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1、:1.The word“”refers to/probably means /could best be replaced by _.2.The word“”is most likely to mean _.3.What do you think the expression“”stands for?4.The underlined word“”means _.It will be very hard but very brittle that is,it will break easily.1.Definition 定义法:定义法:一般通过定义、定语一般通过定义、定语(从句)或同位语(从句)

2、来确定词义。(从句)或同位语(从句)来确定词义。2.常见提示词有:常见提示词有:that is(to say),i.e.,in other words 或是后面括号内进行解释。或是后面括号内进行解释。(adj.易碎的易碎的,脆的脆的)The herdsman,who looks after sheep,earns about 650 yuan a year.She is usually for all her classes,but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.3.Similarity 相似法:利用同义词、近义相似法:利

3、用同义词、近义词或词组猜测词义。词或词组猜测词义。Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task.The job is so large,in fact,that the government may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have been polluted.4.Cause Effect 因果法:从原因推因果法:从原因推测结果,从结果推测原因。测结果,从结果推测原因。One who is destitute has a great need for food and c

4、lothing.That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.(adj.贫穷的贫穷的,穷困的穷困的)(adj.大的大的)5.Example 例举法:利用文中的举例猜例举法:利用文中的举例猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有测词义。常见的举例的提示词有:for instance,for example,such as等等。Today young couples often spend lots of their money on appliances,for instanc

5、e,washing machines,refrigerators and color televisions.(n.电器用具电器用具)6.Word Formation 构词法构词法:英语单词大多是由英语单词大多是由词根、词头(前缀)词根、词头(前缀)和词尾(后缀)和词尾(后缀)所组成。词根是单词最基本所组成。词根是单词最基本的部分,表达单词的基本含义。在词根前或的部分,表达单词的基本含义。在词根前或后加上前缀或后缀,可以用来引申或转变原后加上前缀或后缀,可以用来引申或转变原词的意义。只要我们掌握了各种词根、词头词的意义。只要我们掌握了各种词根、词头和词尾的基本含义,那么就可以很容易猜测和词尾的

6、基本含义,那么就可以很容易猜测出由其构成的新词的含义了。出由其构成的新词的含义了。super-(超超)mini-(极小的极小的,微小的微小的)micro-(极微小的)(极微小的)re-(再,反复)(再,反复)mis-(误,恶)(误,恶)im-(不)(不)un-(不,非)(不,非)in-(不,非)(不,非)non-(不,非)(不,非)-able(能(能的的)-less(不,无)(不,无)-wards(向向)superman microwave(超人超人)nonnatural mispronounce(非自然的非自然的)homeless nonsmoker(无家可归的无家可归的)reconstru

7、ction eastwards(重建重建)Can you guess the right meanings?Eg.Im going to buy a microbus.micro+bus 微型公共汽车微型公共汽车 1)He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understand anything.Even then all I could was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident.A.see clearly

8、B.understand C.expectB7.7.Context 上下文:利用语境及前上下文:利用语境及前后的提示来猜测词义。后的提示来猜测词义。Tom saw an owl in a tree last nightAa bird Ban animal C.a star2)Tom saw an owl last night Aa bird Ban animal C.a star Tom saw an owl in a tree last night but it flew away when he got nearAa bird Ban animal C.a star The childre

9、n are looking at an ape at the zoo Aa kind of monkey Ba kind of tree Ca kind of bird The children are looking at a large,hairy ape which is climbing a small hill at the zoo Aa kind of monkey Ba kind of tree Ca kind of bird8.8.Common sense 普通常识:普通常识:根据普通常识和根据普通常识和生活经验来猜测词义。生活经验来猜测词义。在阅读的过程中,如遇到生词,有时可

10、以根据自身的直接在阅读的过程中,如遇到生词,有时可以根据自身的直接或间接的经验,或运用自己已有的常识将其推测出来。比如了或间接的经验,或运用自己已有的常识将其推测出来。比如了解一些英美国家的天文地理、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、政治结构、解一些英美国家的天文地理、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、政治结构、社会制度等,可以帮助加深对文章的理解,遇到生词时,猜测社会制度等,可以帮助加深对文章的理解,遇到生词时,猜测词义的能力自然就会增强。词义的能力自然就会增强。When a doctor performs an operation on a patient,he usually gives an anesthetic

