湖北省武汉市2022届4月调试卷分析 (ppt课件).pptx

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1、FENG HUANG SHAN XIA HAO DU SHU DA MEI SHI SI HUAN YING NIN武汉市武汉市20222022届高三届高三4 4月调考试卷分析月调考试卷分析 武汉市第十四中学高三英语备课组武汉市第十四中学高三英语备课组 答案答案第一部分第一部分 听力听力 1-5 ABCBC 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 CBABC听力语篇贴近生活,侧重人与社会主体语境的选择,囊括交通出行、旅行、学习生活、职业选择等常见话题。主播的朗读发音清晰,语速适中,并未给学生带来很大难度。学生的难点主要在根据所听内容进行推理和判断及从所听到的大量信息中提取与问

2、题匹配的信息。语篇及难点分析语篇及难点分析易错题易错题6 6、1010、1414、1717、1919第一部分第一部分 听力听力 6.Who may be the department manager?A.Steve.B.Mike.C.Johnson.Text 6M:This is Johnson speaking.W:Steve said something might go wrong with the software.He just couldnt get connected.M:But I just settled a start problem and a sound error i

3、n your office.It should be OK.W:Well,thats Mikes problem.This time you have to settle the managers problem.M:Ok.Ill go and check it.第一部分第一部分 听力听力 10.What is the man?A.A businessman.B.A traveler.C.A history teacher.M:What a pity we werent in the same class.Otherwise,I could have become a history teac

4、her instead of travelling around the world selling computers.14.Where are the two speakers?A.On the phone.B.At a housing estate.C.In an apartment.M:Hello.Im calling about the apartment you advertised.第一部分第一部分 听力听力 17.What does the woman think of her present job?A.Its quite challenging.B.Its far from

5、 satisfactory.(远不满意)(远不满意)C.Its much too demanding.M:Ive been listening to you complain for over a year now.They pay you late.They force you to work extra hours.Trust me.Take the job.What do you have to lose?19.Which month is best for windsurfers to visit Socotra?A.May.B.August.C.October.M:June to S

6、eptember is wet season and too windy,which makes it undesirable both for hiking and outdoor sightseeing.The only exception is for windsurfers(冲浪板运动员),which is best for them.第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节A 篇21-23 DCC21.What can visitors enjoy in Kitzbhel?A.Firework display.B.Lift service.C.Spicy food.D.Live mu

7、sic.解析:解析:第二段第一句“The most prized downhill attracts a host of festival fanswith its fairy lights,and performances of jazz bands.”表示能在这里欣赏爵士乐队的表演,故选D。应用文。介绍四个滑雪胜地。A 篇22.What may attract visitors to go to Val Gardena during the festive season?A.The new year gift.B.The beautiful huts.C.The diverse cultu

8、re.D.The traditional industry.解析:解析:第三段第三行“combining their Italian,Austrian and Ladin heritage.”体现了不同国家的文化,可知答案为C。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节A 篇23.Which place may have a disadvantage for ski lovers?A.Kitzbhel.B.Val Gardena.C.Alpbach.D.Stowe.解析:由第四段第二句“Low at 1000 meters,it may not always have snow on the g

9、round.”可知对于作为一个滑雪胜地,Alpbach并非总是降雪是它的一大弊端,故选C。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节B 篇24.Which of the following best describes Rusty at night?A.Cold-blooded.B.Adorable.C.Good-tempered.D.Troublesome.解析:解析:由第一段第一句“A mild-mannered cat by day,at night Rusty was just the opposite.”可知Rusty白天性格温顺,到了晚上就转性了,故选C。记叙文。讲述家里的猫在夜晚扰

10、人清梦,情急之下我设下陷阱来惩治它。24-27 DBBA第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节B 篇25.What did Bill mean by saying“Do it”?A.To leave the cat outdoor.B.To give the cat a lesson.C.To reserve food for the cat.D.To give the cat more butter.解析:解析:由一、二两段可知Rusty夜间不断捣乱,因此我们必须要采取行动了。第三段第一句“Something had to give.”表示要给Rusty一个教训,让它夜间老实点。后文的第四

