Unit 2 Out of this world Reading Language points (ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Life on a space stationReadingLiving in space is every would-be astronauts dream.My six-month stay on a space station has cone to an end,and it has been a challenging but magical adventure.l bet youd love to know what daily life is like up in space and how it differs from that on the Earththe

2、 low gravity definitely makes ordinary things strange!1.My six-month stay on a space station has come to an end,and it has been a challenging but magical adventure.(L1)我在空间站的六个月的生活即将结束,这是一次充满挑战但又充我在空间站的六个月的生活即将结束,这是一次充满挑战但又充满魔力的冒险。满魔力的冒险。come to an end结束结束 Time flies,our semester has come to an end.

3、时间过得真快,一个学期的时光就这样结束了。I bet(that)were too late.我们八成儿太晚了。Ill bet you(that)he knows all about it.我敢说他了解一切。2.I bet youd love to know what daily life is like up in space and how it differs from that on the Earth.(L3)我敢说你很想知道太空中的日常生活是什么样子的,以及我敢说你很想知道太空中的日常生活是什么样子的,以及它与地球上的生活有什么不同它与地球上的生活有什么不同 I bet 敢说;八成儿

4、敢说;八成儿-I nearly died when he told me.-I bet!-他告诉我时,我差一点死了。他告诉我时,我差一点死了。-肯定是这样!肯定是这样!-Im going to tell her what I think of her.-Yeah,I bet!-我要告诉她我对她的看法。我要告诉她我对她的看法。-量你不敢!量你不敢!(1)(表示理解)有同感,当然(表示理解)有同感,当然(2)(表示不相信对方的话)(表示不相信对方的话)French differs from English in this respect.在这方面法语不同于英语。=French is _ from

5、English in this respect.=There is _ between French and English in this respect.differentdifference.differ from 相异;有区别;不同于相异;有区别;不同于The strangeness of living in space is apparent from the moment we sleep.Due to the near absence of gravity in space,we have to attach ourselves so that we dont float aro

6、und.We usually sleep in private quarters,which are more like large upboards,or in sleeping bags attached to the walls or the ceiling.absentabsence from class/school In the absence of in my absence1.Due to the near absence of gravity in space,we have to attach ourselves so that we dont float around.(

7、L6)absence U.不存在;缺乏;U./C.缺席 _(adj)完成句子完成句子(1)老师已经把鲍勃经常缺课的情况告知了他的父母。老师已经把鲍勃经常缺课的情况告知了他的父母。The teacher has informed Bobs parents of his frequent_.(2)缺乏责任感,什么工作也完不成。缺乏责任感,什么工作也完不成。_responsibility,no work can be accomplished(3)我不在时许多工作都堆到了一块儿,因此今天我只好加班了。我不在时许多工作都堆到了一块儿,因此今天我只好加班了。Much work piled up_,so

8、I will have to work extra hours today那些上课心不在焉的人很快就会在学科学习上落下,通常如此。那些上课心不在焉的人很快就会在学科学习上落下,通常如此。He was _(专心致志专心致志)in his book,making him _(缺席缺席)the meeting.To tell the truth,I seldom see his _(缺席缺席).As is often the case,those who are absent-minded in class will lag/fall/be left behind in academic study

9、 very soon.absorbedabsent fromabsence【拓展拓展】absent adj.缺席的缺席的,不在的不在的,缺乏的缺乏的present adj.(反义词反义词)出席的出席的be absent from 缺席缺席be present at 出席出席absence from work/school 缺勤缺勤/缺课缺课absence of mind 心不在焉心不在焉in ones absencein the absence of 在某人不在时在某人不在时in the absence of 因缺乏因缺乏summaryDue to the near absence of gr

10、avity in space,we have to attach ourselves so that we dont float around.attach v.附加,附着 ;vt.喜欢、依恋、固定_ n.附件 她的父母都认为教育很重要。In Britain,packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning _ them.A.attach to B.attaching to C.attached to D.to attach toHer parents both attach great importance to educ

