(新高考)高考英语完形填空解题10大技法 学案(实用!).docx

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1、【新高考】高考英语完形填空解题10大技法 学案技法一重首句,易入题完形填空的题眼往往出现在文章的开头。通过把握首句,可以确定文章的主题、背景、人物、时间、地点、事件等,从而把握文章的发展方向,达到顺利“入题”的目的。本文第一句交代了故事的主人公“我丈夫、我们的孩子和我”和事件“我们精彩的野营经历”,由此可推知下文可能要讲述主人公野营的经历。技法二寻复现,找答案完形填空选项的设置,命题人往往通过原词复现、同义词复现、近义词复现、同源词复现、反义词复现、上下词复现等方式重现已经出现过的词汇。做题时,在把握语篇、透析语境的前提下,应留心选项中是否有与上下文相对应的词汇,运用词汇复现技巧快速锁定答案。

2、常见的词汇复现方式如下:(1)原词复现在上下文中同一词汇重复出现一个单词在一个语义场中以同样的词形反复出现,有时兼有词形变化。如上文中出现的transport与下文中的transportation可以看成原词复现。真题体验1(2020全国)I hate lying to the kids.One day theyll 47.wake up and discover that everything theyve always known about windows is a 48 .I wonder if 49.parents should always tell the truth no ma

3、tter the 50.consequences.I have a very strong 51.fear that the lie were telling is doing.48A.dream BLieCfantasy Dfact答案B解析根据本段第一句中的lying以及下一段第二句中的the lie可知,此处应填lie(谎言)。(2)同根词复现词形变化的词汇复现真题体验2(2021全国乙)Simply saying thank you doesnt seem enough in certain situations.I was considering this while working

4、 as a 41 just a few weeks ago.And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different 42.grades of gratitude(感谢).She was 49 for everything that the medical and nursing team had done for her.On her day of discharge,we shared in her 50.delight at her recove

5、ry.As she was 51.leaving she was eager to say 52.goodbye to each of us in the nursing team.41A.cleaner BChemistCnurse Ddoctor答案C解析cleaner清洁工;chemist化学家,药剂师;nurse护士;doctor医生。根据下文“she was eager to say goodbye to each of us in the nursing team”可推断,作者是一名护士(nurse)。nursing与nurse是同根词复现。49A.grateful BThough

6、tfulCsorrowful Dfearful答案A解析grateful感激的;thoughtful周到的,体贴的;sorrowful悲伤的;fearful担心的,害怕的。依据第一段最后一句中的“gratitude(感谢)”和下文中她的行为可推知,她感激医护人员为她做的一切。grateful与gratitude是同根词复现。(3)同/近义词复现意思相同、相近的表达方式或者解释性的词汇复现真题体验3(2021天津3月)He 23.offered to fix bikes free of charge for anyone who needed it.He also asked for unwan

7、ted bikes,which he would repair again 24 .24A.by accident Bin advance Cfor free Don credit答案C解析by accident偶然;in advance提前;for free免费;on credit赊账。上文提到他主动提出为有需要的人免费修自行车,根据空前的again及语境可知,此处指他再次免费修废弃的自行车。free of charge与for free是同义词复现。(4)反义词复现意思相反或对比性解释的词汇复现真题体验4 (2022新高考全国)She and her husband have spent

8、the last two years traveling the world,stopping everywhere from Paris to Singapore.It might sound like one long,expensive 42.vacation,but the couple has an unusual way to make their travel 43 .43A.safe BBusyChelpful Daffordable答案D解析safe安全的;busy繁忙的;helpful有帮助的;affordable负担得起的。由but可知,此处与上文中的expensive(

9、昂贵的)构成反义关系,也就是“便宜的”或“负担得起的”。(5)上下词复现总括与分述的词汇复现真题体验5(2020全国)Since our twins began learning to walk.I hate lying to the kids.I wonder if 49 should always tell the truth no matter the 50.consequences.I have a very strong 51.fear that the lie were telling is doing 52.spiritual damage to our children.49A