11、段和第五段讲述了我设置的两个陷阱,故选B。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节B 篇26.What did the writer do before she went to bed that night?A.Filled the sink with water.B.Laid two traps for the cat.C.Covered the counter with sheets.D.Cleaned the kitchen thoroughly.解析:解析:由第四段可知Rusty喜欢跳进水槽把橱柜和厨房地板弄的到处是水渍。因此我决定按照网上说的在水槽里多放一点水,“catswont d

12、o it again.”由第五段可知我在橱柜的台面上放了一只叉子和金属饼干托盘。只要Rusty跳上橱柜就会把叉子和托盘都弄到地上。“What happens next will stop him from doing it a second time.”因此作者是设置了两个陷阱给Rusty一个教训。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节B 篇27.How did the author probably feel about the outcome of her effort?A.Satisfied.B.Disappointed.C.Anxious.D.Regretful.解析:解析:由最后一

13、段最后一句“And that was the night Rusty,the Midnight Troublemaker,retired.”可知我设下的圈套起了作用,猫不捣蛋就只有睡觉了,故选A。retire(literary):to go to sleep 第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节C 篇28.What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about phubbing?A.Its usage.B.Its birth.C.Its influence.D.Its definition.解析:解析:第一段第一句“gathered a group of langu

14、age experts to name a phenomenon”讲述的是活动的发起。第一段的第二句“and defined it as”讲述的是phubbing的定义。因此第一段讲的是phubbing的起源,故选B。答案D有干扰,但是不全面。说明文。本文详细说明了phubbing这个新词的由来。28-31 BACD第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节C 篇29.What may phubbing probably lead to according to James A.Roberts?A.Obvious embarrassment in life.B.Heavy reliance on

15、 cellphones.C.Complete ignorance by your friends.D.Permanent breakup of relationship.解析:解析:第三段引用Robert的发文来讲述日常生活中phubbing的实例。“The“phubb”could be an interruption of your conversation or is distracted(分心)instead of paying attention to you.Maybe worse,instead of communicating with you while staying clo

16、se to you.”Phubbing描述的是人们只顾低头玩手机而冷落身边的朋友。而“the shame”则是清楚地表明了被冷落的一方的尴尬。故选A。B则是本末倒置,是由于人们过分依赖手机才导致phubbing现象的出现。C、D选项中的两个修饰词complete和permanent则太绝对了。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节注意表示绝对的语气的词,可能比较绝对C 篇30.What can we learn from the last paragraph about the word phubb?A.It arouses heated arguments.B.It proves to b

17、e settled.C.Its not included in a dictionary.D.Its not difficult to understand.解析:解析:最后一段先提及了关于phubbing有待解决的问题“Is it phubbing if youre staring at?Is the singular noun(and the base form of the verb)spelled Phubb as in some other sources?”下一句“These are the sorts of questions well need answers to befor

18、e were ready to consider phubbing and its relations for entry(录入/词条).”表明phubbing还为录入到字典,故选C。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节C 篇31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Where Phubbing Leads Us?B.Why Phubbing Ruins Our Life?C.What Makes Phubbing Commonly Seen?D.How Phone Snubbing Becomes Phubb

19、ing?解析:文章第一段讲述了新词phubbing的出现,二、三两段描述了该词在生活中使用情况,最后一段提及了phubbing有待解决的问题,故选D讲述Phubbing一词的由来。A“Phubbing将把我们带往何处?”则是强调使用该词的可能会导致的后果;B“为什么Phubbing毁了我们的生活?”则是强调使用该词的弊端;C“是什么么让Phubbing变成常见词?”则是强调该词流行的原因。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节D 篇解析:解析:由第二段最后两句“Researchers had previously considered them hard it clarify,possibl

20、y produced by a young bearBut the latest analysis refutes that suggestion”可知研究者们之前认为这些脚印是幼熊留下的。由But可知最新的分析应该是否定了之前的结论,因此选A.说明文。本文详细阐述了关于原始人类脚印的最新发现。32.What does the underlined word“refutes”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Objects to.B.Supports.C.Puts forward.D.Criticizes.32-35 ADAB第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节D 篇33.Why