11、ation.C attachmentIts strange that we try to sleep with no pressure against our back,but the unusual beds dont bother us any more.After about eight hours of sleep,we start our day of work.1.Its strange that we try to sleep with no pressure against our back,but the unusual beds dont bother us any mor

12、e.(L8)形式主语形式主语主语从句主语从句真正主语真正主语试着背部没有压力入睡是奇怪的,但我们试着背部没有压力入睡是奇怪的,但我们不再为这些特别的床而烦恼了。不再为这些特别的床而烦恼了。2.but the unusual beds dont bother us any more.(L10)bother vt使烦恼,使担心;花费时间精力做某事;打扰使烦恼,使担心;花费时间精力做某事;打扰 vi.花费时间精力做某事花费时间精力做某事 n.麻烦,困难麻烦,困难 bother sb.with sth.使使烦恼烦恼 bother to do/doing sth.费心、费时做费心、费时做 完成句子完成句

13、子(1)今天不要麻烦为我准备晚饭了,我要在外边吃。You dont _ dinner for me today,Ill eat out(2)他总来缠着我,向我借钱,这使我很生气。He is always _ lend him money,which makes me upset(3)那个淘气的男孩向我提了一大堆奇怪的问题,真烦人。The naughty boy _ a great many strange questionsbother to getbothering me tobothered me withThe routine tasks that occupy most of the

14、day are demanding,but they can also be extremely rewarding.Our main mission is to conduct scientific research.We need to evaluate the effects of low gravity on animals and plants.Creatures such as mice,fish and mosquitoes have also been sent to the station!1.The routine tasks that occupy most of the

15、 day are demanding,but they can also be extremely rewarding.(L11)occupy vt.占用,使用;居住;侵占;使忙于占用,使用;居住;侵占;使忙于occupation n.工作,职业;占领工作,职业;占领完成句子(1)公共汽车上所有的座位都有人了。All the seats on the bus _(2)他忙于照看三个孩子。He _three children(3)他既已退休,那如何打发日子呢?How does he _now that hes retired?were occupiedis occupied in looking

16、 afteroccupy himself【拓展拓展】occupy oneself(in)doing sth./with sth.忙于做某事忙于做某事occupied adj.有人使用的;忙于有人使用的;忙于的;被占领的的;被占领的be occupied in doing 忙于做忙于做be occupied with sth.忙于忙于(做做)某事某事occupation,profession,career,joboccupation 泛指任何一种工作,常用于正式文件。泛指任何一种工作,常用于正式文件。profession 需要特别教育和训练的职业,如医生、需要特别教育和训练的职业,如医生、律师、

17、教师等。律师、教师等。career多年甚至终生从事的职业。多年甚至终生从事的职业。job任何有收益的工作,指为雇主工作。任何有收益的工作,指为雇主工作。2.We need to evaluate the effects of low gravity on animals and plants.evaluate vt.to judge how good,useful,or successful something is 评价,评估,评价 evaluation n.评估,估算Fine violins by skilled old Italians can_hundreds of thousands

18、 of dollars,and prices still keep rising.A.withdraw B.fetch C.evaluate D.chargeB【语境应用】完成句子。1)It can be difficult _(evaluate)the effectiveness of different treatments.2)He does this by _(evaluate)the strength of the evidence for each category.3)We need to carry out a proper _(evaluate)of the new syst

19、em.to evaluate evaluatingevaluationIn a low-gravity environment,we can learn more about changes in cells and microorganisms under the microscope.As well as doing these biological experiments,we carry out experiments in other research fields.I have been working on one experiment which locates and tra

20、cks lightning over large regions of the Earth.Hopefully,it will cast new light on the Earths climate and lead to better lightning protection.With so much going on,the space station needs a lot of maintenance,so we constantly check support systems and do some cleaning.1.Hopefully,it will cast new lig

