4(2020 上海期末)4.打字机已经被电脑取代。Type writers by computers.havebeen replacedPart 1情态动词的被动语态被动语态分类情态动词be done结构be动词在情态动词后面怎么变呢?_ done情态动词的被动语态情态动词be情态动词be原形七宝“被”,be来变被动语态分类经典例题 5(2020 山东期末)5.青少年应该被鼓励自己做决定。Teenagers should to m

11、ake their own decisions.beencouraged被动语态分类被动语态分类一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时情态动词was/were doneam/is/are donewill be doneam/is/are being donewas/were being donehave/has been done情态动词 be done七宝“被”一现宝“被”_一过宝“被”_一将宝“被”_现进宝“被”_过进宝“被”_现完宝“被”_was/were donewill be doneam/is/are being donewas/were being don

12、ehave/has been done情态动词 be doneam/is/are done情态宝“被”_GrammarThe tree _me every year.is plantedI plant the tree every year.主被动转化四步走主动被动 找找出主语、宾语 换主语,宾语换位置 改谓语动词变为be done的形式I plant the tree every year.加by+动作发出者四字箴言找,换,改,加byGrammarPart 2Reading阅读理解之推理判断题Reading东晋诗人陶渊明曾写过这样的一首诗,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”我们可以从这两句诗中推断出

13、什么?A.作者在东边的篱笆下采菊花B.作者是斜眼C.作者在山中怡然自得的心情D.作者厌倦官场生活,被贬,隐居山林所感答案来自于原文,但不等同于原文,答案来自于原文,但不等同于原文,答案忠于原文,不能主观臆断答案忠于原文,不能主观臆断。推理判断题推理判断题细节推断细节推断1.概述推理判断题着重考查学生的逻辑思维能力,即要求学生根据文章的逻辑关系进行推理判断。2.常见设问We can learn/conclude/infer from the passage/paragraph that.3.选项特征正确选项:得意忘形源于原文,高于原文错误选项:1)原词干扰:选项是原文的简单复述,而非推断出来的结

14、论。2)无对应句:文章没有提及3)含极端词:常为干扰项的极端词all,always,never.4.做题技巧1)定:根据正确选项定位文章区间 2)除:排除错误选项讲义P116 干扰项高途课堂G A O T U E N G L I S H首要原则4.推理过度 1.偷梁换柱如:All people in XXX are fat.方法论5.黑白颠倒2.过于绝对3.无中生有A换B胡编乱造没有依据原文原文是most of改为all好的变差的,对的变错的答案来自于原文,但不等同于原文,答案忠于原文,不能主观臆断。1.(2019 广东期末)Harbour of Rio de Janeiro The Harb

15、our of Rio de Janeiro is around Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.It is famous for being the worlds largest bay(海湾).The harbor is 17.4 miles long from east to west and 18.6 miles from north to south.It was first discovered in 1502.What can we learn about the Harbour of Rio de Janeiro according to the material?W

16、hen it was first discovered.Who first discovered it.What it is famous for.Where it is.A.B.C.D.细节推断发现讲义P116答案来自于原文,但不等同于原文,答案忠于原文,不能主观臆断。答案来自于原文,但不等同于原文,答案忠于原文,不能主观臆断。细节推断2.(2020 广西中考)Sam thanked his grandmother for the set of drums she bought him for his birthday.“Theyre the best present,Grandma!”he

17、 said.“Theyve already helped me make some money.”“Wow!”said his grandmother.“You must have learned to play them really well!”“Not really”said the boy.“But Mom gives me$5 asking me not to play them during the day,and Dad gives me$5 asking me not to play them in the evening.”From the story,we can infe

18、r(推断)that .A.Sam was good at playing the drums B.Sams parents didnt enjoy the sound of his drums C.Sams grandmother couldnt play the drums well D.Sam would give the drums back to his grandmother黑白颠倒无中生有无中生有讲义P1173.(2020 初二单元测)The journey was long and the mountain road was hard to walk on.Though he c

19、arried little baggage(行李),the road was very difficult for him.He kept sweating(流汗).Just ahead of him,he saw a little girl,less than 10 years old,carrying a boy on her back.She was also moving on slowly.She panted(喘气)heavily,but her hands still firmly held the boy on her back.When passing by the litt

