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1、2022年河南省三门峡市中考一模英语试题 一、听短对话选答案1Which language is the most difficult for the man? AEnglish.BFrench.CJapanese.2Which festival are they talking about? AThe Mid-Auturmn Festival.BThe Dragon Boat Festival.CThe Lantern Festival.3What invention are they talking about? AThe computer.BThe TV.CThe smart phone

2、.4What will the speakers buy for their daughter? AA toy bear.BA beautiful dress.CSome storybooks.二、听录音选图片5What are the girls favorite cakes made of? ABC三、听长对话选答案听下面一段对话,回答第两个小题。6How long has Toms mother worked at the fire station?AFor six years.BFor twelve years.CFor ten years.7Where is the fire sta

3、tion?AOn East Road.BOn West Street.CBeside the zoo.听下面一段对话,回答两个小题。8What is the relationship between Alfred and Rita?AThey are brother and sister.BThey are teacher and student.CThey are classmates.9Who did the earrings use to belong to?ARita.BRitas mother.CRitas aunt.四、听短文选答案听下面一段独白,回答三个小题。10What doe

4、s Declan like?ADancing.BSwimming.CBasketball.11Who had a big influence on Declan?AHis grandfather.BHis father.CHis sister.12When did Declans first song come out?AAt the age of eight.BAt the age of nine.CAt the age of ten.五、听长对话选答案听下面一段对话,回答三个小题。13What happened to Annie?AShe had a toothache.BShe had

5、a headache.CShe had a stomachache.14Which season is it now?AWinter.BSummer.CSpring.15What will Annie probably do next?ADo her homework.BTake some medicine.CHave a good rest.六、听短文给图片排序16听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。ABCDE._ _ _ _七、阅读单选What discoveries have influenced our lives most? Heres a list.

6、AntibioticsThree centuries ago, many children died very young because of different diseases. Now with antibiotics (抗生素), a lot of these diseases can be cured easily. However, we need to be careful about how we use antibiotics because if we do not use them correctly, they can cause serious health pro

7、blems.DNADNA is the building block of life and was discovered in 1869. Over many years, scientists have slowly learned more and more about DNAIn 1928, scientists discovered that DNA passed on certain characteristics (特性) from parents to children. In 1953, the famous structure of DNA was discovered.

8、Now, scientists have a map of our DNA that tells them a great deal about what we get from our parents. If we learn more about DNA, we will be able to treat more diseases.X-raysWilhelm Roentgen, a German scientist, was the first to study and name X-rays in 1895 and in 1901, he was awarded the first-e

9、ver Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. X-rays go right through some things, like skin and wood, but are stopped by others, such as bones or metal. This means that they can be used to see broken bones in people or things inside suitcases. With X-ray machines doctors can treat broken bones muc

10、h more easily.If we discover more about the human body, we can help people live longer and better lives.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。17What are antibiotics?ASome diseases.BSerious health problems.CSpecial medicine to kill some diseases.DSpecial sugar balls to kill some diseases.18What can we know about DNA?ADNA can

11、 pass on all characteristics from parents to children.BThe basic structure of DNA is like a straight ladder.CDNA can help us to treat every disease.DIt can tell us a lot about what we get from our parents.19Who of the following may need the help of X-ray machines?AJoanna got a stomachache.BKelsey fe

12、ll off the skateboard and hurt her knees.CBonnie was infected with the flu.DAmber stayed up late and had a bad headache.20What can we learn from the text?AWe should be careful to use antibiotics.BWilhelm Roentgen was awarded the Nobel Prize for DNACDNA was discovered in 1953.DX-rays can be stopped b

13、y skin or wood.21Which part of a magazine is the text most probably from?AA travel magazine.BA health magazine.CA history magazine.DA sports magazine.Two years ago, Bing Dwen Dwen was chosen as the mascot (吉祥物) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Now the panda in an ice shell has been made into to

14、ys and models, as well as printed on notebooks, badges (徽章) and bags.The design was chosen from 5,816 works from 38 countries and regions. Cao Xue, the chief designer of Bing Dwen Dwen, said the idea first came from the traditional Chinese snack bingtanghuluthe syrup (糖浆) coat later turned into an i

15、ce shell. However, a simple snack couldnt stand for a country by itself. Caos team tried many animals and plants and finally decided on a panda. “We dont need to explain anything to have it understood across different cultures,” said Cao.However, there were already too many cartoon images of pandas.