10、.parents BTwinsCcolleagues Dteachers答案A解析根据上文中提到的our twins,the kids以及下文中的our children可知,此处是指父母(parents)。技法三看语境,辨词义语境就是指文章的上下文,着重考查考生根据上下文提供的信息进行分析、推理、判断的能力。考生要通过上下文的提示或暗示,对文章进行整体把握。因此,在做题时要有全局观念,开头的题目要从下文找答案,中间或最后的题目要从上下文查找信息,即使考查词组,也是在理解语境前提下的词义复现。近几年的高考真题更侧重于考生对具体语境的把握,尤其是对整篇文章语义的理解能力。所设选项中,三个干扰项不

11、一定是错误的,而是不符合所在语篇语言环境的特点,因此突出了语境化和整体性,主要涉及时间、地点、方向、情感、动作等。本文第41、43、44、45、47、50、52题是通过分析上下文语境得知答案的。(1)根据上文提示真题体验1(2022全国乙)However,we all witness that preschool children are remarkably 42.bad at hiding.They often cover only their eyes with their hands,leaving the rest of their bodies 43 .43A.exposed BE

12、xaminedCuntouched Dimbalanced答案A解析exposed无遮蔽的;examined已检查过的;untouched未受影响的;imbalanced失衡的。根据上文语境可知,儿童只是用手遮住了眼睛,身体的其余部分无遮蔽,是暴露在外的。(2)根据下文提示真题体验2(2022新高考全国)The couple has a high 51 rate in getting accepted as house sitters and they always go beyond the homeowners 52.expectations.For Jessica,that means

13、53.sending plenty of pictures of happy pets,keeping the house 54.clean and leaving a nice small gift before heading to the next house.“You want to make the homeowner feel that they made the right 55.decision,” she says.51A.success BSurvivalCgrowth Dunemployment答案A解析success成功;survival幸存;growth成长;unem

14、ployment失业。根据语境,尤其是后面的 “.in getting accepted as house sitters and they always go beyond the homeowners 52.expectations”所表达的语气,可推测这对夫妇被接受为看房人的成功率很高。技法四析逻辑,索答案语篇是由一些意义相关的句子根据一定的逻辑关系组织起来的语义整体。逻辑关系隐藏在句子中、句与句之间以及段落的衔接中,体现作者的写作思路和篇章意义,是贯穿整篇文章的主线。完形填空中的任何一道题该选哪个选项,在文中必有依据。因此,解答完形填空最基本的方法就是根据空格前后所提供的信息或上下文之

15、间的逻辑关系,由已知部分推断出未知部分,做出符合逻辑的判断。本文第10题可根据对立关系解题。下面是完形填空中主要考查的七大逻辑关系:(1)对立关系对立关系包括让步、对比和转折关系,常见的标志词和短语有:but,however,yet(然而,但是),on the contrary(相反),by contrast(相比之下),unfortunately,although,even though,while(虽然;然而),nevertheless(然而,不过),whereas(然而),in spite of(尽管),regardless of(不管,不顾),anyhow,after all(毕竟),

16、instead of(而不是),rather than(而不是),not.but.,otherwise(否则),or else,to the opposite(对立面),compared with等。真题体验1(2022全国乙)For a long time,this ineffective hiding method was 44.interpreted as evidence that children are hopelessly “egocentric”(自我中心的) creatures.But our 45.surprising research results in child d

17、evelopmental psychology 46 that idea.46A.explained BConfirmedCcontradicted Dtested答案C解析explain解释;confirm证实;contradict相矛盾;test测试。根据前面的转折词But可知,研究结果与之前的观点相矛盾。真题体验2(2017江苏).He swore to himself to 39.avoid music,as he hated getting to school extra early. 40 ,one day,in the music class that was 41.part o

