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1、冲刺阶段完形备考策略讲演人:xiaotina 日期:2023.052023高考4213高考命题规律及要求学生解题中存在的问题冲刺阶段完形备考策略总结CONTENT目录5押题模拟1高考命题规律及要求来源来源文章类型文章类型文章话题文章话题主题语境主题语境考查方向考查方向正确选项占比正确选项占比动名形副介ABCD2022全国甲记叙文宠物情缘人与社会8722155552022全国乙说明文与捉迷藏相关的儿童心理发展实验人与自我7742055552021全国甲记叙文一箱腊香肠引发的故事人与自我10541055552021全国乙记叙文表达感谢人与自我10712055552020全国1夹叙夹议家长对孩子谎称


3、着礼物看望新生儿人与自我10640055552017新课标1记叙文学习美式手语的经历与感悟人与社会10541055552017新课标2记叙文Freddy上学时有趣有同情心,毕业后乐于助人的高贵品质人与自我9830055552017新课标3记叙文一位多伦多人免费提供环球旅游机票人与社会974005555来源来源文章类型文章类型文章话题文章话题主题语境主题语境考查方向考查方向正确选项占比正确选项占比2020新高考记叙文Molai从16岁起,坚持37年在小岛种树,使1360英亩天然土地成为动植物的家园。人与自然名词7A 3动词5B 4形容词2C 4副词1D 42021新高考I记叙文中学生暑期中学生暑

4、期第一次第一次打工体验打工体验人与社会名词4A 4动词9B 4形容词2C 3副词0D 42022新高考记叙文露营经历。作者回忆了两次和家人一起露营的经历。有趣又惊险。因此一家人很享受一起露营所带来的未知的乐趣和冒险。人与自我名5A 4动5B 3形3C 4副1D 4 介词短语1预测2023记叙文保护环境;体育热爱;个人成长人与自然人与自我高中英语学业质量水平二高中英语学业质量水平二高考英语科考查内容高考英语科考查内容-关键能力关键能力理解词汇的能力:应能辨识句子及语篇中词语(单词、词组或固定搭配)的意义或指代关系,能够通过上下文判断词语在特定语境中的具体含义。高考英语科考查内容高考英语科考查内容

5、-关键能力关键能力高考英语科考查内容高考英语科考查内容-必备知识必备知识语法知识:运用语法知识理解基本意义,描述真实和想象世界中的人和物、情景和事件。完形填空的5个考点以动、名词辨以动、名词辨析为主,偶见析为主,偶见形容词、副词形容词、副词辨析辨析词义辨析常见考查动常见考查动+介介或动或动+副固定搭副固定搭配和习惯表达配和习惯表达固定搭配情态动词、句情态动词、句间关系、虚拟间关系、虚拟语气、代词语气、代词语法知识上下文语境的上下文语境的情节照应,词情节照应,词汇提示。汇提示。照应逻辑生活场景的合生活场景的合理描述理描述背景常识完形选项特点 feature1feature2feature 3fe

6、ature4所有选项都不超所有选项都不超出课标范围,且出课标范围,且集中在常用初中集中在常用初中词汇词汇四个选项词性四个选项词性相同相同四个选项都与四个选项都与句中某关键词句中某关键词搭配搭配每一种错误的每一种错误的理解都会遇到理解都会遇到能满足的选项能满足的选项2学生解题中存在的问题学生存在的问题文章的理解文章的理解1.忽略首段或首句的点题功能,和尾段或尾句的评议功能2.文中的空格切断了文章线索,在此处容易出现理解走偏现象3.忽略文中特定语法现象(虚拟语气)表达特定情感选项的认知选项的认知 1.词汇活用的能力欠缺2.词汇语境义理解欠缺3.同义词或者相同搭配的甄别力欠缺3备考策略与建议备考策略

7、与建议1语篇1.关注首段(句)、尾段(句),把握语篇主题意义和情感态度2.关注语篇中语义逻辑关系词,正确把握事件走向3.关注语法现象,助力语义理解2选项4.基于词汇基本义,理解推断语境延伸义5.利用选择题特点,根据语篇理解排除干扰项,确定答案6.搭配的语块代入语篇验证是否有符合主题意义策略一:关注首段(句)、尾段(句),把握语篇主题意义和情感态度(2021新高考)You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.For many years,I enjoyed living with my dogs,Tilly and Chanc