21、 do researchers think the footprints were unlike those of bears or chimps?A.They are less chimplike.B.They have toes sticking out.C.They show relatively wide standing.D.They possess features of cross-stepping.解析:解析:由第四段第二句“Its big toe stuck out slightly,but not to the degree observed in chimps”可知大脚趾

22、伸出的程度与大猩猩不符。由第四段剩余部分可知发现的脚印是交叉的“cross-stepping”,而熊和大猩猩由于特殊的膝盖和骨骼组织是不可能出现这样的交叉步伐,因此可以排除掉是它们的可能性。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节D 篇34.What does William think of the new research finding?A.Its convincing.B.Its challenging.C.Its confusing.D.Its conflicting.解析:解析:从文章的最后一段可知只分析了两个脚印并不能排除(rule out)掉熊和大猩猩的可能性。“But evi

23、dence of cross-stepping is enough to prove that it was a hominid track maker,he says.”但是在William看来交叉步就足够证明是原始人类留下的,故选A.第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节D 篇35.What is the purpose of the text?A.To describe a major event.B.To share a new discovery.C.To introduce an unknown species.D.To settle a huge disagreement.解析

24、解析:本文详细阐述了关于原始人类脚印的最新发现,故选B。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第一节第一节【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主演讲述了作者在徒步旅行中的感悟。So when my dad asked if I wanted to go hiking with him,I was overjoyed.37 .It turned out that I was too optimistic.36.C.I thought I would finish the journey with ease.解析:解析:with ease 和 too optimistic形成对比。我认为我能轻松地完成行程。结果是

25、我太乐观了。36-40 CDFGB第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第二节第二节 As we hiked it was much more challenging than I expected.37 .The path is winding and we saw mountains towering over the green valleys and cliffs that seemed endless.What amazed me most was that thick clouds enveloped the mountainsides.37.D.I was shocked at the b

26、eauty surrounding me.解析:解析:37空的shocked与前一句的much more challenging形成对比;37空之后都是在描述我所看到的美景,是对beauty的详细解释。第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第二节第二节38.F.It was unlike anything I had ever witnessed before.解析:解析:38空的前一句作者描述了“最让我感到惊讶的是”,most与anything,ever 的语气保持一致。E“I was satisfied with the landscape along the way”选项有干扰性,但是语气不够强烈

27、。The path is winding and we saw mountains towering over the green valleys and cliffs that seemed endless.What amazed me most was that thick clouds enveloped the mountainsides.38 .第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第二节第二节I stared up at the top to see how much farther we had to go and I began to worry that I wouldnt finis

28、h it.39 .It made me doubtful about my persistence(坚持).But when we looked back at the path that faded in the distance,I was filled with fulfillment with seeing how much we had done.39.G.A recent ankle injury had left me unsure of my physical capabilities解析:解析:39空与前一句是因果关系。我开始担心是否能完成行程,因为之前膝盖受了伤。39空下一

29、句句首的it指代的是a recent ankle injury.第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第二节第二节40.B.Hiking gave time for my mind to wander.解析解析:在文章的最后一段作者从眼前的徒步旅行转移到思考自己的人生。B选项表明徒步旅行让我由足够的时间来思考,与前文的reflect on形成照应。40空的下一句句首的it回指hiking.As I was hiking,I started to reflect on how hiking is similar to other aspects of my life.40 .It reminded me

30、of my struggles in my classes and the difficulties I had to overcome第二部分第二部分 阅读阅读 第二节第二节第三部分第三部分 语言应用语言应用 第一节第一节文章大意:11岁小女孩Savanna Lorpu Karmue 在看望患有心脏病的老师后对心脏有了更深的认识,并且通过拍视频、研发app帮助人们健康饮食。完形答案:41-45 DBBDC 46-50 AACAD 51-55 CCA(D)BD Savanna Lorpu Karmue,11,is a student,author,activist,and possibly o