18、f his schools standard curriculum,he was playing idly(随意地) on the piano and found it 42.easy to pick out tunes.40A.Therefore BHoweverCThus DMoreover答案B解析本空应用过渡词,后文提到他在随意地弹钢琴(playing idly on the piano),由此可知他开始接触乐器了,与上文构成语意上的转折关系,因此选however“可是”。therefore和thus表示因果关系;moreover表示递进关系。(2)并列和递进关系并列和递进关系常用的标

19、志词和短语有:and,even,or,neither.nor.,not only.but (also).,similarly等。真题体验3(2019北京)The students who hes 15.driven have gone on to become physicians,teachers and engineers,but what theyve also got out of their time in school is finding a role model and a friend in Wilson.Some students 16 call him “Grandpa”

20、16A.even BEverConce Dalready答案A解析根据语境,此处表示这些大学生视威尔逊为楷模和朋友,甚至(even)亲切地叫他“爷爷”。真题体验4(2022全国甲)A year later,much to my 58.delight,this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me.He did not kneel(跪) down,nor did I 59 him to.Thats only for giving 60.water to the dogs that brought us together.

21、59A.beg BTrustCneed Daid答案C解析beg乞求;trust信任;need需要;aid帮助。由下文“Thats only for giving 60.water to the dogs”可知,之前史蒂夫给作者的爱犬喂水这一举动就足以拉近他们两人的关系,因此作者也不需要他下跪。此处nor表示递进关系,意为“也不”。(3)目的和因果关系目的和因果关系常用的标志词和短语有:because,for,since,as(因为),thus(因此),hence(因此),therefore,so,so.that,such.that,in order that,in case,conseque

22、ntly(因此),accordingly,due to,thanks to,on account of(由于,因为),because of,seeing that(由于,因为),in that(因为),now that,as a result,for this reason等。真题体验5(2021浙江)My mother was so 51.touched by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier(收银员) a five-dollar bill to keep on hand 52

23、the same happened to someone else if they didnt have enough 53.money for all of their groceries.52A.in case Beven ifCas though Dso that答案A解析in case以防万一;even if即使;as though好像;so that以便。根据语境可知,受到陌生女士的启发,作者的母亲决定在收银台放5美元,以防别人也遇到类似的情况。(4)条件关系条件关系常用的标志词和短语有:if,unless,whether,supposing,on condition that,pr

24、ovided that,depending on等。经典体验6As you mark off another “Earth Day” in your calendars,content that for at least 24 hours I remained in your thoughts,I wanted to remind you that I am sick.Im frightened that 1 I cant soon receive the appropriate medicine and care I need,my illness will become terminal

25、beyond all cures.1A.when BThoughCif Dunless答案C解析句意:我担心如果我不能很快地得到我所需要的适当的药物和护理,我的病就会变成不治之症。if引导条件状语从句。(5)时间关系时间关系常用的标志词和短语有:before,since,as(随着),until,meanwhile,at the moment,when,whenever,as soon as等。真题体验7(2020江苏)For him,it was one thing to 49.accept his own fate of being blind and quite another to a

26、llow something to continue 50 it could be fixed so easily.This moved him to action.50A.until BWhenCunless Dbefore答案B解析根据下文“This moved him to action.”可知,对他来说在可以如此容易解决的情况下,让事情继续下去完全是另一回事。when“当的时候”,符合此处语境。(6)层次和顺序关系层次和顺序关系常用的标志词和短语有:besides,finally,first,firstly,further,eventually,in the first place,l

27、ast,next,second,secondly,third,thirdly,to begin with,to start with,on the one hand.on the other (hand).等。真题体验8(2018江苏) 49 ,the couple found that their bodies turned for the better,with re-found strong muscles that they thought had 50.lost forever.49A.Initially BEventuallyCTemporarily DConsequently答案

28、B解析最后(eventually),夫妻俩发现他们的身体都有所好转。initially最初;temporarily临时地;consequently因此,所以。(7)例证关系例证关系常用的标志词和短语有:all in all,altogether,in brief,in sum,in conclusion,in short,in summary,on the whole,to sum up,to summarize,as a proof,as an example,for example,for instance,to name but a few,in particular,just as,n

