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1、200句造句练习提升写作能力和词汇1. 现在的大学生很注重外貌。College students pay closer attention to appearance.2. 学英语已经变成我日常生活重要的一部分。Learning English has already become an important part of my life.3. 护士在医院和外科诊所(surgeries)中扮演重要角色。Nurses play a vital role in hospitals and surgeries.4. 大量的知识是创新的钥匙。A wide range of knowledge hold

2、s the key to innovation.5. 我倾向于去英国深造。I tend to go to England for further study.6. 现在的人非常注重理财。 wealth accumulation. (理财,意译)People nowadays give importance to wealth accumulation.7. 出国旅游使得人们有机会和外国人交流。Travelling overseas enables people to have opportunities to communicate with foreigners. 8. The chemic

3、al leak(化学泄露)对人类的健康造成危险。The chemical leak can pose a threat to the health of human beings.9. 家长喜欢为孩子选择名校(prestigious schools)。Parents prefer to choose prestigious schools for children.10. 短消息(text messages)使得人们能够简单地和便宜地保持联系。Text messagesenablepeople to keep in contact easily and cheaply.11.这些新机器使得我们

4、的公司增长了20%的产量。(by 20%)The new machines have enabled the company to increase production by over 20%.12. 我的教授鼓励我去英国读体育(physical education或者PE)My professor encourages me to study physical education in the UK.13. 更高的燃料价格(the higher price of fuel)可以给传统车的销售造成威胁(pose a threat to)。The higher price of fuel ca

5、n pose a threat to the sales of traditional cars.14. 观看暴力画面对儿童的精神健康有负面的影响。Watching violent images has a negative effect on childrens mental health.15. 对我来说去英国读书是非常重要的。It is very important for me to study in England.16. 传统的游戏对儿童的身体发展有好处。Traditional games are beneficial to childrens physical developme

6、nt.17. 对来自不同文化背景的人来说,彼此之间有共鸣是很难的。(提示1: empathise with each other;提示2:用it is +adj+for sb to do sth)It is different for people from different culture backgrounds to empathise with each other.18. 海外文凭(overseas qualifications)使得我能去跨国公司工作。Overseas qualifications enable me to work in an international comp

7、any.19. 城市的喧嚣(the hustle and bustle of city life)对人们的精神健康造成坏的影响。The hustle and bustle of city life has a negative effect on peoples mental health.20. 现在的中小学很注重道德教育。Primary and secondary schools now lay emphasis on moral education.21. 公众图书馆可以提供给孩子们机会去吸收(absorb)和扩展(expand)知识Public libraries can provid

8、e children with opportunities to absorb and expand knowledge.22. 一个正在增长数量的人们选择在家里办公。An increasing number of people choose to work from home.23. 有钱的父母可以容易地帮助他们的孩子接近各式各样的人(people from different walks of life)Wealthy parents can easily help their children get access to people from different walks of li

9、fe 24. 这些孩子有更多的可能去发展社交网(a network of contacts)These children are more likely to develop a network of contact.25. 这些社会资本(social capital)使他们能得到很有道理的建议(sound advice)The social capital enables them to get sound advice.26. 这些孩子能够很好掌握(a good grasp of)信息技术技能(information technology skills)These children can

10、 have a good grasp of information technology skills27. 这可以帮助他们成人时解决更多复杂的问题(solve complex problems)This can help them solve complex problems in adulthood.28. 富人家的孩子有机会去接受精英教育在大学里(receive an elite education)Children from wealthy families can receive an elite education.29. 她能够集中注意力在学习上。She is able to f

11、ocus on studies.30. 对政府来说是重要的,去投资公共交通(invest in public transport)It is very important for the authority to invest in public transport.31. 他们可以更注重(paycloserattentionto)他们的习惯和改变他们的行为(modifytheirbehaviour)They will pay closer attention to their habits and modify their behaviour.32.政府和大公司可以扮演一个极其重要的角色(p

12、layavitalrolein),在抗击污染(combatpollution )方面 Governments and big companies can play a vital role in combating pollution.33. 政府通常有大量的资本(a great amount of capital),可以分配公共的钱到(allocate public money to)各种提倡环境友好行为的项目Governments normally have a great amount of capital to allocate public money to projects whi

13、ch promote environmentally friendly behaviour.34. 另外一方面,如果教师只给予核心课程侧重(give importance to core subjects), 对学生来说可以更好的集中他们的注意力在这些课程上(it is easy for sb. to do sth.)On the other hand, if teachers just give importance to core subjects, it is easier for students to focus one these subjects.35. 有扎实的数学基础(a g

14、ood grounding in maths)的学生,和其他竞争对手比起来,这些学生能够保持有竞争力的优势(maintain a competitive advantage)在找IT工作上Students who have a good grounding in maths can maintain a competitive advantage over other counterparts in finding IT jobs.36. 通过观看儿童公益广告(public service announcement for children),年轻一代(the younger generati

15、on)可以从道德输入(instill virtues)的意识运动(awareness campaigns)中收益(benefit from)By watching public service announcements for children, the younger generation can benefit from awareness campaigns which instill virtues.37. 农业科技通常关注高产的作物(high-yield crops)Farming technology normally focuses on high-yield crops.38

16、. 另外一方面,农业科技的发展可能对生物多样性(biodiversity)有坏处On the other hand, the development of agricultural technology may have a negative effect on biodiversity.39. 工厂化农业运营(factory farming)很有可能会导致social instability(社会不稳定)Factory farming is more likely to cause social instability.40. 运动员的成就(achievement)可以团结(unify)国家。 Achievements of athletes can unify a country.


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