11、 to make himunconscious,because he does not want his patient to feel pain or to know what is happening to him.n.麻醉剂麻醉剂(药药)Practice Practice:-1.There are some glaciers moving down the mountain valleys.A glacier is a river of ice.A.雪山雪山 B.树枝树枝 C.冰河冰河 D.冰冰 2.He is a resolute man.Once he made up his min

12、d to do something,he wont give it up halfway.A.weak B.firm C.kind D.clever 3.In many countries there are two financial extremes,from penury to great wealth.A.便士便士 B.温饱温饱 C.非常贫困非常贫困 D.虚弱虚弱 4.Mrs.Smith is loquacious while her husband is the silent type.A.活泼的活泼的 B.爱笑的爱笑的 C.多嘴多舌的多嘴多舌的 D.可爱的可爱的5.Children

13、 are always boasting.They say things like “My Dads car is bigger than your Dads,”“My Mom is smarter than yours.”and“My family has more money than yours.”A mans position among the black-tent people depends on his ancestors,relatives,and fellow tribesmen.If they are honored,he is also honored.If they

14、are disgraced,he too is disgraced.Therefore one carefully guards the honor of his family,his lineage(宗系宗系),and his tribe.The word“disgrace”means _ in this text.A.honor B.endanger C.proud D.shame DPassage 2 My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields.I would walk behind an ox,gui

15、ding him with a broomstick.For$1 a day,I worked eight hours straight,with no food breaks.It was very tedious work,but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons.Because the plantation owners were always watching us,I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could.What does t

16、he underlined word“tedious”probably mean?A.interesting B.tiresome C.relaxing D.challengingBAlthough he often had the chance,Mr.Brown was never able to steal money from a customer.This would endangered his position at the bank,and he did not want to jeopardize his future.BAfter a four-year relationsh

17、ip with a major fortune 100 company beginning as a sales trainee and ending as a regional sales manager,I left the company at the height of my career.Many people were astounded that I would leave after earning a six-figure income.And they asked why I would risk everything for a dream.D同学们在做词义猜测题时注意不

18、要脱离语境。同学们在做词义猜测题时注意不要脱离语境。有些常用词在特定的上下文中,或专业性文章中,有些常用词在特定的上下文中,或专业性文章中,具有特殊的或专门的词义。在解这类题时,必须具有特殊的或专门的词义。在解这类题时,必须仔细地研读划线部分的上下文,有时阅读的视线仔细地研读划线部分的上下文,有时阅读的视线还要扩大一些。如果离开特定的语言环境来理解还要扩大一些。如果离开特定的语言环境来理解生词意义,必然会理解错误。生词意义,必然会理解错误。注注 意意 :1.Definition 定义法定义法3.Similarity 相似法相似法2.Contrast 对比法对比法4.Cause and effe

19、ct 因果法因果法5.Example 例举法例举法8.Common Sense 普通常识普通常识 6.Word Formation 构词法构词法猜测词义猜测词义7.Context 上下文上下文 SummaryPractice 2010全国卷全国卷 E I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car,so this was the first time I was on a train.I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a doz

20、en magazines to read and reread.I looked about the train.There was not one familiar face.I sighed and sat down to read my Economics.73.Which of the following words can best take the place of the word“relish”in the second paragraph?A.choose B.enjoy C.prepare for D.carry on【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文是夹叙夹议的文章。作者乘坐本文

21、是夹叙夹议的文章。作者乘坐火车做长途跋涉。看到窗外陌生乡村的村民对列火车做长途跋涉。看到窗外陌生乡村的村民对列车上的乘客投以微笑,这微笑给她带来了快乐,车上的乘客投以微笑,这微笑给她带来了快乐,并由此改变了作者多生活的态度。并由此改变了作者多生活的态度。2010山东卷山东卷 B Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling.Recycling in the home is very important of cou

22、rse.2010山东卷山东卷 BHowever,being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need.We are dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the greenest way possible,but it would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place.61.What does th