29、amely,such as,that is,as to,say等。经典体验9“I hope this method would be put into practice in the near future, 1 in the next 10 years,” he says.1A.imagine BSayCsuppose Dconsider答案B解析say在此处用作举例,意为“譬如,比方说”。技法五据搭配,知答案完形填空中,有时会涉及短语,以动词短语为主,偶见介词短语等。解题时,可以通过仔细观察和回忆所学知识,进行有效推断,选择正确答案。本文第13题便是依据搭配确定答案的。真题体验(2022新

30、高考全国)I was 43.worried that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek(小溪)I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot.That lasted about ten minutes.He was 44. uncomfortable,and his crying let the whole campground know it.So 45 tying him up,I just kept a close eye on him.It 46.work

31、edhe didnt end up in the creek.My three-year-old,however,did.Another time,we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake.The sky was clear when we 47 ,but storms move in fast in the mountains,and this one quickly 48. interrupted our peaceful morning trip.45A.due to Binstead ofCapart from Das for答案B解析due to由于;in

32、stead of代替,而不是;apart from除了;as for至于。根据上文“He was 44.uncomfortable,and his crying let the whole campground know it.”以及下文“I just kept a close eye on him”可推知,此处指孩子被绑上绳子后感觉不舒服,所以作者放弃在他身上绑绳子,而是密切关注着他。47A.signed up Bcalmed downCchecked out Dheaded off答案D解析sign up注册,报名;calm down冷静下来;check out退房;head off启程,

33、出发。根据上文“The sky was clear”以及下文“but storms move in fast in the mountains”可推知,此处指天气突然变化,出发时天气还很晴朗。技法六重平行,觅逻辑文章中的意群总是通过一定的逻辑关系连在一起,特别是并列平行的结构。这些结构要么通过标点符号体现,要么通过并列连词连接。一般来说,这些平行结构所表达的语境是一致的,考生解题时要特别注意这一点。真题体验(2020全国)One day theyll 47 and discover that everything theyve always known about windows is a 4

34、8.lie.47A.win out Bgive upCwake up Dstand out答案C解析根据空格后的discover可知,此处表示总有一天孩子们会醒悟过来(wake up)。设空处和discover是and连接的两个并列谓语。win out终于成功;give up放弃;stand out突出,显眼。技法七依常识,定答案完形填空的语篇中往往渗透着诸如文化科学、历史地理、风俗民情等方面的知识。考生在做题时,若能积极地调动自己掌握的生活常识和文化背景知识,巧妙地加以运用,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,从而轻松地做出正确判断。(1)生活常识真题体验1(2019全国)Ab

35、ove 4,000 meters is the highland 57 :gravel(砾石),stones and rocks.58.Finally you climb into an arctic-like zone with 59 snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.57A.village BDesertCroad Dlake答案B解析根据空后的“gravel(砾石),stones and rocks”可知,海拔4 000米以上是高原沙漠:砾石、石头和岩石。village村庄;desert沙漠;road道路;lake湖泊。59A.p

36、ermanent BLittleCfresh Dartificial答案A解析最后你会爬进一个像北极一样的地带,那里终年积雪,冰川可能很快就会消失。permanent永久的,永恒的;little小的;fresh新鲜的;artificial人造的,人工的。真题体验2(2021全国乙)One afternoon,while 45.attempting to get into bed she collapsed(倒下) from what was 46.eventually discovered to be a heart attack.The collapse was disastrous, 47

37、 the emergency medical team and good teamwork.47A.assessing BRequiringCforming Dproving答案B解析assess评估;require要求,需要;form形成;prove证明。病人跌倒需要救治是生活常识。(2)文化背景真题体验3(天津)Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to 16.speak.Now she was Portia,a strong-willed 17 in Shakespeares The Merchant

