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1、八下书面表达(话题作文)归纳末复习10篇第一篇假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Daniel计划今年暑假来中国度假,他向你了解中国城市和农村生活的情况,以便选择度假地点,请参考提供的关键词,给他写一封邮件。要求:1)中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰;2)词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。城市生活: apartment, go out for a walk, join different clubs农村生活: house with a large yard, grow rice and vegetables, do farming workDear Daniel, Im very happy t

2、hat you are coming to China to spend your summer holiday. There are some similarities and differences between city life and country life._ I am looking forward to meeting you!Best wishes!Li Hua第二篇暑假即将到来,学校给同学们安排了丰富多彩的志愿者活动。假设你是Li Hua,请从表格中选择至少两项志愿者活动,并给你的美国笔友Eric写一封邮件,告诉他你选择的活动以及理由。Volunteer WorkRea

3、sons1. save the homeless animals2.help kids in a summer camp3. be a guide at a museum1.love animals2. like staying with Kids, 3. be interested in history, .注意:1)内容必须包括所选活动的相关信息,并作适当发挥;2)词数;80词左右。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数。Dear Eric,How is everything going? Summer vacation is coming, and Im planning to do som

4、e volunteer work._I cant wait to know about you vacation plan. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua第三篇假定你是李华,校园英文报正在开展以My Hobby为主题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文向该报投稿,稿件内容包括: 1)你的兴趣爱好是什么;2)你是如何培养你的兴趣的;3)你从中收获了什么。提示词:encourage; interest; share; joy注意:1)短文须包含所有提示要点,并适当增加细节;2)词数:100左右;提示词仅供参考_第四篇学期即将结束,你校

5、英语校报举行“我的期末小结”征文比赛,旨在总结自己在学习、生活、友谊方面的收获或改变,请你选择其中两个方面写一篇100词左右的短文并投稿。How time flies! This term is drawing to an end. _第五篇今天是周六,可是妈妈患了重感冒,还要上班。为了帮妈妈减轻负担,你帮妈妈做了一些家务。请你根据以下内容,写一篇英文日记来叙述你今天所做的事情。TimeThingsin the morningtake her to the hospital sweep the floorin the afternoontake the dog for a walk help

6、with shoppingApril 10th SaturdayToday is a fine day, _第六篇假设你是李明,你的美国笔友Julia给你发来电子邮件,诉说她遇到的问题并向你求助,请阅读她的邮件,然后给她回一封电子邮件,词数80左右。文中不得出现真实校名和姓名。Dear Li Ming,Hows everything going with you? I have a problem that troubles me recently. I got into a fight with my best friend Cindy and we havent talked to eac

7、h other for almost a week. I feel really terrible but I dont know what to do. Also, I feel it is easy for me to get angry. What will you do to control your anger and stop fighting? Could you please give me some advice?Yours, JuliaDear Julia,_Yours,Li Ming第七篇学校将举行 How Can We Be a Better Person?的英语征文比

8、赛, 请完成以下问卷后写一篇英语,投稿参赛。注意:1)词数80-100词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2)请根据问卷内容进行介绍,可适当发挥。(问卷中三个方面的内容都必须涉及)How Can We Be a Better Person?Make ourselves betterget better grades, read more books, othersImprove the relationswith parents, with classmates, othersDo something meaningfulvolunteer to help people in need, prote

9、ct endangered animals, others We go to school every day to become a better person. So how can we become powerful and start changes in our own life? Here are my opinions. _ 第八篇目前,很多中学生都感到学习任务重、精神压力大,而丰富多彩的业余活动有利于开拓视野、调节身心、提高学习效率。请根据以下要点及要求,以My free time为题,写一篇英语短文谈谈你的业余活动和体会。要点1)你平时都参加哪些活动;(不少于三项活动)2)

10、你为什么对这些活动感兴趣;3)你对业余活动的感想或建议。要求1)包含所有要点,可作适当发挥;2)条理清楚,语句通顺;3)80词左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。My free timeIm a middle school student. Though I have been busy with my schoolwork, my free time is still colorful. _第九篇你和同学们参加了学校组织的为期两天的野营活动。活动结束后英语老师要求同学们写一篇英语短文,记录在此次活动中令你们难忘的经历。请你根据下面的提示,完成短文。提示:1)What happened? 2)

11、What was the result?3)Why do you think it was unforgettable(难忘的)?要求:1)语句通顺,符合逻辑,可适当发挥; 2)不少于70词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Our school went camping the day before yesterday. _第十篇自行车是一种很普通又十分便利的交通工具,人们在上下班和郊游时都经常用到它。并且骑车能锻炼身体,不污染环境;自行车很容易停放。请你以 Why Not Ride a Bike?为题,写一篇70词左右的短文Why Not Ride a Bike?_Keys第一篇Dear Dan