23、e underlined phrase“over-consumption”refer to?A.Using too much packaging.B.Recycling too many wastes.C.Making more products than necessary.D.Having more material than is needed.【语篇解读语篇解读】:人们已经意识到废物回收利用的重人们已经意识到废物回收利用的重要性,但家庭对过量购物、物品过多包装等都对要性,但家庭对过量购物、物品过多包装等都对环境造成了严重的破坏,因此,真正的回收利用环境造成了严重的破坏,因此,真正的回收

24、利用任重道远。任重道远。2010天津卷天津卷A As Windsor Castle is a working royal palace,visitors and their belongings should get through airport-style security checks.For safety and security reasons a one-way system operates along the visitor route.40.In the last part,a“working royal palace”refers to one _.A.still bein

25、g constructed B.still used by the royal family C.where the Queen usually works D.where works of art are on show【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文是英国温莎城堡的旅游指南本文是英国温莎城堡的旅游指南-涉及温莎城堡的简介,为盲人准备的悠扬声音之涉及温莎城堡的简介,为盲人准备的悠扬声音之旅,导游服务,为带孩子的游客提供的便捷服务,旅,导游服务,为带孩子的游客提供的便捷服务,购物,餐饮和城堡内手机摄像,安全等注意事项。购物,餐饮和城堡内手机摄像,安全等注意事项。2010天津卷天津卷B Think a

26、bout some of the games you played as a young child,such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek.Such games are entertaining and fun.But perhaps more importantly,they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives,such

27、 as taking turns and cooperating(合作合作).42.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably means that games can_.A.describe life in an exciting way B.turn real-life experiences into a play C.make learning life skills more interesting D.change peoples views of sporting events【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文从世界各国的小孩子的孩提

28、游本文从世界各国的小孩子的孩提游戏讲到运动及奥运的民族精神。孩提游戏不仅使戏讲到运动及奥运的民族精神。孩提游戏不仅使孩子娱乐,而且使他们学会终生受用的等候和团孩子娱乐,而且使他们学会终生受用的等候和团队配合。奥运运动可以增加民族自豪感和爱国情队配合。奥运运动可以增加民族自豪感和爱国情怀,增强民族凝聚力。怀,增强民族凝聚力。2010北京卷北京卷 DThe Cost of Higher Education Individuals(个人个人)should pay for their higher education.A university education is of huge and dire

29、ct benefit to the individual.Graduates earn more than non-graduates.Meanwhile,social mobility is ever more dependent on having a degree.However,only some people have it.So the individual,not the taxpayers,should pay for it.2010北京卷北京卷 D There are pressing calls on the resources(资源资源)of the government

30、.Using taxpayers money to help a small number of people to earn high incomes in the future is not one of them.68.The underlined word them in Paragraph 2 refers to?A.taxpayers B.pressing calls C.college graduates D.government resources【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文为议论文。作者围绕着个人应本文为议论文。作者围绕着个人应给为取得高学历付学费这个观点展开辩论。给为取得高学

31、历付学费这个观点展开辩论。【句意句意】:有关政府资源方面有很多紧迫的呼声,有关政府资源方面有很多紧迫的呼声,而使用纳税人的钱来帮组一小部分人在将来获得而使用纳税人的钱来帮组一小部分人在将来获得高收入并不在这些呼声中。高收入并不在这些呼声中。2010广东广东B when something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,Well,its so-and-sos fault.or I know Im late,but its not my fault;the car broke down.It is probably not your fau

32、lt,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser.2010广东广东BYou have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation.However,you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing

33、on how to remedy the situation.This is the winners key to success.47.The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _.A.avoid B.accept C.improve D.consider【句意句意】:成功者的秘诀在于不是把注意力集中在成功者的秘诀在于不是把注意力集中在谁该受到责备而是集中在怎样改善糟糕的境况。谁该受到责备而是集中在怎样改善糟糕的境况。2010江苏卷江苏卷ASome family names were made by

34、adding something to the fathers name.English-speaking people added s or son.The Johnsons are descendants of John;the Roberts familys ancestor was Robert.59.The underlined word“descendants”in the last paragraph means a persons _ A.later generations B.friends and relatives C.colleagues and partners D.