21、ht on the Earths climate and lead to better lightning protection.cast new light on:使进一步了解使进一步了解 eg Human genome(人类基因组人类基因组)research is casting new light on Alzheimers disease.(翻译翻译)人类基因组研究正进一步了解阿尔兹海默症。人类基因组研究正进一步了解阿尔兹海默症。Recent research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.最近的研究可以使人进一步了解导

22、致这种疾病的原因。最近的研究可以使人进一步了解导致这种疾病的原因。His words cast new light on the problem.他的话使人们对这个问题有了新的认识。他的话使人们对这个问题有了新的认识。【拓展】bring sth to light 揭露;披露;暴露;揭发cast/shed/throw light on sth 使(问题等)较容易理解come to light 为人所知;变得众所周知;暴露bring to light 揭露;发现;公开in(the)light of sth 根据、按照2.With so much going on,the space station

23、 needs a lot of maintenance,so we constantly check support systems and do some cleaning.(L18)go on 发生,继续maintenance n.维护,保养;维持maintain v.保养;维持译文:译文:空间站发生那么多事情,需要大量的维护,所以我们经 常检查空间站的支撑系统,并做一些清洁工作。with+名词/代词+非谓语1.With so much homework _(do),I wasnt permitted to watch TV.2.With homework _(do),I was perm

24、itted to watch TV freely.3.With my little brother _(play)around,I cant focus on my work.to dodoneplayingThe most challenging work takes place when we need to perform tasks outsite the space station such as testing new equipment,monitoring scientific experiments or repairing the space station.In the

25、circumstances,its time for a spacewalks.1.In the circumstances,its time for a spacewalk.circumstance n.the conditions in which you live,especially how much money you have 条件,状况 circumstances 境况,(尤指)经济状况 in the circumstances 在这种情况下,既然如此 _ any circumstance 在任何情况下 _ the circumstances 在这种情况下 in/under no

26、 circumstances 决不;无论如何都不inunder/in在任何情况下,坚持原则、明辨是非都是明智的行为。在任何情况下,坚持原则、明辨是非都是明智的行为。It makes sense in any circumstance to hold on to principle and distinguish right from wrong.circumstance,environment,surroundingcircumstance常用复数,指和某行动或某件事有关的客观环境和条件,如时间、地点等;environment一般用单数,不用复数,指某人或某物周围的,并对人或物有影响的环境、条

27、件,可以指精神的(如注重道德的环境),也可指物质的(如工作环境),还可以指自然环境(如空气、水、土等),或指人为的环境条件(如经济环境);surrounding只用复数,指某人周围的事物或环境,这些事物与环境对他的思想、感情、修养有一定影响。First we put on our spacesuits,which allow us to breathe in space and protect us from exposure to the cold and radiation.Then we heat out,and sometimes perform tasks for hours at

28、a time,with the beautiftul Earth visible below.1.which allow us to breathe in space and protect us from exposure to the cold and radiation.exposure n.面临,遭受;揭露;报道expose v.暴露,露出;揭露;使遭受;使接触;曝光exposed adj.无遮蔽的;易受攻击的;风险高的夏天你最好不要让皮肤暴露在太阳下。(expose)Youd better not expose your skin to the sun in summer.老师们应该

29、让学生尽可能多地接触真实的生活环境.Teachers should _ as many real life situations as possible.expose students to 2.Then we head out,and sometimes perform tasks for hours at a time,with the beautiful Earth visible below.visible adj.something that is visible can be seen;an effect that is visible is great enough to be

30、noticed 看得见的;明显的 invisible adj.看不见的 visibly adv.明显地 eg The outline of the mountains was clearly visible.The house was surrounded by trees and invisible from the road.(翻译)群山的轮廓清晰可见。这所房子树木环绕,从路上是看不见的。is spacewalking is not as exciting you might think.Its probably the most dangerous work,with potential