8、e.Their 41 was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay.Nearly.Last year,I started dating,but with 42 .When I first dated Steve,I 43 he had a dog,Molly,and a cat,Flora.While I was 44 that he was an animal lover,I 45 that three dogs were perhaps too many,and my dogs might attack 46 ,the cat.The nex

9、t week we 47 our dogs together.It was a hot day.When we paused to catch our 48 ,Steve got down on one knee.Was he proposing(求婚)?I liked him too,but so 49?He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs.50 ,I began to fall for him.We 51 to date,though neither of us brought up th

10、e future.And then in late November,Tilly had an operation on her 52 .I took the dogs out four times a day,and I worried that Tilly 53 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.Then Steve 54 his house.All worked 55 .The three dogs formed a pack that,with coaching,56 Floras space;Steve and I formed a

11、 good team 57 for Tilly.We made good housemates.A year later,much to my 58 ,this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me.He did not kneel(跪)down,nor did I 59 him to.Thats only for giving 60 to the dogs that brought us together.文章主题文章情感走向reservationsoondelight策略一:关注首段(句)、尾段(句),把握语篇主题

12、意义和情感态度 My husband,our children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.Some of our 41 are funny,especially from the early years when our children were little.Once,we 42 along Chalk Creek.I was 43 that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek(小溪).I tied a rope arou

13、nd his waist to keep him near to our spot.That lasted about ten minutes.He was 44 ,and his crying let the whole campground know it.So 45 tying him up,I just kept a close eye on him.It 46 he didnt end up in the creek.My three-year-old,however,did.Another time,we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake.The sk

14、y was clear when we 47 ,but storms move in fast in the mountains,and this one quickly 48 our peaceful morning trip.The 49 picked up and thunder rolled.My husband stopped fishing to 50 the motor.Nothing.He tried again.No 51 .We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor.As we all sat ther

15、e 52 ,a fisherman pulled up,threw us a rope and towed(拖)us back.We were 53 .Now,every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage,we are filled with a sense of 54 ,wondering what camping fun and 55 we will experience next.文章主题文章情感基调时间线索memoriescampedexcitementadventurecamping funadventur

16、e策略一:关注首段(句)、尾段(句),把握语篇主题意义和情感态度 Young children across the globe enjoy playing games of hide and seek.For them,theres something highly exciting about 41 someone elses glance and making oneself unable to be seen.However,we all witness that preschool children are remarkably 42 at hiding.They often cov

17、er only their eyes with their hands,leaving the rest of their bodies 43 .For a long time,this ineffective hiding method was 44 as evidence that children are hopelessly“egocentric”(自我中心的)creatures.But our 45 research results in child developmental psychology 46 that idea.We brought young children age

18、d 24 into our Minds in Development Lab at USC.Each 47 sat down with an adult who covered her own eyes or 48 .We then asked the child if she could 49 or hear the adult.Surprisingly,children replied that they couldnt.The same 50 happened when the adult covered her own mouth:51 children said that they

19、couldnt 52 to her.A number of 53 ruled out that the children misunderstood what they were being asked.The results were clear:Our young subjects 54 the questions and knew 55 what was asked of them.Their 56 to the questions reflected their true 57 that“I can see you only if you can see me,too.”They si

20、mply 58 mutual(相互的)recognition and regard.Our 59 suggest when a child“hides”by putting a blanket over her head,it is not a result of egocentrism.In fact,children consider this method 60 when others use it.引题引题主题:研究发现主题:研究发现研究过程研究过程结论阐述结论阐述experimentsfindingscontradictedsurprising策略一:文章首尾是依据,转折词后要注意,