20、le girl,Jim said to her,“My girl,you must be very tired because what you carry is so heavy!”Hearing this,the little girl said,“What you carry is a weight,but what I carry is not a weight:He is my little brother.I must take him to the hospital.”We can infer from the passage that .A.Jim never carried

21、his brother on the backB.Jim asked the boy to walk with themC.the boy on the girls back was illD.the girl was silly to carry her brother答案来自于原文,但不等同于原文,答案忠于原文,不能主观臆断。细节推断无中生有无中生有无中生有重量讲义P1171.开头格式是Dear mom,4.出现best wishes2.结尾是Yours,Lily3.出现 want to hear from you大脑风暴大脑风暴推理判断题推理判断题出处推断出处推断1.概述推理判断题着重考

22、查学生的逻辑思维能力,即要求学生根据文章的逻辑关系进行推理判断。2.常见设问1)The passage probably comes from.2)Where can we find the passage?3.解题思路1)根据首尾段和关键词锁定文章主题2)结合文章主题和文体特点判断文章出处讲义P1181.(2020 黑龙江中考)StonehengeWith a history of about 5,000 years,Stonehenge is one of the world wonders.Its a circle of stones of different heights.The s

23、tones used to be about 200 kilometers away.Now people still wonder how these people moved the huge stones without machines(机器)help.Louvre MuseumNo visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre Museum,one of the largest and most famous art museums in the world.About 35,000 works of art from dif

24、ferent centuries are on show,of which the Mona Lisa is the best-known.Mount QomolangmaHeavy snow,cold wind and thin oxygen(氧气),Mount Qomolangma seems to say no to any climber who dreams about making it to the top of the world.Tenzing and Edmund were the earliest to arrive at the top,but they were up

25、 there for just 15 minutes before coming down.Lake District National ParkIn the north of England lies Lake District National Park,which is very beautiful,with hills,lakes and forest.Most tourists enjoy walking around the lakes and climbing mountains.Lake District National Park is also a perfect plac

26、e to paint the beautiful countryside.The passage is probably taken from .A.a diary B.a news report C.a travel guide D.a poem日记新闻报道旅游指南诗歌出处推断奇迹高度完整的博物馆讲义P1182.(2019 广西中考)There are some easy things you can do to protect the earth:Plant flowers,grass or trees.Whenever you visit a park or beach,take awa

27、y what you take there.Keep rubbish in a bag until you can put it in a dustbin(垃圾桶).Turn off the lights and TV set when you leave the room.This can save a lot of electricity(电).Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.You can save some water by not letting it run.Also,use a glass cup instead of a p

28、aper cup because this saves paper.Give your old books and magazines to a library instead of throwing them away.Give your old clothes to poor children you know instead of throwing them away.Use both sides of paper.Stop pouring dirty water into the rivers or lakes nearby.Encourage all your friends to

29、do the same things you do to help protect the earth.You dont have to wait until Earth Day to do these things.Make every day Earth Day.If everyone makes a contribution(贡献)to protecting the environment,the earth will become much more beautiful.From the above,we know that this passage is _.A.a letter B

30、.a novelC.a proposal(倡议书)D.an advertisement信小说广告出处推断保护讲义P119Nick Vujicic was born,without arms and legs,in 1982 in Melbourne,Australia.Nick met all kinds of difficult things in his life.But he never gave up.Now Nick has his own company.He likes to tell his life story to people.He says attitude(态度)is

31、 the most powerful tool(工具)in life and it can help you be successful.You may find the passage in a .A.diary B.storybook C.magazine D.guidebook3.(2020 浙江竞赛)How to be successful?After reading the following,you may get the answer.小说故事书杂志出处推断Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14,1984 in America,was good at

32、 computer,and now is the boss of Facebook.He married Priscilla Chan and had a daughter.In only 8 years,Zuck made his small website into a world famous one.Zuck once wrote to his friends,“Life is not always easy.You should always keep your dream and work hard.”指南The famous scientist and thinker,Charl

33、es Darwin,was born on February 12,1809,in England.As a boy,Charles liked to go for walks in the forests.He enjoyed watching trees,flowers,animals and comparing what he saw with everything he had read in science books.In 1859,Darwin finished his famous book The Origin of Species and the book changed