38、 of Venice.The theatre was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced,the words flowing 18.smoothly from her.17A.member BActressCplayer Dcharacter答案D解析表示小说或戏剧中的“人物”或“角色”,用character。故选D。技法八破难句,解句意完形填空的文章中会出现一些长句或难句,而它们往往会影响一些答案的选择。这时就要在理解上下文逻辑关系的基础上有针对性地对句子结构、句子

39、特点进行分析,准确理解句意,明确所填选项在句中的语法功能,从而做出正确判断。第1、4、14题便是长难句。真题体验(2021天津3月)For Pruitt,a keen bicyclist,the first thing to do was 19.replace his stolen bike.But when he went bike shopping,he found few available,which got him thinking:What if the 20 of bikes was COVID-19 related,and what if the person whod tak

40、en his bike really needed 21 to get to work?20A.lack BVarietyCincrease Dquality答案A解析lack缺乏;variety多样性;increase增加;quality质量。句意:但当他去买自行车时,发现几乎没有自行车,这让他想到:如果缺少自行车与COVID-19有关,如果骑他的自行车的人真的需要交通工具去上班呢?根据上文“he found few available”可知,商店里缺少自行车。21A.instruction BQualificationCtransportation Dpermission答案C解析inst

41、ruction指令;qualification资格;transportation交通工具;permission允许。根据前后文“needed.to get to work”可知,Pruitt猜测偷自己自行车的人是因为确实需要交通工具去上班。技法九巧排除,降难度在掌握文章大意和细节的前提下,考生可以通过试填试题中的选项选出最吻合语境、最衔接语义的选项,这种解题方法被称为“排除错项”。真题体验(2020浙江7月).the tractor heading towards the 44.motorway.I ran desperately but failed to 45 .It crashed th

42、rough a wooden fence and disappeared.45A.take off Bcatch upChold back Dget out答案B解析根据上文的“ran desperately”和下文的“拖拉机冲过一个木栅栏然后就不见了”可知,作者没能追上(catch up)它。take off起飞;hold back抑制;get out出去。技法十由熟词,知生义 一词多义和熟词生义是近几年高考不断出现的词汇活用现象。备考时应注意单词本义以及根据词根推断单词生僻意义。本文第14题deal熟义是“大量”,此处考查生义a big deal“重要的事情”。真题体验1(2022新高考全

43、国)So 45. instead of tying him up,I just kept a close eye on him.It 46 he didnt end up in the creek.My three-year-old,however,did.46A.worked BHappenedCmattered Dchanged答案A解析work起作用;happen发生;matter事关紧要;change改变。根据下文“he didnt end up in the creek”可推知,此处指作者的办法起作用了,15个月大的孩子没有掉进小溪里。work熟义为“工作”,此处为生义“起作用,奏效

44、”。真题体验2(2022浙江1月)Ms Burdeyney 53 that she was hoping to do more for the research project.“I just want to bring 54. light into peoples eyes and this is just the 55.beginning.There is still a long way to go.”53A.commented BLearnedCreminded Dadded答案D解析comment 评论;learn学习;remind提醒;add补充说。前句为她说的话,后面又继续说,即

45、为补充说。add熟义为“增加”,此处为生义“补充说”。(2022广东茂名二模)Its often the simple things in life that make the most significant impact on us.It was late one afternoon in mid-September.My three-month-old son was napping in his 1 .As I wandered through our living room,I happened to 2 my balcony window.Puddles(水坑) had 3 on

46、the ground and the rain had slowed.Down below 4 a boy of about four.Filled with a mixture of fascination and happiness,he stomped (踩) through the puddle,mud and 5 flying.He walked,stomped,splashed through that puddle 6 ,happily enjoying what mother nature had left for him.Not more than ten feet away stood his mother.She didnt scold him. 7 ,she watched with a pleasant smile on her face and stood 8 .As for me,it was a(n) 9 moment tha


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