21、揭示语篇主题义文章首尾是依据,转折词后要注意,揭示语篇主题义策略二:关注语篇中语义逻辑关系词,正确把握事件走向解释说明解释说明表示次序关表示次序关系的动作链系的动作链(2021新高考)并列空间关系策略二:关注语篇中语义逻辑关系词,正确把握事件走向(2020新高考)54.A.left B.sold C.suggested D.searchedI took the dogs out four times a day,and I worried that Tilly constantly climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.Then Steve 54

22、 his house.因果策略二:关注语篇中语义逻辑关系词,正确把握事件走向44.A.unsatisfied B.amused C.terrified D.thrilled45.A.predicted B.worried C.regretted D.insistedWhile I was 44 that he was an animal lover,I 45 that three dogs were perhaps too many让步策略二:关注语篇中语义逻辑关系词,正确把握事件走向They often cover only their eyes with their hands,leavi

23、ng the rest of their bodies 43 .反义策略二:关注语篇中语义逻辑关系词,正确把握事件走向43.A.exposed B.examined C.untouchedD.imbalanced This was harder than it sound._51_ a bit and the cakes pile up.(2021新高考)51.A.Calm down B.Slow down C.Stay on D.Move on 策略三:关注语法现象,助力语义理解 Was he proposing(求婚)?I liked him too,but so 49?49.A.calm

24、 B.sure C.soon D.real策略三:关注语法现象,助力语义理解 Older and wiser now,Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion(莽撞).“I have matured and I admit responsibility for my actions,he said in the letter.“I come to you,17 ,to apologize for the damage I had indirectly caused and to ask you to reconsider

25、 my lifetime ban from the hotel.(2021全国甲卷)17.A.hands in pockets B.nose in the air C.hat in hand D.feet on the ground策略四:基于词汇基本义,理解推断语境延伸义to apologize,推测17空是道歉的方式。根据四个选项的基本义,只有hat in hand,“摘下帽子”符合道歉的方式。在英语文化中,“摘下帽子”表示恭敬的动作,延伸义“十分恭敬地”You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his dogs.For many ye

26、ars,I enjoyed living with my dogs,Tilly and Chance.Their 41companionship was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay.Nearly.Last year,I started dating,but with 42 .42.A.reservations B.expectations C.confidence D.prejudice策略四:基于词汇基本义,理解推断语境延伸义,得知作者“去年”开始约会,再根据与with 搭配,表示怎么样的约会。根据常理,首次约会往往会很谨慎。rser

27、vation本意预留,保留。在这表示首次约会时保留一些意见或怀疑,即对另一个人的真实意图有一些保留Stuart Henley,a former soccer player and now a truck driver,reorganized the team and started training hard in February 2020.He 23_the progress of the girls to team-building activities to help them bond on and off the field.He focused on the basics of

28、football like passing,shooting and movement to try and bring the girls up to a good standard.His principle:coaches could give them guidelines,but girls integrated what they felt they needed to work on.(2022山东潍坊二模)23.A.appliedB.preferred C.credited D.adjusted 策略五:发挥选择题特点,根据语篇理解排除干扰项,确定答案My life as a

29、tax-paying employed person began in my middle school.It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for_43_ help during our spring break(2021新高考)43.A.generousB.financial C.technical D.temporary策略六:搭配的语块代入语篇验证是否有符合主题意义4总结完形冲刺小秘诀(xiaotina 原创)完形填空15题,主讲身边小故事;彰显五育大道理,少见论说多记叙;文章首尾是依据,揭示语篇主题义;抽丝剥茧找

30、逻辑,上下照应定词义;如遇生词莫着急,巧借本义善延伸;不定答案代原文,词块搭配符主题;另一诀窍小秘密,4选项为3,4,4,4;最后复查要牢记,文通意顺是真理。5押题模拟来源:2023届大联考 文体:记叙文 话题:保护亚马逊雨林 主题语境:人与自然41-45 DABCA 46-50 BDCBD 51-55 ACBAD来源:潍坊二模 文体:记叙文 话题:个人成长 主题语境:人与自我21-25 BACDC 26-30 BDCAC 31-35 ABDCB来源:镇江二模 文体:记叙文 话题:体育热爱 主题语境:人与自我41-45 ABBCD 46-50.CDBAC 51-55DABAC感谢收看日期:2023.052023


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