高考英语复习备考 完型高频之一词多义(一).doc

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1、 1 高中英语一词多义精编高中英语一词多义精编 1. abrupt come to an abrupt end / halt 突然的 speak in an abrupt manner 粗鲁的 2. accent speak with a strong Scottish accent 口音 place much accent on quality 强调,重视 use make-up to accent your cheekbones 突出, 强调 3. account give an accurate account of the accident 描述 account for 60% 占 6

2、0% account for my bad memory 导致,是.的原因 open a bank account 开银行账户 take his health into account 把健康考虑进去 4. address That letter was addressed to me. 地址写的是 address a problem/ issue/ question 解决 She turned to address the man on his left. 跟 sb 讲话 give / deliver an address 发表讲话 address the meeting 向大会致辞 be

3、addressed as Doctor Johnson 被称作 5. admire admire him for his bravery 敬佩,佩服 admire the scenery / exhibits / moon 欣赏 6. admit admit feeling hurt by what he said 承认 I must admit, 我得说 be admitted into a top university 被录取到 7. adopt adopt a child 收养 adopt a more flexible approach 采取,采用 adopt a positive a

4、ttitude 采取 8. affect the areas affected by the disaster 袭击,影响,侵袭 decisions which affect our lives 影响 We were all deeply affected by her death. 伤心,难过 9. alarm set the alarm clock 定闹钟 raise/ sound the alarm 拉响警报 A window blew open, setting off/ triggering the alarm. 引发报警器 I dont want to alarm you, but

5、 I cant find the passports. 吓唬 10. appeal appeal to a higher court 向更高法院上诉 appeal to the government for help 向政府呼吁/请求帮助 appeal to the law 求助于法律 appeal to the citizens not to panic 呼吁市民不要惊慌 Comic books appeals to my son very much. 吸引 11. appear It appears that. 看起来好像看起来好像 Small cracks appeared in the

6、 wall. 出现 All the boys appeared surprised. 看起来很吃惊 He tried to make it appear that she had committed suicide. 从外表看起来 12. apply apply to the college for scholarship 申请 be applied to our daily life 被应用到 apply oneself to doing sth. 适应做 sth apply to beginners 适用于初学者 apply pressure to the wound 按压住伤口 13.

7、appreciate appreciate the importance/ value / significance of education 认识到 Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. 感谢 Her abilities hasnt been fully appreciated by her employer.认可,承认 appreciate art 欣赏 14. arise(arose,arisen) vi Unexpected problems may arise at any time. 出现 arise from ones sea

8、t 起来,升起,站起 arise from the chimney 升起 When the need arises,please tell me. 出现 15. approach the approach to solving the problem 方法 adopt a different teaching approach 方法 all approaches to the city 道路,路径 Our approach frightened the deer. 接近,靠近 With the approach of Christmas, we became excited. 临近 notic

9、e a dog approaching the kid 靠近,接近 approach a problem / task / matter 解决 16. arrest He was arrested and charged with murder. 逮捕 arrest the spread of the disease 遏制,阻止 arrest ones attention 吸引 17. as As Napoleon put it, attack is the best method of defence. 正如拿破仑所言, The money was repaid, as promised.

10、正如承诺的那样 Just as the two were leaving, a message arrived. 当.时 As it was getting late, I turned around to head for home. 因为 Try as she might, she couldnt get the door open. 尽管 As time goes by, I become bigger and bigger. 随着 When in Rome , do as the Romans do. 如,像 18. attach attach importance to . 重视.

11、attach a recent photo to your application form 粘贴 become attached to the children you work with 喜欢,离不开 attach a label(标签) to sth. 粘贴 2 a hospital attached to the university 大学附属附属医院 19. attend attend school/ meeting / college / lecture 出席,参加 attend ( to ) the patient 照料,照顾 attend to a customer 接待顾客

12、attend to your teacher 听老师讲(listen to) Attend to your work and stop talking. 专心于(pay attention to) I may be late - I have got one or two things to attend to. 处理/ 办 20. average adj on average 平均 He is an average man; there is nothing special about him.普通的,一般的 21. attain attain success / ones goal / d

13、ream 取得,实现 attain the retirement age 达到退休年龄 22. back lie on ones back 仰卧 turn ones back on 背叛,背对 back up 支持,备份 back off 后退 23. badly be badly wounded 严重的 be badly needed 急需 behave badly 恶劣地,不好,糟糕 24. bargain make / strike a bargain 达成协议协议 drive a hard bargain 拼命讨价还价 That second-hand table is a real

14、bargain. 便宜货 25. base a military base 军事基地 the base of the tower / building / lamp 底部,地基,底座 base his company in Beijing 把总部设在北京 be based in London 总部在伦敦 be based on mutual respect 建立在互相尊重的基础上 26. bare bare feet 赤脚 with your bare hands 空空的 her tiny bare room 空荡荡的,没有任何装饰的 bare trees 光秃秃的树 the bare min

15、imum of furniture 一丁点儿家具 barely 几乎没有 He could barely walk. 他几乎不能走路。 27. bathe vi bathe the children and put them to bed 给孩子洗澡 be bathed in the brilliant sunshine 沐浴在 be bathed in sweat 汗流浃背 28. bear bear the pain 忍受 cant bear people smoking 容忍 bear sth in mind 牢记在心 bear the burden 担起重担,担起责任 a heavy

