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1、 全国大学生英语赛(National English Competition for College Students,简称NECCS)是经教育部高教司同意,由教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和高等学校大学外语教学研究会联合主办的全国唯一的大学生英语综合能力竞赛。比赛时间初赛:2017年4月9日上午9:0011:00(星期日)决赛:2017年5月14日上午9:0011:00(星期日)本次辅导安排I.NECCS听力部分题型回顾及解题技巧总结;II.2016年NECCS真题听力训练。NECCSC听力部分题型回顾I.考核要求:听力理解(Listening Comprehension)主要考查考生

2、获取口头信息的能力(理解主旨大意、听懂重要事实和细节、推断隐含意义、判断言语的交际功能、分辨说话人的态度观点等)。语速为每分钟130词左右,相当于四级听力或稍高于四级水平。NECCSC听力部分题型回顾II.出题形式 5个 短对话 2个 长对话 1段 独白 1篇短文 复合式听写NECCSC听力部分题型回顾III.分值:30分(占总成绩的20%);30道题,每题1分。听力部分解题技巧总结1、充分利用读Direction 时间,提前快速浏览题目及选项,把握听音重点;2、注意捕捉说话人的弦外之音;3、熟练掌握有关日常生活等方面词语、习语、句型,以便在听到相关对话时能迅速做出反应,提高答题效率和正确率;



5、比如,听英文广播,把录音内容暂停听一句写一句;听一首英文歌曲,边听边把歌词写下来在考前集训中,要做到:1、严格控制时间。总体答题时间不得超过正式考试的时间;2、精力集中。要像参加正式考试一样,切忌一边做题一边翻答案、查阅资料和字典;3、重视总结。做完题后,认真给自己评分并进行总结,找出答题的弱项逐个击破。2016 听力真题部分讲解1.W:Hello,Steve.Youre looking very pleased with yourself.M:Yes,I am.Ive just passed my driving test.W:Well done!2.W:Guess what,Jim.Ive

6、 won a holiday to Florida.M:Oh,Laurel,Lucky you!Is it a holiday for two?W:Yes.Im taking my mum.3.W:Hi,Richard.Could you tell me what weather condition is the most dangerous when you fly a plane?M:Probably the most dangerous weather condition is when the wind changes direction suddenly.This tends to

7、happen during thunderstorms and typhoons and its especially dangerous during take-off and landing.4.M:Well,its a beautiful day.Why dont we go for a walk?W:No.I dont feel like it.Im too tired.M:You need to get out.Lets go shopping.W:Oh,no!Id rather do anything but that.M:OK,shall we see whats on tele

8、vision?W:Thats a good idea.5.W:Im so glad its Friday.Are you going to help us at the Pet Day event tomorrow?M:Id love to,but Im not sure how I could help.I dont know much about animals.W:You dont need to.Were just trying to find good homes for the animals.Conversation OneStuart:Amy,so how are you do

9、ing?Amy:Oh,hi,Stuart.School is so crazy these days and when Im not at school,Im at work.Stuart:Hey,listen.Im getting together with Sara and Paul tonight and a few of our other friends are going to join us.And well,were going out to eat and then catch a movie.Why dont you come with us?Amy:Hey,Id love

10、 to,but I have to cram for a test tomorrow.Stuart:Ah,come on.We are planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30.We should be home by 10:30 11:30 at the latest.Come on!Amy:I dont think Id better.I havent been feeling well lately.Stuart:Yeah,because you study too much.And its

11、 Saras birthday too.And we are throwing her a small birthday party after the movie.Come on,best friends always stick together.Amy:Oh,ok.Stuart:Great!Ill pick you up at 6:00.Amy:Ok.See you then,but I have to be back by 10:30.Stuart:Ah,10:30midnight.Its all the same.See you at 6:00.Conversation TwoTod

12、d:OK,Mark,weve been talking about places that youve traveled,things that you have done.What about people that go to your country,England?Can you recommend three or four good places to go to in England?Mark:Right.Well,obviously,most people should visit London.Personally,I dont like London.Its too bus