16、 The mascot needed to be original and creative. Cao first decided that it should be a baby panda instead of an adult one. So the special body shape of Bing Dwen Dwen came into beingits body is as long as as its head.Caos team also looked all around the world to collect all the panda designs they cou

17、ld find. They wanted to make sure their panda looked different. They visited the panda nature reserve in Wolong, Sichuan, to get ideas. They saw that baby pandas are pigeon-toed (内八字) while standing.“If we say artists are like actors who play themselves, designers are actors who have to fit into dif

18、ferent roles,” Cao said. “Design is like dancing with chains. Im glad we performed a good dance.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。22What did the design of Bing Dwen Dwen first come from?ABingtanghulu.BAn ice shell.CAnimals.DPlants.23The underlined word “it” refers to _.ABadge.BSnack.CPanda.DMascot.24What does Bing Dwen

19、 Dwen look like?AIts head is as big as its body.BIts head has the same length as its body.CIts head is smaller than its body.DIts head is bigger than its body.25Cao Xue thinks designers are _.Alike dancers who dance freelyBlike artists who design good worksClike actors who play themselvesDlike actor

20、s who have to fit into different roles26Whats the main idea of the passage?AWhat does Bing Dwen Dwen look like?BHow was Bing Dwen Dwen designed?CWho created Bing Dwen Dwen?DWhy was Bing Dwen Dwen popular with people?When in fear, ostriches(鸵鸟)hide their heads in the sand instinctively(本能地)in the hop

21、e that trouble will pass them byor so the legend(传说)goes. In fact, ostriches dont hide their heads in the sand to avoid danger. Not only would they be unable to breathe, but when you think about it, they really have no reason to do so.Ostriches are the fastest animals walking on two legs, able to ru

22、n as fast as 40 miles per hour. They stand around 9 feet tall and weigh 350 pounds. If in danger, they can give a kick powerful enough to kill a lion. So why do ostriches bury(埋)their heads in the sand?When its time to start a family, the ostrich digs a big hole between 6 and 8 feet wide and 2 to 3

23、feet deep. They bury the eggs safely in the ground, and then the mom and dad take turns sitting on the eggs to protect them until the babies are ready to come out of the eggs. A few times a day, the ostrich parents bury their heads below the ground to turn the eggs using their mouths.When it has egg

24、s to protect, the ostrich will run, attracting enemies to go after it. Thanks to their fast speed, ostriches are able to easily shake off the enemies, leaving their eggs and themselves free from danger.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。27What can we learn from the first paragraph?AOstriches hide their heads in the sand

25、when in fear.BOstriches dont hide their heads in the sand to avoid danger.COstriches can give a kick powerful enough to kill a lion if in danger.DOstriches are the fastest animals walking on two legs.28What kind of hole does the ostrich usually dig?ABCD29Why do ostriches usually bury their heads in

26、the sand?ATo fight against enemies.BTo take care of their eggs.CTo get away from danger.DTo bring their babies out.30How do ostriches protect their eggs when in danger?ABy burying their eggs in the sand.BBy leading enemies away from their eggs.CBy fighting with their enemies bravely.DBy taking their

27、 eggs out of the hole.31Whats the best title for the passage?AOstriches, the fastest animalsBAre ostriches really dangerous birds?COstriches instinct to protect kidsDDo ostriches bury their heads because of fear?八、阅读还原5选5What lifestyle trends will be hot in 2022? The US photo-sharing website Instagr

28、am has released(发布)the 2022 Trend Report. It lists upcoming trends liked by Generation Z(people born between 1995 and 2009). _32_.ShoppingOnline shopping will still be popular. But it will move away from big retailer sites(零售网站)to social media and secondhand websites.27% of teenagers and young adult

29、s are expecting to shop directly through social media sites and special in-app services._33_.FoodYounger people are trying difficult recipes(菜谱)at home, following social media influencers(网红)._34_.More than a quarter of teenagers and young adults are trying something new, like making bread and cakes

30、 at home.Wellness_35_. About l in 3 will continue to take part in activities like meditation(冥想)and exercise regularly.40% have close communities that build connections through health._36_. They take part in creative activities like drawing and writing music to stay in a good mood.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能

31、填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。AOne in six expressed their desire to cook at homeB23% are expected to shop through secondhand websitesCAbout 25% will choose to develop their hobbiesDTeenagers and young adults care about mental healthEHere are some of their preferences九、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个

