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1、山东省济南市历下区2020-2022年三年中考二模英语试题分类汇编选择填空2022年山东省济南市历下区中考二模英语试题II. 选择填空从每题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)1Look, there is _ cat over there.AaBanCtheD/2Tom is a big boy now. This coat is too short on _.AheBsheCherDhim3We often read books _ the school library.AinBbyConDfor4How many _ do you need to make bread

2、?Let me think. I need two.AeggsBmilkCwaterDsugar5I like taking photos, _ my cousin doesnt like it.AandBbutCorDso6I cant find my eraser. _ I borrow yours?Sure. Here you are.ACouldBNeedCMustDWould7Soon the bowl was _ and the boy came over for a second bowl of rice.AfullBemptyCcheapDuseful8 Eric, _ you

3、r room please. OK, mom. Ill do it right away.AcleanBcleansCto cleanDcleaning9My baby is sleeping. Could you please speak _?AhappilyBhardlyCquietlyDclearly10As volunteers, they _ money for the homeless people every year.AhelpBraiseCinventDlose11 _ beautiful day it is! Yes. The sky is so clear.AWhat a

4、BWhat anCWhatDHow12 Im sorry I have broken your chair. _. I can easily get it repaired.ANever mindBSounds funCThats trueDYoure welcome13Owen, you can read the Chinese on the menu!Yeah, IChinese for two years.AlearnBhave learntCam learningDlearnt14 I plan to learn some life skills like cooking and wa

5、shing clothes. So do I. We shouldnt always _ our parents.Alook afterBdepend onCgive outDcheer up15Bill, could you tell me _?Sure. I went there last year.Awhen you went to CanadaBwho went to Canada with youCwhere you went last yearDhow you went to Canada2021年山东省济南市历下区中考二模英语试题II. 选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选

6、出一个最佳答案。(15分)1My aunt is _ teacher. She teaches math in a middle school.AaBanCtheD/2Tom, can you help me take the heavy box outside?_. Im coming.ANo wayBMe, tooCNo problemDSee you3Although the old woman is over 100 years old, she can still take care of _.AourselvesBmyselfCyourselvesDherself4You can

7、do better in writing _ you keep practicing and never give up.AsoBorCbeforeDif5Boys and girls, who can answer the question? I _, Miss Black. Its easy.AcanBcantCmustDmustnt6Who is the girl with curly hair?Oh, shes new in my class. She comes _ America.AforBonCfromDwith7Please _ your room, Rick. Its in

8、a mess.OK. Just a minute, mom.AcleanBbuildCtakeDopen8Next Sunday is Daves birthday. What gift should I get him?Hmm, what about a _? He is so interested in taking photos.AradioBdictionaryCbicycleDcamera9 _ amazing! Therobot is talking with that girl.Yes. It does look like a real person!AHowBWhatCWhat

9、 aDWhat an10Miss Mills, I cant hear you _ because of too much noise outside.Well, Ill close the window right away.AslowlyBloudlyCreallyDclearly11Mike, lets make carrot dumplings for dinner. Great idea! Ill _ the carrots.Apick upBlook upCcut upDput up12Jack, Im going to Shanghai for a one-week meetin

10、g. Look after yourself._, Dad. I will.ADont worryBExcuse meCIts up to youDHope not13Tim, youve played computer games for too long. Its _ to your eyes.Well, mom. Ill take a break.AusefulBhelpfulCharmfulDwonderful14How long has Jim _?About two years.Amoved to BeijingBworked in the libraryCjoined the a

11、rt clubDleft the post office15Hi, Ken. Do you know _?Yes. Mr. Brown told us to get there at eight.Awhich was the way to the stationBwhy we should meet at the museumCwhen we should get to the stationDwho will we meet at the museum2020年山东省济南市历下区中考二模英语试题III. 选择填空从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 6Wow! The boy

12、 sings so beautifully. Whats _ name?Thats Peter.AhisBherCyourDtheir7Did you go to the movie alone, Sally?No, I went _ my sister.AonBtoCwithDabout8Theres _ big tree close to my house. Its even older than my grandparents.AaBanCtheD/9Tea was invented in China, but its so _ around the world now.AquietBi

13、nterestingCdifficultDpopular10Boys and girls, _ to me, please! Well have a school trip next week.Surprise, Miss Clark!AlookBcallClistenDclean11_. Wheres the nearest supermarket?Oh, its about 300 meters away, next to a park.AThank youBExcuse meCCome onDThats OK12This new cinema is so big.Yeah. Its th

14、e _ one in our city.AbiggestBbiggerCbigDless big13What is your art teacher like, Alan?Hes tall with short hair _ hes kind to us.AorBandCbutDif14I was the first to get to work today. _ was in the office when I arrived.ASomebodyBAnybodyCEverybodyDNobody15_ do you plan to travel to Japan?Im not sure. M

15、aybe after I finish high school.AWhenBWhatCHowDWhere16Amy, what should I buy for Dads birthday?I think a ping-pong bat will be a good _. He loves playing ping-pong.AsubjectBsportCgiftDclub17Is Mr. Miller at home?No, he _ coffee with friends when I said goodbye to him 5 minutes ago.AdrankBwas drinkin

16、gCwill drinkDdrinks18Mrs. Lin, thanks to your help, we can work out the problem so _ now.My pleasure.AeasilyBlatelyCslowlyDhardly19Mummy and Daddy, I can read this book by myself._, baby!ANo problemBGood jobCThanks a lotDIm sorry20My sister and her husband work in different hospitals. _ of them are

17、doctors.ABothBAllCEachDSome21_ we go to visit Shandong Museum next Monday, Mom?Im afraid we cant. It is not open on Monday.AMustBShouldCCanDNeed22Eric, are you going to the party by bike or on foot?_. I hope to try my new bike.AYes, I amBOn footCNo, Im notDBy bike23Cindys grandma is badly ill. She h

18、as _ in hospital for a few days.Sorry to hear that. Hope shell be better soon.AstayedBreturnedCsentDleft24My family will move to Hangzhou and this is my last time in this school._! Well miss you, Jone.AYes, pleaseBWhat a pityCYoure welcomeDThats right25Nina, can you tell me _?Well, usually I do, but sometimes my father does.Awhen do you help with houseworkBwhere do you drop the rubbishCwho does the dishes in your houseDwhat chore you would like to do8


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