34、the world a lot.讲义P120discoverweightwonderheightmachinecompletedskv(r)wetwnd(r)hatminkmplitv.发现n.重量n.奇迹 v.想知道n.高度n.机器adj.完整的 v.完成讲义P121museumprotectcontributionattitudemjuzim prtektkntrbjun ttjudn.博物馆v.保护n.贡献n.态度讲义P121Part 3真题链接Part 4Extra Exercises讲义P122讲义P122讲义P123(2020 浙江开学测)Most people spend the

35、 day after Christmas relaxing with their families.But one man began a journey across the Atlantic(大西洋)in a barrel(桶),and he is already 71 years old.Can you imagine that?Jean Jacques Savin,from France,began his journey from the Canary Islands in Spain.He hopes to reach somewhere in the Caribbean,over

36、 3,000 miles away,in three months,and he hopes currents(洋流)will carry him naturally to the place.1.What CANNOT we learn from the first paragraph?A.When Savin began the journey.B.Why Savin began the journey.C.Where Savin began the journey.D.How he went on the journey.(2020 浙江开学测)Most people spend the

37、 day after Christmas relaxing with their families.But one man began a journey across the Atlantic(大西洋)in a barrel(桶),and he is already 71 years old.Can you imagine that?Jean Jacques Savin,from France,began his journey from the Canary Islands in Spain.He hopes to reach somewhere in the Caribbean,over

38、 3,000 miles away,in three months,and he hopes currents(洋流)will carry him naturally to the place.Savin is no stranger to exciting and dangerous trips.He used to be a pilot and he has already crossed the Atlantic four times by boat.But this time is a different experience.2.What can we infer(推测)from t

39、he underlined sentence?A.Savin enjoys going on trips with someone new.B.Savin never went on exciting and dangerous trips before.C.Savin has many experiences of exciting and dangerous trips.D.Savin knows nothing about going on a trip in a barrel.stranger 陌生人讲义P123(2020 浙江开学测)Most people spend the day

40、 after Christmas relaxing with their families.But one man began a journey across the Atlantic(大西洋)in a barrel(桶),and he is already 71 years old.Can you imagine that?Jean Jacques Savin,from France,began his journey from the Canary Islands in Spain.He hopes to reach somewhere in the Caribbean,over 3,0

41、00 miles away,in three months,and he hopes currents(洋流)will carry him naturally to the place.Savin is no stranger to exciting and dangerous trips.He used to be a pilot and he has already crossed the Atlantic four times by boat.But this time is a different experience.Savin worked on the barrel for mo

42、nths before the journey.Inside it,there is a bed and a kitchen.Each side of the barrel has a small round window,including one on the floor to allow Savin to look at passing fish.Whats important is that the barrel is strong enough to keep him safe.During the journey,Savin will make signs for the scie

43、ntists to help them study the currents.The money for the journey,54,000,was raised through crowd funding(众筹).Actually,Savin doesnt know where he will end up,but he is hoping for a French island.“It will be easy to bring the barrel back,”he said.When people asked him the reason for his sailing,he sai

44、d,“Id like to show that Im still young,not an old grandpa.”讲义P123Savin worked on the barrel for months before the journey.Inside it,there is a bed and a kitchen.Each side of the barrel has a small round window,including one on the floor to allow Savin to look at passing fish.Whats important is that

45、the barrel is strong enough to keep him safe.During the journey,Savin will make signs for the scientists to help them study the currents.The money for the journey,54,000,was raised through crowd funding(众筹).Actually,Savin doesnt know where he will end up,but he is hoping for a French island.“It will

46、 be easy to bring the barrel back,”he said.When people asked him the reason for his sailing,he said,“Id like to show that Im still young,not an old grandpa.”3.What does NOT Savin do in the barrel?A.Cook food.B.Sleep.C.Look at fish.D.Study the currents.讲义P123When people asked him the reason for his s

47、ailing,he said,“Id like to show that Im still young,not an old grandpa.”4.Whats the passage mainly about?A.Sail across the Atlantic in a barrel.B.How to keep safe during a journey.C.Raise money to make a journey.D.Help the scientists study currents.(2020 浙江开学测)Most people spend the day after Christm

48、as relaxing with their families.But one man began a journey across the Atlantic(大西洋)in a barrel(桶),and he is already 71 years old.Can you imagine that?Jean Jacques Savin,from France,began his journey from the Canary Islands in Spain.He hopes to reach somewhere in the Caribbean,over 3,000 miles away,in three months,and he hopes currents(洋流)will carry him naturally to the place.讲义P123


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