35、later sponsors【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文为说明文,主要介绍了人的姓本文为说明文,主要介绍了人的姓名的起源以及所包含的意义。名的起源以及所包含的意义。2010浙江浙江A Though years have now passed,I still wonder where my rainbow has gone.I wonder if,maybe when I get older,I can find my rainbow and never have to brush it away.I guess we all need sort of rainbow to brighten ou

36、r lives from time to time and to keep our hopes and dreams colorful.3.The underlined word“rainbow”in the last paragraph refers to _.A.the rainbow in the sky B.the stripes on the pavement C.something imaginative and fun D.important lessons learned in childhood【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文为一篇生活故事。作者小时候在好本文为一篇生活故事。作者小

37、时候在好朋友家的地下室发现一些油漆,淘气的他与朋友在人行朋友家的地下室发现一些油漆,淘气的他与朋友在人行道上刷出一道道彩虹,母亲回家时看见我们的杰作,发道上刷出一道道彩虹,母亲回家时看见我们的杰作,发脾气了,并和我一起将门前公路上的这些彩虹冲洗掉了。脾气了,并和我一起将门前公路上的这些彩虹冲洗掉了。从此我有一个心愿,希望我能找到属于自己的彩虹,让从此我有一个心愿,希望我能找到属于自己的彩虹,让它照亮我们的生活,给我们五彩的希望与梦想。它照亮我们的生活,给我们五彩的希望与梦想。2010安徽安徽B.Things not attached to the Earth would fly off in

38、a straight line.People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling.Most things outside would fly off into space.61.The word“shoot”underlined in the 2nd passage probably means“_”.A.send for B.move quickly C.come out D.grow quickly【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文为科普文,作者向我们解释了本文为

39、科普文,作者向我们解释了两种自然现象:两种自然现象:1.飞机向西飞行比向东飞行时间长飞机向西飞行比向东飞行时间长的原因。的原因。2.如果地球引力突然消失将会出现的结果。如果地球引力突然消失将会出现的结果。2010辽宁辽宁B I hated dinner parties.But I decided to give them another shot because Im in London.And my friend Mallery invited me.And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back

40、 in New York.60.What does the word shot in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A.Choice.B.Try C.Style.D.Goal【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文是介绍海外风情的文章。作者本文是介绍海外风情的文章。作者比较英国伦敦与美国纽约在举办比较英国伦敦与美国纽约在举办“派对派对”时迥然时迥然不同的特点。不同的特点。2010湖北卷湖北卷B Both sides want peace,but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict.In part,this is bec

41、ause neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it.From the parents point of view,the only cause of their fight is their adolescents complete unreasonableness.And of course.the teens see it in exactly the same way,except oppositely.Both feel trapped.56.What does the underlined part

42、in Paragraph 2 mean?A.The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.B.The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict C.The teens cause their parents of misleading them D.The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文是一篇议论文。分析了孩子与本文是一篇议论文。分析了孩子与父母

43、经常发生摩擦与冲突的原因。父母经常发生摩擦与冲突的原因。【语境语境】:父母与孩子的冲突中,谁也难以停止这父母与孩子的冲突中,谁也难以停止这场冲突,谁也不愿意承认自己是冲突的始作俑者,场冲突,谁也不愿意承认自己是冲突的始作俑者,父母觉得这是因为孩子不可理喻,孩子也是这样父母觉得这是因为孩子不可理喻,孩子也是这样看,只是正好相反。看,只是正好相反。2010重庆卷重庆卷A One morning more than thirty years ago,I entered the Track Kitchen,a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微

44、的卑微的)to the most powerful came for breakfast.I noticed an empty chair next to an elderly,unshaven man,who looked somewhat disheveled.He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone.56.What does the underlined word “disheveled”mean?A.unfriendly B.untidy C.gentle D.kind【语篇解读语篇解读】:本文是一篇议论文。文章通过我和本文是一篇议论文。文章通过我和世界上最富有、最有影响力的人物世界上最富有、最有影响力的人物MrGalbreath 在在track Kitchen餐馆的不期而遇,以及我误认为餐馆的不期而遇,以及我误认为他是非常贫穷而为他支付咖啡钱的故事,告知我他是非常贫穷而为他支付咖啡钱的故事,告知我们,不要以貌取人。们,不要以貌取人。


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