31、 risks such as electrie shocks.Thats why every spacewalk is carefully planned.1.Splendid as the view of the Earth is,spacewalking is not as exciting as you might think.(L28)as 引导的让步状语从句,=though the view of the Earth is splendid Strong as you may be,you cannot lift the box.Student as he is,he does no

32、t study hard.Try as you will,you wont be able to persuade him.Much as I admire his courage,I dont think he acted wisely.as 在引导让步状语从句时,意为在引导让步状语从句时,意为“虽然,尽管虽然,尽管”,通常将,通常将形容词形容词、副词副词、名词名词或或动词动词等置于句首。等置于句首。asas像一样,同一样 改写:Though you may be strong,you cannot lift the box.Though he is a child,he knows a l

33、ot about history.Strong as/though you may be,you cannot lift the box.Child as/though he is,he knows a lot about history.In view of the low-gravity environment,eating is also different in space.Most food is dried or freeze-dried.Its a luxury to eat fresh food,because fresh produce such as fruit and v

34、egetables can only be delivered to the space station from the Earth every couple of months.1.In view of the low-gravity environment,eating is also different in space.(L31)鉴于低重力环境,在太空吃东西也不一样。鉴于低重力环境,在太空吃东西也不一样。in view of/considering sth/given sth鉴于;考虑到;由于鉴于;考虑到;由于 In view of the weather,the event wil

35、l now be held indoors.考虑到天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内进行。in viewin view 在视野范围内;在考虑中的;作为目标point of viewpoint of view 观点;见地;立场in the view ofin the view of 按照的观点in my viewin my view 在我看来;我认为come into viewcome into view 看得见,进入视野Salt and pepper are only in liquid form,so that they will not float away and block the air

36、pipes.However,liquids cant be easily controlled in space.We must drink water or any other liquids out of a bag through a thin tube of plastic.Furthermore,to keep our body healthy,we must ensure a balanced supply of nutrients by taking pills.1.Furthermore,to keep our body healthy,we must ensure a bal

37、anced supply of nutrients by taking pills.ensure v.确保,保证ensure sb.sth.确保某人得到.ensure+thatThe medicine should ensure you a good nights sleep.Our new research strategy ensures that we get the best possible results.Spending some time in the gym is of vital importance to astronauts health.Did you know th

38、at in just five months,astronauts could lose a significant amount of muscle and bone mass?1.Spending some time in the gym is of vital importance to astronauts health.(L39)be of+名词(importance/significance/help/value/use)=be+adj(important/significant/helpful/valuable/useful)Reading is of vital importa

39、nce in language learning.be of vital importance 至关重要译文:花些时间在健身房锻炼对宇航员的健康至关重要。e.g.阅读在语言学习中至关重要。Reading is vitally important in language learning.【拓展拓展】be vital to/for 对是至关重要的 be of vital importance 至关重要 Its vital to do sth.做某事很重要 Its vital that (should)do 是十分重要的(虚拟语气)play a vital role in 在中起极其重要的作用Co

40、nsidering these negative effects low gravity has on the human body,we discipline ourselves to do at least two hours of exercise every day.Exercise in space is not your average workout.We have to be tied onto specially designed exercise equipment to stop ourselves from floating around.1.Considering t

41、hese negative effects low gravity has on the human body,we discipline ourselves to do at least two hours of exercise every day.(L42)考虑到低重力对于人体的这些负面影响,我们严格要求自己每考虑到低重力对于人体的这些负面影响,我们严格要求自己每天至少运动两个小时天至少运动两个小时。1.He disciplined himself to exercise at least 2 hours a day.2.This is a good way to discipline

42、your kid.3.He keeps good discipline in class.discipline v.v.严格要求自己;惩罚严格要求自己;惩罚;训练训练n.n.训练,纪律,行为准则,自制力训练,纪律,行为准则,自制力严格要求自己训练,管教纪律During our leisure time,to sit back with the rest of the crew and watch our remarkable planet go by,taking pictures for our family and friends back home.1.During our leisur