12、iel, Im very happy that you are coming to China to spend your summer holiday. There are some similarities and differences between city life and country life. In the city people live in apartments. They love to go out for a walk in the park and join different clubs after work. In the country people l

13、ive in their houses with a large yard. They grow rice and vegetables and talk happily when doing farming work. As for me, I like living in the country because the air is fresher. I can help my parents feed animals. I can live in a big house with a yard. My family can sit together and talk in the yar

14、d. I am looking forward to meeting you!Best wishes!Li Hua第二篇Dear Mike, How is everything going? Summer vacation is coming, and Im planning to do some volunteer work.Being an animal lover, I will first volunteer to help save the homeless animals. When taking good care of them and seeing them becoming

15、 better, I can get a strong feeling of satisfaction. I also decide to help in a summer camp for kids because I really enjoy staying with them. l like to play games with them and tell stories to them. When I see the joy on their faces, I will surely feel relaxed and proud.l cant wait to know about yo

16、ur vacation plan. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li HuaAn Optional version (choosing to volunteer in a museum):Being a history fan, I (also) hope to be a guide at a history museum (if I have enough time).l believe the experience can not only help me learn more from the past, but open my e

17、yes when looking at the present and future.第三篇My hobby is reading. I remember it was five years ago that I became interested in reading. At that time, I joined a reading club online. I was glad to find there were so many books for me to read. My teacher encouraged me to read different kinds of books

18、, and then share my feelings with other readers. I found great fun sharing ideas. Ever since then, reading has been my hobby. Now books are my best friends. Reading always makes me relaxed and it has brought me a lot of joy. I believe that more people will love reading in the future.第四篇How time flie

19、s! This term is drawing to an end. I have changed a lot. First of all, I have made great progress in English. Thanks to my English teacher, I changed my ways to learn so that my English has improved a lot. I even got the first prize in the English-Speaking Competition. My parents and teachers are ex

20、cited about the progress Ive made and they are proud of me. Meanwhile, I have made more friends in school. I was a quiet girl in the past, but after I got the first prize in the competition, I become more confident. I always smile to others now, I take an active part in other activities as well. I t

21、hink I will spare no effort to be better next term.第五篇April 10th Saturday Today is a fine day, but my mom had a bad cold and still had to go to work. So I decided to take her to the hospital in the morning. After that, she went to work. I also helped her do some chores. I swept the floor and took ou

22、t the rubbish. In the afternoon, I took the dog for a walk. Then I went to the supermarket and bought some vegetables. Although I was a little tired, I felt happy to do something helpful for my mom.第七篇We go to school every day to become a better person. So how can we become powerful and start change

23、s in our own life? Here are my opinions. First, we should make ourselves better. We should work harder to get better grades and read more books to open up our minds. I have already read a lot of classics and Im going to read more during this summer vacation. Second, we should improve the relations w

24、ith our parents. We can share the housework to make them happy and talk to them if we have problems. Third, we should do something meaningful. We can volunteer to help people in need. We can also take part in protecting the endangered animals and the environment. All of these can help us be a better

25、 person. We should take action right now!第八篇My free time Im a middle school student. Though I have been busy with my schoolwork, my free time is still colorful. When Im free, I often read interesting books. Sometimes I play exciting on-line games or go to watch the latest movie with my friends. I th

26、ink all these activities can give me a lot of fun. At the same time, they help improve my mind and make me think well when I go back to study. In a word, free time activities help one get out of too much pressure and relax. So when you feel tired and stressed, try to enjoy your free time.第九篇Our scho

27、ol went camping the day before yesterday. I prepared enough food and put it in a big bag before leaving. However, when I arrived at the camp center, I found I forgot to take my bag. I was sad and worried. I didnt know what to do if I got hungry during the camp. Luckily, some of my friends shared the

28、ir food with me. With their help, I had a perfect camp. I will never forget this experience, because my friends helped me a lot and they taught me about sharing.第十篇Why Not Ride a Bike? Do you like riding bikes? Do you often ride a bike? Riding bikes is good for us in many ways. First, its a good way

29、 to keep healthy. The more you ride, the stronger youll be. Second, it doesnt pollute the air. Third, bikes are much smaller than cars, so its easy to park bikes. If most of us ride bikes to go to school or work, our environment and health will become better and better. So ride your bikes now. Dont wait!


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