(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 8 Vegetables-lesson 3 Have Fun-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:20130).doc

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(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 8 Vegetables-lesson 3 Have Fun-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:20130).doc_第1页
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(三起)北师大版三下英语Unit 8 Vegetables-lesson 3 Have Fun-教案、教学设计(配套课件编号:20130).doc_第2页
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1、北师大版小学英语三年级(下册)北师大版小学英语三年级(下册) Unit 8 Vegetables Lesson3 Have Fun 教学内容:教学内容: 本课教学内容为新版北师大小学英语三年级下册 Unit8 Vegetables 中的 Lesson3 Have fun. 本堂课主要包括四个部分的内容:Listen and Number, Game Time, Show Time, and Uncle Bookys Blackboard. 学情分析:学情分析: 三年级大部分同学对英语学习兴趣浓厚,对英语的学习也充满好奇心,积极参与英语游戏,比 赛,表演英语歌曲,朗诵小诗歌、角色表演等各种英语活

2、动,能与其他同学团结协作,相互交流,成功 地共同完成各项任务.但因为是借班上课,因此,面对口音较陌生的“新”老师,有部分学生适 应能力较弱,心理紧张,怕犯错,信心不足,其心理语言活动,说话能力自然受影响,不愿开口讲,听、 说、读等活动的节奏都需适当调整。 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 能听懂、指认蔬菜的名称; 2、 在游戏中能运用下面的句型询问或说明蔬菜的名称: What are these/those? Theyre . Are they? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 3、 在图片的帮助下表演故事的主要内容。 教学重点:教学重点: 小组合作表演故事。 教具

3、准备:教具准备: 配套光盘,蔬菜实物,蔬菜卡片,自制课件、教具。 教学流程:教学流程: 教学步骤教学步骤 教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 设计意图设计意图 Greetings Greet to the Ss. Greet to the T. 师生问候,拉近距离。师生问候,拉近距离。 Sing the song Sing the song in this unit with Ss. Sing with clapping hands. 歌曲开课, 将学生带入歌曲开课, 将学生带入 英英语学习氛围中。语学习氛围中。 Watch and Guess(Review ) Show the pictur

4、es of vegetables. Have Ss watch and guess. Review by sentence patterns What are these? Theyre. Are these? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. T asks, Ss answer. Then read the sentences on the blackboard with Ss. Watch the PPT and listen to the Ts question. Then answer, Theyre. Yes, they are. / No, they

5、arent. Read the sentences together. 利用蔬菜图片复习蔬利用蔬菜图片复习蔬 菜单词及本课主句型菜单词及本课主句型 What are these? Theyre. Are these? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.为听力为听力 活动做准备。活动做准备。 Listen and Number 1. I say You point. Make sure the Ss can recognize all the vegetables. 2. Play the CAI. Have Ss listen and number. Listen

6、to the teacher and point to the vegetables that heard. Listen and number. “听” 的活动设计为四“听” 的活动设计为四 个层次:听音指图、听个层次:听音指图、听 音标序、再听检查、核音标序、再听检查、核 对答案。 既要保障听的对答案。 既要保障听的 数量, 又要保障听的质数量, 又要保障听的质 3. Play the CAI again. Have Ss listen again. 4. Check answers. Listen and check. Check answers. 量, 并将听的策略渗透量, 并将听的策

7、略渗透 其中。其中。 Game Time 1. Touch and guess. Put any 3 or 4 kinds of vegetables into 3 bags randomly. Ask few students to come to touch and guess. Other Ss ask, What are these? The students should give their answer, These are. 2. Cards game. T invites 3 Ss to play the game to give a demonstration. Expla

8、in the rules. After one round, then ask Ss to play the game in four. Touch the vegetables in the bags. Then say out the names of the vegetables to the class. These are. Watch and listen. Make sure that they get to know how to play the game. Then play the game in groups. “隔袋物” 的游戏既能“隔袋物” 的游戏既能 充分引起小孩

9、子对未充分引起小孩子对未 知事物的好奇, 也能通知事物的好奇, 也能通 过过touch的感受加深孩的感受加深孩 子对物品的印象。 紧接子对物品的印象。 紧接 着的“猜卡片”游戏,着的“猜卡片”游戏, 将参与面扩大到全班,将参与面扩大到全班, 希望孩子们在游戏过希望孩子们在游戏过 程中能熟练运用程中能熟练运用 Are they? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 并感并感 受到成功的快乐。受到成功的快乐。 Lets read! (Uncle Bookys Blackboard) PPT shows the sentence patterns. Have Ss re

10、ad together. Then read or ask and answer in groups (Boys to Girls). Read the sentences together. Then read or ask and answer in groups. 游戏结束后朗读 “小黑游戏结束后朗读 “小黑 板”的句子,总结、归板”的句子,总结、归 纳、巩固活动中的语纳、巩固活动中的语 言, 也为再读并表演故言, 也为再读并表演故 事做语言准备。事做语言准备。 Show Time 1. Review the story. Have Ss read the whole story. 2.

11、 Show time. T acts the story with Ss in roles to give a demonstration. Have Ss act the story in groups. Encourage them to do reasonable creations. Provide a list of usable sentences for Ss. Invite Ss to show their performance. Point to the book and read the story together. Watch or join in the actin

12、g. Act the story in roles with partners according to the original story, pictures, or make more creative words. To show their performance. 指读、复习本课故事,指读、复习本课故事, 让学生在朗读的过程让学生在朗读的过程 中, 回忆故事梗概和新中, 回忆故事梗概和新 知语言, 为表演故事热知语言, 为表演故事热 身。身。 表演故事, 先由教师和表演故事, 先由教师和 个别优生示范。 在表演个别优生示范。 在表演 的过程中, 提供参考语的过程中, 提供参考语 言

13、(句子) ,并鼓励有言(句子) ,并鼓励有 创意地设计台词或动创意地设计台词或动 作,望以此激趣、并提作,望以此激趣、并提 升孩子们的组织能力、升孩子们的组织能力、 协作能力和创造能力。协作能力和创造能力。 Homework 1. Introduce the vegetables to your family or friends. 2. Read or act the story to your family. 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 3 Have Fun What are these/ those? Theyre beans. Are they _? Yes, they are. No, they arent.


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