32、可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。In the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing made history by winning the first Chinese gold medal in the womens free ski big air. She jumped into the top position with a total _37_ of 188.25 in the events debut (初次登台).Gu was born to an American father and a Chinese mother. She _38_

33、in San Francisco and lived there for over ten years. The girl, _39_, has always been proud that she has a Chinese root (根). She _40_ Chinese well and calls herself a “Beijing girl.”Gu started skiing when she was only three and got her first _41_ at the age of nine. When she began to learn to ski, ma

34、ny people said that it was not _42_ for girls to learn to ski, because women might suffer more risks than men. But Gu believes thats simply _43_ there arent enough women players. She _44_ to her dream and practiced even harder. Finally, she became an _45_ professional athlete (职业运动员) on the snow.Gu

35、is a talented skier and she also does well in her _46_. She graduated from highschool a year early and became a student at Stanford University. Besides, Gu is _47_ about many other sports and school activities._48_ Gu was born and raised in the US, she took Chinese nationality when she was 15. She d

36、ecided to represent (代表) China in international competitions, hoping to _49_ more Chinese young people to take part in ice and snow sports. She hopes to use sports as a _50_ between China and the US. She said in an interview, “If a girl in China falls in love _51_ skiing or even changes her lifestyl

37、e because of me, Ill feel like Ive reached my goal.”37ApriceBscoreCcostDnumber38Awoke upBstayed upCgrew upDgave up39AsuddenlyBhoweverCmoreoverDbesides40AspeaksBtellsCtalksDsays41ApresentBfilmCconcertDprize42AsuitableBrightCpossibleDdangerous43AwhyBwhenCbecauseDsince44AledBstuckCturnedDlistened45Aexc

38、ellentBinterestingChonestDable46AjobBstudyCworkDaction47AcareBangryCcrazyDanxious48AAlthoughBIfCOnceDWhile49AorderBattractCallowDwarn50AbankBwallCmirrorDbridge51AtoBofCwithDfor十、短文选词填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。send, why, in, when, activity, think, large, shop, example, weApri

39、l 23 is World Book Day. Reading is again _52_ as a healthy lifestyle during the epidemic (疫情) of COVID-19. People spend less time meeting together or doing outdoor _53_, so they have lots of time at home.“The number of books I listened to on Ximalaya is _54_ than that of 2019,” said Li Yun, a girl i

40、n Nanjing. Ximalya is a popular app in China. Many people use it to listen to books _55_ they drive cars or do housework.As the situation of the epidemic is getting better, many cities in China have given out e-vouchers (电子消费券) and hope that people will spend more money _56_. In Nanjing, vouchers of

41、 7 million yuan were given out to readers to buy books in 198 bookshops _57_ March.Because most people have to stay at home, many publishing houses and bookshops have chosen to go online to sell books around this years World Book Day. For _58_, BianQingbo recently made his first livestream (直播) show

42、 to introduce books on Chinese history. Moreover, a total of 72 bookshops in Beijing have begun to offer books on MeituanWaimai, an app which _59_ food in China.In fact, being at home has given _60_ a chance to read and think about the meaning of life, which is also a “great energy” to fight the epi

43、demic. So _61_ dont you pick an interesting book and enjoy reading right away? You can both have a great time and enter a whole new world without leaving your home!十一、短文语境提示填空阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。In April, there is a special day when people remember their ancestors (祖先). It is Pure Bright

44、ness, also known _62_ Qingning Festival. This year, the holiday falls on April 5.Pure Brightness is a traditional Chinese holiday. On this day, families bring flowers, food and wine to the tombs (墓) of _63_ ancestors.They first sweep dust off the tombs. _64_ that, they put cakes and fruits in front

45、of the tombs and remember their dead family members.Why do Chinese people do this? Its because people believe that visiting tombs during Qingming Festival is _65_ good way to show respect to their dead family members.Pure Brightness is also a good time _66_ start gardening and doing outdoor activiti

46、es in China. Families often get together for outings or to fly kites at this time.十二、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, _67_?B: Hello, this is Li Ping speaking.A: This is Wang Na. _68_?B: Id love to, but I have to stay at home.A: _69_?B: I have to be in self-quarantine(自主在家隔离)for fourteen days.A: Thats too bad.B: It has been over two years since the COVID-19 broke out. It has


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