31、ne of our next great cardiologists(心脏病学家).Her inspiring story started with her favourite Sunday school teacher who was about to have a(n)41 because of a serious heart attack.After she 42 the teacher in the hospital,Savannas curiosity led her towards a deep 43 of the heart and its importance to the h

32、uman body.41.A.training B.appointment C.lecture D.operation 42.A.persuaded B.visited C.consulted D.cured43.A.explanation B.appreciation C.affection D.expectation老师因患heart attack(心脏病)可知需要做手术,operation此处意为“手术”。看望老师之后,Savanna的好奇心让她对心脏及其重要性有了进一步的理解。44 by her supporting parents to research related matter

33、s of the heart,Savanna learned that one in three of teenagers were 45 from childhood obesity(肥胖),which can lead to heart disease.44.A.Moved B.Forced C.Begged D.Encouraged45.A.dying B.learning C.suffering D.benefiting根据her supporting parents 可知她得到了父母的支持。If someone is encouraged by something that happ

34、ens,it gives him or her hope or confidence.“suffer from an illnes”意为“患有.疾病”。She 46 making videos,named Happy Heart Advice,sharing with the world 47 to have a better health and create a healthy heart.Until 2016,Happy Heart Advice had provided over 300,000 children with 48 for healthy living.In June 2

35、017,she was invited as a 49 at an international conference,where she shared 50 information on how to 51 healthy eating to everyday adolescent lifestyles.46.A.began B.avoided C.admitted D.denied47.A.ways B.dreams C.love D.money48.A.food B.reports C.education D.statistics49.A.speaker B.doctor C.perfor

36、mer D.hostess50.A.abstract B.extra C.brief D.practical51.A.limit B.reduce C.apply D.compare本句句意:她开始拍摄视频,起名为Happy Heart Advice,分享拥有健康和健康心脏的方法。avoid“避免”,admit“承认”,deny“否认”。“provide sb.with sth.”意为“给某人提供某物”。本句句意:她对30万儿童进行了健康科普教育。根据下文“international conference,shared information on.”可推断她被邀发言。“hostess”意为“

37、女主人,(电视或广播节目的)女主持人”。“apply.to.”意为“应用,运用”。本句句意:如何将健康饮食运用到青少年的日常生活。She was 52 by the American Heart Association for her 53 in the health community at such an early age.Shes currently 54 an app that will make it easier for moms and families to make conscious efforts to 55 “Happy Heart-approved food”ins

38、tead of grabbing whatever catches their eye in a grocery store.52.A.impressed B.confused C.honored D.protected53.A.influence B.generosity C.knowledge D.power54.A.commenting on B.working on C.showing off D.putting off55.A.preserve B.process C.deliver D.purchase本句句意:鉴于她此小的年纪,却如此大的影响力,因而她受到美国心脏协会的嘉奖。in

39、fluence(have an effect on a persons behaviour)power(the ability to so sth).本句句意:她在研发一款APP,能方便妈妈和家庭成员有意识地购买有益于心脏的食品,而不是随手抓吸引眼球的食品。work on(to spend time working in order to produce or repair)comment on(express opinion about sth.or sb.)根据下文“in a grocery store”可以推断“purchase(购买)”。本句句意见上题。文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。报

40、道了2022年爱尔兰首次将中文纳入高考外语选考科目。56.first 考察序数词考察序数词本句句意:爱尔兰高考(Irish Leaving Certificate exam)汉语口语和听力测试于周六举行,标志着爱尔兰首次将中文纳入高考外语选考科目。the first time充当状语。57.includes 考察谓语动词时态考察谓语动词时态本句介绍了汉语考试的内容-口语、听力和笔试3个部分,故用一般现在时。58.written 考察非谓语动词考察非谓语动词 本句可以拆分理解:This years Chinese test includes speaking,listening.This yea

41、rs Chinese test includes written sections.Written sections contain multiple choices,cloze tests and a composition.“written”“书面的”;“written section”,“书面部分”;而speaking,listening,writing 中writing 指写作能力。Irish Leaving Certificate exam 爱尔兰高考against the backdrop of.在.背景下第三部分第三部分 语言应用语言应用 第二节第二节59.59.fully 考察