16、burden to bear 扛不起的重担 bear the responsibility 承担责任 The ice is too thin to bear my weight 承受重量 bear the scar of the war 带着/ 带有战争的伤疤 bear him three sons 给他生产生产了三个儿子 bear fruits 结果,挂果 29. beat beat the other team 2-1 打败,战胜 be beaten black and blue 打得遍体鳞伤 rain beating on the windows 敲打 beat a record 创立记

17、录 My heart was beating fast/ wildly. 跳动 beat wings 拍打翅膀 beat drum 击鼓 the beaten track 踩出来的路,老路,常规路 beat a track / path 开辟一条路 30. belief religious beliefs 信仰 beyond belief 难以置信(相信) I hold the the belief that. 我相信. shake your belief in yourself 动摇对自己的信心 31. betray betray his own sister to the police 出

18、卖,举报 betray his motherland for money 背叛 His voice betrayed his nervousness. 透露,显示,暴露 The slightest sound might betray his presence. 暴露,显示 32. bill pay the phone bill 账单 The bill came to $60. 账单达到 60 元 settle the bill 结账,买单 pass/ vote / approve a bill 法案,提案 33. bitter bitter memory/ experience 苦涩的,痛苦

19、的 a bitter battle 苦战,艰苦的斗争 the beers bitter taste 啤酒的苦味 the bitter cold of Beijing winter 酷寒 34. blank fill in the blanks 填空 His mind /the screen went blank. 一片空白/黑屏 blank face / look / expression / eyes 茫然的 35. blanket Wrap themselves in the blankets 把自己裹在毯子里 The mountain was blanketed in / with sn

20、ow. 盖着,裹着 36. block building blocks 积木 a few blocks from here 街区 a major block to progress 进步的主要障碍(阻碍) A fallen tree is blocking the road. 挡住,阻挡,堵住 block my way / escape 挡住,阻挡 block my view / light 遮挡 block the publication of the report 阻止,妨碍 3 37. blow blow the door shut / open 把门吹关上/吹开 blow whistl

21、e 吹口哨 blow away the paper 吹走 blow your nose 擤鼻子 blow sb a kiss 飞吻 blow bubbles 吹泡泡 blow up the tyres / the balloon 使爆炸,炸毁 My father blew up when he knew that I had failed the exam . 脾气爆了,大发雷霆 receive a blow on the nose 打击,击打,重击 His son was killed in a car accident , which was a heavy blow to him. 沉重

22、的打击 38. board a boarding school 寄宿学校 bulletin board 告示牌,公告牌 Blackboard 黑板 all passengers on board 飞机/ 车上/ 船上的乘客 chess board 棋盘 members of the school board 校董事会成员 39. boss ask my boss for a day off 跟老板请一天假 He likes to boss me around. 指使我 a boss car/ cook 超酷的, 一流的 40. bound she is bound to find out th

23、e truth. 一定,肯定 feel duty bound to do sth 感到有义务做. Marks problems are all bound up with his mothers death . 和.相关, 和.捆绑在一起 improve by leaps and bounds 飞快地,突飞猛进地 a ship bound for Boston 开往/ 飞往 41. bridge a bridge over the river 桥梁 bridge the gap / differences between . and . 弥合,缩小 be regarded as a bridg

24、e between . and . 桥梁,纽带 42. brief stop for a brief visit / stay 短暂的,短时的 a brief period of silence 短时的 a brief introduction of. 简短的 in brief 简而言之 43. burden He was too weak to bear the burden on his back. 重物/负荷 financial burden 经济负担 carry / bear the burden of. 扛起.的重担/ 责任 lighten/ lessen the burden 减轻

25、负担 drop the burden 放下担子,放下负担 a company burdened with debt 负债累累的公司 44. burn have a burning desire to do sth burn a hole in ones pocket 乱花钱,攒不住钱 get burnt 烧伤, 烫伤, 晒伤 45. business Mind your own business. 管好自己的事 business is business. 公事公办 go on business 出差 get down to business 言归正传,开始干正事 run a business

26、经营商业,做生意,开公司 be in business 在营业 go out of business 破产了 46. calculate calculate on 依靠 calculator 计算器 It is difficult to calculate what effects the meeting will have on the global economy. 估计,预计,评估 47. calm stay/remain/keep calm when faced with danger 镇定的 calm down 镇定,安静安静,平静 calm sea 海上风平浪静 48. carry

27、 carry the child in her arms 抱着 The ship was caught carrying drugs. 运载 The plane will carry more people. 运,携带 carry some money in your pocket 随身携带 your words will carry more weight. 你的话会更有分量。 The morning paper carries am story about. 登载有 goods carrying the label “Made in China“ 带有 carry the burden/

28、responsibility of . 负.职责 Birds and monkeys can carry diseases. 携带 carry on a conversation 继续谈话 carry out a survey 进行调查 The audience were carried away by his inspiring speech. 吸引,激动,兴奋,调动 49. case in most cases 在大多数情况下 In that case, I will sign on the paper. 这样的话 He wont want to eat it unless hes rea

29、lly hungry , in which case hell eat almost anything. 在这样的情况下 Take an umbrella, in case it rains. 万一,以防 In case of fire, break the glass. 万一有,如果有 In no case should you cheat in an exam. 决不 As is often the case, he lent a helping hand. 通常情况 a book / pencil case 盒子/柜子 a legal / medical case 案例/ 病例 50. cast cast light on /onto 使更清楚,是更明了,使更容易 cast doubts on .使怀疑 cast shadows on the wall 在墙上投下阴影 cast a shadow /cloud over sth 给.蒙上阴影 cast a look / glance at .瞥了一眼,瞟了一眼 She blushed, casting her eyes down. 低下头 cast sb into prison 投入监狱


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