43、e time,theres nothing we like more than to sit back with the restof the crew and watch our remarkable planet go by,taking pictures for our family and friends back home.Theres nothing we like more than.意为意为“我们最喜欢我们最喜欢的是的是”。类似的结构还有。类似的结构还有 theres nothing I like less than.,意为,意为“我最不喜欢的是我最不喜欢的是”。On a ho

44、t day theres nothing I like more than a cold orange juice.我觉得,大热天没有比来杯橘子汁更过瘾的了。我觉得,大热天没有比来杯橘子汁更过瘾的了。There is nothing I like less than lying.我最不喜欢的就是撒谎。我最不喜欢的就是撒谎。闲暇;空闲闲暇;空闲V-ing作伴随状语作伴随状语 watch后跟不带后跟不带to的不定式作宾补的不定式作宾补 在空闲时间,我们最喜欢做的事就是和其在空闲时间,我们最喜欢做的事就是和其他工作人员一起舒服地坐下来,看着我们他工作人员一起舒服地坐下来,看着我们非凡的星球从身边经过

45、,拍点照片给地球非凡的星球从身边经过,拍点照片给地球上的家人和朋友看。上的家人和朋友看。走过走过,经过经过As the space station travels at a speed of about 17,500 miles per hour,we get to see the sunrise every 90 minutes.In these precious moments,all the challenges of life in space seem worth it.1.1.太空探索历史上令人激动人心的突太空探索历史上令人激动人心的突破破(p15)(p15)2.2.每个准宇航员的

46、梦想每个准宇航员的梦想(L1)(L1)3.3.结束,终结结束,终结(L2)(L2)4.4.由于几乎没有重力由于几乎没有重力(L6(L6)5.5.附在墙上的睡袋附在墙上的睡袋(L8)(L8)6.6.实施科学研究实施科学研究(L12)(L12)7.7.做生物实验做生物实验(L17)(L17)8.8.从事从事.(L17).(L17)9.9.定位和追踪闪电定位和追踪闪电(L18)(L18)10.10.使进一步了解使进一步了解(L19)(L19)1.breakthroughs in the history of space exploration2.every would-be astronauts e

47、 to an end4.due to the near absence of gravity5.sleeping bags attached to the walls6.conduct scientific research7.carry out/perform biological experiments8.work on(doing)sth9.locate and track lightning10.cast/throw/shed new light on.11.11.在太空站外执行任务在太空站外执行任务(L22)(L22)12.12.在这种情况下在这种情况下(L24)(L24)13.13

48、.保护我们免受寒冷和辐射的伤害保护我们免受寒冷和辐射的伤害(L26)(L26)14.14.电击电击(L29)(L29)15.15.鉴于,考虑到鉴于,考虑到(L31)(L31)16.16.新鲜农产品新鲜农产品(L32)(L32)17.17.确保营养物质的平衡供应确保营养物质的平衡供应(L37)(L37)18.18.对对.至关重要至关重要(L39)(L39)19.19.严格要求自己做某事严格要求自己做某事(L42)(L42)20.20.在我们空闲时间在我们空闲时间(L45)(L45)21.21.休息休息(L45)(L45)11.perform tasks outside the space sta

49、tion12.in/under the circumstances13.protect us from exposure to cold and radiation14.electric shock15.in view of/considering/given.16.fresh produce17.ensure a balanced supply of nutrients18.be of vital importance19.discipline oneself to do sth20.during our leisure time21.sit back I.Fill in the blank

50、s with the correct forms of the word or phrases in the box below.occupy come to an end differ from in the circumstances cast new light on1.The English corner did not _ until about ten oclock last night.2.These discoveries may _ the origins of the universe.3._ he felt hed been very restrained(克制的).4.


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