42、词性变化考察词性变化副词fully修饰形容词aware。本句句意:爱尔兰政府充分认识到,在全球经济大背景下创造机会让学生学习英语的重要性。60.60.for 考察介词考察介词for 此处意思是“为了.”本句句意:爱尔兰政府充分认识到,在全球经济大背景下创造机会让学生学习英语的重要性。61.61.and 考察连词考察连词deepening China-Ireland trade ties 与本句的creating the opportunity并列成分,作importance的后置定语,句意见上题。62.interested 考察固定搭配考察固定搭配become interesed in 是固定

43、短语,“对.感兴趣”ing 考察非谓语动词考察非谓语动词come的主语是students 两者之间构成主谓关系,所以是coming。本句句意:来中国学习的爱尔兰人数也在增长。64.that 考察连词考察连词 add that 意思是“补充说”,是固定结构。本句句意:OCorner补充说两国之间的人员交流和教育合作进展很好。65.cooperation 考察名词考察名词 cooperation(the act of cooperating)抽象名词。本句句意见上题。第一节(满分第一节(满分1515分)分)你是校英文报主编,你报近期推出的你是校英文报主编,你报近期推出的“My favourite”

44、征文活动圆满结束,征文活动圆满结束,你打算写一篇你打算写一篇报道报道,内容包括:,内容包括:1.1.活动简介;活动简介;2.2.活动评价。活动评价。第四部分第四部分 写作写作第一节第一节应用文:报应用文:报 道道活动简介:活动简介:时间、地点、目的、过程、结果时间、地点、目的、过程、结果 活动评价:活动评价:go smoothly,be a great success,arrest students attention arouse keen interest among students enhance/raise our awareness of.;spark our passion fo

45、r.;With the aim of making our life more interesting,the activity,themed by“My favourite.”eventually came to an end.Though lasting merely for one week,starting from April 7th,it arrested considerable attention among students.As for the activity itself,approximately 150 works were collected,most of wh

46、ich were about the books we read,the food we eat and the people we love or respect,such as stars,heroes and whatnot.After strict and cautious evaluation,twenty of them were ranked 1st,2nd and 3rd,mine included.To my understanding/In my humble opinion,this activity is of great significance to us stud

47、ents.Not only does it offer us an opportunity to promote our writing but also broadens our horizons as well.带着的目标 pp最终结束 adv+v p仅仅adv吸引广泛的关注 v p大约 adv严格且谨慎的评估 adj+n以鄙人愚见 pp重要 n拓宽某人的视野 v p 前情提要:兄妹三人带着宠物狗前情提要:兄妹三人带着宠物狗BubbyBubby在路上拾到一个钥匙串。钥匙串上有大门钥在路上拾到一个钥匙串。钥匙串上有大门钥匙、邮筒钥匙、汽车钥匙和一个独特的钥匙挂坠。兄妹三人断定钥匙的主人可能是


49、警器来寻找汽车,但,可知这一段描述兄妹三人在社区里不断按汽车报警器来寻找汽车,但是这个过程也不顺利,他们沮丧但是并未放弃。经过几小时的坚持,他们终于找到了是这个过程也不顺利,他们沮丧但是并未放弃。经过几小时的坚持,他们终于找到了主人的汽车主人的汽车,并且来到了屋前敲门。并且来到了屋前敲门。第二段开头语说第二段开头语说“门开了,门前站着一位年长女士门开了,门前站着一位年长女士”,可推断兄妹将钥匙归还给,可推断兄妹将钥匙归还给主人。主人很感动,表示感谢,送他们一些小礼物。主题可升华为邻里互帮互助。主人。主人很感动,表示感谢,送他们一些小礼物。主题可升华为邻里互帮互助。第四部分第四部分 写作写作 第

50、二节第二节 We rushed back to our neighborhood.Subsequently,we wandered from house to house,pressing the button all the way,in the hope of finding the owner as soon as possible.But it didnt seem smooth as expected.After an-hour search,all our efforts were in vain.Exhausted and depressed,we couldnt resist


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