13、y and too expensive.Todd:But,wait a minute,youre saying that people should visit it but you dont like it.Why?Mark:They should visit it because you have to go once to see all the famous places such a Big Ben,Trafalgar Square,Buckingham Palace,just to say youve been,but if you arrive in London,Id say

14、spend maybe one or two days there and then move and you can move to cheaper places.My favorite place in England is in the North of England.Its called the Lake District.Todd:The Lake District.Mark:Yeah,it is very,very beautiful.Todd:So,I take it theres many lakes.Mark:Thats right.Theres got to be abo

15、ut twenty or thirty lakes up there and the scenerys beautiful.Famous for Peter Rabbit.Do you know Peter Rabbit?Todd:Yeah,the fairy tale.Mark:Thats right.The childrens character.Yeah.The writer,Beatrice Potter,she was born in the Lake District,so thats how she got her inspiration.Todd:So if you go th

16、e Lake District,now are you talking about camping or do you stay in a bed-and-breakfast,or?Mark:Yeah,you can stay in a bed-and-breakfast.You can camp.You can stay in pubs or inns,or there are many hotels.Its very organized for the tourists in the Lake District.Yeah,and its not such a big area,so you

17、 can travel around there by bus,or by car pretty easy.Yeah.Todd:OK,so thats two.Anymore?Mark:Actually,Ive never been but Id probably recommend Scotland,but Ive never been.But Edinburgh Castle is very famous.Also,York.The city of York,in Yorkshire is very beautiful as well.That was famous for the Vik

18、ings in the olden days,so it has a beautiful big cathedral and all the old Viking walls,so if you like history then England is a beautiful place to visit.There are many places.You have Stratford-upon-Avon for Shakespeare,Oxford which is a famous university city,so if you like history then England is

19、 great.Todd:OK,well,sounds good.Thanks,Mark.Section C The Monologue “When I was a little boy I loved to go fishing in the sea,”says John Sailike sadly.When I leave the island,Ill lose the sea and the happiness of this place.Ill miss the sound of the waves at night.I wont hear it anymore.”John is a f

20、isherman from Carteret island in the South Pacific.Each day he goes out in a canoe to catch fish for his family,while his wife looks after the children and grows vegetables in their garden.The family lives in a wood but with sand floors and they dont use electricity so when the sun goes down it is u

21、sually time for bed.This peaceful underdeveloped place has a tiny population and only one contact with the outside world-a ship which brings supplies from Bougainville,a large island 6 km away.But all this is about to change because John,along with other people is leaving his island home.Carteret is

22、land is the victim of global warming.Salty water from the sea is polluting the fresh water supply.High tides often flood across the villages and wash away peoples homes.Islanders are struggling to survive on coconut milk and fish and children are suffering form malnutrition.The dying trees are home

23、to mosquitoes that spread diseases.People know that life on the island is coming to an end.Experts predict that Carteret Island will be under water in the near future.Before then,the islanders will relocate to places like Bougainville and rebuild their lives.This move will provide people with food a

24、nd shelter,but what will happen to their culture?The islanders have songs foe different everyday activities and traditions and celebrations linked to the sea.They also have their own language.If they co-exist with other cultures,this may die out.2016真题听力部分 参考答案Sect i on A(5 marks)15 BCADC Sect i on

25、B(10 marks)610 CABDA1115 BDADBSect i on C(5 marks)1620 CDABBSection D(10 marks)21.from place to place22.in front of23.great fun24.grew25.gradually26.millions of 27.contacted28.orphans29.joy and community 30.join in2015真题听力部分参考答案Sect i on A(5 marks)15 DCDAASect i on B(10 marks)610 CDBBC 1115 ABCBDSec

26、t i on C(5 marks)1620 ACDDBSection D(10 marks)21.measurement of t i me 22.temporary hours 23.more elaborate devices 24.geographical positioning25.decorative pieces 26.intended for individuals 27.ticking 28.globalization 29.uniformly30.situated inNECCS 听力训练材料1.历年听力真题;2.2.全国大学生英语竞赛官方考试指南全国大学生英语竞赛官方考试指南听力音频听力音频文件文件http:/www.tefl- WISH YOU SUCCESS IN THE CONTEST!


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